2,842 research outputs found

    Influence of geometrical parameters on the flexural rigidity of the LHC dipole cold mass assembly

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    In order to predict the mechanical behavior of the LHC dipole cold mass in situations such as handling, transport and cool down, a number of important structural parameters are required. The dipole's flexural rigidity determines entirely the mechanical elastic behavior of the cold mass. Therefore, models of a bent cold mass were created to calculate its rigidity. This paper presents a simplified parametric finite element model, created to study the deflection of the cold mass in different situations and supporting conditions. The sensitivity of the models to the supporting conditions is computed. To provide the finite element and the analytical models with input, the deflection of the cold mass under discrete loads in normal condition and then 90-degrees rotated were measured with a laser tracker. By comparing models with measurements, the vertical and transversal rigidity of the cold mass assembly are determined. Additionally, the paper reports on the plastic behavior of the cold mass assembly in the range of the deformations that are needed to correct cold masses that result, after final welding of the outer skin, with unacceptable sagitta

    The LHC Dipole Geometry as Built in Industry

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    The LHC dipoles magnets are produced in 5 industrial production sites in Europe. The production is well underway and more than half of the total quantity has been delivered to CERN. One of the important characteristics of the dipole magnets is their geometry. To achieve the requested mechanical tolerances on the magnets, which are 15 m long and have a 28 t mass, the final assembly operations includes precise optical measurements. To ensure the good quality and high production rate, the final assembly procedure has been automated as much as possible. The authors report here about the assembly procedure, the features of the software that guides the optical measurements (and consequently the assembly operations) and the results obtained on the geometry in the different sites

    First detection in Europe of the metallo-β-lactamase IMP-15 in clinical strains of Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    AbstractIn a prospective study (2009–2011) in healthcare institutions from the Canary Islands (Spain), 6 out of 298 carbapenem non-susceptible Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates produced a metallo-β-lactamase: four IMP-15, two VIM-2 (including one IMP-15-positive isolate) and one VIM-1. Multilocus sequence typing identified the single VIM-1-producing isolate as clone ST111 and two IMP-15-producing isolates as ST606, but, strikingly, bacterial re-identification revealed that the other three isolates (producing IMP-15 and/or VIM-2) were actually Pseudomonas putida. Further retrospective analysis revealed a very high prevalence (close to 50%) of carbapenem resistance in this environmental species. Hence, we report the simultaneous emergence in hospitals on the Canary Islands of P. putida and P. aeruginosa strains producing IMP-15, a metallo-β-lactamase not previously detected in Europe, and suggest an underestimated role of P. putida as a nosocomial reservoir of worrying transferable resistance determinants

    Comparison of cross-matching method for detection of DEA 7 blood incompatibility

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    We compared 3 major cross-match (XM) tests to identify dog erythrocyte antigen (DEA) 7 blood incompatibilities in dogs as a result of anti\u2013DEA 7 antibodies: gel (GEL), standard tube (TUBE) agglutination, and immunochromatography strips (STRIP). Blood samples from 42 dogs were typed for DEA 7; 2 tested DEA 7\u2013positive (DEA 7+). The 40 DEA 7\u2013negative (DEA 7\u2013) plasma samples were cross-matched against the 2 DEA 7+ and 3 DEA 7\u2013 red blood cell (RBC) samples by GEL to identify samples with anti\u2013DEA 7 antibodies. Twenty DEA 7\u2013 plasma samples without and with anti\u2013DEA 7 antibodies were cross-matched with samples of the 2 DEA 7+ RBCs in a double-blind fashion using the TUBE and STRIP XM methods. GEL results were used as the reference method for comparison. To determine relationships between results, 2 7 2 tables were used. Cohen kappa coefficient (\u3ba) was calculated between results of GEL and the other 2 methods. With GEL, 21 of 40 XM tests were positive and 19 of 40 negative for anti\u2013DEA 7 antibodies. The same results were obtained by TUBE, whereas only 1 of 40 XM tests was positive by STRIP. There was a statistically significant relationship between results of GEL and TUBE (p < 0.000) with perfect agreement (\u3ba = 1.000), but not between GEL and STRIP results (p = 1.000) in which agreement was equivalent to chance (\u3ba = 0.0453). The GEL and TUBE XM tests, but not STRIP, are useful methods for identification of DEA 7 incompatibilities caused by anti\u2013DEA 7 antibodies

    Resolución de problemas científicos escolares y promoción de competencias de pensamiento científico. ¿Qué piensan los docentes de química en ejercicio?

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    In the article the results of an investigation conducted within the framework of the project FONDECYT 1070795 are exposed. The aims of the research were to identify and characterize the representations and knowledge that teachers in service have, from an average level of education, with respect to the competences of scientific thought and problem solution, and the way in which both should be approached. With the use of an intentional sample of 133, teachers selected from a total of 117 who were incorporated to other phases of the research trough the administration of a questionnaire especially designed, was show the predominance of a very fragmented image, sometimes contradictory, about the solution of problems and about relation between competences of scientific thought; this representation incorporates aspects of great value for the formation of the competent students, and at the same time it includes other aspects that in no way favor this formation, according to the present assessments. It is remarkable that both competences for scientific thought and solution of problems are not constituted as a totality and coherent system in the thinking of the teachers who participated in the research. It should be pointed out that we found data that show an oscillating valuation of the subjective character of the problematic situations and the problem itself; these data show, as well, that teachers give a very important role to language. It is stated that teachers give an oscillating value to the fact that students must deal with theories. It should be noted too that their approaches to the algorithmic processes are very vague, and sometimes contradictory.En el artículo se exponen los resultados de una investigación realizada en el marco del proyecto FONDECYT 1070795, cuyo objetivo consistió en identificar y caracterizar las nociones que tienen los profesores de nivel medio respecto a las competencias de pensamiento científico y solución de problemas, y la manera en que ambos deben trabajarse en la enseñanza de la química. Con el empleo de una muestra intencional de 33 profesores, seleccionados de un total de 117 que se incorporaron a otras fases de la investigación y mediante la administración de un cuestionario especialmente diseñado, se logró poner de manifiesto que en ellos predomina una imagen fragmentada y a veces contradictoria de la solución de problemas y de las competencias de pensamiento científico; dicha representación incorpora aspectos de inestimable valor para la formación del estudiante competente, a la vez que incluye otros que en manera alguna favorecen dicha formación en correspondencia con las exigencias actuales. Es notable que competencias de pensamiento científico y solución de problemas no se constituyan como sistema totalmente coherente en la conceptualización de los profesores investigados. Como dato relevante, se constató la oscilante valoración del carácter subjetivo de las situaciones problémicas y los problemas; junto al papel importante que, en opinión de gran parte de los profesores, desempeña el lenguaje, se le otorga un valor oscilante al trabajo con la teoría por parte de los estudiantes; igualmente resulta difusa, y a veces contradictoria, su aproximación a los procesos de algoritmización

    IAOx induces the SUR phenotype and differential signalling from IAA under different types of nitrogen nutrition in Medicago truncatula roots

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    Indole-3-acetaldoxime (IAOx) is a particularly relevant molecule as an intermediate in the pathway for tryptophan-dependent auxin biosynthesis. The role of IAOx in growth-signalling and root phenotype is poorly studied in cruciferous plants and mostly unknown in non-cruciferous plants. We synthesized IAOx and applied it to M. truncatula plants grown axenically with NO3 -, NH4 + or urea as the sole nitrogen source. During 14 days of growth, we demonstrated that IAOx induced an increase in the number of lateral roots, especially under NH4 + nutrition, while elongation of the main root was inhibited. This phenotype is similar to the phenotype known as superroot previously described in SUR1- and SUR2-defective Arabidopsis mutants. The effect of IAOx, IAA or the combination of both on the root phenotype was different and dependent on the type of N-nutrition. Our results also showed the endogenous importance of IAOx in a legume plant in relation to IAA metabolism, and suggested IAOx long-distance transport depending on the nitrogen source provided. Finally, our results point out to CYP71A as the major responsible enzymes for IAA synthesis from IAOx, while they exclude indole-3-acetaldehyde oxidases. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.This work was supported by the grants AGL2017-86293-P and CGL2017-84723-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) , AGL2014-52396-P from the Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities (MICINN) , and IT932-16 from the Basque Government, Spain . JB and PL-G are holders of PhD fellowships from the Public University of Navarre. ACh received a Juan de la Cierva initiation grant FJCI-2016-27905 and RE received a Juan de la Cierva incorporation grant IJCI-2014-21452. This research was also supported by the Basque Government through the BERC 2018-2021 program, and by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the BC3 María de Maeztu excellence accreditation (MDM-2017-0714)

    Resolución de problemas científicos escolares y promoción de competencias de pensamiento científico. ¿Qué piensan los docentes de química en ejercicio?

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    En el artículo se exponen los resultados de una investigación realizada en el marco del proyecto FONDECYT 1070795, cuyo objetivo consistió en identificar y caracterizar las nociones que tienen los profesores de nivel medio respecto a las competencias de pensamiento científico y solución de problemas, y la manera en que ambos deben trabajarse en la enseñanza de la química. Con el empleo de una muestra intencional de 33 profesores, seleccionados de un total de 117 que se incorporaron a otras fases de la investigación y mediante la administración de un cuestionario especialmente diseñado, se logró poner de manifiesto que en ellos predomina una imagen fragmentada y a veces contradictoria de la solución de problemas y de las competencias de pensamiento científico; dicha representación incorpora aspectos de inestimable valor para la formación del estudiante competente, a la vez que incluye otros que en manera alguna favorecen dicha formación en correspondencia con las exigencias actuales. Es notable que competencias de pensamiento científico y solución de problemas no se constituyan como sistema totalmente coherente en la conceptualización de los profesores investigados. Como dato relevante, se constató la oscilante valoración del carácter subjetivo de las situaciones problémicas y los problemas; junto al papel importante que, en opinión de gran parte de los profesores, desempeña el lenguaje, se le otorga un valor oscilante al trabajo con la teoría por parte de los estudiantes; igualmente resulta difusa, y a veces contradictoria, su aproximación a los procesos de algoritmización.In the article the results of an investigation conducted within the framework of the project FONDECYT 1070795 are exposed. The aims of the research were to identify and characterize the representations and knowledge that teachers in service have, from an average level of education, with respect to the competences of scientific thought and problem solution, and the way in which both should be approached. With the use of an intentional sample of 133, teachers selected from a total of 117 who were incorporated to other phases of the research trough the administration of a questionnaire especially designed, was show the predominance of a very fragmented image, sometimes contradictory, about the solution of problems and about relation between competences of scientific thought; this representation incorporates aspects of great value for the formation of the competent students, and at the same time it includes other aspects that in no way favor this formation, according to the present assessments. It is remarkable that both competences for scientific thought and solution of problems are not constituted as a totality and coherent system in the thinking of the teachers who participated in the research. It should be pointed out that we found data that show an oscillating valuation of the subjective character of the problematic situations and the problem itself; these data show, as well, that teachers give a very important role to language. It is stated that teachers give an oscillating value to the fact that students must deal with theories. It should be noted too that their approaches to the algorithmic processes are very vague, and sometimes contradictory

    Fate of anthropogenic radionuclides (90Sr, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Am) in seawater in the northern Benguela upwelling system off Namibia

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    A baseline study on anthropogenic radioactivity in the Namibian marine ecosystem, which is part of the northern Benguela upwelling system, known as one of the most productive ocean areas in the world, has been performed. A scientific cruise carried out in 2014 covering inshore and offshore areas, exhibiting different oceanographic features, has provided a basis for better understanding the distributions, ratios and inventories of six anthropogenic radionuclides (Sr, Cs, Pu, Pu, Pu and Am) in seawater. Although H was also measured, due to extremely low levels, its behaviour was not studied. The main source of Sr, Cs, Pu, Pu and Am in the samples analysed was proven to be global fallout, a finding further confirmed by Pu/Pu and Sr/Cs ratios. Furthermore, the Pu SNAP-9A satellite accident signal was confirmed once again through the determination of the Pu/Pu activity ratio. Inshore and offshore samples showed different patterns due to the unique oceanographic features of this upwelling system. The levels of anthropogenic radionuclides, comprehensively assessed for the first time in this region, are comparable with the few existing data and filled a critical gap for the Southern Atlantic Ocean.This work has been partly financed through the project PGC 2018-094546-B-I00 provided by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades)

    Prevalence of Dal blood type and dog erythrocyte antigens (DEA) 1, 4, and 7 in canine blood donors in Italy and Spain

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    BackgroundThe aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Dal, and DEA 1, 4, 7 blood types, in a population of canine blood donors from Italy and Spain. Three hundred and twenty blood donor dogs receiving an annual health evaluation were included in the study. DEA 1 blood type was determined using an immunochromatographic strip technique while Dal, DEA 4 and 7 blood types were determined with polyclonal antisera using agglutination on gel columns.ResultsOut of 320 dogs blood typed 7 (2 Cane Corso and 5 Doberman Pinschers) (2.2%) were Dal negative; 137 (42.8%) were positive for DEA 1; 320 (100%) were positive for DEA 4 and 43 (13.4%) were positive for DEA 7.ConclusionThis study showed a similar prevalence of DEA 1, 7 and 4 to that reported in previous studies in the same, and in different, geographic areas, and provides new data on the prevalence of the Dal blood group in Italy and Spain. There was no significant difference (P=0.8409) between prevalence of Dal negative blood types found in our population (2.2%) and the prevalence reported in a canine blood donor population from the USA (2.5%). Our study identified Dal negative dogs in a previously tested breed i.e. Doberman Pinschers, but also the Cane Corso breed was found to have Dal negative dogs

    "Fat but powerful'' paradox: association of muscle power and adiposity markers with all-cause mortality in older adults from the EXERNET multicentre study

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    Objectives: To assess the influence of muscle power and adiposity on all-cause mortality risk and to evaluate the fat but powerful'' (F+P) (or fat but fit'') paradox in older adults. Methods: A total of 2563 older adults (65 €''91 years old) from the EXERNET multicentre study were included. Adiposity (body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, body fat percentage (BF%) and fat index), allometric and relative power (sit-to-stand muscle power test) and various covariates (age, sex, hypertension, smoking status and walking and sitting times per day) were registered at baseline. All-cause mortality was recorded during a median follow-up of 8.9 years. Participants were classified into four groups: lean and powerful (L+P), F+P, lean but weak and fat and weak (F+W). Cox proportional hazard regression models and adjusted HRs were calculated. Results: According to BMI and waist circumference, all-cause mortality risk was reduced in the F+P (HR=0.55 and 0.63, p=0.044 and 0.049, respectively) and L+P (HR=0.57 and 0.58, p=0.043 and 0.025, respectively) groups. According to BF%, all-cause mortality decreased in the L+P group (HR=0.53; p=0.021), and a trend for a reduction was reported in the F+P group (HR=0.57; p=0.060). According to fat index, a survival benefit was only noted in the L+P group (HR=0.50; p=0.049). Higher levels of relative power reduced all-cause mortality risk among older people (HR=0.63 and 0.53, p=0.006 and 0.011, respectively). Conclusion: Powerful older people exhibited a reduced 9-year all-cause mortality regardless of BMI, waist circumference and BF%. Obesity according to fat index blunted the survival benefits of being powerful