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    Deux tableaux, une figure et deux cartes commentĂ©es illustrent cet article.International audienceThe phenomenon of urbanization can not be disputed. Yet it is far from uniform. It is therefore important to analyze the recomposition of France during the last three decades. The result is a typology, with three main types of cities in population growth and three main types of demographic decline.Le phĂ©nomĂšne de l'urbanisation ne peut ĂȘtre contestĂ©. Pourtant, il est loin d'ĂȘtre uniforme. Il importe donc d'analyser la recomposition de la France durant les trois derniĂšres dĂ©cennies. Il en rĂ©sulte une typologie, avec trois types principaux de villes en croissance dĂ©mographique et trois types principaux de villes en dĂ©clin dĂ©mographique


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    Trois figures illustrent cet article, complété par un court lexique.International audience[Over twenty-first century, the aging issue will be central in Europe as in the world. In France in 2030, according to average projections, the population of France should age, the number of seniors is expected to grow and the dependent elderly people also. But, first, these developments would be very different according to territories including their urban or rural character. Moreover, the pace of these developments would be discontinuous.].Au fil du, la question du vieillissement sera centrale en Europe comme dans le monde. En France, à l'horizon 2030, selon les projections moyennes, la population de la France devrait vieillir, le nombre des personnes ùgées devrait progresser et celui des personnes ùgées dépendantes également. Mais, d'une part, ces évolutions seraient trÚs différenciées selon les territoires et notamment leur caractÚre urbain ou rural. D'autre part, le rythme de ces évolutions serait discontinu

    The IST project MATRICE on MC-CDMA transmission techniques for future Cellular Systems

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    This paper presents an overview of the European IST project MATRICE (MC-CDMA Transmission Techniques for Integrated Broadband Cellular Systems, IST-2001-3220), describing its tasks, goals and preliminary achievements. The main focus of the MATRICE project is the definition of a new air-interface for future cellular mobile radio systems based on Multicarrier-CDMA modulation techniques and the study of its key building blocks like receiver algorithms and flexible TX components. The nine European partners participating in this project are CEA-LETI (F), France Telecom (F), Instituto de TelecommonicaçÔ (P), Mitsubishi Electric ITE-TCL (F), University of Madrid (E), University of Surrey (UK), STMicroelectronics (CH), INSA-IETR (F) and Nokia (D)

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    La mise en place des dĂ©coupages intercommunaux (1992-2007) : tĂ©moin de la fragmentation de l’aire mĂ©tropolitaine azurĂ©enne

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    The French Riviera metropolitan area, with about 1,1 million inhabitants, is a polynucleated territory which suffers from political fragmention. It has several inter-municipal cooperations, whose formation was sources of geopolitical tensions. The article focuses on two examples of those tensions. The first was linked to the creation of the central inter-municipal cooperation around Nice, with an opposition between the inner city and the richer suburbs. The second example of tensions was due to the competition between different metropolitan actors for the taking over of the main economic territories of the metropolitan area, which provides huge financial resources. In conclusion, a geopolitical approach of inter-municipal cooperation in France is justified and the local scale is an interesting scale to do geopolitical research

    Le vote d’extrĂȘme droite dans l’aire mĂ©tropolitaine marseillaise.

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    DĂ©tail de la carte 1, infra. La gĂ©ographie francophone, comme sa consoeur anglo-saxonne, porte un intĂ©rĂȘt marquĂ© depuis une dĂ©cennie Ă  la question du politique, Ă  travers la gĂ©ographie Ă©lectorale. Plusieurs travaux rĂ©alisĂ©s par HervĂ© Le Bras (2002), Jacques LĂ©vy (2003), et Michel Bussi (2004) essaient de montrer comment l’espace peut exercer une influence sur le vote des populations. L’une des hypothĂšses les plus intĂ©ressantes avancĂ©e par J. LĂ©vy (2003), Ă  partir de la ..

    Bassand M., La métropolisation de la Suisse, 2007, Lausanne, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Collection Le Savoir Suisse, 148 p., tableaux, figures, bibliographie

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    Cet ouvrage synthĂ©tique se veut comme un livre militant, dont le but est de donner conscience aux acteurs suisses, qui restent enfermĂ©s sur le cadre communal, du phĂ©nomĂšne de mĂ©tropolisation. En consĂ©quence, il fait la part belle aux considĂ©rations gĂ©nĂ©rales sur la mĂ©tropolisation, offrant un regard suisse, qui intĂ©ressera donc essentiellement le spĂ©cialiste de la Suisse. Professeur de sociologie urbaine Ă  l’école polytechnique de Lausanne, l’auteur suit une approche sociologique plus que gĂ©o..

    Les évolutions démographiques 1999-2007 de la France métropolitaine : continuités ou ruptures ?

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    La France a changĂ© depuis 2004 de mĂ©thode de recensement, ce qui entraĂźne des biais dans l’étude des Ă©volutions dĂ©mographiques par rapport au dernier recensement exhaustif de 1999. Pour remĂ©dier Ă  ce problĂšme, la mise en place d’une mĂ©thode de correction reposant sur l’évolution de la vacance, permet de dĂ©terminer de maniĂšre plus pertinente les Ă©volutions dĂ©mographiques 1999-2007 de la France mĂ©tropolitaine. En effet, cette mĂ©thode de redressement montre l’existence d’un Ă©cart de 420 000 habitants entre les deux recensements, qui peut correspondre aux personnes oubliĂ©es en 1999, annĂ©e d’un recensement de mauvaise qualitĂ©. À l’arrivĂ©e, que peut-on en dĂ©duire suivant les diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles ? À l’échelle nationale, la croissance dĂ©mographique est semblable Ă  celle de la pĂ©riode intercensitaire prĂ©cĂ©dente, contrairement Ă  ce que laisserait penser les chiffres bruts, qui tĂ©moignent d’une accĂ©lĂ©ration de la croissance. À l’échelle rĂ©gionale, de nouveau, nous n’avons pas de ruptures apparentes, puisque les rĂ©gions du Sud et de l’Ouest sont toujours celles connaissant la plus forte progression de leur population, alors que les rĂ©gions du Nord-Est stagnent relativement. Enfin, Ă  l’échelle dĂ©partementale, se constate une poursuite des tendances constatĂ©es dans les dĂ©cennies prĂ©cĂ©dentes, Ă  travers le renforcement de l’attractivitĂ© dĂ©mographique des dĂ©partements littoraux, des dĂ©partements pĂ©riurbains, en particulier autour de Toulouse, et des dĂ©partements ruraux de la moitiĂ© sud de la France au cadre de vie jugĂ© agrĂ©able. En dĂ©finitive, les Ă©volutions dĂ©mographiques 1999-2007 de la France mĂ©tropolitaine s’inscrivent dans la continuitĂ© des pĂ©riodes intercensitaires prĂ©cĂ©dentes, la derniĂšre rupture dĂ©mographique française remontant Ă  1975 et la fin du baby-boom.Since 2004, France adopted a new census method. So, comparing the population of France in 1999 and in 2007 is not pertinent because the figures were calculated according to different census methods. In order to better interpret the population evolution of France, it is necessary to adopt a method of population rectification. This latter shows that there is a difference of 420 000 inhabitants between the two census, that can be explained very easily by the bad quality of 1999 census. What are the results at different geographical scales ? Concerning the all country, France’s population is growing at the same rate in the 2000’s than in the 1990’s, whereas the official figures show an increasing of population growth. So, France population is not booming. At the regional scale, the trends are also the same than in the previous decade : the south and the west are growing, whereas the north-east is relatively stagnating. At the “department” scale, the 1990’s trends are accentuated : the growth being more and more higher on Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts, in departments near big metropolis, especially Toulouse, and in sunny and “beautiful” southern rural places. In conclusion, continuity is the rule. The last demographic rupture remains the end of baby boom in 1975

    Les évolutions démographiques 1999-2007 de la France métropolitaine : continuités ou ruptures ?

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    Since 2004, France adopted a new census method. So, comparing the population of France in 1999 and in 2007 is not pertinent because the figures were calculated according to different census methods. In order to better interpret the population evolution of France, it is necessary to adopt a method of population rectification. This latter shows that there is a difference of 420 000 inhabitants between the two census, that can be explained very easily by the bad quality of 1999 census. What are the results at different geographical scales ? Concerning the all country, France’s population is growing at the same rate in the 2000’s than in the 1990’s, whereas the official figures show an increasing of population growth. So, France population is not booming. At the regional scale, the trends are also the same than in the previous decade : the south and the west are growing, whereas the north-east is relatively stagnating. At the “department” scale, the 1990’s trends are accentuated : the growth being more and more higher on Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts, in departments near big metropolis, especially Toulouse, and in sunny and “beautiful” southern rural places. In conclusion, continuity is the rule. The last demographic rupture remains the end of baby boom in 1975