65 research outputs found

    Est de la Haute-Saône

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    En 1997, les prospections dans la partie est de la Haute-Saône se sont poursuivies, sans privilégier une zone particulière, tout en tentant de rentrer en relation avec les professionnels de la forêt et les prospecteurs clandestins. Les 79 agents et techniciens de l’Office national des forêts (ONF) du secteur prospecté ont été sollicités afin d’apporter leurs observations sur des sites en milieu boisé. Ils ont permis la découverte d’un site inédit. Le contact avec plusieurs équipes de prospect..

    Utilisation de la cinérite pour le façonnage de microlithes au Mésolithique ancien dans les Vosges méridionales : le site de Fougerolles (Haute-Saône)

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    International audienceBei Prospektionen auf dem Gebiet der Gemeinde Fougerolles (Departement Haute-Saône) im Süden des Vogesenmassifs konnte eine vulkanosedimentäre Brekzie mit Aschentuffen lokalisiert werden, der von den Mesolithikern abgebaut wurde. Das weinrote stark quarzhaltige vulkanosedimentäre Gestein diente in erster Linie der für die Herstellung von Pfeilspitzen nötigen Mikrolithen. Dank der Prospektionen auf den Halden und den Fundplätzen über dem Steinbruch konnte die Produktionskette komplett rekonstruiert werden, vom Abbau über sämtliche Abschlagphasen bis zur Endform. Die unterschiedlichen Phasen des Frühmesolithikums sind in Ostfrankreich chronologisch gut eingegrenzt. Doch hier wurde zum ersten Mal ein Steinbruch entdeckt, in dem der Rohstoff abgebaut wurde. Mehrere Aschentuffsplitter, die mit dem Gestein von Fougerolles übereinstimmen, wurden auf anderen Fundplätzen, einschließlich der Gegend um Vesoul gefunden. Dies entspricht einer Beschaffungsdistanz der Rohstoffe von mehreren Dutzenden Kilometern. Sie erlaubt es, die Entfernungen einzuschätzen, welche die mesolithischen Nomaden zurücklegten, die am Fuß und den Ausläufern des Vogesenmassivs lebten.Field surveys in the southern area of the Vosges massif in the Fougerolles (Haute-Saône) region have led to the identification of a brecciated cinerite quarry exploited during Mesolithic period. Clasts of this volcano-sedimentary rock, rich in silica and dark red, were used mainly to manufacture small projectile weapon elements (microliths) used as components of arrowheads. Observations of waste deposits and open-air sites near the quarry enabled a reconstruction of the complete quarrying process, from mining to shaping, and all the successive flaking stages. In eastern France, the chronological phases of the Early Mesolithic are reliably positioned. This is nonetheless the first time that this type of raw material quarry has been discovered. Several cinerite flakes, identical to those of Fougerolles, have been found at several other sites, including in the Vesoul region : this procurement distance of several tens of kilometers sheds light on the movements of nomadic Mesolithic groups across the Vosges massif and its margins.Les prospections menées dans le sud du massif vosgien, sur le territoire de Fougerolles (Haute-Saône) ont permis de localiser une carrière de brêche volcano-sédimentaire contenant des clastes de cinérites exploités par les Mésolithiques. Cette roche volcano-sédimentaire, riche en silice, de couleur rouge sombre (lie-de-vin) a été utilisée essentiellement pour la fabrication de fines armatures (microlithes) nécessaires principalement au montage de flèches de chasse. Les prospections sur les haldes et sur les sites qui dominent la carrière ont permis de restituer l’ensemble de la chaîne opératoire, de l’abattage au façonnage en passant par toutes les phases successives de débitage. Dans l’Est de la France, les différentes phases du Mésolithique ancien se trouvent bien calées chronologiquement. Néanmoins c’est la première fois qu’une carrière d’extraction de matière première de ce type y est découverte. Plusieurs éclats de cinérite, identiques à celle de Fougerolles, ont été retrouvés sur plusieurs sites y compris dans la région de Vesoul : une distance d’acquisition de plusieurs dizaines de kilomètres, qui permet d’imaginer les déplacements couverts par ces groupes nomades mésolithiques déployés au pied du massif vosgien et ses marges

    Modeling of inductively coupled plasma Ar/Cl-2/N-2 plasma discharge: Effect of N-2 on the plasma properties.

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    International audienceA global kinetic model of Cl-2/Ar/N-2 plasma discharge has been developed, which allows calculation of the densities and fluxes of all neutral and charged species considered in the reaction scheme, as well as the electron temperature, as a function of the operating conditions. In this work, the results from the global model are first compared to the calculations given by other models. Our simulation results are focused on the effect of nitrogen adding to the Cl-2/Ar plasma mixture, which impacts both neutral and charged species transport phenomena. The N-2 percentage is varied to the detriment of Cl-2 by keeping the total flow rates of Cl-2 and N-2 constant. In order to better understand the impact of N-2 addition to the Cl-2/Ar gas mixture, the authors analyzed the output plasma parameters calculated from the model for different N-2 flow rate percentages. Indeed, the simulation results show a decrease in electron density and an increase in electron temperature with increasing percentage of N-2. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of electronegativity, Cl-2 and N-2 dissociation, and positive ion to neutral flux ratio evolution by varying percentage of N-2. Such parameters have a direct effect on the etching anisotropy of the materials during the etching process. (C) 2013 American Vacuum Society

    Evaluation of a New Fully Automated Assay for Plasma Intact FGF23.

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    Several FGF23 immunoassays are available. However, they are reserved for research purposes as none have been approved for clinical use. We evaluated the performances of a new automated assay for intact FGF23 on the DiaSorin Liaison platform which is approved for clinical use. We established reference values in 908 healthy French subjects aged 18-89 years, and measured iFGF23 in patients with disorders of phosphate metabolism and in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Intra-assay CV was 1.04-2.86% and inter-assay CV was 4.01-6.3%. The limit of quantification was <10 ng/L. Serum iFGF23 concentrations were considerably lower than EDTA values highlighting the importance of using exclusively EDTA plasma. Liaison iFGF23 values were approximately 25% higher than Immutopics values. In the 908 healthy subjects, distribution of the Liaison iFGF23 values was Gaussian with a mean +/- 2SD interval of 22.7-93.1 ng/L. Men had a slightly higher level than women (60.3 +/- 17.6 and 55.2 +/- 17.2 ng/L, respectively). Plasma iFGF23 concentration in 11 patients with tumour-induced osteomalacia, 8 patients with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets, 43 stage 3a, 43 stage 3b, 43 stage 4, 44 stage 5 CKD patients, and 44 dialysis patients were 217.2 +/- 144.0, 150.9 +/- 28.6, 98.5 +/- 42.0, 130.8 +/- 88.6, 130.8 +/- 88.6, 331.7 +/- 468.2, 788.8 +/- 1306.6 and 6103.9 +/- 11,178.8 ng/L, respectively. This new iFGF23 assay available on a platform that already allows the measurement of other important parameters of the mineral metabolism is a real improvement for the laboratories and clinicians/researchers involved in this field

    Port-en-Bessin-Huppain (Calvados) : Les vestiges antiques de l’avenue du général de Gaulle: Rapport de fouille 2015

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    National audienceUne fouille a été réalisée en juin 2013 sur 4215 m2 en rive gauche du fond d’estran, près du cimetière et de l’ancienne église disparue de Port-en-Bessin (Calvados), sur des terrains destinés à la construction de logements par la société Parthélios Habitat. Les vestiges découverts se développent au-delà de l’emprise décapée. La première implantation est matérialisée par deux angles de fossés du côté ouest de l’emprise. Faute de mobilier dans les comblements, ces aménagements sont placés avant le début de l’Antiquité par le biais de la stratigraphie. Au Ier s. av. J.-C. et jusqu'au début du Ier s. ap. J.-C., une occupation antique pérenne et structurée, délimitée par un imposant fossé, voit la mise en place d’un bâtiment maçonné à contreforts et d’un mur de clôture. Entre le Ier s. et le début du IIIe s. ap. J.-C. s’ouvre la principale phase de développement et de fonctionnement du site, qui se décompose en trois séquences qui demeurent encore difficiles à dater précisément

    Evaluation of Clinical Interest of Anti-Aquaporin-4 Autoantibody Followup in Neuromyelitis Optica

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    Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is an autoimmune disease in which a specific biomarker named NMO-IgG and directed against aquaporin-4 (AQP4) has been found. A correlation between disease activity and anti-AQP4 antibody (Ab) serum concentration or complement-mediated cytotoxicity has been reported, but the usefulness of longitudinal evaluation of these parameters remains to be evaluated in actual clinical practice. Thirty serum samples from 10 NMO patients positive for NMO-IgG were collected from 2006 to 2011. Anti-AQP4 Ab serum concentration and complement-mediated cytotoxicity were measured by flow cytometry using two quantitative cell-based assays (CBA) and compared with clinical parameters. We found a strong correlation between serum anti-AQP4 Ab concentration and complement-mediated cytotoxicity (P<0.0001). Nevertheless, neither relapse nor worsening of impairment level was closely associated with a significant increase in serum Ab concentration or cytotoxicity. These results suggest that complement-mediated serum cytotoxicity assessment does not provide extra insight compared to anti-AQP4 Ab serum concentration. Furthermore, none of these parameters appears closely related to disease activity and/or severity. Therefore, in clinical practice, serum anti-AQP4 reactivity seems not helpful as a predictive biomarker in the followup of NMO patients as a means of predicting the onset of a relapse and adapting the treatment accordingly

    Management of nonfunctioning pituitary incidentaloma

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    International audiencePrevalence of pituitary incidentaloma is variable: between 1.4% and 27% at autopsy, and between 3.7% and 37% on imaging. Pituitary microincidentalomas (serendipitously discovered adenoma \textless1cm in diameter) may increase in size, but only 5% exceed 10mm. Pituitary macroincidentalomas (serendipitously discovered adenoma\textgreater1cm in diameter) show increased size in 20-24% and 34-40% of cases at respectively 4 and 8years' follow-up. Radiologic differential diagnosis requires MRI centered on the pituitary gland. Initial assessment of nonfunctioning (NF) microincidentaloma is firstly clinical, the endocrinologist looking for signs of hypersecretion (signs of hyperprolactinemia, acromegaly or Cushing's syndrome), followed up by systematic prolactin and IGF-1 assay. Initial assessment of NF macroincidentaloma is clinical, the endocrinologist looking for signs of hormonal hypersecretion or hypopituitarism, followed up by hormonal assay to screen for hypersecretion or hormonal deficiency and by ophthalmologic assessment (visual acuity and visual field) if and only if the lesion is near the optic chiasm (OC). NF microincidentaloma of less than 5mm requires no surveillance; those of≥5mm are not operated on but rather monitored on MRI at 6months and then 2years. Macroincidentaloma remote from the OC is monitored on MRI at 1year, with hormonal exploration (for anterior pituitary deficiency), then every 2years. When macroincidentaloma located near the OC is managed by surveillance rather than surgery, MRI is recommended at 6months, with hormonal and visual exploration, then annual MRI and hormonal and visual assessment every 6months. Surgery is indicated in the following cases: evolutive NF microincidentaloma, NF macroincidentaloma associated with hypopituitarism or showing progression, incidentaloma compressing the OC, possible malignancy, non-compliant patient, pregnancy desired in the short-term, or context at risk of apoplex

    Reference values for IGF-I serum concentrations: Comparison of six immunoassays

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    International audienceContext: Measurement of IGF-I is essential for diagnosis and management of patients with disorders affecting the somatotropic axis. However, even when IGF-I kit manufacturers follow recent consensus guidelines, different kits can give very different results for a given sample. Objectives: We sought to establish normative data for six IGF-I assay kits based on a large random sample of the French general adult population. Subjects and Methods: In a cross-sectional multicenter cohort study, we measured IGF-I in 911 healthy adults (18-90 years) with six immunoassays (iSYS, LIAISON XL, IMMULITE, IGFI RIACT, Mediagnost ELISA, and Mediagnost RIA). Pairwise concordance between assays was assessed with Bland-Altman plots for both IGF-1 raw data and standard deviation scores (SDS), as well as with the percentage of observed agreement and the weighted Kappa coefficient for categorized IGF-I SDS. Results: Normative data included the range of values (2.5-97.5 percentiles) given by the six IGF-I assays according to age group and sex. A formula for SDS calculation is provided. Although the lower limits of the reference intervals of the six assays were similar, the upper limits varied markedly. Pairwise concordances were moderate to good (0.38-0.70). Conclusion: Despite being obtained in the same healthy population, the reference intervals of the six commercial IGF-1 assay kits showed noteworthy differences. Agreement between methods was moderate to good

    Classification of Patients With GH Disorders May Vary According to the IGF-I Assay

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    International audienceContext: Insulinlike growth factor I (IGF-I) measurement is essential for the diagnosis and management of growth hormone (GH) disorders. However, patient classification may vary substantially according to the assay technique. Objective: We compared individual patient data and classifications obtained with six different IGF-I assay kits in a group of patients with various GH disorders. Design: In this cross-sectional study, we measured IGF-I with six immunoassays in 102 patients with active or treated acromegaly or GH deficiency. IGF-I normative data previously established for the same six assay kits were used to classify the patients (high, low, or normal IGF-I levels), using both raw data and standard deviation scores (SDSs). Pairwise concordance between assays was assessed with Bland-Altman plots and with the percentage of observed agreement and the weighted κ coefficient for categorized IGF-I SDS. Results: We observed marked variability both across each individual's IGF-I raw data and across IGF-I SDS values obtained with each of the six immunoassays. Pairwise concordance between assay values, as assessed with the weighted κ coefficient, ranged from 0.50 (moderate) to 0.81 (excellent). Conclusion: Even when using normative data obtained in the same large population of healthy subjects and when using calculated IGF-I SDSs, agreement among IGF-I assay methods is only moderate to good. Differences in assay performance must be taken into account when evaluating and monitoring patients with GH disorders. This argues for the use of the same IGF-I assay for a given patient throughout follow-up