14 research outputs found

    Developing excellence in biostatistics leadership, training and science in Africa: How the Sub-Saharan Africa Consortium for Advanced Biostatistics (SSACAB) training unites expertise to deliver excellence

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    The increase in health research in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has generated large amounts of data and led to a high demand for biostatisticians to analyse these data locally and quickly.  Donor-funded initiatives exist to address the dearth in statistical capacity, but few initiatives have been led by African institutions. The Sub-Saharan African Consortium for Advanced Biostatistics (SSACAB) aims to improve biostatistical capacity in Africa according to the needs identified by African institutions, through (collaborative) masters and doctoral training in biostatistics. We describe the SSACAB Consortium, which comprises 11 universities and four research institutions- supported by four European universities. SSACAB builds on existing resources to strengthen biostatistics for health research with a focus on supporting biostatisticians to become research leaders; building a critical mass of biostatisticians, and networking institutions and biostatisticians across SSA.  In 2015 only four institutions had established Masters programmes in biostatistics and SSACAB supported the remaining institutions to develop Masters programmes. In 2019 the University of the Witwatersrand became the first African institution to gain Royal Statistical Society accreditation for a Biostatistics MSc programme. A total of 150 fellows have been awarded scholarships to date of which 123 are Masters fellowships (41 female) of which with 58 have already graduated. Graduates have been employed in African academic (19) and research (15) institutions and 10 have enrolled for PhD studies. A total of 27 (10 female) PhD fellowships have been awarded; 4 of them are due to graduate by 2020. To date, SSACAB Masters and PhD students have published 17 and 31 peer-reviewed articles, respectively. SSACAB has also facilitated well-attended conferences, face-to-face and online short courses. Pooling the limited biostatistics resources in SSA, and combining with co-funding from external partners is an effective strategy for the development and teaching of advanced biostatistics methods, supervision and mentoring of PhD candidates

    Carbon sequestration and biodiversity following 18 years of active tropical forest restoration

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    Vast areas of degraded tropical forest, combined with increasing interest in mitigating climate change and conserving biodiversity, demonstrate the potential value of restoring tropical forest. However, there is a lack of long-term studies assessing active management for restoration. Here we investigate Above-Ground Biomass (AGB), forest structure, and biodiversity, before degradation (in old-growth forest), after degradation (in abandoned agricultural savanna grassland), and within a forest that is actively being restored in Kibale National Park, Uganda. In 1995 degraded land in Kibale was protected from fire and replanted with native seedlings (39 species) at a density of 400 seedlings ha-1. Sixty-five plots (50 m × 10 m) were established in restoration areas in 2005 and 50 of these were re-measured in 2013, allowing changes to be assessed over 18 years. Degraded plots have an Above Ground Biomass (AGB) of 5.1 Mg dry mass ha-1, of which 80% is grass. By 2005 AGB of trees ≥10 cm DBH was 9.5 Mg ha-1, increasing to 40.6 Mg ha-1 by 2013, accumulating at a rate of 3.9 Mg ha-1 year-1. A total of 153 planted individuals ha-1 (38%) remained by 2013, contributing 28.9 Mg ha-1 (70%) of total AGB. Eighteen years after restoration, AGB in the plots was 12% of old-growth (419 Mg ha-1). If current accumulation rates continue restoration forest would reach old-growth AGB in a further 96 years. Biodiversity of degraded plots prior to restoration was low with no tree species and 2 seedling species per sample plot (0.05 ha). By 2005 restoration areas had an average of 3 tree and 3 seedling species per sample plot, increasing to 5 tree and 9 seedling species per plot in 2013. However, biodiversity was still significantly lower than old-growth forest, at 8 tree and 16 seedling species in an equivalent area. The results suggest that forest restoration is beneficial for AGB accumulation with planted stems storing the majority of AGB. Changes in biodiversity appear slower; possibly due to low stem turnover. Overall this restoration treatment is an effective means of restoring degraded land in the area, as can be seen from the lack of regeneration in degraded plots, which remain low-AGB and diversity, largely due to the impacts of fire and competition with grasses

    The future of sub-Saharan Africa’s biodiversity in the face of climate and societal change

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    Many of the world’s most biodiverse regions are found in the poorest and second most populous continent of Africa; a continent facing exceptional challenges. Africa is projected to quadruple its population by 2100 and experience increasingly severe climate change and environmental conflict—all of which will ravage biodiversity. Here we assess conservation threats facing Africa and consider how these threats will be affected by human population growth, economic expansion, and climate change. We then evaluate the current capacity and infrastructure available to conserve the continent’s biodiversity. We consider four key questions essential for the future of African conservation: (1) how to build societal support for conservation efforts within Africa; (2) how to build Africa’s education, research, and management capacity; (3) how to finance conservation efforts; and (4) is conservation through development the appropriate approach for Africa? While the challenges are great, ways forward are clear, and we present ideas on how progress can be made. Given Africa’s current modest capacity to address its biodiversity crisis, additional international funding is required, but estimates of the cost of conserving Africa’s biodiversity are within reach. The will to act must build on the sympathy for conservation that is evident in Africa, but this will require building the education capacity within the continent. Considering Africa’s rapidly growing population and the associated huge economic needs, options other than conservation through development need to be more effectively explored. Despite the gravity of the situation, we believe that concerted effort in the coming decades can successfully curb the loss of biodiversity in Africa