1,342 research outputs found

    Evaluation of innovative technology market potential on the basis of technology audit

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    Enterprise innovation activity supposes coordinated technical and business processes of decision-making and its performance required for successful transformation of new product or service from concept to market. The purpose of this study is to develop valuation methods of innovative technology market potential and prospects of their introduction into the production enterprise activity. In order to achieve this goal, we used brand new evaluation tool, this is technology audit conception, application of which increased significantly the accuracy and reliability of technology market potential evaluation. Clarification of terminological essence of technological audit allowed the authors to discover the content of technology audit components required for the market research and thereupon to develop evaluation mechanism for innovative technology market potential using technology audit. This mechanism is built on structure evaluation table of technology market potential level detection as an object of commercialization. To ensure the efficiency of practical effect of the mechanism proposed, the authors systematized and completed methods of functional analysis and scanning of market environment for the purpose of qualitative comprehensive evaluation and innovative technology market potential forecasting. Introduction of the proposed evaluation method for technology market potential will result in the improvement of efficiency of enterprise innovation activity due to more rational distribution of available resources and immediate financing of developments with greater market potential

    Evaluation of quality level in managing the development of industrial enterprises

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    The research focuses on the substantiation of theoretical aspects and practical support for assessing the quality level of managing enterprises development taking into account the influence of the external and internal environment. The conceptual apparatus for estimation of quality development of enterprise management was refined, which makes it possible to determine reasonably the level of management according to the generally known elements (economic, social and ecological) that are proposed to be supplemented with an energy component. A new conceptual approach to the procedure of evaluation of the quality of development management by levels, the stages of which are proposed to expand by: the formation of the database by levels of management (state, regional), choice and evaluation of indicators by components of development and spheres of activity, development of the tools for management improvement. The integrated indicator has been proposed, which differs from the existing ones by the fact that it estimates the quality of development management, rather than the development level. In contrast to the previously proposed ones, the integrated indicator takes into account the influence of external environment by the components of development and of the internal environment – by the areas of activity for each component. That is why it has practical significance, since it allows performing monitoring and detecting the negative influence of management on the enterprise development. Taking coke plants as an example, the structures of the indicators that characterize the management quality were determined. A large number of indicators were reduced by the method of expert assessments, which increases the validity of the choice. Indicator estimates were constructed solely based on relative indicators (indices), which improves consistency. Using the integrated method, the estimation of the indicators by individual components and on the whole was performed. The scale for evaluation of the quality level of enterprise development management was constructed using the Harrington function. The new approach to assessing the quality of the enterprise development management and a complex of mathematical support will lead to the uniform economic, social, environmental and energy development of enterprises.Роботу присвячено обґрунтуванню теоретичних аспектiв та практичного забезпечення оцiнки якiсного рiвня управлiння розвитком пiдприємств з урахуванням впливу зовнiшнього та внутрiшнього середовища. Уточнено понятiйний апарат щодо оцiнки якiсного розвитку управлiння пiдприємствами, який дозволяє обґрунтовано визначати рiвень управлiння за загальновiдомими складовими (економiчної, соцiальної та екологiчної), до яких запропоновано додати енергетичну складову. Побудовано новий концептуальний пiдхiд до процедури оцiнки якостi управлiння розвитком за рiвнями, етапи якої запропоновано розширити за: формуванням бази даних за рiвнями управлiння (державний, регiональний), вибiр та оцiнка iндикаторiв за складовими розвитку та сферами дiяльностi, розробка iнструментiв щодо покращення управлiння. Запропоновано iнтегральний показника, який вiдрiзняється вiд iснуючих тим, що оцiнює якiсть управлiння розвитком, а не рiвень розвитку. На вiдмiну вiд запропонованих ранiше iнтегральний показник враховує вплив зовнiшнього середовища за складовими розвитку та внутрiшнього – за сферами дiяльностi по кожнiй складовiй. Тому, має практичну значимiсть, оскiльки стає можливим проводити монiторинг та виявляти негативний вплив управлiння на розвиток пiдприємства. На прикладi коксохiмiчних пiдприємств визначено склад iндикаторiв, якi характеризують якiсть управлiння. Велику кiлькiсть iндикаторiв скорочено за допомогою методу експертних оцiнок, що пiдвищує обґрунтованiсть вибору. Iндикаторнi оцiнки побудовано виключно за вiдносними показниками (iндексами), що покращує узгодженiсть. За iнтегральним методом проведена оцiнка iндикаторiв за окремими складовими та у цiлому. За функцiєю Харрiнгтону побудовано шкалу оцiнки якiсного рiвня управлiння розвитком пiдприємств. Новий пiдхiд щодо оцiнки якостi управлiння розвитком пiдприємств та комплекс математичного забезпечення приведе до рiвномiрного економiчного, соцiального, екологiчного i енергетичного розвитку пiдприємств

    Implementation of educational program with internet technologies

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    This article is about the practice of Internet sites application as electronic instructional materials in Informatics teaching processВ статье идет речь об опыте внедрения электронных учебно-методических комплексов по дисциплинам в виде сайтов, основанных на использовании интернет-технологий в процессе обучени

    Automatic selection of a subset size at vector fields construction

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    An algorithm for selection of the size of a correlation kernel at displacement vector field construction by the method of digital image correlation has been proposed. The algorithm has been tested on simulated and experimental optical images having different texture. The influence of the correlation kernel size and image texture on nose immunity at determining displacements has been studied. It is shown that the proposed algorithm allows to find this size providing the minimum error when determination of displacements and estimation of deformation

    Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension after an acute pulmonary embolism: fundamental concepts of diagnosis and review of current treatment options

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    Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a severe and underdiagnosed disorder that leads to right ventricular failure and, subsequently, to death. The article discusses the fundamental concepts of monitoring patients after a pulmonary embolism (PE) in order to timely detect CTEPH. The pathogenetic processes, risk factors and diagnostic criteria of this complication are described. The role of early diagnosis of CTEPH, which may be important in relation to further outcomes, is emphasized. A modern strategy for monitoring patients after PE is presented in detail, where echocardiography plays a key role. The stepwise diagnostic algorithm for CTEPH includes a comprehensive analysis of the patient’s condition: assessment of clinical status, identification of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide levels, cardiopulmonary exercise testing, imaging diagnostic procedures (ventilation/perfusion lung scanning, pulmonary angiography) and, finally, right heart catheterization. The article provides an overview of modern treatment options. CTEPH is a unique type of pulmonary hypertension because it is potentially curable with surgery — pulmonary thromboendarterectomy. For patients with inoperable or persistent/ recurrent CTEPH, medication therapy is recommended. Currently, the only drug with a high class of evidence for this group of patients is riociguat. A positive effect on exercise tolerance, functional class, and hemodynamic parameters has been shown in the CHEST-1,2 studies. The favorable safety profile of the drug was also demonstrated in the long-term follow-up in routine clinical practice (EXPERT registry). The presence of various options in the management of patients and development of a multimodal therapy makes it possible to provide high-quality care to patients with CTEPH, and, namely, fast and accurate diagnosis plays a key role in timely treatment

    The introduction of a mixed system of maintenance and repair of metal-cutting equipment

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of the Russian and foreign systems for the maintenance and repair of metal-cutting equipment. The limitations of the application of systems of universal maintenance of equipment, scheduled preventive maintenance and repair by state are analyzed. The influence of the age of the equipment and the percentage of the repair plan on the amount of emergency shutdowns is shown. The main stages of the introduction of mixed service and repair systems are highlighted. Criteria for classifying equipment groups are proposed for the selection of repair and maintenance systems. Examples of typical diagnostic signs of malfunctions of metal-cutting equipment and statistical time of emergency shutdown after their detection are given. The recommendations on planning the need for spare parts and organization of repair work are given. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    Photocatalysts based on composite materials were synthesized for hydrogen evolution under visible light. The most active sample was a composite containing 20 wt. % solid sulfides solutions of Cd and Zn, titanium dioxide and 1 wt. % Pt between these two semiconductors.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant 20-30-70086

    Automatic selection of a subset size at vector fields construction

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    An algorithm for selection of the size of a correlation kernel at displacement vector field construction by the method of digital image correlation has been proposed. The algorithm has been tested on simulated and experimental optical images having different texture. The influence of the correlation kernel size and image texture on nose immunity at determining displacements has been studied. It is shown that the proposed algorithm allows to find this size providing the minimum error when determination of displacements and estimation of deformation

    Optimization of the production plan taking according to the customers' strategic importance

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    The article is devoted to the management of the production plan of the industrial enterprise. Existing approaches to optimization of the production plan are focused mainly on stochastic demand and consider the process of production plan formation. At the same time, many modern industrial enterprises often deal with rush orders in the course of their work. They have to solve the task of changing the formed production plan. If resources are limited, the decision to include an urgent order may result in a failure or a change in the due date of the orders included in the plan. In this regard, it becomes important to take into account the strategic importance of clients to the enterprise. The article proposes a methodological approach to the issue of inclusion or non-inclusion of rush order in the already formed and accepted production plan. The authors have developed a mathematical model of optimization of the formed production plan with the participation of rush order. The model uses Boolean variables to decide whether to include or refuse an order and an additional factor to increase margin income from the order for strategic customers. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd