675 research outputs found

    Streptococcal dTDP-L-rhamnose biosynthesis enzymes:functional characterization and lead compound identification

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    Biosynthesis of the nucleotide sugar precursor dTDP-L-rhamnose is critical for the viability and virulence of many human pathogenic bacteria, including Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A Streptococcus; GAS), Streptococcus mutans and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Streptococcal pathogens require dTDP-L-rhamnose for the production of structurally similar rhamnose polysaccharides in their cell wall. Via heterologous expression in S. mutans, we confirmed that GAS RmlB and RmlC are critical for dTDP-L-rhamnose biosynthesis through their action as dTDP-glucose-4,6-dehydratase and dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxyglucose-3,5-epimerase enzymes respectively. Complementation with GAS RmlB and RmlC containing specific point mutations corroborated the conservation of previous identified catalytic residues. Bio-layer interferometry was used to identify and confirm inhibitory lead compounds that bind to GAS dTDP-rhamnose biosynthesis enzymes RmlB, RmlC and GacA. One of the identified compounds, Ri03, inhibited growth of GAS, other rhamnose-dependent streptococcal pathogens as well as M. tuberculosis with an IC 50 of 120–410 µM. Importantly, we confirmed that Ri03 inhibited dTDP-L-rhamnose formation in a concentration-dependent manner through a biochemical assay with recombinant rhamnose biosynthesis enzymes. We therefore conclude that inhibitors of dTDP-L-rhamnose biosynthesis, such as Ri03, affect streptococcal and mycobacterial viability and can serve as lead compounds for the development of a new class of antibiotics that targets dTDP-rhamnose biosynthesis in pathogenic bacteria

    Chemo- and Regioselective Lysine Modification on Native Proteins.

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    Site-selective chemical conjugation of synthetic molecules to proteins expands their functional and therapeutic capacity. Current protein modification methods, based on synthetic and biochemical technologies, can achieve site selectivity, but these techniques often require extensive sequence engineering or are restricted to the N- or C-terminus. Here we show the computer-assisted design of sulfonyl acrylate reagents for the modification of a single lysine residue on native protein sequences. This feature of the designed sulfonyl acrylates, together with the innate and subtle reactivity differences conferred by the unique local microenvironment surrounding each lysine, contribute to the observed regioselectivity of the reaction. Moreover, this site selectivity was predicted computationally, where the lysine with the lowest p Ka was the kinetically favored residue at slightly basic pH. Chemoselectivity was also observed as the reagent reacted preferentially at lysine, even in those cases when other nucleophilic residues such as cysteine were present. The reaction is fast and proceeds using a single molar equivalent of the sulfonyl acrylate reagent under biocompatible conditions (37 °C, pH 8.0). This technology was demonstrated by the quantitative and irreversible modification of five different proteins including the clinically used therapeutic antibody Trastuzumab without prior sequence engineering. Importantly, their native secondary structure and functionality is retained after the modification. This regioselective lysine modification method allows for further bioconjugation through aza-Michael addition to the acrylate electrophile that is generated by spontaneous elimination of methanesulfinic acid upon lysine labeling. We showed that a protein-antibody conjugate bearing a site-specifically installed fluorophore at lysine could be used for selective imaging of apoptotic cells and detection of Her2+ cells, respectively. This simple, robust method does not require genetic engineering and may be generally used for accessing diverse, well-defined protein conjugates for basic biology and therapeutic studies

    Shotgun ion mobility mass spectrometry sequencing of heparan sulfate saccharides.

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    Despite evident regulatory roles of heparan sulfate (HS) saccharides in numerous biological processes, definitive information on the bioactive sequences of these polymers is lacking, with only a handful of natural structures sequenced to date. Here, we develop a "Shotgun" Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Sequencing (SIMMS2) method in which intact HS saccharides are dissociated in an ion mobility mass spectrometer and collision cross section values of fragments measured. Matching of data for intact and fragment ions against known values for 36 fully defined HS saccharide structures (from di- to decasaccharides) permits unambiguous sequence determination of validated standards and unknown natural saccharides, notably including variants with 3O-sulfate groups. SIMMS2 analysis of two fibroblast growth factor-inhibiting hexasaccharides identified from a HS oligosaccharide library screen demonstrates that the approach allows elucidation of structure-activity relationships. SIMMS2 thus overcomes the bottleneck for decoding the informational content of functional HS motifs which is crucial for their future biomedical exploitation

    A redox-active switch in fructosamine-3-kinases expands the regulatory repertoire of the protein kinase superfamily

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    Aberrant regulation of metabolic kinases by altered redox homeostasis substantially contributes to aging and various diseases, such as diabetes. We found that the catalytic activity of a conserved family of fructosamine-3-kinases (FN3Ks), which are evolutionarily related to eukaryotic protein kinases, is regulated by redox-sensitive cysteine residues in the kinase domain. The crystal structure of the FN3K homolog from Arabidopsis thaliana revealed that it forms an unexpected strand-exchange dimer in which the ATP-binding P-loop and adjoining β strands are swapped between two chains in the dimer. This dimeric configuration is characterized by strained interchain disulfide bonds that stabilize the P-loop in an extended conformation. Mutational analysis and solution studies confirmed that the strained disulfides function as redox “switches” to reversibly regulate the activity and dimerization of FN3K. Human FN3K, which contains an equivalent P-loop Cys, was also redox sensitive, whereas ancestral bacterial FN3K homologs, which lack a P-loop Cys, were not. Furthermore, CRISPR-mediated knockout of FN3K in human liver cancer cells altered the abundance of redox metabolites, including an increase in glutathione. We propose that redox regulation evolved in FN3K homologs in response to changing cellular redox conditions. Our findings provide insights into the origin and evolution of redox regulation in the protein kinase superfamily and may open new avenues for targeting human FN3K in diabetic complications

    Enzymatic Sialylation of Synthetic Multivalent Scaffolds: From 3′-Sialyllactose Glycomacromolecules to Novel Neoglycosides

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    Sialoglycans play a key role in many biological recognition processes and sialylated conjugates of various types have successfully been applied, e.g., as antivirals or in antitumor therapy. A key feature for high affinity binding of such conjugates is the multivalent presentation of sialoglycans which often possess synthetic challenges. Here, the combination is described of solid phase polymer synthesis and enzymatic sialylation yielding 3′-sialyllactose-presenting precision glycomacromolecules. CMP-Neu5Ac synthetase from Neisseria meningitidis (NmCSS) and sialyltransferase from Pasteurella multocida (PmST1) are combined in a one-pot reaction giving access to sequence-defined sialylated macromolecules. Surprisingly, when employing Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) as a buffer, formation of significant amounts of α-linked Tris-sialoside is observed as a side reaction. Further exploring and exploiting this unusual sialylation reaction, different neoglycosidic structures are synthesized showing that PmST1 can be used to derive both, sialylation on natural carbohydrates as well as on synthetic hydroxylated scaffolds

    1H NMR spectroscopy-based metabolomics analysis for the diagnosis of symptomatic E. coli-associated urinary tract infection (UTI).

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    BACKGROUND: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common diagnoses in girls and women, and to a lesser extent in boys and men younger than 50 years. Escherichia coli, followed by Klebsiella spp. and Proteus spp., cause 75-90% of all infections. Infection of the urinary tract is identified by growth of a significant number of a single species in the urine, in the presence of symptoms. Urinary culture is an accurate diagnostic method but takes several hours or days to be carried out. Metabolomics analysis aims to identify biomarkers that are capable of speeding up diagnosis. METHODS: Urine samples from 51 patients with a prior diagnosis of Escherichia coli-associated UTI, from 21 patients with UTI caused by other pathogens (bacteria and fungi), and from 61 healthy controls were analyzed. The 1H-NMR spectra were acquired and processed. Multivariate statistical models were applied and their performance was validated using permutation test and ROC curve. RESULTS: Orthogonal Partial Least Squares-discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) showed good separation (R2Y = 0.76, Q2=0.45, p < 0.001) between UTI caused by Escherichia coli and healthy controls. Acetate and trimethylamine were identified as discriminant metabolites. The concentrations of both metabolites were calculated and used to build the ROC curves. The discriminant metabolites identified were also evaluated in urine samples from patients with other pathogens infections to test their specificity. CONCLUSIONS: Acetate and trimethylamine were identified as optimal candidates for biomarkers for UTI diagnosis. The conclusions support the possibility of a fast diagnostic test for Escherichia coli-associated UTI using acetate and trimethylamine concentrations

    Effects of High-Pressure Processing, UV-C Irradiation and Thermoultrasonication on Donor Human Milk Safety and Quality

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    Holder pasteurization (HoP) is the current recommended treatment for donor human milk. Although this method inactivates microbial contaminants, it also negatively affects various milk components. High-pressure processing (HPP, 400, 500, and 600 MPa), ultraviolet-C irradiation (UV-C, 2,430, 3,645, and 4,863 J/L) and thermoultrasonication (TUS, 1,080 and 1,620 kJ/L) were investigated as alternatives to thermal pasteurization (HoP). We assessed the effects of these methods on microbiological safety, and on concentration and functionality of immunoglobulin A, lactoferrin, lysozyme and bile salt-stimulated lipase, with LC-MS/MS-based proteomics and activity assays. HoP, HPP, TUS, and UV-C at 4863 J/L, achieved >5-log 10 microbial reduction. Native protein levels and functionality showed the highest reduction following HoP, while no significant reduction was found after less intense HPP and all UV-C treatments. Immunoglobulin A, lactoferrin, and lysozyme contents were also preserved after low intensity TUS, but bile salt-stimulated lipase activity was significantly reduced. This study demonstrated that HPP and UV-C may be considered as suitable alternatives to HoP, since they were able to ensure sufficient microbial inactivation while at the same time better preserving the bioactive components of donor human milk. In summary, our results provide valuable insights regarding the evaluation and selection of suitable processing methods for donor human milk treatment, which may replace HoP in the future

    Phenotypic effects of mutations observed in the neuraminidase of human origin H5N1 influenza A viruses

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    Global spread and regional endemicity of H5Nx Goose/Guangdong avian influenza viruses (AIV) pose a continuous threat for poultry production and zoonotic, potentially pre-pandemic, transmission to humans. Little is known about the role of mutations in the viral neuraminidase (NA) that accompanied bird-to-human transmission to support AIV infection of mammals. Here, after detailed analysis of the NA sequence of human H5N1 viruses, we studied the role of A46D, L204M, S319F and S430G mutations in virus fitness in vitro and in vivo. Although H5N1 AIV carrying avian- or human-like NAs had similar replication efficiency in avian cells, human-like NA enhanced virus replication in human airway epithelia. The L204M substitution consistently reduced NA activity of H5N1 and nine other influenza viruses carrying NA of groups 1 and 2, indicating a universal effect. Compared to the avian ancestor, human-like H5N1 virus has less NA incorporated in the virion, reduced levels of viral NA RNA replication and NA expression. We also demonstrate increased accumulation of NA at the plasma membrane, reduced virus release and enhanced cell-to-cell spread. Furthermore, NA mutations increased virus binding to human-type receptors. While not affecting high virulence of H5N1 in chickens, the studied NA mutations modulated virulence and replication of H5N1 AIV in mice and to a lesser extent in ferrets. Together, mutations in the NA of human H5N1 viruses play different roles in infection of mammals without affecting virulence or transmission in chickens. These results are important to understand the genetic determinants for replication of AIV in mammals and should assist in the prediction of AIV with zoonotic potential

    Staphylococcus aureus sortase a-mediated incorporation of peptides: Effect of peptide modification on incorporation

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    The endogenous Staphylococcus aureus sortase A (SrtA) transpeptidase covalently anchors cell wall-anchored (CWA) proteins equipped with a specific recognition motif (LPXTG) into the peptidoglycan layer of the staphylococcal cell wall. Previous in situ experiments have shown that SrtA is also able to incorporate exogenous, fluorescently labelled, synthetic substrates equipped with the LPXTG motif (K(FITC)LPETG-amide) into the bacterial cell wall, albeit at high concentrations of 500 μM to 1 mM. In the present study, we have evaluated the effect of substrate modification on the incorporation efficiency. This revealed that (i) by elongation of LPETG-amide with a sequence of positively charged amino acids, derived from the C-terminal domain of physiological SrtA substrates, the incorporation efficiency was increased by 20-fold at 10 μM, 100 μM and 250 μM; (ii) Substituting aspartic acid (E) for methionine increased the incorporation of the resulting K(FITC)LPMTG-amide approximately three times at all concentrations tested; (iii) conjugation of the lipid II binding antibiotic vancomycin to K(FITC)LPMTG-amide resulted in the same incorporation levels as K(FITC)LPETG-amide, but much more efficient at an impressive 500-fold lower substrate concentration. These newly developed synthetic substrates can potentially find broad applications in for example the in situ imaging of bacteria; the incorporation of antibody recruiting moieties; the targeted delivery and covalent incorporation of antimicrobial compounds into the bacterial cell wall