74 research outputs found

    Reachability under Contextual Locking

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    The pairwise reachability problem for a multi-threaded program asks, given control locations in two threads, whether they can be simultaneously reached in an execution of the program. The problem is important for static analysis and is used to detect statements that are concurrently enabled. This problem is in general undecidable even when data is abstracted and when the threads (with recursion) synchronize only using a finite set of locks. Popular programming paradigms that limit the lock usage patterns have been identified under which the pairwise reachability problem becomes decidable. In this paper, we consider a new natural programming paradigm, called contextual locking, which ties the lock usage to calling patterns in each thread: we assume that locks are released in the same context that they were acquired and that every lock acquired by a thread in a procedure call is released before the procedure returns. Our main result is that the pairwise reachability problem is polynomial-time decidable for this new programming paradigm as well. The problem becomes undecidable if the locks are reentrant; reentrant locking is a \emph{recursive locking} mechanism which allows a thread in a multi-threaded program to acquire the reentrant lock multiple times.Comment: A preliminary version appears in TACAS 201

    The Complexity of Quantitative Information Flow in Recursive Programs

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    Information-theoretic measures based upon mutual information can be employed to quantify the information that an execution of a program reveals about its secret inputs. The information leakage bounding problem asks whether the information leaked by a program does not exceed a given threshold. We consider this problem for two scenarios: a) the outputs of the program are revealed, and b)the timing (measured in the number of execution steps) of the program is revealed. For both scenarios, we establish complexity results in the context of deterministic boolean programs, both for programs with and without recursion. In particular, we prove that for recursive programs the information leakage bounding problem is no harder than checking reachability

    Automated verification of equivalence properties of cryptographic protocols

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comInternational audienceIndistinguishability properties are essential in formal verification of cryptographic protocols. They are needed to model anonymity of cryptographic protocols. They are needed to model anonymity properties, strong versions of confidentiality and resistance to offline guessing attacks, and can be conveniently modeled using process equivalences. We present a novel procedure to verify equivalence properties for bounded number of sessions. Our procedure is able to verify trace equivalence for determinate cryptographic protocols. On determinate protocols, trace equivalence coincides with observational equivalence which can therefore be automatically verified for such processes. When protocols are not determinate our procedure can be used for both under- and over-approximations of trace equivalence, which proved successful on examples. The procedure can handle a large set of cryptographic primitives, namely those which can be modeled by an optimally reducing convergent rewrite system. Although, we were unable to prove its termination, it has been implemented in a prototype tool and has been effectively tested on examples, some of which were outside the scope of existing tools

    Model Checking Concurrent Programs with Nondeterminism and Randomization

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    For concurrent probabilistic programs having process-level nondeterminism, it is often necessary to restrict the class of schedulers that resolve nondeterminism to obtain sound and precise model checking algorithms. In this paper, we introduce two classes of schedulers called view consistent and locally Markovian schedulers and consider the model checking problem of concurrent, probabilistic programs under these alternate semantics. Specifically, given a B"{u}chi automaton SpecSpec, a threshold xx in [0,1][0,1], and a concurrent program PP, the model checking problem asks if the measure of computations of PP that satisfy SpecSpec is at least xx, under all view consistent (or locally Markovian) schedulers. We give precise complexity results for the model checking problem (for different classes of B"{u}chi automata specifications) and contrast it with the complexity under the standard semantics that considers all schedulers

    Composing protocols with randomized actions

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    Recently, several composition results have been established, showing that two cryptographic protocols proven secure against a Dolev-Yao adversary continue to afford the same security guarantees when composed together, provided the protocol messages are tagged with the information of which protocol they belong to. The key technical tool used to establish this guarantee is a separation result which shows that any attack on the composition can be mapped to an attack on one of the composed protocols running in isolation. We consider the composition of protocols which, in addition to using cryptographic primitives, also employ randomization within the protocol to achieve their goals. We show that if the protocols never reveal a secret with a probability greater than a given threshold, then neither does their composition, given that protocol messages are tagged with the information of which protocol they belong to.Ope

    Automated Verification of Equivalence Properties of Cryptographic Protocols

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    Indistinguishability properties are essential in formal verification of cryptographic protocols. They are needed to model anonymity properties, strong versions of confidentiality and resistance against offline guessing attacks, which can be conveniently modeled using process equivalences. We present a novel procedure to verify equivalence properties for a bounded number of sessions of cryptographic protocols. As in the applied pi-calculus, our protocol specification language is parametrized by a first-order sorted term signature and an equational theory which allows formalization of algebraic properties of cryptographic primitives. Our procedure is able to verify trace equivalence for determi-nate cryptographic protocols. On determinate protocols, trace equivalence coincides with observational equivalence which can therefore be automatically verified for such processes. When protocols are not determinate our procedure can be used for both under-and over-approximations of trace equivalence, which proved successful on examples. The procedure can handle a large set of cryptographic primitives, namely those that can be modeled by an optimally reducing convergent rewrite system. The procedure is based on a fully abstract modelling of the traces of a bounded number of sessions of the protocols into first-order Horn clauses on which a dedicated resolution procedure is used to decide equivalence properties. We have shown that our procedure terminates for the class of subterm convergent equational theories. Moreover, the procedure has been implemented in a prototype tool A-KiSs (Active Knowledge in Security Protocols) and has been effectively tested on examples. Some of the examples were outside the scope of existing tools, including checking anonymity of an electronic voting protocol

    Verification Methods for the Computationally Complete Symbolic Attacker Based on Indistinguishability

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    In recent years, a new approach has been developed for verifying security protocols with the aim of combining the benefits of symbolic attackers and the benefits of unconditional soundness: the technique of the computationally complete symbolic attacker of Bana and Comon (BC). In this paper we argue that the real breakthrough of this technique is the recent introduction of its version for indistinguishability because, with the extensions we introduce here, for the first time, there is a computationally sound symbolic technique that is syntactically strikingly simple, to which translating standard computational security notions is a straightforward matter, and that can be effectively used for verification of not only equivalence properties, but trace properties of protocols as well. We first fully develop the core elements of this newer version by introducing several new axioms. We illustrate the power and the diverse use of the introduced axioms on simple examples first. We introduce an axiom expressing the Decisional Diffie-Hellman property. We analyze the Diffie-Hellman key exchange, both in its simplest form and an authenticated version as well. We provide computationally sound verification of real-or-random secrecy of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol for multiple sessions, without any restrictions on the computational implementation other than the DDH assumption. We also show authentication for a simplified version of the station-to-station protocol using UF-CMA assumption for digital signatures. Finally, we axiomatize IND-CPA, IND-CCA1 and IND-CCA2 security properties and illustrate their usage

    Deciding Differential Privacy of Online Algorithms with Multiple Variables

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    We consider the problem of checking the differential privacy of online randomized algorithms that process a stream of inputs and produce outputs corresponding to each input. This paper generalizes an automaton model called DiP automata (See arXiv:2104.14519) to describe such algorithms by allowing multiple real-valued storage variables. A DiP automaton is a parametric automaton whose behavior depends on the privacy budget ϵ\epsilon. An automaton AA will be said to be differentially private if, for some D\mathfrak{D}, the automaton is Dϵ\mathfrak{D}\epsilon-differentially private for all values of ϵ>0\epsilon>0. We identify a precise characterization of the class of all differentially private DiP automata. We show that the problem of determining if a given DiP automaton belongs to this class is PSPACE-complete. Our PSPACE algorithm also computes a value for D\mathfrak{D} when the given automaton is differentially private. The algorithm has been implemented, and experiments demonstrating its effectiveness are presented