274 research outputs found

    Nominatives in the coastal-aquatic vegetation lexis in the westernpollisyan dialects

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    У статті на підставі самостійно зібраних за розробленою програмою матеріалів представлено чималий набір номенів, які репрезентують болотні рослини в західнополіських говірках, визначено специфіку номінації цієї лексико-тематичної групи.Introduction. The article is based on independently developed program and collected sources which present considerable empirical material – set of noments representing coastal-aquatic vegetation in westernpollisyan dialects, identified specific category of lexical and thematic groups. Main text. Names of coastal-aquatic vegetation in westernpollisyan dialects form a plentiful vocabulary in terms of thematic group, level of representation and nominative variability of desyhnativs which are different. Lexical variation of group thoroughly imbued by synonymous relations, besides the same names for nomination of several desyhnativs are used. Summary and Conclusions. Most types of coastal-aquatic vegetation – monolexems. Analytical names are represented mainly by the type of attributive phrases

    Platinum recycling going green via induced surface potential alteration enabling fast and efficient dissolution

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    The recycling of precious metals, for example, platinum, is an essential aspect of sustainability for the modern industry and energy sectors. However, due to its resistance to corrosion, platinum-leaching techniques rely on high reagent consumption and hazardous processes, for example, boiling aqua regia; a mixture of concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acid. Here we demonstrate that complete dissolution of metallic platinum can be achieved by induced surface potential alteration, an 'electrode-less' process utilizing alternatively oxidative and reductive gases. This concept for platinum recycling exploits the so-called transient dissolution mechanism, triggered by a repetitive change in platinum surface oxidation state, without using any external electric current or electrodes. The effective performance in non-toxic low-concentrated acid and at room temperature is a strong benefit of this approach, potentially rendering recycling of industrial catalysts, including but not limited to platinum-based systems, more sustainable

    Методический инструментарий внедрения системы ключевых показателей эффективности деятельности специалистов розничного бизнеса коммерческого банка

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    Применение разработанного методического инструментария внедрения системы ключевых показателей эффективности деятельности специалистов розничного бизнеса коммерческого банка будет способствовать оперативной корректировке и оптимизации бизнес-процессов розничного сектора коммерческого банка, ориентированной на достижение финансового результата конкретного структурного подразделения (точки продаж), а также формированию уровня заработной платы специалиста по объективным критериям

    Категории времени и пространства в информационных естественно-языковых технологиях

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    В роботі аналізуються мовні засоби відтворення просторових та часових відношень для потреб автоматичного опрацювання мовного матеріалу. Акцентується увага на структурній організації цих засобів, які багато в чому подібні між собою. Ретельно аналізуються мовні засоби кількісного та якісного характеру для відтворення часу та простору, простежуються структурні особливості їх організації та взаємодії на шляху відтворення мовними засобами складних просторово-часових відношень.The language means of creation of spatial and sentinel relations are in-process analysed for the necessities of the automatic working of linguistic material. Attention is accented on structural organization of these facilities which in a great deal similar between itself. The language means of quantitative and high-quality character are carefully analysed for the creation of time and space, the structural features of their organization and cooperation on the way of creation of difficult spatio-temporal relations language means are traced.В работе анализируются языковые средства отображения пространственных и временных отношений с целью их использования для обработки текстовой информации. Акцентируется внимание на структурной организации этих средств, которые во многом подобные между собой. Тщательным образом анализируются языковые средства количественного и качественного характера для отображения времени и пространства, прослеживаются структурные особенности их организации и взаимодействия на пути представления языковыми средствами сложных пространственно-временных отношений

    Reconstruction of unbroken vasculature of mouse by varying the slope of the scan plane in MRI

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    Reconstruction of vascular net of small laboratory animals from MRI data is associated with some problems. This paper proposes a method of MRI data processing which allows to eliminate the fragmentation of reconstructed vascular net. Problem of vessels fragmentation occurs in the case when vessels are parallel to the scanning plane. Our approach is based on multiple scanning, object under consideration is probed by several sets of parallel planes. The algorithm is applied to real MRI data of small laboratory animals and shows good results

    Особенности цитокинового профиля у детей с расстройством аутистического спектра

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    The aim of the study: to reveal the particularities of the concentration of cytokines IL4, IL6, IL10, IL17, IFNγ in blood serum in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).Materials and methods. The blood samples obtained from children of two study groups: children with autism spectrum disorder (n = 93) and clinically healthy children (n = 30), served as the material for the  study. Cytokine concentrations were determined in blood serum using the Bender Medsystems (Austria) kits  for IL17A and Vector-Best (Russia) kits for IL4, IL6, IL10, IFNγ. Serum cytokine concentrations were determined by enzyme immunoassay using kits for IL17A (Bender Medsystems, Austria), IL4, IL6, IL10, IFNγ (Vector-Best, Russia). Assessment of cognitive and psychophysiological indicators in children was performed using the  Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC).Results. The concentrations of IL17A (U = 54; p = 0,015) and IFNγ (U = 4.64; p = 0,006) were increased and the concentrations of IL6 (U = 327; p = 0.001) and IL4 (U = 177; p = 0.001) were decreased in children with ASD. The concentration of IL6 correlates with the concentration of IL4 (r = 0.68; p < 0.05). The concentration of IL17A correlates with the concentration of IFNγ (r = 0.41; p < 0.05), IL6 (r = 0.87; p < 0.05) and ATEC score (r = 0.24; p < 0.05) in the group of children with ASD.Conclusion. The cytokine disbalance in children with ADS, which was observed in our study, confirms the  hypothesis of their participation in the development of the disease and clearly shows the Th17  immunoregulation pathway in the pathogenesis of the autism spectrum disorder.Цель работы: выявить уровень концентрации цитокинов IL-4, I-L6, IL-10, IL-17, IFNγ в сыворотке крови у детей с расстройством аутистического спектра (РАС).Материалы и методы. Материалом исследования служили образцы крови, полученные от детей двух групп исследования: детей с расстройством аутистического спектра (n = 93) и клинически здоровых детей (n = 30). Средний возраст в обеих группах составил (7 ± 2) лет. В сыворотке крови методом иммуноферментного анализа определяли концентрацию цитокинов IL-17А (с применением набора Bender Medsystems, Австрия) и IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFNγ (Вектор-Бест, Россия). Оценку когнитивных и  психофизиологических показателей проводили с помощью анкеты Autism TreatmentEvaluation Checklist (АТЕС).Результаты. У детей с РАС повышены значения концентрации IL-17A (U = 54; p = 0,015) и IFNγ (U = 4,64; p = 0,006) и снижены – IL-6 (U = 327; p = 0,001) и IL-4 (U = 177; p = 0,001) по сравнению с этими показателями у детей в контрольной группе. Установлены корреляции между концентрацией IL-6 и IL-4 (r = 0,68; p < 0,05); между IL-17A и IFNγ (r = 0,41; p < 0,05), IL-6 (r = 0,87; p < 0,05), количеством баллов АТЕС (r = 0,24; p < 0,05) у детей с РАС.Заключение. Установленный нами дисбаланс цитокинов у детей с РАС подтверждает гипотезу его участия в развитии РАС и свидетельствует об Th17-направлении  иммунорегуляции в патогенезе расстройств аутистического спектра

    Atomically dispersed Pt-N-4 sites as efficient and selective electrocatalysts for the chlorine evolution reaction

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    Chlorine evolution reaction (CER) is a critical anode reaction in chlor-alkali electrolysis. Although precious metal-based mixed metal oxides (MMOs) have been widely used as CER catalysts, they suffer from the concomitant generation of oxygen during the CER. Herein, we demonstrate that atomically dispersed Pt-N-4 sites doped on a carbon nanotube (Pt-1/CNT) can catalyse the CER with excellent activity and selectivity. The Pt-1/CNT catalyst shows superior CER activity to a Pt nanoparticle-based catalyst and a commercial Ru/Ir-based MMO catalyst. Notably, Pt-1/CNT exhibits near 100% CER selectivity even in acidic media, with low Cl- concentrations (0.1M), as well as in neutral media, whereas the MMO catalyst shows substantially lower CER selectivity. In situ electrochemical X-ray absorption spectroscopy reveals the direct adsorption of Cl- on Pt-N-4 sites during the CER. Density functional theory calculations suggest the PtN4C12 site as the most plausible active site structure for the CER

    Features of cytokine spectrum in chronic urticarial

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    Urticaria is a serious medical and social problem due to its high prevalence, lack of unified approaches to diagnosis and treatment, with high financial costs for therapy and rehabilitation. Long-term recurrent course of the disease, resistance to traditional methods of therapy lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life of patients with chronic urticaria. Itching accompanying this disease leads to deterioration in the patient’s general well-being, frequent sleep disturbances and, as a result, significant decrease in working capacity. Up to the present moment, etiopathogenesis of urticaria is a complex challenge due to the multivector nature of cytokine response, interference of protides of the complement system, patterns of kininbradykinin interference, peculiar expression of the immune response. The problem of current population is lipotrophy – chronic, heterogeneous, cytokine mediating, progressive inflammatory disease attributed by abnormal accumulation of excessive adipose tissue. Adipose tissue, being a sporadic organ of endocrine system secretes multiple hormone-like substances, mediators, cytokines and chemokines which have been given a common name, i.e., adipokines or adipocytokines. True signs of destructive parenchymal changes of liver in the form of increasing bilirubin and AST, decreasing level of vitamin D in patients with chronic recurrent urticarial in presence of obesity have been revealed during the study performed. The action of cytokines, as mediators of intercellular interaction is closely related to the physiological and pathophysiological responses of the body with modulation of both local and systemic defense mechanisms. It is assumed that the cytokine status of patients with chronic urticaria is dominated by cytokines that increase allergic inflammation of the skin. Analysis of 12 T regulatory biomarker concentrations revealed increased concentrations of IL-10, IL-19, IL-20, IL-27, IL-35, IFNλ2 and IFNλ1 in blood serum of patients with chronic urticaria. It was found that in the group of patients with chronic urticaria and increased body mass index (BMI), the level of all investigated T regulatory cytokines is lower than in the patients with normal BMI, except for IL-10. Decreased levels of biologically active IFN I (α/β) and, especially, IFN II (γ) types of blood leukocytes in patients with chronic urticaria were revealed. The levels of 12 Treg cytokines were determined in blood serum of patients with chronic urticaria, showing trend for imbalance of Treg cytokines: IL-10, IL-19, IL-20, IL-27, IL-35, IFNλ2 and IFNλ1