69 research outputs found


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    The industrial revolution era 4.0 provided big challenge for people of Indonesia. Therefore, the skillful human resources were urgently needed to compete in the global market. One of the competencies that should be possessed by people, especially for teachers of Bahasa Indonesia was edupreneurship. This research aimed to categorize the research topic in edupreneurship at scopus and found the relation of that topic in the scope of Bahasa Indonesia education. By using bibliometric technique, there were 141 documents found discussing that topic. Data found then were processed to see the correlation of documents and the relevance with Bahasa Indonesia education. From the analysis of the research, it was concluded that edupreneurship was still a new topic to be researched, especially in Bahasa Indonesia education. Whereas, edupreneurship provided many opportunities for students to develop their self-potency, creativity, independency, responsibility, leadership vision, and the development of other soft skills which possibly made students were able to compete globally. Therefore, edupreneurship should be made as the priority for teachers in developing their learning materials. For further elaboration of this study field, there were many opportunities which could be managed such as the management of self-publishing, event organizer, establishing networks or writing communities, and others


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    ABSTRACT Chafit Ulya. S840809005. 2011. Historical Analysis and Development of Traditional Theater Ketoprak (A Case Study in Surakarta). Thesis. Surakarta: Postgraduate Program of Sebelas Maret University, January. The objectives of this research are to describe and to give an explanation about (1) the history of traditional theater ketoprak in Surakarta, (2) how traditional theater ketoprak in Surakarta lives and develops, (3) the ways in organizing traditional theater ketoprak in Surakarta, and (4) the effort that has been done by the Government of Surakarta Regency toward the existence and development of traditional theater ketoprak in Surakarta. This is a qualitative descriptive research with the case study research approach and it takes place in Surakarta. The data are in form of words, action, and pictures. They are taken from the place and the happening, informants, and documents. They are collected by using purposive sampling technique and snowball sampling. They are collected by conducting observation, interview, and document analysis. Validity of the result of the collecting data is tested using source, method, and informant review triangulation. Then, the collected data are analyzed by using interactive analysis model consisting of data reduction, data review, and drawing conclusion/verification. Based on the result of the research, the following matters can be presented. First, the history of traditional theater ketoprak comes from Surakarta and it is created by R.M.T Wreksadiningrat in 1908. Ketoprak was found with the intention to raise the spirit of fighting against the colonialist. Second, the characteristics of ketoprak are open, relative, flexible, and responsive; therefore it is free to present ketoprak in any context based on the needs and age. This is why ketoprak in Surakarta has developed significantly with various kinds of performance. Third, the result of the inventory there are four categories of ketoprak groups, each of them is uniquely characterized in style of performance. They are: Ketoprak Balaikambang, Ketoprak Pendhapan, Ketoprak Ngampung, and Ketoprak Muda Surakarta. Fourth, there are two kinds of developments applied to ketoprak in Surakarta, they are material development and non-material development. Material development includes providing financial support, facilities and infrastructure, and organizing ketoprak festival. While nonmaterial development is given by conducting workshop for youngsters which is led by senior artists of ketoprak. Key Word: Ketoprak, History, Developmen

    IDENTIFIKASI AHOK DAN PESAN SATIRE DALAM CERPEN “KORUPTOR KITA TERCINTA” KARYA AGUS NOOR (Identification of Ahok’s Character and Satire Message in The Short Story “Our Beloved Corruptors” by Agus Noor)

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    Lahirnya sebuah karya sastra tidak bisa dilepaskan dari konteks sosial, budaya, ataupun politik yang melingkupinya karena sastra merupakan mimesis kehidupan. Dalam menyikapi persoalan korupsi, Agus Noor dalam karya cerpennya menghadirkan dimensi lain, yakni realitas korupsi dan aktor politik yang ada di dalamnya dengan muatan humor satire yang khas. Yang menjadi tujuan dalam penelitian ini ialah mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan (1) indentifikasi sosok Ahok dalam cerpen KKT karya Agus Noor; (2) pesan satire dalam cerpen KKT karya Agus Noor.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah deskriptif-kualitatif dengan pendekatan mimesis sastra. Sumber data berupa buku kumpulan cerpen Lelucon Para Koruptor. Data diambil dengan teknik rekam-catat untuk selanjutnya dianalisis dengan model analisis interaktif. Dari hasil kajian, dihasilkan simpulan bahwa (1) Tokoh utama dalam cerpen KKT memiliki identifikasi yang erat dengan sosok Ahok. Identifikasi tersebut didasarkan pada peristiwa yang dialami tokoh dalam cerita dengan realitas Ahok serta melalui karakter keras, lugas, berani, dan bicara ceplas-ceplos apa adanya. (2) Pesan satire dalam cerpen digunakan sebagai media kritik oleh pangarang terhadap realitas korupsi yang dilakukan para koruptor. Pesan satire digunakan oleh pangarang sebagai media alternatif dalam menyampaikan kritik tentang korupsi melalui guyonan “asem” yang segar nan miris.An art work is strongly related to social context, culture, or politic because it reflects the condition of life. For example, in responding corruption problem, Agus Noor in his literary works shows other dimensions such as the reality of corruption and political actors involved inside with the touch of a unique satire humor. The main purpose of this study was to describe and explain (1) the identification of Ahok’s character in the short story “Koruptor Kita Tercinta” (KKT) by Agus Noor; (2) the satire message in short story KKT by Agus Noor. The method used in this study was  descriptive-qualitative method with the main data source was taken from the short story collection  entitled Jokes of The Corruptors. The data were taken by using “recording-noting” technique to be further analyzed using analysis-interactive model. From the study, there were some conclusions: (1) the main character in the short story jokes of the corruptors has a strong identification with Ahok. That identification was based on the  act experienced by the main character in the story which was compared with the reality and also through some characteristics described such as assertive, straightforward, to be brave, and to speak frankly. (2) The satire message contained in the short story was used as the media of critic by the author toward the corruption reality in Indonesia. Satire message was used by the author as an alternative way in conveying critics on corruption in a fresh and ironic way


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    Pembelajaran menulis cerita pendek dapat melatih siswa untuk meningkatkan sensitivitas dan kreativitas siswa dalam mengembangkan ide kreatif. Kreativitas menjadi keterampilan yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa karena dengan berpikir kreatif maka siswa dapat menyelesaikan masalah dengan cara yang unik sesuai dengan daya kreatifnya. Akan tetapi, siswa masih merasa kesulitan menuangkan ide, gagasan, dan perasaan dalam sebuah tulisan. Kesulitan tersebut salah satunya adalah merangkai peristiwa menjadi alur cerita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola alur cerita pendek hasil karya siswa SMA Negeri Andong Boyolali dengan metode deskripstif kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan dalam menganalisis alur cerita pendek karya siswa adalah teori Stanton mengenai kaidah plot. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa siswa telah mampu mengembangkan alur cerita pendek dengan baik. Unsur kaidah yang sulit dikuasai oleh siswa adalah unsur surprise


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    This research aims at improving the quality of poetry writing learning process by synectics approach. It is a Classroom Action Research. The subject is the students of X8 grade SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga which consists of 25 students. The teacher played a role as learning facilitator and the researcher as passive participant. Techniques of collecting data were done through observation, test, interview, and document analysis. This Classroom Action Research consists of three cycles. Each cycle consists of 4 steps i.e. plan, action, observation and interpretation, and analysis and reflection. The result of the research showed that learning through synectics approach could improve the poetry writing learning process. This improvement was reflected on: (1) the improvement of student's activity during apperception process, cycle I 40%, cycle II     68 %, and cycle III 72%; (2) the improvement of student's activity during teaching learning process, cycle I 66%, cycle II 76%, cycle III 88%; the improvement of student's activity in answering the questions in spoken or written, cycle I 53%, cycle II 72%, and cycle III 88%

    Analisis kesalahan berbahasa berita ekonomi bisnis pada laman Detik.Com edisi Desember 2020

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    Media massa merupakan salah satu media yang menggunakan bahasa sebagai unsur utama dalam menyampaikan informasi kepada masyarakat. Bahasa yang digunakan dalam media massa dapat berbentuk bahasa verbal maupun nonverbal. Penggunaan bahasa dalam media massa tentu memengaruhi penggunaan bahasa itu sendiri di dalam masyarakat. Pilihan kata serta cara penyajian informasi yang ditampilkan di media massa seperti penggunaan istilah, pengembangan kata-kata dan makna asosiatifnya, penggantian makna lama menjadi makna baru, dan sebagainya dapat memengaruhi perkembangan dan penggunaan bahasa di dalam masyarakat. Pemilihan laman berita detikcom edisi bulan Desember 2020 yang berjudul Waduh!! Karyawan Bisa Dipecat Kalau Ogah Divaksin? dengan subbab berita ekonomi bisnis dikarenakan fokus penelitian tertuju pada kesalahan berbahasa pada laman berita elektronik detik.com. Masalah yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah kesalahan berbahasa pada laman berita elektronik detik.com edisi bulan Desember 2020. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan berbahasa pada laman berita elektronik detikcom edisi bulan Desember 2020. Manfaat penelitian ini adalah (1) Mampu mendeskripsikan kesalahan berbahasa; (2) Sebagai bahan studi perbandingan dalam upaya penelitian selanjutnya yang relevan; (3) Sebagai usaha untuk melakukan analisis kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskripsi kualitatif.


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    Judul dalam penelitian ini adalah “Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Tataran Morfologi dan EBI pada Surat Kabar Republikaâ€. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kesalahan berbahasa dan pembetulannya pada tataran Morfologi dan EBI pada Surat Kabar Republika edisi 16 Oktober 2021 serta mengetahui pentingnya menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar sesuai kaidah yang berlaku. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Untuk mengumpulkan data, menggunakan teknik membaca, yakni pengumpulan data dengan cara membaca surat kabar. Hasil penelitian Kesalahan berbahasa yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah kesalahan pada tataran Morfologi dan Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia (EBI). Pada tataran Morfologi aspek yang dianalisis meliputi kesalahan penggunaan afiksasi (imbuhan). Sementara, pada Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia (EBI) aspek yang dianalisis meliputi kesalahan penggunaan kata baku, penggunaan kata serapan, penggunaan huruf kapital, penggunaan tanda baca hubung dan koma. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel berupa Surat Kabar Republika Edisi 16 Oktober 2021. Kesalahan penulisan tataran morfologi terdapat satu kesalahan penggunaan prefiks me(N) dan kesalahan penulisan tataran Ejaan terdapat 29 kesalahan, meliputi: 24 kesalahan penggunaan kata baku, dua kesalahan pada penggunaan huruf kapital, satu kesalahan penggunaan tanda hubung, satu kesalahan penggunaan tanda baca koma, dan satu kesalahan penggunaan preposisi di

    Differences in Learning Indonesian Literature in the 2013 Curriculum and the Independence Curriculum in Junior High Schools in Indonesia

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    Before the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia had been implementing the 2013 curriculum for primary and secondary schools. However, in response to the pandemic’s impact, Indonesia later shifted to an independent curriculum for primary and secondary schools. This study aims to elucidate the differences in learning Indonesian literature between the 2013 curriculum and the independent curriculum in Indonesian Junior High Schools. The research adopts a qualitative descriptive approach, employing data collection techniques such as document analysis and interviews with informants. Method triangulation is used to ensure data validity. Data analysis comprises data reduction, data analysis, and data presentation. The findings of the study reveal that under the 2013 curriculum, learning Indonesian literature was structured through a learning implementation plan (RPP). This plan encompassed core competencies, basic competencies, competency achievement indicators, learning objectives, approaches, models, and learning methods, as well as learning media, resources, steps, and assessment methods. On the other hand, the independent curriculum utilized a learning module, incorporating learning outcomes, learning objectives, approaches, models, and learning methods, as well as learning media, resources, student profiles of Pancasila (Indonesia’s national ideology), learning steps, and assessment methods. Notably, in the context of the independent curriculum, teachers are required to conduct diagnostic assessments and employ differentiated learning strategies to cater to individual student needs. Keywords: differences in learning Indonesian literature, 2013 curriculum, independence curriculu

    Analisis kesalahan berbahasa tataran sintaksis pada pidato Presiden Jokowi dalam Sidang Umum PBB

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    The purpose of this research is (1) to describe the speaking errors in terms in the syntax on a speech the President Jokowi of the UN general assembly contained in the portal news Kompas.com Edition 23 September 2020 (2) to provide improvements in the syntax to the speech of the President Jokowi of the UN general assembly contained in the portal news Kompas.com Edition of 23 December 2020. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data techniques used is the technique of intensive reading and technique of note. The results of the error in terms of the syntax show that the error in terms most found on the type of error the use of excessive or redundant. In addition, there is also a type of error in another language i.e. the use of prepositions that is not appropriate,  a double, the omission of conjunctions, the use of conjunctions excessive, and the use of foreign term

    Peranti Kohesi Gramatikal Dan Leksikal Pada Tulisan Deskripsi Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Dan Relevansinya Sebagai Materi Ajar Bahasa Indonesia

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    : The purposes of this researh are to describe: (1) the cohesive devices applied in students\u27 descriptive writing, (2) the mistakes in cohesive devices applied in students\u27 descriptive writing, (3) the sources of mistakes in applying cohesive devices in students\u27 descriptive writing; and (4) the solutions to overcome mistakes in applying cohesive devices in students\u27 descriptive writing. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method using content analysis approach. The result of the research indicates mistakes in applying cohesive devices in terms of both grammatical and lexical. Grammatical cohesive devices include 18 references, 2 substitutions, 2 ellipsis, and 11 conjunctions. The lexical cohesive devices include 4 repetitions, 1 synonyms, 2 antonyms, and 1 hyponyms.The mistakes in applying cohesive decives involve repetitive use of substitutions and ellipsis, and students tend to put a conjunction in the beginning of a sentence, e. g. "and", "which", "in", and "when"
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