56 research outputs found

    Are the Genes nadA and norB Involved in Formation of Aflatoxin G1?

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    Aflatoxins, the most toxic and carcinogenic family of fungal secondary metabolites, are frequent contaminants of foods intended for human consumption. Previous studies showed that formation of G-group aflatoxins (AFs) from O-methylsterigmatocystin (OMST) by certain Aspergillus species involves oxidation by the cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, OrdA (AflQ) and CypA (AflU). However, some of the steps in the conversion have not yet been fully defined. Extracts of Aspergillus parasiticus disruption mutants of the OYE-FMN binding domain reductase-encoding gene nadA (aflY) contained a 386 Da AFG1 precursor. A compound with this mass was predicted as the product of sequential OrdA and CypA oxidation of OMST. Increased amounts of a 362 Da alcohol, the presumptive product of NadA reduction, accumulate in extracts of fungi with disrupted aryl alcohol dehydrogenase-encoding gene norB. These results show that biosynthesis of AFG1 involves NadA reduction and NorB oxidation

    Genetic Variability of Aspergillus flavus

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    A nontoxigenic Aspergillus flavus strain, K49, is currently being tested as a biological control agent in corn fields in the Mississippi Delta. However, little is known about the overall genetic diversity of A. flavus from year to year in corn fields and specifically in Mississippi. Our objective was to assess the genetic variability of A. flavus isolates from different seasons, inoculum sources, and years, from a no-till corn field. Of the 175 A. flavus isolates examined, 74 and 97 had the typical norB-cypA type I (1.5 kb) and type II (1.0 kb) deletion patterns, respectively. Variability in the sequence of the omtA gene of the majority of the field isolates (n=118) was compared to strain K49. High levels of haplotypic diversity (24 omtA haplotypes; Hd = 0.61 ± 0.04) were found. Among the 24 haplotypes, two were predominant, H1 (n=71), which consists of mostly toxigenic isolates, and H49 (n=18), which consists of mostly atoxigenic isolates including K49. Toxigenic isolates were prevalent (60%) in this natural population. Nonetheless, about 15% of the population likely shared the same ancestral origin with K49. This study provides valuable information on the diversity of A. flavus. This knowledge can be further used to develop additional biological control strains

    The Aspergillus Flavus Homeobox Gene, HBX1, Is Required for Development and Aflatoxin Production

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    Homeobox proteins, a class of well conserved transcription factors, regulate the expression of targeted genes, especially those involved in development. In filamentous fungi, homeobox genes are required for normal conidiogenesis and fruiting body formation. In the present study, we identified eight homeobox (hbx) genes in the aflatoxin-producing ascomycete, Aspergillus flavus, and determined their respective role in growth, conidiation and sclerotial production. Disruption of seven of the eight genes had little to no effect on fungal growth and development. However, disruption of the homeobox gene AFLA_069100, designated as hbx1, in two morphologically different A. flavus strains, CA14 and AF70, resulted in complete loss of production of conidia and sclerotia as well as aflatoxins B1 and B2, cyclopiazonic acid and aflatrem. Microscopic examination showed that the ∆hbx1 mutants did not produce conidiophores. The inability of ∆hbx1 mutants to produce conidia was related to downregulation of brlA (bristle) and abaA (abacus), regulatory genes for conidiophore development. These mutants also had significant downregulation of the aflatoxin pathway biosynthetic genes aflC, aflD, aflM and the cluster-specific regulatory gene, aflR. Our results demonstrate that hbx1 not only plays a significant role in controlling A. flavus development but is also critical for the production of secondary metabolites, such as aflatoxins

    Aspergillus parasiticus crzA, Which Encodes Calcineurin Response Zinc-Finger Protein, Is Required for Aflatoxin Production under Calcium Stress

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    Two morphologically different Aspergillus parasiticus strains, one producing aflatoxins, abundant conidia but few sclerotia (BN9) and the other producing O-methyl-sterimatocystin (OMST), copious sclerotia but a low number of conidia (RH), were used to assess the role of crzA which encodes a putative calcium-signaling pathway regulatory protein. Under standard culture conditions, BN9ΔcrzA mutants conidiated normally but decreased slightly in radial growth, regardless of illumination conditions. RHΔcrzA mutants produced only conidia under light and showed decreased conidiation and delayed sclerotial formation in the dark. Regulation of conidiation of both A. parasiticus strains by light was independent of crzA. Increased concentrations of lithium, sodium, and potassium impaired conidiation and sclerotial formation of the RHΔcrzA mutants but they did not affect conidiation of the BN9ΔcrzA mutants. Vegetative growth and asexual development of both ΔcrzA mutants were hypersensitive to increased calcium concentrations. Calcium supplementation (10 mM) resulted in 3-fold and 2-fold decreases in the relative expression of the endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2 gene in the BN9 and RH parental strains, respectively, but changes in both ΔcrzA mutants were less significant. Compared to the parental strains, the ΔcrzA mutants barely produced aflatoxins or OMST after the calcium supplementation. The relative expression levels of aflatoxin biosynthesis genes, nor1, ver1, and omtA, in both ΔcrzA mutants were decreased significantly, but the decreases in the parental strains were at much lower extents. CrzA is required for growth and development and for aflatoxin biosynthesis under calcium stress conditions

    Cyclopiazonic Acid Biosynthesis of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus oryzae

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    Cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) is an indole-tetramic acid neurotoxin produced by some of the same strains of A. flavus that produce aflatoxins and by some Aspergillus oryzae strains. Despite its discovery 40 years ago, few reviews of its toxicity and biosynthesis have been reported. This review examines what is currently known about the toxicity of CPA to animals and humans, both by itself or in combination with other mycotoxins. The review also discusses CPA biosynthesis and the genetic diversity of CPA production in A. flavus/oryzae populations

    Are Current Aspergillus sojae Strains Originated from a Native Aflatoxigenic Aspergillus Species Population Also Present in California?

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    AbstractAspergillus sojae has long been considered a domesticated strain of Aspergillus parasiticus. This study delineated relationships among the two species and an Aspergillus PWE36 isolate. Of 25 examined clustered aflatoxin genes of PWE36, 20 gene sequences were identical to those of A. sojae, but all had variations to those of A. parasiticus. Additionally, PWE36 developmental genes of conidiation and sclerotial formation, overall, shared higher degrees of nucleotide sequence identity with A. sojae genes than with A. parasiticus genes. Examination of defective cyclopiazonic acid gene clusters revealed that the PWE36 deletion pattern was identical only to those of A. sojae. Using A. sojae SMF134 genome sequence as a reference, visualization of locally collinear blocks indicated that PWE36 shared higher genome sequence homologies with A. sojae than with A. parasiticus. Phylogenetic inference based on genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and total SNP counts showed that A. sojae strains formed a monophyletic clade and were clonal. Two (Argentinian and Ugandan) A. parasiticus isolates but not including an Ethiopian isolate formed a monophyletic clade, which showed that A. parasiticus population is genetically diverse and distant to A. sojae. PWE36 and A. sojae shared a most recent common ancestor (MRCA). The estimated divergence time for PWE36 and A. sojae was about 0.4 mya. Unlike Aspergillus oryzae, another koji mold that includes genetically diverse populations, the findings that current A. sojae strains formed a monophyletic group and shared the MRCA with PWE36 allow A. sojae to be continuously treated as a species for food safety reasons

    Deletion of the Δ12-Oleic Acid Desaturase Gene of a Nonaflatoxigenic \u3ci\u3eAspergillus parasiticus\u3c/i\u3e Field Isolate Affects Conidiation and Sclerotial Development

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    Aims: To investigate how linoleic acid affects conidial production and sclerotial development in a strictly mitotic Aspergillus parasiticus field isolate as related to improving biocompetitivity of atoxigenic Aspergillus species. Methods and Results: We disrupted A. parasiticus Δ12-oleic acid desaturase gene (odeA) responsible for the conversion of oleic acid to linoleic acid. We examined conidiation and sclerotial development of SRRC 2043 and three isogenic mutant strains deleted for the odeA gene (DodeA), either with or without supplementing linoleic acid, on one complex potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium and on two defined media: nitrate-containing Czapek agar (CZ) and Cove’s ammonium medium (CVN). The ΔodeA mutants produced less conidia than the parental strain on all media. Linoleic acid supplementation (as sodium linoleate at 0.3 and 1.2 mg ml-1) restored the ΔodeA conidial production comparable to or exceeding the unsupplemented parental level, and the effect was medium dependent, with the highest increase on CVN and the least on PDA. SRRC 2043 and the DodeA mutants were unable to produce sclerotia on CVN. On unsupplemented PDA and CZ, ΔodeA sclerotial mass was comparable to that of SRRC 2043, but sclerotial number increased significantly to two- to threefold. Supplementing linoleic acid to media, in general, tended to decrease wild type and ΔodeA sclerotial mass and sclerotial number. Conclusions: Linoleic acid stimulates conidial production but has an inhibitory effect on sclerotial development. The relationship between the two processes in A. parasiticus is complex and affected by multiple factors, such as fatty acid composition and nitrogen source. Significance and Impact of Study: Conditions that promote sclerotial development differ from those required to promote maximum conidial production. Manipulation of content and availability of linoleic acid at different fungal growth phases might optimize conidial and sclerotial production hence increasing the efficacy of biocompetitive Aspergillus species
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