40 research outputs found

    Preprotein mature domains contain translocase targeting signals that are essential for secretion

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    Secretory proteins are only temporary cytoplasmic residents. They are typically synthesized as preproteins, carrying signal peptides N-terminally fused to their mature domains. In bacteria secretion largely occurs posttranslationally through the membrane-embedded SecA-SecYEG translocase. Upon crossing the plasma membrane, signal peptides are cleaved off and mature domains reach their destinations and fold. Targeting to the translocase is mediated by signal peptides. The role of mature domains in targeting and secretion is unclear. We now reveal that mature domains harbor their own independent targeting signals (mature domain targeting signals [MTSs]). These are multiple, degenerate, interchangeable, linear or 3D hydrophobic stretches that become available because of the unstructured states of targeting-competent preproteins. Their receptor site on the cytoplasmic face of the SecYEG-bound SecA is also of hydrophobic nature and is located adjacent to the signal peptide cleft. Both the preprotein MTSs and their receptor site on SecA are essential for protein secretion. Evidently, mature domains have their own previously unsuspected distinct roles in preprotein targeting and secretion

    Crk and CrkL adaptor proteins: networks for physiological and pathological signaling

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    The Crk adaptor proteins (Crk and CrkL) constitute an integral part of a network of essential signal transduction pathways in humans and other organisms that act as major convergence points in tyrosine kinase signaling. Crk proteins integrate signals from a wide variety of sources, including growth factors, extracellular matrix molecules, bacterial pathogens, and apoptotic cells. Mounting evidence indicates that dysregulation of Crk proteins is associated with human diseases, including cancer and susceptibility to pathogen infections. Recent structural work has identified new and unusual insights into the regulation of Crk proteins, providing a rationale for how Crk can sense diverse signals and produce a myriad of biological responses

    Oligomerization of a molecular chaperone modulates its activity

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    Molecular chaperones alter the folding properties of cellular proteins via mechanisms that are not well understood. Here, we show that Trigger Factor (TF), an ATP-independent chaperone, exerts strikingly contrasting effects on the folding of non-native proteins as it transitions between a monomeric and a dimeric state. We used NMR spectroscopy to determine the atomic resolution structure of the 100 kDa dimeric TF. The structural data show that some of the substrate-binding sites are buried in the dimeric interface, explaining the lower affinity for protein substrates of the dimeric compared to the monomeric TF. Surprisingly, the dimeric TF associates faster with proteins and it exhibits stronger anti-aggregation and holdase activity than the monomeric TF. The structural data show that the dimer assembles in a way that substratebinding sites in the two subunits form a large contiguous surface inside a cavity, thus accounting for the observed accelerated association with unfolded proteins. Our results demonstrate how the activity of a chaperone can be modulated to provide distinct functional outcomes in the cell

    Automatic methyl assignment in large proteins by the MAGIC algorithm

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    International audienceSelective methyl labeling is an extremely powerful approach to study the structure, dynamics and function of biomolecules by NMR. Despite spectacular progress in the field, such studies remain rather limited in number. One of the main obstacles remains the assignment of the methyl resonances, which is labor intensive and error prone. Typically, NOESY crosspeak patterns are manually correlated to the available crystal structure or an in silico template model of the protein. Here, we propose methyl assignment by graphing inference construct, an exhaustive search algorithm with no peak network definition requirement. In order to overcome the combinatorial problem, the exhaustive search is performed locally, i.e. for a small number of methyls connected through-space according to experimental 3D methyl NOESY data. The local network approach drastically reduces the search space. Only the best local assignments are combined to provide the final output. Assignments that match the data with comparable scores are made available to the user for cross-validation by additional experiments such as methyl-amide NOEs. Several NMR datasets for proteins in the 25-50 kDa range were used during development and for performance evaluation against the manually assigned data. We show that the algorithm is robust, reliable and greatly speeds up the methyl assignment task

    Recognition and targeting mechanisms by chaperones in flagellum assembly and operation

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    The flagellum is a complex bacterial nanomachine that requires the proper assembly of several different proteins for its function. Dedicated chaperones are central in preventing aggregation or undesired interactions of flagellar proteins, including their targeting to the export gate. FliT is a key flagellar chaperone that binds to several flagellar proteins in the cytoplasm, including its cognate filament-capping protein FliD. We have determined the solution structure of the FliT chaperone in the free state and in complex with FliD and the flagellar ATPase FliI. FliT adopts a four-helix bundle and uses a hydrophobic surface formed by the first three helices to recognize its substrate proteins. We show that the fourth helix constitutes the binding site for FlhA, a membrane protein at the export gate. In the absence of a substrate protein FliT adopts an autoinhibited structure wherein both the binding sites for substrates and FlhA are occluded. Substrate binding to FliT activates the complex for FlhA binding and thus targeting of the chaperone-substrate complex to the export gate. The activation and targeting mechanisms reported for FliT appear to be shared among the other flagellar chaperones.status: publishe

    Structural basis for protein antiaggregation activity of the trigger factor chaperone

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    Molecular chaperones prevent aggregation and misfolding of proteins, but scarcity of structural data has impeded an understanding of the recognition and antiaggregation mechanisms. We report the solution structure, dynamics, and energetics of three trigger factor (TF) chaperone molecules in complex with alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) captured in the unfolded state. Our data show that TF uses multiple sites to bind to several regions of the PhoA substrate protein primarily through hydrophobic contacts. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation experiments show that TF interacts with PhoA in a highly dynamic fashion, but as the number and length of the PhoA regions engaged by TF increase, a more stable complex gradually emerges. Multivalent binding keeps the substrate protein in an extended, unfolded conformation. The results show how molecular chaperones recognize unfolded polypeptides and, by acting as unfoldases and holdases, prevent the aggregation and premature (mis)folding of unfolded proteins.status: publishe

    Structures of chaperone-substrate complexes docked onto the export gate in a type III secretion system

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    The flagellum and the injectisome enable bacterial locomotion and pathogenesis, respectively. These nanomachines assemble and function using a type III secretion system (T3SS). Exported proteins are delivered to the export apparatus by dedicated cytoplasmic chaperones for their transport through the membrane. The structural and mechanistic basis of this process is poorly understood. Here we report the structures of two ternary complexes among flagellar chaperones (FliT and FliS), protein substrates (the filament-capping FliD and flagellin FliC), and the export gate platform protein FlhA. The substrates do not interact directly with FlhA; however, they are required to induce a binding-competent conformation to the chaperone that exposes the recognition motif featuring a highly conserved sequence recognized by FlhA. The structural data reveal the recognition signal in a class of T3SS proteins and provide new insight into the assembly of key protein complexes at the export gate.status: publishe