335 research outputs found

    Design guide for high pressure oxygen systems

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    A repository for critical and important detailed design data and information, hitherto unpublished, along with significant data on oxygen reactivity phenomena with metallic and nonmetallic materials in moderate to very high pressure environments is documented. This data and information provide a ready and easy to use reference for the guidance of designers of propulsion, power, and life support systems for use in space flight. The document is also applicable to designs for industrial and civilian uses of high pressure oxygen systems. The information presented herein are derived from data and design practices involving oxygen usage at pressures ranging from about 20 psia to 8000 psia equal with thermal conditions ranging from room temperatures up to 500 F

    Emission-Line Properties of z > 4 Quasars

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    We present results of a program of high signal-to-noise spectroscopy for 44 QSOs at redshifts > 4 using the MMT and Keck observatories. The quasar spectra cover 1100 -- 1700 A in the rest frame for sources spanning a luminosity range of approximately 2 orders of magnitude. Comparisons between these data and spectra of lower redshift quasars reveal a high degree of similarity, although differences are present in the profiles and the strengths of some emission features. An examination of the luminosity dependence of the emission lines reveals evidence for a weak or absent Baldwin effect among z > 4 QSOs. We compare measurements for objects in our sample with results from other high redshift surveys characterized by different selection techniques. Distributions of equivalent widths for these different ensembles are consistent with a common parent population, suggesting that our sample is not strongly biased, or in any case, subject to selection effects that are not significantly different from other surveys, including the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Based on this comparison, we tentatively conclude that the trends identified here are representative of high z QSOs. In particular, the data bolster indications of supersolar metallicities in these luminous, high-z sources, which support scenarios that assume substantial star formation at epochs preceding or concurrent with the QSO phenomena.Comment: 26 pages (incl. 9 figures), AASTeX v5.0, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Direct determination of quasar redshifts

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    We present observations of 11 quasars, selected in the range z = 2.2-4.1, obtained with ESA's Superconducting Tunnel Junction (STJ) camera on the WHT. Using a single template quasar spectrum, we show that we can determine the redshifts of these objects to about 1%. A follow-up spectroscopic observation of one QSO for which our best-fit redshift (z = 2.976) differs significantly from the tentative literature value (z ~ 2.30) confirms that the latter was incorrect.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; uses aa.cls, psfig.sty, natbib.sty; accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    A contemporaneous infrared flash from a long gamma-ray burst: an echo from the central engine

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    The explosion that results in a cosmic gamma-ray burst (GRB) is thought to produce emission from two physical processes -- the activity of the central engine gives rise to the high-energy emission of the burst through internal shocking and the subsequent interaction of the flow with the external environment produces long-wavelength afterglow. While afterglow observations continue to refine our understanding of GRB progenitors and relativistic shocks, gamma-ray observations alone have not yielded a clear picture of the origin of the prompt emission nor details of the central engine. Only one concurrent visible-light transient has been found and was associated with emission from an external shock. Here we report the discovery of infrared (IR) emission contemporaneous with a GRB, beginning 7.2 minutes after the onset of GRB 041219a. Our robotic telescope acquired 21 images during the active phase of the burst, yielding the earliest multi-colour observations of any long-wavelength emission associated with a GRB. Analysis of an initial IR pulse suggests an origin consistent with internal shocks. This opens a new possibility to study the central engine of GRBs with ground-based observations at long wavelengths.Comment: Accepted to Nature on March 1, 2005. 9 pages, 4 figures, nature12.cls and nature1.cls files included. This paper is under press embargo until print publicatio

    Discovery of the Optical Transient of the Gamma Ray Burst 990308

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    The optical transient of the faint Gamma Ray Burst 990308 was detected by the QUEST camera on the Venezuelan 1-m Schmidt telescope starting 3.28 hours after the burst. Our photometry gives V=18.32±0.07V = 18.32 \pm 0.07, R=18.14±0.06R = 18.14 \pm 0.06, B=18.65±0.23B = 18.65 \pm 0.23, and R=18.22±0.05R = 18.22 \pm 0.05 for times ranging from 3.28 to 3.47 hours after the burst. The colors correspond to a spectral slope of close to fΜ∝Μ1/3f_{\nu} \propto \nu^{1/3}. Within the standard synchrotron fireball model, this requires that the external medium be less dense than 104cm−310^{4} cm^{-3}, the electrons contain >20> 20% of the shock energy, and the magnetic field energy must be less than 24% of the energy in the electrons for normal interstellar or circumstellar densities. We also report upper limits of V>12.0V > 12.0 at 132 s (with LOTIS), V>13.4V > 13.4 from 132-1029s (with LOTIS), V>15.3V > 15.3 at 28.2 min (with Super-LOTIS), and a 8.5 GHz flux of <114ÎŒJy< 114 \mu Jy at 110 days (with the Very Large Array). WIYN 3.5-m and Keck 10-m telescopes reveal this location to be empty of any host galaxy to R>25.7R > 25.7 and K>23.3K > 23.3. The lack of a host galaxy likely implies that it is either substantially subluminous or more distant than a red shift of ∌1.2\sim 1.2.Comment: ApJ Lett submitted, 5 pages, 2 figures, no space for 12 coauthor

    The Team Keck Treasury Redshift Survey of the GOODS-North Field

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    We report the results of an extensive imaging and spectroscopic survey in the GOODS-North field completed using DEIMOS on the Keck II telescope. Observations of 2018 targets in a magnitude-limited sample of 2911 objects to R=24.4 yield secure redshifts for a sample of 1440 galaxies and AGN plus 96 stars. In addition to redshifts and associated quality assessments, our catalog also includes photometric and astrometric measurements for all targets detected in our R-band imaging survey of the GOODS-North region. We investigate various sources of incompleteness and find the redshift catalog to be 53% complete at its limiting magnitude. The median redshift of z=0.65 is lower than in similar deep surveys because we did not select against low-redshift targets. Comparison with other redshift surveys in the same field, including a complementary Hawaii-led DEIMOS survey, establishes that our velocity uncertainties are as low as 40 km/s for red galaxies and that our redshift confidence assessments are accurate. The distributions of rest-frame magnitudes and colors among the sample agree well with model predictions out to and beyond z=1. We will release all survey data, including extracted 1-D and sky-subtracted 2-D spectra, thus providing a sizable and homogeneous database for the GOODS-North field which will enable studies of large scale structure, spectral indices, internal galaxy kinematics, and the predictive capabilities of photometric redshifts.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures, submitted to AJ; v2 minor changes; see survey database at http://www2.keck.hawaii.edu/realpublic/science/tksurvey

    Searches for the Shell Swept up by the Stellar Wind from Cyg OB2

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    We investigated the kinematics of ionized gas in an extended (20 degrees by 15 degrees) region containing the X-ray Superbubble in Cygnus with the aim of finding the shell swept up by a strong wind from Cyg OB2. H-alpha observations were carried out with high angular and spectral resolutions using a Fabry-Perot interferometer attached to the 125-cm telescope at the Crimean Observatory of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute. We detected high-velocity gas motions, which could result from the expansion of the hypothetical shell at a velocity of 25-50 km/s. Given the number of OB stars increased by Knoedlseder (2000) by an order of magnitude, Cyg OB2 is shown to possess a wind that is strong enough [Lw ~= (1-2)x10^39 erg/s] to produce a shell comparable in size to the X-ray Superbubble and to a giant system of optical filaments. Based on our measurements and on X-ray and infrared observations, we discuss possible observational manifestations of the shell swept up by the wind.Comment: 14 pages, Astronomy Letter

    Discovery of the optical transient of GRB 990308

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    The optical transient of the faint gamma-ray burst GRB 990308 was detected by the QUEST camera on the Venezuelan 1 m Schmidt telescope starting 3.28 hr after the burst. Our photometry gives V= 18.32 ± 0.07, R = 18.14 ± 0.06, B = 18.65 ± 0.23, and R = 18.22 ± 0.05 for times ranging from 3.28 to 3.47 hr after the burst. The colors correspond to a spectral slope of close to fv ∝ v1/3. Within the standard synchrotron fireball model, this requires that the external medium be less dense than 104 cm-3, the electrons contain more than 20% of the shock energy, and the magnetic field energy be less than 24% of the energy in the electrons for normal interstellar or circumstellar densities. We also report upper limits of V \u3e 12.0 at 132 s (with LOTIS), V \u3e 13.4 from 132 to 1029 s (with LOTIS), V \u3e 15.3 at 28.2 minutes (with Super-LOTIS), and a 8.5 GHz flux of less than 114 ÎŒJy at 110 days (with the Very Large Array). Wisconsin-Indiana-Yale-NOAO 3.5 m and Keck 10 m telescopes reveal this location to be empty of any host galaxy to R \u3e 25.7 and K \u3e 23.3. The lack of a host galaxy likely implies that it is either substantially subluminous or more distant than a redshift of ∌1.2

    Association of polygenic risk score with the risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis

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    Inherited loci have been found to be associated with risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). A combined polygenic risk score (PRS) of representative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from these loci may improve risk prediction over individual SNPs. Herein, we evaluated the association of a PRS with CLL risk and its precursor, monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis (MBL). We assessed its validity and discriminative ability in an independent sample and evaluated effect modification and confounding by family history (FH) of hematological cancers. For discovery, we pooled genotype data on 41 representative SNPs from 1499 CLL and 2459 controls from the InterLymph Consortium. For validation, we used data from 1267 controls from Mayo Clinic and 201 CLL, 95 MBL, and 144 controls with a FH of CLL from the Genetic Epidemiology of CLL Consortium. We used odds ratios (ORs) to estimate disease associations with PRS and c-statistics to assess discriminatory accuracy. In InterLymph, the continuous PRS was strongly associated with CLL risk (OR, 2.49; P 5 4.4310294). We replicated these findings in the Genetic Epidemiology of CLL Consortium and Mayo controls (OR, 3.02; P 5 7.8 3 10230) and observed high discrimination (c-statistic 5 0.78). When jointly modeled with FH, PRS retained its significance, along with FH status. Finally, we found a highly significant association of the continuous PRS with MBL risk (OR, 2.81; P 5 9.8 310216). In conclusion, our validated PRS was strongly associated with CLL risk, adding information beyond FH.The PRS provides a means of identifying those individuals at greater risk for CLL as well as those at increased risk of MBL, a condition that has potential clinical impact beyond CLL
