35 research outputs found

    The Renin Angiotensin System (RAS) mediates bifunctional growth regulation in melanoma and is a novel target for therapeutic intervention

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    Despite emergence of new systemic therapies, metastatic melanoma remains a challenging and often fatal form of skin cancer. The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) is a major physiological regulatory pathway controlling salt–water equilibrium, intravascular volume and blood pressure. Biological effects of the RAS are mediated by the vasoactive hormone angiotensin II (AngII) via two receptor subtypes, AT1R (encoded by AGTR1) and AT2R (encoded by AGTR2). We report decreasing expression and increasing CpG island methylation of AGTR1 in metastatic versus primary melanoma and detection in serum of methylated genomic DNA from the AGTR1 CpG island in metastatic melanoma implying that AGTR1 encodes a tumour suppressor function in melanoma. Consistent with this hypothesis, antagonism of AT1R using losartan or shRNA-mediated knockdown in melanoma cell lines expressing AGTR1 resulted in acquisition of the ability to proliferate in serum-free conditions. Conversely, ectopic expression of AGTR1 in cell lines lacking endogenous expression inhibits proliferation irrespective of the presence of AngII implying a ligand-independent suppressor function for AT1R. Treatment of melanoma cell lines expressing endogenous AT2R with either AngII or the AT2R-selective agonist Y6AII induces proliferation in serum-free conditions whereas the AT2R-specific antagonists PD123319 and EMA401 inhibit melanoma growth and angiogenesis and potentiate inhibitors of BRAF and MEK in cells with BRAF V600 mutations. Our results demonstrate that the RAS has both oncogenic and tumour suppressor functions in melanoma. Pharmacological inhibition of AT2R may provide therapeutic opportunities in melanomas expressing this receptor and AGTR1 CpG island methylation in serum may serve as a novel biomarker of metastatic melanoma

    Kombinasi Format Factory, U-lead dan Microsoft Office Powerpoint dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Media Pembelajaran

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    Peserta didik mempunyai gaya belajar yang berbeda-beda. Gaya belajar tersebut meliputi auditori, visual dan kinestetik (VAK). Seorang guru harus mampu memenuhi kebutuhan masing-masing gaya belajar peserta didik tersebut. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis VAK. Media pembelajaran berbasis VAK dapat dipenuhi dengan menyisipkan file video di dalamnya. Selain itu, penggunaan file video sebagai media pembelajaran mendukung implementasi pembelajaran saintifik pada kurikulum 2013. Namun, belum semua guru memiliki kemampuan untuk mengemas file video tersebut dalam bentuk media pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru-guru di SMA Negeri 1 Teras dan SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali dalam membuat media pembelajaran berbasis VAK dengan kombinasi software Format Factory, U-Lead dan PowerPoint. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan kemampuan para guru di SMA Negeri 1 Teras dan SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali dalam membuat media pembelajaran. Peningkatan kemampuan guru-guru tersebut berada di atas target yang direncanakan. Rerata peningkatan kemampuan guru-guru di SMA Negeri 1 Teras 7,87% di atas target, sedangkan di SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali 9,58% di atas target. Kata kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Format Factory, U-Lead, PowerPoint Students have different learning styles. Learning styles include visual learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners. A teacher must be able to fulfill the needs of individual students\u27 learning styles. One way that can be applied is using Visual, Audio and Kinesthetic (VAK) learning media based. VAK-learning media based can be created by inserting video files on it. In addition, using video file as a learning media can support the implementation of scientific learning on the 2013 curriculum. However, not all teachers have the ability to use video files into a learning media. The purpose of this study is to improve the teachers\u27 ability at SMA Negeri 1 Teras and SMAN 1 Boyolali on making VAK-learning media based with a combination of Format Factory, U-Lead and PowerPoint software. The results showed that the teachers\u27 ability on making VAK-learning media based was increased. Increased the teachers\u27 ability was above planned target score. The mean score of the teachers\u27 ability at SMA Negeri 1 Teras 7.87% above the target, while at SMAN 1 Boyolali 9.58% above the target

    Profiling Maternal mRNA Translation During Oocyte Development

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    With the progress in our understanding of germ cell development, there is an emerging need to investigate the mechanisms of mRNA translation functioning in these cells. Indeed, posttranscriptional regulations of gene expression drive the most important transitions of the germ cell life cycle. Here we describe a strategy to measure mRNA translation in the oocyte, taking advantage of an approach originally developed to identify the transcriptome of a subgroup of cells in a complex cell mixture. This technique takes advantage of the "RiboTag" approach to express an HA-tag on the large ribosomal subunit of the ribosomes in the oocyte. Immunoprecipitation of the extracts followed by qPCR or RNAseq is used to identify mRNAs actively translated