174 research outputs found


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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of lactic acid bacteria of the autochthonous microbiota as an inoculant in ensiling forage cactus and its effect on ensiling losses, fermentative characteristics and bromatological composition of forage cactus silage. A completely randomized design was used with the following treatments: Control (without inoculant), 5 major lactic acid-producing lactic cultures (GP21, GP22, GP23, GP24 and GP31) and 5 major acetic acid producers (GP1; GP2; GP3, GP5 and GP15), with three replicates per treatment. The fermentative losses of forage cactus silages treated and not treated with inoculants presented no significant differences (P> 0.05) and ranged from 3.55 to 9.27% for gas losses (GL) and 3.95 to 10, 47 g / kg for effluent losses (EL). There was significant effect of the inoculation on the dry matter recovery (DMR) of the silages (P <0.05). The control silage (untreated) and silages treated with GP2 (Lactobacillus plantarum) had lower dry matter recovery values (89.30 and 88.49%, respectively) when compared to the other silages. There was no difference (P> 0.05) for the concentrations of lactic acid (LA), acetic acid (AA), propionic acid (PA), butyric acid (BA), lactic acid:acetic acid ratio, pH and buffer capacity (BC) of the treated and untreated forage cactus silages. Was observed mean values ranging from 0.98 (GP24) to 1.40% in DM (Control) to AA; 0.04 (GP21; GP22) at 0.12% in MS (Control) for AP; 0.007 (GP15, GP21) at 0.011% in DM (GP3) for BA; the lowest AL/AA ratio was presented by GP2 treatment (Lactobacillus plantarum) with different behavior and the highest relation was observed for the treatment GP31 (Lactobacillus plantarum). Averages of BA and PA were below 0.5%. Mean pH values ranged from 3.87 (GP22) to 4.19 (GP1). For buffer capacity of the ensiled mass, the mean values ranged from 0.073 (Control) to 0.147 e.mg / 100 g DM (GP24), with no effect (P>0.05) among the treatments studied. For dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) values, there was no effect due to the use of the inoculant. The crude protein (CP) levels obtained in the evaluated treatments (GP1, GP2, GP3 and GP5) presented significant differences, observing the lowest values in the silages with the presence of homofermentative inoculant. Both microbial (homo and heterolytic) inoculants provided a suitable fermentative standard, and demonstrated beneficial particularities. Probably due to the lower protein degradation (proteolysis) during the fermentation process, the silages inoculated with heterolactous bacteria had a CP value, similar to the original forage, with higher proportions of CP compared to the homoláticas strains. Based on this, it would be interesting to carry out studies with the combination of homofermentative and heterofermentative LABs in forage cactus silage.Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o uso das bactérias lácticas da microbiota autóctone como inoculante na ensilagem de palma forrageira e seu efeito sobre as perdas na ensilagem, características fermentativas e composição bromatológica da silagem de palma forrageira. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com os seguintes tratamentos: Controle (sem inoculante), 5 culturas láticas maiores produtoras de ácido láctico (GP21; GP22; GP23; GP24 e GP31) e 5 maiores produtoras de ácido acético (GP1; GP2; GP3; GP5 e GP15), com três repetições por tratamento. As perdas fermentativas das silagens de palma forrageira tratadas e não tratadas com inoculantes não apresentaram diferenças significativas (P>0,05) e variaram de 3,55 a 9,27% para perdas por gases (PG) e 3,95 a 10,47 g/kg para perdas por efluentes (PE). Houve efeito significativo da inoculação sobre a recuperação de matéria seca (RMS) das silagens (P<0,05). A silagem controle (não tratada) e as silagens tratadas com GP2 (Lactobacillus plantarum) tiveram valores inferiores de recuperação de matéria seca (89,30 e 88,49%, respectivamente) quando comparadas com as demais silagens. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) para as concentrações de ácido lático (AL), ácido acético (AA), ácido propiônico (AP), ácido butírico (AB), relação ácido lático: ácido acético (AL/AA), pH e capacidade tampão (CT) das silagens de palma forrageira tratadas e não tratadas. Observaram-se valores médios variando de 0,98 (GP24) a 1,40 % na MS (Controle) para AA; 0,04 (GP21; GP22) a 0,12 % na MS (Controle) para AP; 0,007 (GP15, GP21) a 0,011 % na MS (GP3) para AB; a menor relação AL/AA foi apresentada pelo tratamento GP2 (Lactobacillus plantarum) com comportamento diferenciado e a maior relação foi observada para o tratamento GP31 (Lactobacillus plantarum). As médias de AB e AP foram abaixo de 0,5%. Os valores médios de pH, variaram de 3,87 (GP22) a 4,19 (GP1). Para capacidade tampão da massa ensilada, os valores médios variaram de 0,073 (Controle) a 0,147 e.mg/100 g MS (GP24), não havendo efeito (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos estudados. Para os valores matéria seca (MS) e fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) não houve efeito, devido a utilização do inoculante. Os teores de proteína bruta (PB) obtidos nos tratamentos avaliados (GP1; GP2; GP3 e GP5) apresentaram diferenças significativas, observando os menores valores nas silagens com a presença do inoculante homofermentativo. Ambos os inoculantes microbianos (homo e heteroláticos) proporcionaram adequado padrão fermentativo, e demonstraram particularidades benéficas. Provavelmente em razão da menor degradação de proteína (proteólise) durante o processo fermentativo, as silagens inoculadas com bactérias heteroláticas apresentaram um valor de PB, semelhante a forragem original, com maiores proporções de PB em comparação com as estirpes homoláticas. Com base nisso, seria interessante realizar estudos com a combinação de BAL homofermentativas e heterofermentativas na ensilagem de palma forrageira

    Instrumentação Tecnológica e Realimentação no Processo de Avaliação para o Ensino de Matemática na Universidade: um método baseado na Engenharia Didática

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    With the use of automated tools, a change in paradigms in the student assessment process is necessary. This is due to the different mechanisms used to elaborate assessments and to analyze their results. An assessment method with continuous feedback is proposed. An application of this method is presented in which the activities proposed to the students in the classroom are based on Mathematical Didactic theories. To elaborate and apply this assessment, software was used that tracks the students’activities. Based on analysis of the teacher’s behavior during the experiment, which showed his natural difficulty in modifying his teaching habits, it is emphasized that this type of educational work needs to involve the participation of professionals from the fields of mathematical education and technology to help improve the teacher’s work. Keywords: Automated Evaluation. Formative Evaluation. Didactic Engineering.O uso de ferramentas automatizadas no processo de avaliação impõe mudanças de paradigmas que se devem aos mecanismos usados na elaboração de exercícios e análise de resultados. Propõe-se, neste trabalho, um método de realimentação para o processo de avaliação com o apoio de ferramentas computacionais. Apresenta-se uma aplicação deste método em sala de aula, na qual as atividades propostas aos alunos são fundamentadas em teorias da Didática da Matemática e são elaboradas em um programa de computador que faz o rastreamento das atividades dos estudantes. A partir da análise do comportamento do professor nesta experimentação, onde ficam expostas as suas dificuldades naturais em modificar os seus hábitos de ensino, destaca-se a necessidade de um trabalho de educação em conjunto, envolvendo também a participação de pesquisadores da área de Educação Matemática e de profissionais da área de Informática como suporte ao trabalho do professor. Palavras-chave: Avaliação Automatizada. Avaliação Formativa. Engenharia Didática

    Both adiponectin and interleukin-10 inhibit LPS-induced activation of the NF-kappa B pathway in 3T3-L1 adipocytes

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    Adiponectin and interleukin 10 (IL-10) are adipokines that are predominantly secreted by differentiated adipocytes and are involved in energy homeostasis, insulin sensitivity, and the anti-inflammatory response. These two adipokines are reduced in obese subjects, which favors increased activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) and leads to elevation of pro-inflammatory adipokines. However, the effects of adiponectin and IL-10 on NF-kappa B DNA binding activity (NF-kappa Bp50 and NF-kappa Bp65) and proteins involved with the toll-like receptor (TLR-2 and TLR-4) pathway, such as MYD88 and TRAF6 expression, in lipopolysaccharide-treated 3T3-L1 adipocytes are unknown. Stimulation of lipopolysaccharide-treated 3T3-L1 adipocytes for 24 h elevated IL-6 levels; activated the NF-kappa B pathway cascade; increased protein expression of IL-6R, TLR-4, MYD88, and TRAF6; and increased the nuclear activity of NF-kappa B (p50 and p65) DNA binding. Adiponectin and IL-10 inhibited the elevation of IL-6 levels and activated NF-kappa B (p50 and p65) DNA binding. Taken together, the present results provide evidence that adiponectin and IL-10 have an important role in the anti-inflammatory response in adipocytes. in addition, inhibition of NF-kappa B signaling pathways may be an excellent strategy for the treatment of inflammation in obese individuals. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Fis, BR-04023060 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Biomed Sci, Canc & Metab Grp, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Fis, BR-04023060 São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 08/54733-0Web of Scienc

    Marcação do adubo verde Crotalaria juncea com 15N

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    A grande maioria dos estudos com a utilização de material vegetal marcado com o isótopo 15N não apresentam detalhes tão importantes sobre como foram obtidos esses materiais. Em se tratando de marcação de leguminosas as dificuldades em se obter material marcado com 15N são ainda maiores pelo fato de serem plantas fixadoras de nitrogênio. Isso posto foi estabelecida uma técnica de marcação de leguminosas com nitrogênio (15N), com o objetivo de obter material vegetal marcado isotopicamente para estudos de dinâmica do nitrogênio. Cultivou-se a leguminosa crotalária júncea (Crotalaria juncea L.), em Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo distrófico, em campo. Ao se aplicarem via foliar 58,32 gramas de uréia em oito canteiros experimentais, (uréia com 70,57 &plusmn; 0,04% de átomos de 15N) parceladas em três vezes, obteve-se material vegetal marcado seco que continha 2,412 % em átomos de 15N em uma massa seca equivalente a 9 Mg ha-1. Essa marcação permite o uso dessa massa vegetal em estudos de dinâmica de nitrogênio.Most studies dealing with the utilization of 15N labeled plant material do not present details about the labeling technique. This is especially relevant for legume species since biological nitrogen fixation difficults plant enrichment. A technique was developed for labeling leguminous plant tissue with 15N to obtain labeled material for nitrogen dynamics studies. Sun hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) was grown on a Paleudalf, under field conditions. An amount of 58.32 g of urea with 70.57 &plusmn; 0.04 atom % 15N was sprayed three times on plants grown on eight 6-m²-plots. The labelled material presented 2.412 atom % 15N in a total dry matter equivalent to 9 Mg ha-1 This degree of enrichment enables the use of the green manure in pot or field experiments requiring 15N-labeled material


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    The objective was to cover and discuss the characteristics of haylage that makes it an alternative of forage conservation. The haylage is based on the dry matter content after a wilt process, then baled similar to hay and wrapped with plastic films in order to be conserved under anaerobic fermentation. The dry matter content after wilt exceeds 500 g kg-1. Conserved forages with high content of dry matter present stabilization at high pH, which favors bacteria of the genus Clostridium. The pH of the haylage, because it has a high content of dry matter in its confection, limits the capacity of bacterial fermentation, it does not produce sufficient acid and becomes resistant to pH drops, this characteristic must be considered along with other factors. The preservation quality of haylage cut under the same conditions of the hay presents similar chemical composition, therefore, when the haylage is preserved under ideal conditions, it is an alternative to replace the hay. The definition and characteristics of haylage clearly expresses that it is an alternative conservation to hay and silage

    A cultura da palma, origem, introdução, expansão, utilidades e perspectivas futuras: Revisão de Literatura / The cactus pear culture, origin, introduction, expansion, utilities and future perspectives: Literature Review

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    A presente revisão tem como objetivo explicitar conceitos e informações sobre a cultura da palma, sua origem, introdução, expansão, cultivo, pragas, doenças e uso na alimentação humana e animal. A palma é uma cactácea exótica de origem Mexicana que foi trazida para o Brasil pelos colonizadores, no decorrer dos anos descobriu seu uso na alimentação animal, além da humana, pode ser considerada na atualidade como um dos cactos mais cultivados em regiões de climas áridos e semiáridos devido a sua elevada adaptabilidade em condições adversas. Apresenta potencial de utilização na alimentação humana, animal, produção de energia e vários outros fins. Com a realização de novos estudos pode-se conseguir identificar cultivares de palma mais resistentes a pragas e doenças como também mais produtivos o que poderia aumentar ainda mais a capacidade de utilização da cultura. A palma forrageira é uma cultura que pode ser utilizada por várias espécies de animais como bovinos, caprinos, ovinos (no Brasil predomina a oferta in natura, mas também pode ser por pastejo, farelo e silagem, tendo como gêneros mais utilizados a Opuntia spp. e Nopalea spp.) e menos comum para aves, equídeos e suínos. 

    Cutaneous mycobacteriosis in a captive Amazonian manatee Trichechus inunguis

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    An adult male Amazonian manatee Trichechus inunguis under human care presented with 3 circular cutaneous lesions on the dorsal aspect of the rostrum and between the nostrils (plenum). Initially these lesions were superficial, hypopigmented, without warmth and non-painful. Microbiological cultures of skin swabs isolated Candida sp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and topical treatment with antiseptic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic medication was instituted. This treatment strategy did not lead to any clinical improvement, and after 6 mo, the lesions progressed to a confluent abscess (5.0 × 3.0 cm) with increased temperature and obvious discomfort on palpation. An impression smear of a cutaneous biopsy was submitted for Ziehl-Neelsen staining and after detection of acid-fast bacilli, the cutaneous biopsy and a swab from the lesion were sent for histopathology, culture and sensitivity testing. After 5 d of incubation and through PCR-restriction analysis of the isolates, Mycobacterium fortuitum and M. abscessus were identified. Sensitivity testing indicated that the isolates were susceptible to ciprofloxacin and clarithromycin, and after draining of the lesion and administration of systemic antibiotic treatment, there was rapid clinical improvement. This report describes non-healing lesions in an aquatic animal and illustrates the importance of evaluating the presence of non-tuberculous mycobacteria, opportunistic pathogens which are ubiquitous in the aquatic environment, in protracted, non-responsive cases. We also highlight the importance of a correct diagnosis and treatment approach, and we review concerns that these bacteria are zoonotic agents and are frequently resistant to conventional antibiotics. © Inter-Research 2018

    Pharmaceutical development of tablets containing a spray-dried optimized extract from Lippia origanoides H. B. K.: influence of excipients and toxicological assessment

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    Lippia origanoides is a honey shrub which has showed hypotensive potential assessed by in vivo studies. The aim of this work is the development of a pharmaceutical formulation composed by an optimized extract obtained from aerial parts of L. origanoides. The quantification of the naringenin marker in the dry extract and tablets developed was performed, as well as the assessment of the oral acute toxicity in rats. The hydroalcoholic extract of L. origanoides was spray-dried with the addition of colloidal silicon dioxide (Lo-HAE/CSD), and then applied in the preparation of eight different lots of tablets. The influence of the diluent (cellulose or babassu mesocarp), the presence of binder, and the percentage of lubricant, as well as organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics were screened. For the quantification of the marker content both in Lo-HAE/CSD and in the tablets, an analytical curve of the naringenin standard was fitted, and the samples were then analyzed in UFLC. The toxicological assessment was performed in female Wistar rats according to the Acute Toxic Class Method from OECD. The developed tablets produced meet acceptable macroscopic characteristics, and the presence of babassu as diluent provided improved physicochemical properties. The best content of Lo-HAE/CSD in the tablet (100.27%) was identified for the lot containing babassu, composed by 1.0% magnesium stearate, without PVP binder in its formulation. Moreover, Lo-HAE/CSD showed no signs of toxicity. Therefore, the babassu mesocarp powder is a promising pharmaceutical excipient for the development of herbal tablets containing the Lippia origanoides extract

    Alterações nos padrões sanguíneos do peixe-boi da Amazônia (Trichechus inunguis) após transporte de longa distância

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    In this study we report the hematological, biochemical and hormonal parameters in a juvenile male Amazonian manatee measured before transport, immediately after transport, and during adaptation to a new facility. The animal was transported from Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil, to São Paulo, São Paulo State, Brazil, (2,733 km) within 6 hours. Among all blood parameters analyzed, we observed obvious neutrophilia, lymphopenia, and increases in the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and serum glucose and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels, but these parameters subsequently returned to normal. These results suggest that transport and changes in the environment are temporary stressful events for Amazonian manatees. We, therefore, recommend monitoring the hematological and biochemical parameters before and after translocation to minimize the effects of handling stressors in this species

    Occurrence of pests and diseases in cactus pear genotypes / Ocorrência de pragas e doenças em genótipos de palma forrageira

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    The objective was to evaluate the occurrence of pests, diseases and mortality rate in nine genotypes of cactus pear (Nopalea cochenillifera) destined for forage production. The genotypes were implanted in a complete randomized block design, with nine treatments and three replications. After 330 days of cultivation, the occurrence of pests and diseases and verification of plant mortality were carried out. Among all the pests and diseases observed in this experimental trial, the most prevalent disease regardless of the evaluated genotype was the anthracnose stain “Colletotrichum gloeosporioides” (49.20%) and the less frequent diseases were the resine “Dothiorella ribis” (6.87%) and soft rot “Erwinia carotovora” (2.58%). The only occurrence pest was the cochineal in scales “Diaspis echinocacti” (22.69%). The Texas (V13) and Negro Michoacan (F07) genotypes showed the highest occurrence of pests and diseases, from 50% of the total plants, followed by anthracnose stain and cochineal in scales. On the contrary, the genotypes Tamazunchale (V12) and California (V14) were not affected by any pest or disease. It was observed that the genotypes Nopalea Uruapan (V20) and Blanco San Pedro (V19), had a lower occurrence of pests and diseases, less than 20% of the total plants. The genotypes that presented the highest mortality rate were Texas (V13), Blanco San Pedro (V19) and Polotitlan (V09), with 80, 70 and 65% mortality rate, respectively. The genotypes Nopalea Uruapan (V20) and California (V14) had the lowest mortality rate (20 and 35%), respectively. The genotypes that were least affected by pests and diseases and had the lowest mortality rate are Tamazunchale (V12), California (V14) and Nopalea Uruapan (V20)