28 research outputs found

    Tuberculous Cutaneous Ulcers Associated with Miliary Tuberculosis in an Elderly Woman

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    Skin localizations in disseminated tuberculosis may present a clinical resistant evolution. An 81-year-old woman, treated by long-term steroids and methotrexate for rheumatoid polyarthritis, developed a disseminated tuberculosis in chest, bones and skin. While pulmonary symptoms quickly improved under conventional tuberculostatic drugs, skin ulcers showed positive cultures for 5 months and healed after 12 months of treatment

    In Vitro Dermal Safety Assessment of Silver Nanowires after Acute Exposure: Tissue vs. Cell Models

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    Silver nanowires (AgNW) are attractive materials that are anticipated to be incorporated into numerous consumer products such as textiles, touchscreen display, and medical devices that could be in direct contact with skin. There are very few studies on the cellular toxicity of AgNW and no studies that have specifically evaluated the potential toxicity from dermal exposure. To address this question, we investigated the dermal toxicity after acute exposure of polymer-coated AgNW with two sizes using two models, human primary keratinocytes and human reconstructed epidermis. In keratinocytes, AgNW are rapidly and massively internalized inside cells leading to dose-dependent cytotoxicity that was not due to Ag+ release. Analysing our data with different dose metrics, we propose that the number of NW is the most appropriate dose-metric for studies of AgNW toxicity. In reconstructed epidermis, the results of a standard in vitro skin irritation assay classified AgNW as non-irritant to skin and we found no evidence of penetration into the deeper layer of the epidermis. The findings show that healthy and intact epidermis provides an effective barrier for AgNW, although the study does not address potential transport through follicles or injured skin. The combined cell and tissue model approach used here is likely to provide an important methodology for assessing the risks for skin exposure to AgNW from consumer products

    Dendritic cell differentiation and immune tolerance to insulin-related peptides in Igf2-deficient mice

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    There is some evidence that insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2) may intervene in the control of T cell differentiation. To further study the immunoregulatory function of this growth factor, we analyzed the immune system of Igf2(-/-) mice. Phenotypically, some immunological parameters such as lymphoid organ morphology and cellularity were unaltered in Igf2(-/-) mice, but an increase of CD8(+) cells and a decrease of B220(+) cells were observed in spleen. In vitro, the development of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells was affected by the absence of Igf2 expression. After maturation, a higher percentage of immature dendritic cells was observed in Igf2(-/-) population, together with a secondary decrease in allogenic T cell proliferation. Activation of T cells was also affected by the lack of expression of this growth factor. The profile of B cell response in mutant mice immunized with IGF-2 evidenced a T-dependent profile of anti-IGF-2 Abs that was absent in Igf2(+/+) mice. The influence of IGF-2 upon tolerance to insulin was also assessed in this model, and this showed that IGF-2 also intervenes in tolerance to insulin. The presence of a T-dependent response in Igf2-deficient mice should allow cloning of specific "forbidden" T CD4(+) lymphocytes directed against IGF-2, as well as further investigation of their possible pathogenic properties against insulin family

    Récidives suicidaires et morts par suicide (étude d'une cohorte de 713 primo-suicidants hospitalisés au CHR de Rennes)

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    RENNES1-BU Santé (352382103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Structural study of selenium(IV) substitutions in calcite

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    In this work we present the results of a crystallographic study of synthetic calcite co-precipitated with selenium. We investigated both at a macroscopic and nanoscopic level, whether Se(IV) can be incorporated to bulk calcite by substitution at carbon sites. Neutron diffraction experiments, EXAFS spectroscopy and a theoretical modeling of the crystallographic structure using VASP are reported. We have found that the calcite unit cell volume obtained from the VASP simulations increases linearly with Se content in the structure. This allows estimating the Se content effectively incorporated into calcite based on volume measurements. Diffraction results are combined with VASP modeling to estimate a concentration of Se(IV) co-precipitated with calcite of 30–75 mmol/kg solid. EXAFS spectroscopy, in combination with our theoretical model of the local structure surrounding the Se atom, confirms the possibility of selenite ion substituting for carbonate anion in the calcite structure.Fil: Aurelio, Gabriela. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Martínez, Alejandro. Universite Grenoble Alpes; Francia. Institut Laue Langevin; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Cuello, Gabriel Julio. Institut Laue Langevin; Francia. Universidad del País Vasco; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Roman Ross, Gabriela. Universidad de Girona; EspañaFil: Alliot, Isabelle. European Synchrotron Radiation Facility; FranciaFil: Charlet, Laurent. Universite Grenoble Alpes; Franci

    Laparoscopy‐assisted immediate vaginal reconstruction with a vertical pedicled deep inferior epigastric perforator flap for primary melanoma of the vagina

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    International audienceThe vagina is a rare site for primary melanoma. Here, we report on a case of laparoscopy-assisted immediate vaginal reconstruction with vertical pedicled deep inferior epigastric perforator flap

    H2 dynamics in the soil of a H2-emitting zone (São Francisco Basin, Brazil): Microbial uptake quantification and reactive transport modelling

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    International audienceSandy kaolinite-rich soils, collected in a H2-emitting circular depression (ca. 500 m in diameter), located in the São Francisco basin (Brazil), were exposed to H2 gas concentrations in the 500–5000 ppm range for up to eight weeks. The samples were found to consume H2 at a rate of approximately 0.05–0.1 mmol H2/soil kg/day due to the microbial activity. DNA extraction from these soil samples before and after H2 exposure, followed by Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (RISA) and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, indicated that (i) the bacterial community is dominated by phyla that have been previously recognized to scavenge atmospheric H2, and (ii) H2 exposure leads to a significant modification of the bacterial community distribution. Measured H2 uptake rates were fitted to the integrated form of the Michaelis-Menten equation and were further implemented in a 1-D reactive transport model. The model simulates gas-soil interactions in a 1-m vertical soil column, assuming homogeneous distribution of H2-consuming bacteria. The evolution of the H2 concentration in the unsaturated soil porosity along the column was simulated considering two different scenarios: a deep H2 source (Case 1) and a biogenic surface source (Case 2). It was shown that, in the case of diffusion-dominated H2-transport as considered in this study, bacterial activity will control the amplitude of the H2 flux across the column. Moreover, we determined that bacterial activity can dramatically decrease the H2 concentration in the soil porosity, by a factor of two compared to the source concentration. According to the simulation, the time-resolved concentration data collected in the São Francisco depression [Prinzhofer et al., 2019; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy] are consistent with the combination of a deep (Case 1) and a surficial biogenic (Case 2) H2 source in this localit

    Ultrathin films of homeotropically aligned columnar liquid crystals on indium tin oxide electrodes

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    We report the achievement of very thin films (thickness of about 50 nm) of thermotropic columnar liquid crystal in homeotropic (columns normal to the interface) orientation on indium tin oxide (ITO) electrodes. The face-on alignment of the discotic compound has been obtained by thermal annealing without any intermediate coating between the mesophase and the ITO substrate. Such a columnar mesophase alignment is thus shown on a substrate of technological interest in open supported thin film reaching the thickness range suitable for organic photovoltaic devices