2,255 research outputs found

    Optimized extraction of a lectin from Crataeva tapia bark using AOT in isooctane reversed micelles

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    Crataeva tapia bark lectin was extracted from a crude extract into a reversed micelle phase of the anionic surfactant AOT in isooctane and back-extracted, to a final aqueous phase by addition of butanol. The effects of pH, ionic strength and surfactant concentration on the protein transfer process from the aqueous to the organic phase were characterized, being the best results obtained after 5 min of contact, under agitation, between the two phases, at pH 5.5 (10 mM citrate-phosphate buffer), 30 mM NaCl, and 5 mM AOT. Recovery to a new aqueous phase was performed with 5 min of contact, under agitation, 10 mM citrate-phosphate buffer at pH 5.5, 500 mM KCl and 5% of butanol. The overall yield obtained for the process was 80% for lectin activity and 56% for protein recovery. The efficiency of the process was confirmed by SDS-PAGE analysis.ALFA/VALNATURA; CNPq

    Distinctive phytohormonal and metabolic profiles of Arabidopsis thaliana and Eutrema salsugineum under similar soil drying

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    Main conclusions: Arabidopsis and Eutrema show similar stomatal sensitivity to drying soil. In Arabidopsis, larger metabolic adjustments than in Eutrema occurred, with considerable differences in the phytohormonal responses of the two species. Although plants respond to soil drying via a series of concurrent physiological and molecular events, drought tolerance differs greatly within the plant kingdom. While Eutrema salsugineum (formerly Thellungiella salsuginea) is regarded as more stress tolerant than its close relative Arabidopsis thaliana, their responses to soil water deficit have not previously been directly compared. To ensure a similar rate of soil drying for the two species, daily soil water depletion was controlled to 5–10% of the soil water content. While partial stomatal closure occurred earlier in Arabidopsis (Day 4) than Eutrema (from Day 6 onwards), thereafter both species showed similar stomatal sensitivity to drying soil. However, both targeted and untargeted metabolite analysis revealed greater response to drought in Arabidopsis than Eutrema. Early peaks in foliar phytohormone concentrations and different sugar profiles between species were accompanied by opposing patterns in the bioactive cytokinin profiles. Untargeted analysis showed greater metabolic adjustment in Arabidopsis with more statistically significant changes in both early and severe drought stress. The distinct metabolic responses of each species during early drought, which occurred prior to leaf water status declining, seemed independent of later stomatal closure in response to drought. The two species also showed distinct water usage, with earlier reduction in water consumption in Eutrema (Day 3) than Arabidopsis (Day 6), likely reflecting temporal differences in growth responses. We propose Arabidopsis as a promising model to evaluate the mechanisms responsible for stress-induced growth inhibition under the mild/moderate soil drying that crop plants are typically exposed to

    Influence of Low Dietary Inclusion of the Microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana (Lubián 1982) on Performance, Fish Morphology, and Muscle Growth in Juvenile Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata)

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    A 90-d feeding trial was conducted in which five groups of gilthead seabream (11.96 g initial body weight) were fed with a microalgae-free diet (control group, C) or four diets containing the microalgae Nannochloropsis gaditana at two inclusion levels (2.5% or 5%), either raw (R2.5 and R5 batches) or cellulose-hydrolyzed (H2.5 and H5 batches), to study their effect on the body and muscle growth. At 40 days, the highest values of body length and weight were reached in R5 group, but at 64 and 90 days, these were reached in R2.5. However, feed conversion rate, specific growth, daily intake, and survival (100%) were similar in all the groups. The acquisition of a discoid body shape was accelerated depending on the inclusion level of N. gaditana in the diets. Moreover, H5 diet affected the fish geometric morphology compared to R5 diet. The white muscle transverse area was similar in all groups at 40 days, with the exception of H2.5 group, which showed the lowest area. At day 90, C and R2.5 displayed the highest muscle growth, attributable to increased hyperplasia in C, and higher hypertrophy in R2.5. However, the highest proportion of small and medium fibers was observed in R5 and H5Versión del edito


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    Atualmente a demanda por medicamentos à base de plantas medicinais é crescente. O uso de fitoterápicos vem aumentando em países em desenvolvimento, bem como em países desenvolvidos, como uma forma adicional para tratar e prevenir doenças. Dentre a diversidade da flora brasileira com potencial terapêutico, pode-se destacar a Euphorbia tirucalli L., sendo uma das plantas medicinais indicada para ser registrada como medicamento fitoterápico no Brasil. Estudos com esse fitoterápico vêm sendo realizado visando sua aplicação no tratamento do câncer, sendo que algumas pesquisas já mostram resultados satisfatórios. O Brasil, seguido da China, apresenta o maior número de patentes depositadas envolvendo essa espécie. Entretanto, considerando a nossa biodiversidade e a herança cultura indígena, no que diz respeito ao uso de plantas medicinais, os resultados ainda não são satisfatórios