47 research outputs found

    Is the BRICS Bank an alternative for Greece?

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    This article concerns Greece’s potential accession to the New Development Bank established by the BRICS and examines whether BRICS Bank provides an alternative for Greece to rescue its economy in such a crucial moment of negotiations among Greece, the EU and the IMF

    Low back pain under control - Bartzokas' maneuver: a case report

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    Low back pain (lumbago) is a common health problem globally. It is related to age, modern lifestyle (no exercise etc), and injuries. Its treatment includes a very broad spectrum of methods and its prevention is still unclear

    The effects of acute low-volume HIIT and aerobic exercise on leukocyte count and redox status

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    A single bout of exercise can result in inflammatory responses, increased oxidative stress and upregulation of enzymatic antioxidant mechanisms. Although low-volume high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has become popular, its acute responses on the above mechanisms have not been adequately studied. The present study evaluated the effects of HIIT on hematological profile and redox status compared with those following traditional continuous aerobic exercise (CET). Twelve healthy young men participated in a randomized crossover design under HIIT and CET. In HIIT session, participants performed four 30-sec sprints on a cycle-ergometer with 4 min of recovery against a resistance of 0.375 kg/kg of body mass. CET consisted of 30-min cycling on a cycle-ergometer at 70% of their VO2max. Blood was drawn at baseline, immediately post, 24h, 48h and 72h post-exercise and was analyzed for complete blood count and redox status (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, [TBARS]; protein carbonyls, [PC]; total antioxidant capacity, [TAC]; catalase and uric acid). White blood cells (WBC) increased after both exercise protocols immediately post-exercise (HIIT: 50% and CET: 31%, respectively). HIIT increased (+22%) PC post-exercise compared to baseline and CET (p 0.05) for TBARS and catalase following either exercise protocol. Low-volume HIIT is associated with a greater acute phase leukocyte count and redox response than low-volume CET, and this should be considered when an exercise training program is developed and complete blood count is performed for health purposes

    Disparate habitual physical activity and dietary intake profiles of elderly men with low and elevated systemic inflammation

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    The development of chronic, low-grade systemic inflammation in the elderly (inflammaging) has been associated with increased incidence of chronic diseases, geriatric syndromes, and functional impairments. The aim of this study was to examine differences in habitual physical activity (PA), dietary intake patterns, and musculoskeletal performance among community-dwelling elderly men with low and elevated systemic inflammation. Nonsarcopenic older men free of chronic diseases were grouped as ‘low’ (LSI: n = 17; 68.2 ± 2.6 years; hs-CRP: 1 mg/L) systemic inflammation according to their serum levels of high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP). All participants were assessed for body composition via Dual Emission X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), physical performance using the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and handgrip strength, daily PA using accelerometry, and daily macro- and micronutrient intake. ESI was characterized by a 2-fold greater hs-CRP value than LSI (p < 0.01). The two groups were comparable in terms of body composition, but LSI displayed higher physical performance (p < 0.05), daily PA (step count/day and time at moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) were greater by 30% and 42%, respectively, p < 0.05), and daily intake of the antioxidant vitamins A (6590.7 vs. 4701.8 IU/day, p < 0.05), C (120.0 vs. 77.3 mg/day, p < 0.05), and E (10.0 vs. 7.5 mg/day, p < 0.05) compared to ESI. Moreover, daily intake of vitamin A was inversely correlated with levels of hs-CRP (r = −0.39, p = 0.035). These results provide evidence that elderly men characterized by low levels of systemic inflammation are more physically active, spend more time in MVPA, and receive higher amounts of antioxidant vitamins compared to those with increased systemic inflammation

    Circulating Sclerostin responses to acute weight and non weight bearing sport activity in pre adolescent males

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    Mechanical loading, i.e. physical activity and/or exercise, promotes bone formation during growth. Sclerostin, a glycoprotein, mediates osteocytes' response to mechanical loading by inhibiting the Wnt/lf-catenin pathway thereby inhibiting bone formation.Published versio

    Potential impacts of climate change on flow regime and fish habitat in mountain rivers of the southwestern Balkans

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    The climate change in the Mediterranean area is expected to have significant impacts on the aquatic ecosystems and particular in the mountain rivers and streams that often host important species such as the Salmo farioides, Karaman 1938. These impacts will most possibly affect the habitat availability for various aquatic species resulting to an essential alteration of the water requirements, either for dams or other water abstractions, in order to maintain the essential levels of ecological flow for the rivers. The main scope of this study was to assess potential climate change impacts on the hydrological patterns and typical biota for a south-western Balkan mountain river, the Acheloos. The altered flow regimes under different emission scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were estimated using a hydrologicalmodel and based on regional climate simulations over the study area. The Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) methodology was then used to assess the potential streamflow alterations in the studied river due to predicted climate change conditions. A fish habitat simulation method integrating univariate habitat suitability curves and hydraulic modeling techniques were used to assess the impacts on the relationships between the aquatic biota and hydrological status utilizing a sentinel species, the West Balkan trout. The most prominent effects of the climate change scenarios depict severe flow reductions that are likely to occur especially during the summer flows, changing the duration and depressing the magnitude of the natural low flow conditions. Weighted Usable Area-flow curves indicated the limitation of suitable habitat for the native trout. Finally, this preliminary application highlighted the potential of science-based hydrological and habitat simulation approaches that are relevant to both biological quality elements (fish) and current EUWater policy to serve as efficient tools for the estimation of possible climate change impacts on the south-western Balkan river ecosystems.This study was supported by the ECOFLOW project funded by the Hellenic General Secretariat of Research and Technology in the framework of the NSRF 2007-2013. The W. B. trout data collection was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with the project SCARCE (Consolider-Ingenio 2010 CSD2009-00065).Papadaki, C.; Soulis, K.; Muñoz Mas, R.; Martinez-Capel, F.; Zogaris, S.; Ntoanidis, L.; Dimitriou, E. (2016). Potential impacts of climate change on flow regime and fish habitat in mountain rivers of the southwestern Balkans. Science of the Total Environment. 540:418-428. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.06.134S41842854

    Recovery kinetics of knee flexor and extensor strength after a football match

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    © 2015 The Authors. Published by PLOS. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0128072We examined the temporal changes of isokinetic strength performance of knee flexor (KF) and extensor (KE) strength after a football match. Players were randomly assigned to a control (N = 14, participated only in measurements and practices) or an experimental group (N = 20, participated also in a football match). Participants trained daily during the two days after the match. Match and training overload was monitored with GPS devices. Venous blood was sampled and muscle damage was assessed pre-match, post-match and at 12h, 36h and 60h post-match. Isometric strength as well as eccentric and concentric peak torque of knee flexors and extensors in both limbs (dominant and non-dominant) were measured on an isokinetic dynamometer at baseline and at 12h, 36h and 60h after the match. Functional (KFecc/KEcon) and conventional (KFcon/KEcon) ratios were then calculated. Only eccentric peak torque of knee flexors declined at 60h after the match in the control group. In the experimental group: a) isometric strength of knee extensors and knee flexors declined (P<0.05) at 12h (both limbs) and 36h (dominant limb only), b) eccentric and concentric peak torque of knee extensors and flexors declined (P<0.05) in both limbs for 36h at 60°/s and for 60h at 180°/s with eccentric peak torque of knee flexors demonstrating a greater (P<0.05) reduction than concentric peak torque, c) strength deterioration was greater (P<0.05) at 180°/s and in dominant limb, d) the functional ratio was more sensitive to match-induced fatigue demonstrating a more prolonged decline. Discriminant and regression analysis revealed that strength deterioration and recovery may be related to the amount of eccentric actions performed during the match and athletes' football-specific conditioning. Our data suggest that recovery kinetics of knee flexor and extensor strength after a football match demonstrate strength, limb and velocity specificity and may depend on match physical overload and players' physical conditioning level.Published versio

    Comparative effects of different training techniques in the learning and performance of perceptuo-motor skills of upper limbs

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    The aim of the present dissertation was to study the comparative effects of four different training techniques in the learning and performance of an aiming task of a moving target performance with the upper limb. For the purpose of the present research performance of 40 right-handed subjects(19,9+-3,97 years) in an aiming task was evaluated. The dependent variable was the number of correct aiming responses. After the pre-measure was completed the subjects were assigned to four experimental groups(EG)[Physical Practice group(PPG)(N=8), Mental Practice group(MPG)(N=8), Observational Practice group(OPG)(N=8), Virtual Environmental Practice group(VEPG)(N=8) and a Control group(CG)(N=8). The participants of each one of the four EG were exercises in the execution of an aiming task for 4 consecutive days. For the same period of time participants of the CG were asked to exercise in solving cognitive tasks(three-dimensional cognitive problems) that were irrelevant to aiming. Performance of the four EG and of the CG was evaluated again after the end of the exercise period. Statistically significant changes in performance[F(4,35)=3.059 p<0.05] were found for the PPG (95q35,2=-6.16922, p<0.005) and for the VEPG(95q35,2=-3.61125, p<0.005). The MPG's and the OPG's performance was improved; yet this improvement was not statistically significant. No improvement was found for the CG. The improved performance of the PPG and the VEGT after exercise was attributed to the involvement of specific cognitive and motor mechanisms of the central nervous system. Thusit is concluded that Physical Practice and Virtual Environment Practice are two of the most effective exercise techniques for learning and performance of fine motor tasks, such as aiming. The findings of the present dissertation are interpreted with reference to the contemporary theories related to motor skills learning. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of the present findings for physical education and sports sciences are discussed.Η παρούσα διατριβή σχεδιάστηκε με σκοπό τη μελέτη των συγκριτικών επιδράσεων τεσσάρων τεχνικών εξάσκησης στη μάθηση και εκτέλεση μιας αντιληπτικο-κινητικής στόχευσης σε κινούμενο στόχο με το άνω άκρο. Για την επίτευξη του συγκεκριμένου σκοπού, αρχικά αξιολογήθηκε η επίδοση 40 δεξιόχειρων ατόμων(19,95+-3,97 ετών) κατά την εκτέλεση μιας αντιληπτικο-κινητικής δοκιμασίας στόχευσης. Εξαρτημένη μεταβλητή αποτέλεσε ο αριθμός των επιτυχημένων προσπαθειών στόχευσης. Εν συνεχεία τα άτομα αυτά κατανεμήθηκαν σε τέσσερις πειραματικές ομάδες(ΠΟ)[ομάδα Φυσικής Εξάσκησης(ΟΦΕ)(Ν=8), ομάδα Νοητικής Εξάσκησης(ΟΝΕ)(Ν=8), ομάδα Μοντελικής Εξάσκησης(ΟΜΕ)(Ν=8), ομάδα Εξάσκησης σε Εικονικό Περιβάλλον(ΟΕΠ)(Ν=8)] και μία ομάδα ελέγχου(ΟΕ)(Ν=8). Κάθε ΠΟ ενεπλάκη σε πρόγραμμα εξάσκησης, στην εκτέλεση μιαε αντιληπτικο-κινητικής δοκιμασίας στόχευσης, διάρκειας 4 ημερών. Για το ίδιο χρονικό διάστημα, η ΟΕ ενεπλάκη - για λόγους παρακίνησης - σε ένα πρόγραμμα επίλυσης γνωστικών έργων ασύνδετων, με την αντιληπτικο-κινητική δοκιμασία στόχευσης των ΠΟ(επίλυση τρισδιάστατων προβλημάτων). Μετά το πέρας των ΠΟ(επίλυση τρισδιάστατων προβλημάτων). Μετά το πέρας των 4 ημερών εξάσκησης, η επίδοση τόσο των ΠΟ όσο και της ΟΕ επαναξιολογήθηκε στην αρχική δοκιμασία στόχευσης. Βρέθηκε στατιστικά σημαντική βελτίωση της επίδοσης[Φ(4,35)=3.059 ρ<0.05] μόνο για τις ομάδες ΦΕ(95q35,2=-6.16922, p<0.05) και εξάσκησης σε ΕιΠ(95q35,2=-3.61125, p<0.05). Αντίθετα, στις ομάδες ΝΕ και ΜΕ παρατηρήθηκε βελτίωση, που δεν ήταν, στατιστικά σημαντική, ενώ η ΟΕ δεν σημείωσε βελτίωση. Η βελτίωση της επίδοσης της ΟΦΕ και της ΟΕΠ αποδόθηκε στην εμπλοκή συγκεκριμένων γνωστικών και κινητικών μηχανισμών του νευρικού συστήματος. Συμπεραίνεται, συνεπώς, ότι οι δυο προαναφερθείσες τεχνικές εξάσκησης αποτελούν ιδιαίτερα αποτελεσματικές τεχνικές μάθησης και εκτέλεσης δοκιμασιών στόχευσης. Τα ευρήματα της παρούσας έρευνας ερμηνεύονται με βάση σύγχρονα θεωρητικά δεδομένα που αφορούν στη μάθηση των αντιληπτικο-κινητικών δεξιοτήτων. Τέλος, συζητώνται οι θεωρητικές και εφαρμοσμένες προεκτάσεις των ευρημάτων στον χώρο της φυσικής αγωγής και του αθλητισμού

    Accelerometers in Our Pocket: Does Smartphone Accelerometer Technology Provide Accurate Data?

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    This study evaluates accelerometer performance of three new state of the art smartphones and focuses on accuracy. The motivating research question was whether accelerator accuracy obtained with these off-the-shelf modern smartphone accelerometers was or was not statistically different from that of a gold-standard reference system. We predicted that the accuracy of the three modern smartphone accelerometers in human movement data acquisition do not differ from that of the Vicon MX motion capture system. To test this prediction, we investigated the comparative performance of three different commercially available current generation smartphone accelerometers among themselves and to a gold-standard Vicon MX motion capture system. A single subject design was implemented for this study. Pearson’s correlation coefficients® were calculated to verify the validity of the smartphones’ accelerometer data against that of the Vicon MX motion capture system. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used to assess the smartphones’ accelerometer performance reliability compared to that of the Vicon MX motion capture system. Results demonstrated that (a) the tested smartphone accelerometers are valid and reliable devices for estimating accelerations and (b) there were not significant differences among the three current generation smartphones and the Vicon MX motion capture system’s mean acceleration data. This evidence indicates how well recent generation smartphone accelerometer sensors are capable of measuring human body motion. This study, which bridges a significant information gap between the accuracy of accelerometers measured close to production and their accuracy in actual smartphone research, should be interpreted within the confines of its scope, limitations and strengths. Further research is warranted to validate our arguments, suggestions, and results, since this is the first study on this topic

    Keeping balance during head-free smooth pursuit: The role of aging

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    Standing balance is often more unstable when visually pursuing a moving target than when fixating on a stationary one. These effects are common in both young and older adults when the head is restrained during visual task performance. The present study focused on the role of head motion on standing balance during smooth pursuit as a function of age. Three predictions were tested: a) standing balance is compromised to a greater extent in older than young adults by gaze target pursuit compared to fixation, b) older adults pursue a moving target with greater and more variable head rotation than young adults, and c) greater and more variable head rotation during the smooth pursuit task is associated with greater Center of Pressure (CoP) sway. Twenty-two (22) older (age: 71.7 ± 8.1, 12 M / 10 F) and twenty-three (23) young adults (age: 23.6 ± 2.5, 12 M / 11 F) stood on a force plate while either fixating a stationary or smoothly pursuing a horizontally moving target (31.9° peak-to-peak visual angle). CoP (Bertec Balance Plate), head kinematics (Vicon Motion Analysis) and head-unconstrained gaze (Pupil Labs Invisible) were synchronously recorded. The root means square (RMS) of CoP velocity increased during smooth pursuit compared to fixation regardless of age (p <.05), while the interquartile CoP range increased only in older and not in young participants (p <.05). We also calculated the head rotation range (peak to peak cycle amplitude) of motion and variability (SD of range of motion) across the cycles of the smooth pursuit task. Older adults pursued the moving target employing more variable (p =.022) head yaw rotation than young participants although the mean range of head rotation was similar between groups (p =. 077). The amplitude and variability of head yaw rotation did not correlate with CoP sway measures. Results suggest that head-free pursuing of a moving target decreased balance to a greater extent in old than young individuals when compared to fixation. Nevertheless, postural sway during head-free smooth pursuit was not associated with the extent or variability of head rotation