33 research outputs found
Precision Electron Measurements in the Solar Wind at 1 au from NASA's Wind Spacecraft
This work aims to characterize precisely and systematically the non-thermal
characteristics of the electron Velocity Distribution Function (eVDF) in the
solar wind at 1 au using data from the Wind spacecraft. We present a
comprehensive statistical analysis of solar wind electrons at 1 au using the
electron analyzers of the 3D-Plasma instrument on board Wind. This work uses a
sophisticated algorithm developed to analyze and characterize separately the
three populations - core, halo and strahl - of the eVDF up to 2 keV. The eVDF
data are calibrated using independent electron parameters obtained from the
quasi-thermal noise around the electron plasma frequency measured by the
Thermal Noise Receiver. The code determines the respective set of total
electron, core, halo and strahl parameters through non-linear least-square fits
to the measured eVDF, taking properly into account spacecraft charging and
other instrumental effects. We use four years, ~ 280000 independent
measurements of core, halo and strahl parameters to investigate the statistical
properties of these different populations in the solar wind. We discuss the
distributions of their respective densities, drift velocities, temperature, and
temperature anisotropies as functions of solar wind speed. We also show
distributions with solar wind speed of the total density, temperature,
temperature anisotropy and heat flux, as well as those of the proton
temperature, proton-to-electron temperature ratio, proton and electron beta.
Intercorrelations between some of these parameters are also discussed. The
present dataset represents the largest, high-precision, collection of electron
measurements in the pristine solar wind at 1~AU. It provides a new wealth of
information on electron microphysics. Its large volume will enable future
statistical studies of parameter combinations and their dependencies under
different plasma conditions.Comment: total of 21 pages, 17 figures, 1 appendix and 7 table
Proton Heating in Solar Wind Compressible Turbulence with Collisions between Counter-propagating Waves
Magnetohydronamic turbulence is believed to play a crucial role in heating
the laboratorial, space, and astrophysical plasmas. However, the precise
connection between the turbulent fluctuations and the particle kinetics has not
yet been established. Here we present clear evidence of plasma turbulence
heating based on diagnosed wave features and proton velocity distributions from
solar wind measurements by the Wind spacecraft. For the first time, we can
report the simultaneous observation of counter-propagating magnetohydrodynamic
waves in the solar wind turbulence. Different from the traditional paradigm
with counter-propagating Alfv\'en waves, anti-sunward Alfv\'en waves (AWs) are
encountered by sunward slow magnetosonic waves (SMWs) in this new type of solar
wind compressible turbulence. The counter-propagating AWs and SWs correspond
respectively to the dominant and sub-dominant populations of the imbalanced
Els\"asser variables. Nonlinear interactions between the AWs and SMWs are
inferred from the non-orthogonality between the possible oscillation direction
of one wave and the possible propagation direction of the other. The associated
protons are revealed to exhibit bi-directional asymmetric beams in their
velocity distributions: sunward beams appearing in short and narrow patterns
and anti-sunward broad extended tails. It is suggested that multiple types of
wave-particle interactions, i.e., cyclotron and Landau resonances with AWs and
SMWs at kinetic scales, are taking place to jointly heat the protons
perpendicularly and parallel
Self-induced Scattering of Strahl Electrons in the Solar Wind
We investigate the scattering of strahl electrons by microinstabilities as a
mechanism for creating the electron halo in the solar wind. We develop a
mathematical framework for the description of electron-driven
microinstabilities and discuss the associated physical mechanisms. We find that
an instability of the oblique fast-magnetosonic/whistler (FM/W) mode is the
best candidate for a microinstability that scatters strahl electrons into the
halo. We derive approximate analytic expressions for the FM/W instability
threshold in two different regimes, where is the ratio of the core electrons' thermal pressure to the magnetic
pressure, and confirm the accuracy of these thresholds through comparison with
numerical solutions to the hot-plasma dispersion relation. We find that the
strahl-driven oblique FM/W instability creates copious FM/W waves under
low- conditions when ,
where is the strahl speed and is the thermal
speed of the core electrons. These waves have a frequency of about half the
local electron gyrofrequency. We also derive an analytic expression for the
oblique FM/W instability for . The comparison of our
theoretical results with data from the \emph{Wind} spacecraft confirms the
relevance of the oblique FM/W instability for the solar wind. The whistler
heat-flux, ion-acoustic heat-flux, kinetic-Alfv\'en-wave heat-flux, and
electrostatic electron-beam instabilities cannot fulfill the requirements for
self-induced scattering of strahl electrons into the halo. We make predictions
for the electron strahl close to the Sun, which will be tested by measurements
from \emph{Parker Solar Probe} and \emph{Solar Orbiter}.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure
Interplay between intermittency and dissipation in collisionless plasma turbulence
We study the damping of collisionless Alfv\'enic turbulence by two
mechanisms: stochastic heating (whose efficiency depends on the local
turbulence amplitude ) and linear Landau damping (whose
efficiency is independent of ), describing in detail how they
affect and are affected by intermittency. The overall efficiency of linear
Landau damping is not affected by intermittency in critically balanced
turbulence, while stochastic heating is much more efficient in the presence of
intermittent turbulence. Moreover, stochastic heating leads to a drop in the
scale-dependent kurtosis over a narrow range of scales around the ion
gyroscale.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, accepted to JP
The statistical properties of solar wind temperature parameters near 1 AU
We present a long-duration (10 years) statistical analysis of the
temperatures, plasma betas, and temperature ratios for the electron, proton,
and alpha-particle populations observed by the \emph{Wind} spacecraft near 1
AU. The mean(median) scalar temperatures are
12.2(11.9) eV, 12.7(8.6) eV, and
23.9(10.8) eV. The mean(median) total
plasma betas are 2.31(1.09),
1.79(1.05), and 0.17(0.05). The mean(median) temperature ratios are
1.24(0.82), and
2.50(1.94). We also examined these parameters during time intervals that
exclude interplanetary (IP) shocks, times within the magnetic obstacles (MOs)
of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs), and times that exclude MOs.
The only times that show significant alterations to any of the parameters
examined are those during MOs. In fact, the only parameter that does not show a
significant change during MOs is the electron temperature. Although each
parameter shows a broad range of values, the vast majority are near the median.
We also compute particle-particle collision rates and compare to effective
wave-particle collision rates. We find that, for reasonable assumptions of wave
amplitude and occurrence rates, the effect of wave-particle interactions on the
plasma is equal to or greater than the effect of Coulomb collisions. Thus,
wave-particle interactions should not be neglected when modeling the solar
wind.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, 6 tables, submitted to Astrophys. J. Suppl. on
Jan. 30, 201
Electron Energy Partition across Interplanetary Shocks. III. Analysis
An analysis of model fit results of 15,210 electron velocity distribution functions (VDFs), observed within 2 hr of 52 interplanetary (IP) shocks by the Wind spacecraft near 1 au, is presented as the third and final part on electron VDFs near IP shocks. The core electrons and protons dominate in the magnitude and change in the partial-to-total thermal pressure ratio, with the core electrons often gaining as much or more than the protons. Only a moderate positive correlation is observed between the electron temperature and the kinetic energy change across the shock, while weaker, if any, correlations were found with any other macroscopic shock parameter. No VDF parameter correlated with the shock normal angle. The electron VDF evolves from a narrowly peaked core with flaring suprathermal tails in the upstream to either a slightly hotter core with steeper tails or much hotter flattop core with even steeper tails downstream of the weaker and strongest shocks, respectively. Both quasi-static and fluctuating fields are examined as possible mechanisms modifying the VDF, but neither is sufficient alone. For instance, flattop VDFs can be generated by nonlinear ion acoustic wave stochastic acceleration (i.e., inelastic collisions), while other work suggested they result from the combination of quasi-static and fluctuating fields. This three-part study shows that not only are these systems not thermodynamic in nature; even kinetic models may require modification to include things like inelastic collision operators to properly model electron VDF evolution across shocks or in the solar wind.Peer reviewe
Electron Energy Partition across Interplanetary Shocks. II. Statistics
A statistical analysis of 15,210 electron velocity distribution function (VDF) fits, observed within +/- 2 hr of 52 interplanetary (IP) shocks by the Wind spacecraft near 1 au, is presented. This is the second in a three-part series on electron VDFs near IP shocks. The electron velocity moment statistics for the dense, low-energy core, tenuous, hot halo, and field-aligned beam/strahl are a statistically significant list of values illustrated with both histograms and tabular lists for reference and baselines in future work. Given the large statistics in this investigation, the beam/strahl fit results in the upstream are now the most comprehensive attempt to parameterize the beam/strahl electron velocity moments in the ambient solar wind. The median density, temperature, beta, and temperature anisotropy values for the core(halo)[beam/strahl] components, with subscripts ec(eh)[eb], of all fit results, respectively, are n(ec(h)[b]) similar to 11.3(0.36)[0.17] cm(-3), T-ec(h)[b],T-tot similar to 14.6(48.4)[40.2] eV, beta(ec(h)[b],tot) similar to 0.93(0.11)[0.05], and Alpha(ec(h)[b]) similar to 0.98(1.03)[0.93]. This work will also serve as a 1 au baseline and reference for missions like Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter.Peer reviewe
Electron Energy Partition across Interplanetary Shocks. I. Methodology and Data Product
Analyses of 15,314 electron velocity distribution functions (VDFs) within +/- 2 hr of 52 interplanetary (IP) shocks observed by the Wind spacecraft near 1 au are introduced. The electron VDFs are fit to the sum of three model functions for the cold dense core, hot tenuous halo, and field-aligned beam/strahl component. The best results were found by modeling the core as either a bi-kappa or a symmetric (or asymmetric) bi-self-similar VDF, while both the halo and beam/strahl components were best fit to bi-kappa VDF. This is the first statistical study to show that the core electron distribution is better fit to a self-similar VDF than a bi-Maxwellian under all conditions. The self-similar distribution deviation from a Maxwellian is a measure of inelasticity in particle scattering from waves and/or turbulence. The ranges of values defined by the lower and upper quartiles for the kappa exponents are k(ec) similar to 5.40-10.2 for the core, k(eh) similar to 3.58-5.34 for the halo, and k(eb) similar to 3.40-5.16 for the beam/strahl. The lower-to-upper quartile range of symmetric bi-self-similar core exponents is s(ec) similar to 2.00-2.04, and those of asymmetric bi-self-similar core exponents are p(ec) similar to 2.20-4.00 for the parallel exponent and q(ec) similar to 2.00-2.46 for the perpendicular exponent. The nuanced details of the fit procedure and description of resulting data product are also presented. The statistics and detailed analysis of the results are presented in Paper II and Paper III of this three-part study.Peer reviewe
A New Technique for the Calculation and 3D Visualisation of Magnetic Complexities on Solar Satellite Images
YesIn this paper, we introduce two novel models for processing real-life satellite images to quantify and then
visualise their magnetic structures in 3D. We believe this multidisciplinary work is a real convergence between
image processing, 3D visualization and solar physics. The first model aims to calculate the value of the magnetic
complexity in active regions and the solar disk. A series of experiments are carried out using this model and a
relationship has been indentified between the calculated magnetic complexity values and solar flare events. The
second model aims to visualise the calculated magnetic complexities in 3D colour maps in order to identify the
locations of eruptive regions on the Sun. Both models demonstrate promising results and they can be potentially
used in the fields of solar imaging, space weather and solar flare prediction and forecasting