1,912 research outputs found

    Appellation d’origine ou appellation générique: le cas du fromage Cotija au Mexique

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    Les effets positifs des appellations d’origine pour le développement territorial dans certaines régions européennes ont attiré l’attention de producteurs et de promoteurs du développement dans les pays du Sud. Ainsi, les producteurs de fromage Cotija au Mexique ont sollicité une appellation d’origine en 2004. Elle leur a été refusée, l’administration estimant que la dénomination Cotija constituait un terme générique. Au-delà du débat sur le caractère générique ou non d’une appellation, ce cas est très instructif sur les limites du cadre légal et institutionnel mexicain, plus de 30 ans après que la Tequila soit devenue la première appellation reconnue au Mexique. L’absence d’un objectif politique clair et explicite pour les appellations d’origine se traduit dans l’incertitude et la faiblesse des institutions mises en place. Ce contexte n’est pas favorable pour la reconnaissance d’appellations d’origine et remet donc en cause leur utilisation comme outil de développement territorial.Positive effects of designations of origin for territorial development in several European regions have attracted the attention of producers and promoters of development in developing countries. Thus, Cotija cheese producers in Mexico have requested a designation of origin in 2004. It was denied, the administration considering Cotija as a generic term. Beyond the debate on whether a name is generic or not, this case is very instructive about the limits of the Mexican legal and institutional framework, 30 years after Tequila became the first designation of origin recognized in Mexico. The lack of clear and explicit political objectives for designations of origin results in uncertainty and weak institutions. This context is not favorable for the development of designations of origin and its use as a tool for territorial development

    Les limites de l'action collective dans deux bassins laitiers mexicains

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    SAD CT3This study focuses on coordination and collective action problems in two Mexican dairy basins contemplated from the viewpoint of the Localized Agrifood System approach. Beyond structural differences between these two cases, weakness of collective action and preponderance of individualistic and opportunistic behaviours constitute a common denominator. The analysis emphasizes that homogeneity among actors and geographical proximity are not sufficient to generate confidence and cooperation at the horizontal level. At the vertical level, competitiveness is almost exclusively based on costs, exacerbating competition and opportunism. To break the vicious cycle of mistrust and individualism, the reinforcement of relations among actors must be fostered on the basis of collective projects and shared aims.Cet article s'intéresse aux problÚmes de coordination et d'action collective dans deux bassins laitiers mexicains, étudiés à partir de l'approche des SystÚmes agroalimentaires localisés. Au-delà des différences structurelles entre ces deux cas, la faiblesse de l'action collective et la prépondérance de comportements individualistes et opportunistes constituent un dénominateur commun. L'analyse souligne que l'homogénéité des acteurs et la proximité géographique ne sont pas suffisantes pour générer confiance et coopération au niveau horizontal. Au niveau vertical, la compétitivité se base presque exclusivement sur les coûts, exacerbant la concurrence et l'opportunisme. Pour rompre le cercle vicieux de la méfiance et de l'individualisme, le renforcement des relations entre acteurs devrait se fonder sur des projets collectifs, des buts communs

    Material development towards a solid 100 kW electron-gamma converter for TRIUMF-ARIEL

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    A series of irradiation tests have been performed at TRIUMF to investigate different material pairings to act as high-power electron-to-gamma converter for the ARIEL Electron Target East (AETE). The bulk of the converter body will be made out of an aluminum alloy with a sub-millimeter high-Z metal layer bonded to the surface facing the incoming electron beam. This contribution presents the approach chosen to select the optimal material for the high-Z layer, describes the tests performed and shows result which led to the successful selection of a specific tantalum-aluminum pairing as the future ARIEL converter material

    A device for quantitative assessment of thumb Ulnar Collateral Ligament injury

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    Thesis: S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2018.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 103-105).Injury to the Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) of the thumb, known as "Skier's Thumb," is treated by surgical repair for complete tears, or by splinting for partial tears. Because of this radical difference in treatment options, diagnostic accuracy is critical. The primary mechanism of diagnosis is through a clinical assessment of joint integrity. This method requires a high degree of examiner skill and experience, and is inherently qualitative. Secondary diagnosis through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is often required to ensure accurate diagnosis. This additional testing delays the treatment and adds to the cost of care. A method to quantitatively assess the thumb UCL in a clinical setting is desired. This thesis presents the deterministic design of a device to quantitatively measure the stiffness of the thumb UCL. A stepper motor is used to rotate the thumb, while a cantilever load cell is used to measure torque. The device is designed to be operated by the physician, and has alignment features to properly orient the motor axis of rotation. Several safety features were incorporated into the device, including a magnetic breakaway that prevents applied thumb force from exceeding 10 N. The prototype was constructed, and preliminary testing was performed on healthy human subjects. Peak thumb torque was measured at 213.5 ± 19.2 N-mm, and peak stiffness was calculated to be 4.70 ± 0.39 N-mm/degree. Potential pathways for further device testing and improvement are outlined. The Thumb UCL Device has the potential to improve the speed of injury diagnosis and reduce the need for imaging studies.by Thomas Michael Cervantes.S.M

    Analysis and design of an adjustable bone plate for mandibular fracture fixation

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 57-59).This thesis presents the design, analysis and testing of a bone plate for mandibular fracture fixation. Conventional bone plates are commonly used to set fractures of the mandible in a surgical setting. If proper alignment between the two bone segments is not achieved, then a malocclusion can result; this condition often causes significant discomfort to the patient, and may require costly and risky revision surgery to repair. Current methods of bone plate fixation require a surgeon to visually align the segments of bone, and once the plate has been affixed to the bone, there is little that can be done to adjust alignment of the fracture. The modified bone plate presented here has a deformable mid-section, with the purpose of allowing a surgeon to compensate for mis-alignment observed after the plate has been affixed to the fractured bone. The mechanics of deformation associated with various adjustment mechanisms was explored analytically, numerically, and experimentally. It was found that in order to plastically deform the adjustable section, a force of 358.8 N is required, compared with a predicted value of 351 N obtained using numerical simulations and 487 N using a fixed-fixed beam model with a concentrated central load. In addition to static tests, a dynamic testing jig has been designed with the intent of evaluating in vitro performance of the modified bone plate. Current ASTM and ISO standards for bone plate testing require forces to be applied to the faces of the bone plate, orthogonal to the direction of loading experienced in vivo. This condition is applicable to long bones such as the humerus or femur, however loading conditions of the mandible are significantly different. The testing jig allows for any bone plate of any shape to be fixed such that a force can be applied in order to simulate the normal in vivo loading conditions. This system could be used to further optimize the design of current and future deformable bone plates before they are incorporated into invasive animal or clinical trials.by Thomas Michael Cervantes.S.B

    Factors Affecting Implementation of the California Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (CA-CORD) Project, 2013.

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    IntroductionEcological approaches to health behavior change require effective engagement from and coordination of activities among diverse community stakeholders. We identified facilitators of and barriers to implementation experienced by project leaders and key stakeholders involved in the Imperial County, California, Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration project, a multilevel, multisector intervention to prevent and control childhood obesity.MethodsA total of 74 semistructured interviews were conducted with project leaders (n = 6) and key stakeholders (n = 68) representing multiple levels of influence in the health care, early care and education, and school sectors. Interviews, informed by the Multilevel Implementation Framework, were conducted in 2013, approximately 12 months after year-one project implementation, and were transcribed, coded, and summarized.ResultsRespondents emphasized the importance of engaging parents and of ensuring support from senior leaders of participating organizations. In schools, obtaining teacher buy-in was described as particularly important, given lower perceived compatibility of the intervention with organizational priorities. From a program planning perspective, key facilitators of implementation in all 3 sectors included taking a participatory approach to the development of program materials, gradually introducing intervention activities, and minimizing staff burden. Barriers to implementation were staff turnover, limited local control over food provided by external vendors or school district policies, and limited availability of supportive resources within the broader community.ConclusionProject leaders and stakeholders in all sectors reported similar facilitators of and barriers to implementation, suggesting the possibility for synergy in intervention planning efforts

    Litter impacts on scenery and tourism on the Colombian north Caribbean coast

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    This paper provides the location, scenery and litter evaluation of 35 Colombian Caribbean beaches (9 remote, 9 village, 14 urban and 3 resort). Four litter grades were found. A: excellent (5); B: good (8); C: fair (19) and D: poor (3). A Decision Value parameter (D), for scenery gave: Class I - extremely attractive/natural, D > 0.85, 6 sites; Class II - attractive/natural sites, D = 0.85 -0.65, 2 sites; Class III - mainly natural sites, few outstanding features, D = 0.65-0.4, 1 site; Class IV - mainly unattractive sites, D = 0.4 to zero, 6 sites; Class V - very unattractive sites, D = <0, 20 sites. Litter amounts placed most beaches into a poor scenic category and many scenic beaches could jump a grade by means of clean-ups. A graphic methodology highlighted beaches with contradictory results for litter/scenic grades. Tourists abhor littered beaches and clean-ups would improve scenery scores
