7 research outputs found

    Raman anomalies as signatures of pressure induced electronic topological and structural transitions in black phosphorus: Experiments and Theory

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    We report high pressure Raman experiments of Black phosphorus up to 24 GPa. The line widths of first order Raman modes Ag1^1_g, B2g_{2g} and Ag2^2_g of the orthorhombic phase show a minimum at 1.1 GPa. Our first-principles density functional analysis reveals that this is associated with the anomalies in electron-phonon coupling at the semiconductor to topological insulator transition through inversion of valence and conduction bands marking a change from trivial to nontrivial electronic topology. The frequencies of B2g_{2g} and Ag2^2_g modes become anomalous in the rhombohedral phase at 7.4 GPa, and new modes appearing in the rhombohedral phase show anomalous softening with pressure. This is shown to originate from unusual structural evolution of black phosphorous with pressure, based on first-principles theoretical analysis.Comment: 13pages, 12figure

    Attraction of Aulacophora foveicollis Lucas (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to Host Plant Cucurbita maxima Duchesne (Cucurbitaceae) Volatiles

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    The volatiles extracted by the dynamic headspace collection system from the undamaged and conspecific damaged Cucurbita maxima were analyzed by Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The olfactory responses of antennal chemosensilla by male and female A. foveicollis towards the plant volatiles were studied by electroantennography (EAG), while the behavioral responses were analyzed by olfactometer bioassay under laboratory conditions. Scanning electron microscopic study revealed the predominance of antennal olfactory sensilla of seven different types with four types of mechanosensilla. The antennae are sexually dimorphic, with differences in density of the chemosensillae present in the apical band region of segment IX, called the circumferential band, being higher in the females. Female antennae showed maximum peak amplitudes for 2-methyl phenol (at 10 mg/mL), followed by 1,4, dimethoxybenzene (at 5 mg/mL), while male antennae showed maximum amplitudes for heneicosane (at 5 mg/mL). Y-tube bioassays revealed maximum attractiveness towards 1,4, dimethoxy benzene that decreased progressively across heneicosane, pentacosane, tetradecane, ethyl benzene, D-limonene, nonadecane, eicosane, nonanal, decanal, α-pinene, phytol and benzaldehyde in females. However, male species were more responsive towards heneicosane, followed by 1,4 dimethoxybenzene, while the responses to pentacosane and tetradecane were equal, followed by equal responses to decanal, ethyl benzene and nonadecane, and thereafter, a progressively reducing response was observed towards α-pinene, eicosane, nonanal, D-limonene, phytol and benzaldehyde. The study assists in understanding the role of olfaction by A. foveicollis in the host plant Cucurbita maxima by listing compounds that act as potential kairomones for the beetle, and can be expected to facilitate development of an eco–friendly trap and/or by attracting the natural enemies for control of the pest

    Dynamics of organic matter decomposition during vermicomposting of banana stem waste using Eisenia fetida

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    A better understanding of how dynamics of physical and chemical changes occur during vermicomposting process would be helpful for determining the stability and maturity of vermicompost. For improving the knowledge about this issue several instrumental techniques were used in the present study to analyse the physical and chemical changes as a function of vermicomposting time of banana stem waste (BS) spiked with cow dung (CD) in different proportions using earthworm Eisenia fetida. Chemical analysis by ICP-AES showed gradual increase in the plant nutrients (P, Ca, K, Mg, Fe) up to 60 day of vermicomposting in all the treatments. But among different treatments, K, Mg and Fe were considerably higher in the BS2CD1 blend. The FTIR showed strong NO stretching vibration with increasing BS content signifying the presence of nitrate in the final compost. The TG analysis of final BS-CD composts described the lower mass loss (52–55%) in the final compared to the initial stage due to high level of humification by earthworms. The maturity of the final compost was confirmed by DSC analysis which exhibited lowering of relative intensity of exothermic peaks related to the easily degradable material at 320–330 °C and complex organic moieties at 495–530 °C. Decrease in the humification index (Q4/6, Q2/4, Q2/6) at 60 day confirmed the stability of vermicomposts. All the treatments showed 70% germination indices (GI) for rice and pea seeds. These findings defined a clear comparison between the treatments during vermicomposting in terms of stability and maturity and revealed that BS2CD1 can be utilized as nutrient-rich stable compost for enhanced crop production

    RGS6 drives cardiomyocyte death following nucleolar stress by suppressing Nucleolin/miRNA-21

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    Abstract Background Prior evidence demonstrated that Regulator of G protein Signaling 6 (RGS6) translocates to the nucleolus in response to cytotoxic stress though the functional significance of this phenomenon remains unknown. Methods Utilizing in vivo gene manipulations in mice, primary murine cardiac cells, human cell lines and human patient samples we dissect the participation of a RGS6-nucleolin complex in chemotherapy-dependent cardiotoxicity. Results Here we demonstrate that RGS6 binds to a key nucleolar protein, Nucleolin, and controls its expression and activity in cardiomyocytes. In the human myocyte AC-16 cell line, induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes, primary murine cardiomyocytes, and the intact murine myocardium tuning RGS6 levels via overexpression or knockdown resulted in diametrically opposed impacts on Nucleolin mRNA, protein, and phosphorylation.RGS6 depletion provided marked protection against nucleolar stress-mediated cell death in vitro, and, conversely, RGS6 overexpression suppressed ribosomal RNA production, a key output of the nucleolus, and triggered death of myocytes. Importantly, overexpression of either Nucleolin or Nucleolin effector miRNA-21 counteracted the pro-apoptotic effects of RGS6. In both human and murine heart tissue, exposure to the genotoxic stressor doxorubicin was associated with an increase in the ratio of RGS6/Nucleolin. Preventing RGS6 induction via introduction of RGS6-directed shRNA via intracardiac injection proved cardioprotective in mice and was accompanied by restored Nucleolin/miRNA-21 expression, decreased nucleolar stress, and decreased expression of pro-apoptotic, hypertrophy, and oxidative stress markers in heart. Conclusion Together, these data implicate RGS6 as a driver of nucleolar stress-dependent cell death in cardiomyocytes via its ability to modulate Nucleolin. This work represents the first demonstration of a functional role for an RGS protein in the nucleolus and identifies the RGS6/Nucleolin interaction as a possible new therapeutic target in the prevention of cardiotoxicity