247 research outputs found

    An Eclipse Environment for Z

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    This thesis reports on the design, implementation and evaluation of a new interactive Z environment that is integrated into the Eclipse environment. The Z language is a formal specification notation that is used to describe and model computer-based systems. For the widespread use of Z, it is desirable to integrate Z support with a mature and popular editing environment, such as Eclipse. Eclipse was chosen as the basis for the new Z environment because it is widely used, it provides rich functionality and it is designed to be extensible. The Z environment described in this thesis extends Eclipse to provide a large set of useful features for editing and analyzing Z specifications, such as a table of Z symbols, constant detection of syntax and type errors, outlining facilities, cross-referencing of Z names and conversion between different Z markups. User feedback shows that the resulting Z environment is helpful for editing and correcting Z specifications. The development of the Z support for Eclipse is a part of the CZT (Community Z Tools) project, which is a Java framework for building Z tools and provides parsers, typecheckers and other Z tools

    Wespeaker baselines for VoxSRC2023

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    This report showcases the results achieved using the wespeaker toolkit for the VoxSRC2023 Challenge. Our aim is to provide participants, especially those with limited experience, with clear and straightforward guidelines to develop their initial systems. Via well-structured recipes and strong results, we hope to offer an accessible and good enough start point for all interested individuals. In this report, we describe the results achieved on the VoxSRC2023 dev set using the pretrained models, you can check the CodaLab evaluation server for the results on the evaluation set

    Data Distribution Dynamics in Real-World WiFi-Based Patient Activity Monitoring for Home Healthcare

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    This paper examines the application of WiFi signals for real-world monitoring of daily activities in home healthcare scenarios. While the state-of-the-art of WiFi-based activity recognition is promising in lab environments, challenges arise in real-world settings due to environmental, subject, and system configuration variables, affecting accuracy and adaptability. The research involved deploying systems in various settings and analyzing data shifts. It aims to guide realistic development of robust, context-aware WiFi sensing systems for elderly care. The findings suggest a shift in WiFi-based activity sensing, bridging the gap between academic research and practical applications, enhancing life quality through technology

    Breast mass as the first sign of metastasis from rectal carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature

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    We present a case report of a 41-year-old woman who developed a left breast mass 18 months after undergoing Dixon rectal cancer surgery. The purpose of this case report is to highlight the possibility of breast metastases in patients with colorectal cancer and emphasize the importance of careful evaluation and follow-up as well as timely and accurate diagnosis and management of the metastatic disease. During the physical examination in 2021, we noted that the lower border of the mass was 9 cm from the anal verge and that it occupied approximately one-third of the intestinal lumen. A pathological biopsy revealed the mass in the patient’s intestinal lumen was a rectal adenocarcinoma. The patient underwent Dixon surgery for rectal cancer and received subsequent chemotherapy. The patient had no prior history of breast-related medical conditions or a family history of breast cancer. During the current physical examination, we discovered multiple lymphadenopathies in the patient’s left neck, bilateral axillae, and left inguinal region, but none elsewhere. We observed a large erythema of about 15x10 cm on the patient’s left breast, with scattered hard nodes of varying sizes. Palpation of the area beyond the upper left breast revealed a mass measuring 3x3 cm. We conducted further examinations of the patient, which revealed the breast mass and lymphadenopathy on imaging. However, we did not find any other imaging that had significant diagnostic value. Based on the patient’s conventional pathology and immunohistochemical findings, combined with the patient’s past medical history, we strongly suspected that the patient’s breast mass was of rectal origin. This was confirmed by the abdominal CT performed afterward. The patient was treated with a chemotherapy regimen consisting of irinotecan 260 mg, fluorouracil 2.25 g, and cetuximab 700 mg IV drip, which resulted in a favorable clinical response. This case illustrates that colorectal cancer can metastasize to unusual sites and underscores the importance of thorough evaluation and follow-up, particularly when symptoms are atypical. It also highlights the importance of timely and accurate diagnosis and management of metastatic disease to improve the patient’s prognosis

    Non-thermal excitation and ionization in supernovae

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    We incorporate non-thermal excitation and ionization processes arising from non-thermal electrons that result from \gamma-ray energy deposition, into our radiative transfer code CMFGEN. The non-thermal electron distribution is obtained by solving the Spencer-Fano equation using the procedure of Kozma & Fransson (1992). We applied the non-thermal calculations to the blue supergiant explosion model whose early evolution was studied in Dessart & Hillier (2010). Non-thermal processes generally increase excitation and ionization and decrease the temperature of the ejecta. We confirm that non-thermal processes are crucial for modeling the nebular spectra. Both optical HI and HeI lines are significantly strengthened. While optical HeI lines are not easily discerned in observational spectra due to severe blending with other lines, HeI 2.058 \mu m provides an excellent opportunity to infer the influence of non-thermal processes. We also discuss the processes controlling the formation of the HeI lines during the nebular epoch. Most lines of other species are only slightly affected. We also show that the inclusion of FeI has substantial line-blanketing effects on the optical spectra. Our model spectra and synthetic light curves are compared to the observations of SN 1987A. The spectral evolution shows broad agreement with the observations, especially H\alpha. The uncertainties of the non-thermal solver are studied, and are expected to be small. With this new addition of non-thermal effects in CMFGEN, we now treat all known important processes controlling the radiative transfer of a supernova ejecta, whatever the type and the epoch.Comment: 18 pages, 22 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Statistical modeling of spatially stratified heterogeneous data

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    Spatial statistics is an important methodology for geospatial data analysis. It has evolved to handle spatially autocorrelated data and spatially (locally) heterogeneous data, which aim to capture the first and second laws of geography, respectively. Examples of spatially stratified heterogeneity (SSH) include climatic zones and land-use types. Methods for such data are relatively underdeveloped compared to the first two properties. The presence of SSH is evidence that nature is lawful and structured rather than purely random. This induces another “layer” of causality underlying variations observed in geographical data. In this article, we go beyond traditional cluster-based approaches and propose a unified approach for SSH in which we provide an equation for SSH, display how SSH is a source of bias in spatial sampling and confounding in spatial modeling, detect nonlinear stochastic causality inherited in SSH distribution, quantify general interaction identified by overlaying two SSH distributions, perform spatial prediction based on SSH, develop a new measure for spatial goodness of fit, and enhance global modeling by integrating them with an SSH q statistic. The research advances statistical theory and methods for dealing with SSH data, thereby offering a new toolbox for spatial data analysis