41 research outputs found


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    Due to the ease and low cost of implementation, a commonly used method of determining the humus content in soils is the loss-on-ignition (LOI) method. Several regression equations and transformation factors are reported for LOI conversion to soil organic matter (SOM) or total organic carbon (TOC) content. The vast majority of the conversion factors have been developed for surface horizons of lowland soils, while there are only few findings from the mountainous areas. 476 mineral and 79 organic (forest litter) samples from 31 soil profiles located in different altitude zones of the Karkonosze Mountains and under different vegetation were used for analysis. LOI was determined by the drying-weighing method and TOC by the dry combustion method with CO2 absorption. The average LOI/TOC ratio was about 2, but varied in accordance to LOI value. At the LOI value above 8–10%, the LOI/TOC is maintained at a constant level of 2.0, but with a decreasing LOI it may significantly extend, up to 20 at LOI <1%. In the mountain soils, the best compatibility of TOC determined and estimated based on LOI was obtained when using different conversion factors ( 7.3, 5.0, 3.1 and 2.0) for the four LOI ranges (0–2, 2–4, 4–8, and > 8%, respectively) or when using separate regression equations for LOI of <8 and >8%. Because of huge TOC overestimation by LOI method at LOI values lower than 8–10%, the conversion LOI to TOC is not recommended, unless the direct measurement of TOC content is currently unavailable (e.g. in archival databases).

    Technogenic soils – soils of the year 2020 in Poland. Concept, properties and classification of technogenic soils in Poland

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    The Soil Science Society of Poland has elected technogenic soils to be the Soils of the Year 2020 to highlight the growing understanding of the functions of human-created or signifi cantly human-transformed soils in urban and industrial agglomerations, inhabited by the majority of the human population. Technogenic soils differ greatly in their morphology and physicochemical properties, depending on the kind/way of human intervention and the anthropogenic parent material. Thus, technogenic soils may either form highly productive horticular or park habitats, or unproductive or even toxic sites, which urgently require remediation. This introductory paper presents (a) a history of defi ning and classifi cation of technogenic soils in Poland, (b) present concept of technogenic soils in the Polish Soil Classifi cation and crucial diagnostics, and (c) a brief review of the subtypes and varieties of technogenic soils, including their recognition in formerly published research reports and correlations with the FAO-WRB classifi cation. The Polish Soil Classifi cation has extended the soil defi nition to allow classifying soils on buildings and other constructions, and has defi ned artefacts, geomembrane, hard technogenic layer, thick dumped material and deep soil mixing - new diagnostic properties important for distinguishing and classifi cation of technogenic soils. The type of Technogenic soils includes seven principal subtypes, i.e., Ekranosols, Urbisols, Industriosols, Edifi sols, Constructosols, Aggerosols, and Turbisols, as well as three supplementary subtypes, i.e., humus, gleyed and stagno-gleyed


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    This paper describes the fractions of humus compounds present in the organic and mineral horizons of the forest soils in the area of the Karkonosze Mountains. Soil profiles that represented the mountain Podzols and Dystric Cambisol were located on the northern slope along an altitude gradient from 890 to 1255 m a.s.l. Two soils were located under the spruce forest, and one in the subalpine meadow. Soil samples were taken both from the surface organic layers (the ectohumus layer) and from the mineral horizons. Fractionation of humus compounds was made using the modified Turin method. The soils had the texture of loamy sand and sandy loam, an acidic or strongly acidic reaction, low base saturation, and the predomination of aluminum among exchangeable cations. A significant increase in the fulvic fraction (Ia) with depth in the soil profiles was observed that confirmed the high mobility of this fraction in the acid mountain soils, higher in the forest soils, and lower in the meadow soils. The content of fraction I decreased generally with depth in the soil profile; however, a secondary increase was observed in an illuvial Bh horizon of the Podzols. Fulvic acids predominated over the humic acids and this predominance increased with depth in the soil profile. The ratio of the humic to the fulvic acids in fraction I in the ectohumus horizons was influenced by the composition of a biomass inflow. TheCHA:CFA ratio had the highest values under a spruce forest compared to a mixed stand and a subalpine meadow. In the surface horizons of the forest soils, a predominance of humic over fulvic acids was always observed, while in the subalpine meadow soils, the fulvic acids predominated over the humic acids in all soil horizons. Based on this study, it can be stated that thevegetation type and the dominant soil-forming process rather than simply climate factors influence the fractional composition of humus in the mountain soils of the Karkonosze Mountains

    Spatial distribution of lead in the surface layers of mountain forest soils, an example from the Karkonosze National Park, Poland

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    ), and correlated strongly with the stocks of organic matter, both being significantly higher in the lowest altitudinal zone (500-750 m a.s.l.) compared to the highest zone (1250-1380 m a.s.l.). Nevertheless, there was no simple correlation of Pb pools vs. altitude. The largest pools of Pb are stored in the layer 0-10 cm. The pools of accumulated Pb determined in this study are much higher than those assessed on the basis of available data on former and present Pb deposition rates. These findings may be assigned to a seeder-feeder effect and horizontal transport of pollutants. The highest amounts of Pb were identified in three distinct areas (hot spots), in particular in the vicinities of mountain passes, which may be explained by meteorological factors as well as by the influence of local pollution

    Studies of technogenic soils in Poland: past, present, and future perspectives

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    For a long time, the soils covering areas strongly transformed by human were ignored in scientifi c discourse. Also, practice did not care much about these soils because of their unproductivity. Only the large post-mining areas reclaimed and transformed into a forest or agricultural land were more interesting both for science and practice. In the case of post-mining areas the term “soilless land” was used for a long time, especially in relation to areas which were not reclaimed. In this paper, the past studies (until the end of 20th century) of technogenic soils in Poland were described. Technogenic soils of urban and industrial areas appeared in scientifi c considerations in Poland in the second half of the 20th century. In those times, soil properties on disposal sites were mainly investigated as a basic information for further design of technical and biological reclamation on disposal sites. Two Polish scientists should be emphasised as the world pioneers in concepts and studies of technogenic soils: (1) Michał Strzemski, who proposed a classifi cation scheme for soils in urban and industrial areas, as well as listed the tasks for future studies of these soils, and (2) Tadeusz Skawina, who focused on the dynamic and directions of the soil-forming processes on the mine spoils in the context of their reclamation. Moreover, studies of technogenic soils in the last two decades were also shown in the paper. From the beginning of the 21st century the scientifi c research gained momentum. Nowadays, Polish researchers have great achievements in studying technogenic soils, including investigation of their properties, genesis, evolution, classifi cation, biological features etc. Furthermore, we drew some outlines for future studies of Technosols

    Provenance and paleoenvironmental context of the Late Pleistocene thin aeolian silt mantles in southwestern Poland – A widespread parent material for soils

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    Thin loess deposits are widespread soil parent materials and important archives for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. The origin of loess in SW Poland is attributed to the Great Odra Valley (GOV), following the general concept that large rivers play a major role in regional silt supply. Yet, the precise provenance (glacier sources and/or local rocks) of silts, possibly deflated from dry GOV braided riverbeds, is not clear. Our study of thin and thick loess mantles in SW Poland for the first time indicates the provenance of thin loess based on mineralogical (MLA-SEM) and isotopic analyses (143Nd/144Nd, 87Sr/86Sr). Luminescence ages of five localities point to thin loess mantle formation during and shortly (23.0 to 17.7 ka yr) after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Our isotopic data indicate that thin loess deposits in SW Poland are the mixtures of two main components – local Sudetic and Scandinavian, the latter delivered by the Fennoscandian ice sheet (FIS). Also, detailed analyses of heavy minerals show that a single mineral (e.g., hornblende) may come from both Sudetic and Scandinavian sources. This research highlights the role of the (Pleistocene) GOV in collecting and homogenizing materials, while supplying the region with fine particles to be deflated by paleowinds from open surfaces. Anomalies in mineralogy and isotopic composition are connected with influence of Sudetic mountain rivers and locally blowing silt material by katabatic winds. Regional grain size differentiation of thin loess mantles explains transport distance and altitude. © 2021 The Author

    Based on FAO Guidelines for soil description (FAO, Rome, 2006) and WORLD REFERENCE BASE FOR SOIL RESOURCES 2014 lnternational soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps Update 2015

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    FulltextSoil investigation may be carried out on various levels of knowledge, research capacity and proficiency. Scientists commonly apply advanced methodology for soil resources inventory, including the professional terminology for landscape and soil description, data acquisition and processing, soil classification and mapping, soil and land evaluation. By default, an internationally accepted system should be recommended. An implementation of such methodology is also recommended in more advanced courses of soil science studies on bachelor and master study levels. However, the long-term teaching experience reveals difficulties connected mainly with complicated terminology and excessive number of characteristics obligatory to know, and justifies some simplification of the language, rules and structure at the introductory stage of teaching. This was the base and rationale for the preparation of simplified Guidelines for Soil Description and Classification: Central and Eastern European Students' Version. This book is divided into three parts. The first one - Site and soil description - follows the layout and content of professional edition of Guidelines for Soil Description, 4th ed., published by FAO (2005), simplified for educational purposes. The order of description has been modified to correspond to the layout of an original Soil description sheet. The second part - Soil classification - is a simplified WRB classification (based on a 2014/2015 edition) limited to reference soil groups known from Central Europe. The third part is an Illustrated explanatory guide that includes: i) examples of typical soil profiles for all Central European Reference Soil Groups; ii) morphological features important for soil description and identification in the field; iii) soil-landscape relationships. The photos have been enriched with graphical tips helpful at the recognizing of important soil features. The textbook was developed in the framework of EU Erasmus+ FACES project (Freely Accessible Central European Soil) aiming to facilitate the knowledge and implementation of an international rules of soil characterization adopted by the FAO. It will be used to unify the presentation of soil data collected in the partner countries. The interpretation of soil data fully based on the international soil classification WRB (World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2015) as WRB was endorsed by the lnternational Union of Soil Sciences (lUSS) and accepted by the European Commission as an official system for the European Union. Therefore, this guideline might be a starting point for preparation of basic teaching materials to spread the knowledge on an internationally recommended rules and terminology for soil description and classification. However, this guideline is designed as teaching tool for students in Central and Eastern European countries and therefore it may not be applicable worldwide. Moreover, it is suited for the "first step" training, and it is not substituting any professional original classification. Authors of this guidebook assume that the users are familiar with the basic knowledge in soil science. Therefore, the guidelines do not contain explanations related to basic soil forming factors, soil forming processes and basic physico-chemical features

    Guidelines for Soil Description and Classification Central and Eastern European Students’ Version.

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    Soil investigation may be carried out on various levels of knowledge, research capacity and proficiency. Scientists commonly apply advanced methodology for soil resources inventory, including the professional terminology for landscape and soil description, data acquisition and processing, soil classification and mapping, soil and land evaluation. By default, an internationally accepted system should be recommended. An implementation of such methodology is also recommended in more advanced courses of soil science studies on bachelor and master study levels. However, the long-term teaching experience reveals difficulties connected mainly with complicated terminology and excessive number of characteristics obligatory to know, and justifies some simplification of the language, rules and structure at the introductory stage of teaching. This was the base and rationale for the preparation of simplified Guidelines for Soil Description and Classification: Central and Eastern European Students’ Version. This book is divided into three parts. The first one – Site and soil description - follows the layout and content of professional edition of Guidelines for Soil Description, 4th ed., published by FAO (2006), simplified for educational purposes. The order of description has been modified to correspond to the layout of an original Soil description sheet. The second part - Soil classification - is a simplified WRB classification (based on a 2014/2015 edition) limited to reference soil groups known from Central Europe. The third part is an Illustrated explanatory guide that includes: i) examples of typical soil profiles for all Central European Reference Soil Groups; ii) morphological features important for soil description and identification in the field; iii) soil- landscape relationships. The photos have been enriched with graphical tips helpful at the recognizing of important soil features. The textbook was developed in the framework of EU Erasmus+ FACES project (Freely Accessible Central European Soil) aiming to facilitate the knowledge and implementation of an international rules of soil characterization adopted by the FAO. It will be used to unify the presentation of soil data collected in the partner countries. The interpretation of soil data fully based on the international soil classification WRB (World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2015) as WRB was endorsed by the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) and accepted by the European Commission as an official system for the European Union. Therefore, this guideline might be a starting point for preparation of basic teaching materials to spread the knowledge on an internationally recommended rules and terminology for soil description and classification. However, this guideline is designed as teaching tool for students in Central and Eastern European countries and therefore it may not be applicable worldwide. Moreover, it is suited for the “first step” training, and it is not substituting any professional original classification. Authors of this guidebook assume that the users are familiar with the basic knowledge in soil science. Therefore, the guidelines do not contain explanations related to basic soil forming factors, soil forming processes and basic physico-chemical features