706 research outputs found

    Una Evaluación Geográfica de la Política de Educación Media Superior de la Ciudad de México

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    En este trabajo presentamos una evaluación geográfica de la política de las preparatorias creadas y administradas por el gobierno de la ciudad de México. La revisión teórica y evaluación estadística realizadas nos ha permitido (1) construir relaciones explicativas útiles entre varios conceptos de teorías urbanas provenientes de escuelas divergentes, y de disciplinas diferentes, y a la vez (2) hacer una demostración empírica del incumplimiento de uno de los objetivos geográficos de esta política de la ciudad de México.

    Environmental and social correlates of physical activity in children and adolescents

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación, Departamento de Educación Física, Deporte y Motricidad Humana. Fecha de lectura : 10-05-2017El objetivo general de la presente Tesis Doctoral fue evaluar la relación entre el ambiente físico y social y la actividad física de niños y adolescentes, desarrollado en tres objetivos específicos: (i) evaluar la fiabilidad y validez de una versión adaptada del cuestionario ambiental ALPHA de adultos en población juvenil española; (ii) analizar la relación entre la percepción del entorno y la actividad física en niños y adolescentes; (iii) analizar la relación entre la co-participación de la familia y amigos en la actividad física y el desplazamiento autónomo con la actividad física de niños y adolescentes. El primer objetivo se llevó a cabo con una muestra de 190 adolescentes (80 chicas) de entre 12 y 18 años y una submuestra de 140 adolescentes (61 chicas), de entre 12 y 17 años, pertenecientes al Estudio UP&DOWN, para evaluar la fiabilidad y validez, respectivamente. Los objetivos restantes se desarrollaron con una muestra de 1638 participantes (800 chicas) de entre 8 y 18 años, pertenecientes al Estudio UP&DOWN. La actividad física fue evaluada mediante acelerometría durante 7 días consecutivos, así como con diferentes cuestionarios (PAQ-C, PACE, IFAF). Las variables relacionadas con el ambiente físico y social se evaluaron mediante cuestionarios. Los principales resultados de esta tesis sugieren que: (i) la versión adaptada del cuestionario ambiental ALPHA es un instrumento fiable y válido para la evaluación de factores ambientales que puedan influir en la actividad física de los jóvenes; (ii) la percepción del ambiente físico próximo podría influir en la actividad física de niños y adolescentes así como el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de actividad física propuestas para dicha población; (iii) la co-participación de los amigos y el desplazamiento autónomo activo parecen ser relevantes en la actividad física realizada en horario extraescolar y en los fines de semana en los adolescentes.The main aim of the present thesis was to evaluate the relationship between physical and social environment and physical activity of children and adolescents, developed in three specific aims: (i) to evaluate the reliability and validity of an adaptation version of the adults’ ALPHA environmental questionnaire in Spanish youth; (ii) to analyze the relationship between environmental perceptions and physical activity in children and adolescents; (iii) to analyze the relationship between family and friends coparticipation in physical activity and independent mobility with physical activity in children and adolescents. The first aim was performed with a sample of 190 adolescents (80 girls) aged 12 to 18 years, and a subsample of 140 adolescents (61 girls) aged 12 to 17 years from to the UP&DOWN Study, to evaluate the reliability and the validity, respectively. The second and the third aims were performed with a sample of 1638 participants (800 girls) aged 8 to 18 years, from to the UP&DOWN Study. Physical activity was assessed by accelerometry for 7 consecutive days, as well as with several questionnaires (PAQ-C, PACE, IFAF). Variables related to the physical and social environment were evaluated through questionnaires. The main findings found in the current dissertation suggest that: (i) the adapted version of the environmental questionnaire ALPHA is a reliable and valid instrument to evaluate environmental factors that influence physical activity of youth; (ii) youth's environmental perceptions of the nearby environment could influence physical activity of children and adolescents as well as compliance with the physical activity recommendations proposed for this population; (iii) the friends co-participation and active independent mobility it seems to be relevant in nonschool physical activity during week- and weekend days in adolescents

    Factors associated with shooting efficacy in water polo

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    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación entre la eficacia de gol en waterpolo y otros factores asociados como la microsituación de juego, la distancia de lanzamiento y el ángulo de lanzamiento. La muestra se compuso de 7215 lanzamientos pertenecientes al Campeonato de Europa de waterpolo (Málaga, 2008) y al Campeonato del Mundo de waterpolo (Roma, 2009). Los datos fueron analizados mediante el software Polo Análisis Directo v.1.0. Tanto en categoría femenina como masculina, la eficacia de gol de los lanzamientos de penalti fue mayor que en el resto de lanzamientos (p <.001). En waterpolo femenino se identificó un modelo con capacidad para predecir el 63% de los goles, donde se observó mayor posibilidad de gol en los lanzamientos llevados a cabo en jugadas de desigualdad numérica (OR=2.65) y de transición (OR=2.04). En waterpolo masculino el modelo tuvo capacidad para explicar el 65% de los goles, observándose mayor posibilidad de gol en las jugadas de desigualdad numérica (OR=2.59), en las jugadas de transición (OR=2.00) y en los lanzamientos efectuados desde la zona central o frontal a la portería (OR=1.33). Extrapolando los resultados al entrenamiento, deberíamos atender a dos directrices principalmente: la precisión de los lanzamientos realizados a una distancia inferior a 5 metros en las micro-situaciones de desigualdad numérica y de transición, y la eficacia de los lanzamientos en igualdad numérica a una distancia superior a 5 metros y desde posiciones lateralesThe aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between scoring and missing a goal in water polo and other associated factors such as the game micro-situation, shooting distance and shooting angle. The sample was composed of 7215 shots from the European Water Polo Championship (Malaga, 2008) and the World Water Polo Championship (Rome, 2009). The data were analyzed with Polo Analisis Directo v.1.0 software. The goal success rate of penalty shots was greater in both male and female categories than for non-penalty shots (p < .001). A model was identified in woman’s water polo that was able to predict 63% of the goals, in which the highest possibility of goal success was observed for shots taken during man-up situations (OR = 2.65) and transitions (OR = 2.04). The model applied to male water polo was able to predict 65% of the goals, showing that the highest possibility of scoring a goal corresponded to shots taken during man-up situations (OR = 2.59), in transitions (OR = 2.00) and those thrown from a central area (OR = 1.33). Extrapolating the results to apply to training, two main guiding principles should be adhered to: the precision of shots taken from less than 5 meters during man-up and transition micro-situations; and the efficacy of shots in numeric equality situations from over 5 meters and in lateral position

    Genes encoding conserved hypothetical proteins localized in the conjugative transfer region of plasmid pRet42a from Rhizobium etli CFN42 participate in modulating transfer and affect conjugation from different donors

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    Among sequenced genomes, it is common to find a high proportion of genes encoding proteins that cannot be assigned a known function. In bacterial genomes, genes related to a similar function are often located in contiguous regions. The presence of genes encoding conserved hypothetical proteins (chp) in such a region may suggest that they are related to that particular function. Plasmid pRet42a from Rhizobium etli CFN42 is a conjugative plasmid containing a segment of approximately 30 Kb encoding genes involved in conjugative transfer. In addition to genes responsible for Dtr (DNA transfer and replication), Mpf (Mating pair formation) and regulation, it has two chp-encoding genes (RHE_PA00163 and RHE_PA00164) and a transcriptional regulator (RHE_PA00165). RHE_PA00163 encodes an uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria that presents a COG4634 conserved domain, and RHE_PA00164 encodes an uncharacterized conserved protein with a DUF433 domain of unknown function. RHE_PA00165 presents a HTH_XRE domain, characteristic of DNA-binding proteins belonging to the xenobiotic response element family of transcriptional regulators. Interestingly, genes similar to these are also present in transfer regions of plasmids from other bacteria. To determine if these genes participate in conjugative transfer, we mutagenized them and analyzed their conjugative phenotype. A mutant in RHE_PA00163 showed a slight (10 times) but reproducible increase in transfer frequency from Rhizobium donors, while mutants in RHE_PA00164 and RHE_PA00165 lost their ability to transfer the plasmid from some Agrobacterium donors. Our results indicate that the chp-encoding genes located among conjugation genes are indeed related to this function. However, the participation of RHE_PA00164 and RHE_PA00165 is only revealed under very specific circumstances, and is not perceived when the plasmid is transferred from the original host. RHE_PA00163 seems to be a fine-tuning modulator for conjugative transfer.Fil: López Fuentes, Eunice. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Torres Tejerizo, Gonzalo Arturo. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; México. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Cervantes, Laura. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Brom, Susana. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Méxic

    Genes encoding conserved hypothetical proteins localized in the conjugative transfer region of plasmid pRet42a from Rhizobium etli CFN42 participate in modulating transfer and affect conjugation from different donors

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    Among sequenced genomes, it is common to find a high proportion of genes encoding proteins that cannot be assigned a known function. In bacterial genomes, genes related to a similar function are often located in contiguous regions. The presence of genes encoding conserved hypothetical proteins (chp) in such a region may suggest that they are related to that particular function. Plasmid pRet42a from Rhizobium etli CFN42 is a conjugative plasmid containing a segment of approximately 30 Kb encoding genes involved in conjugative transfer. In addition to genes responsible for Dtr (DNA transfer and replication), Mpf (Mating pair formation) and regulation, it has two chp-encoding genes (RHE_PA00163 and RHE_PA00164) and a transcriptional regulator (RHE_PA00165). RHE_PA00163 encodes an uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria that presents a COG4634 conserved domain, and RHE_PA00164 encodes an uncharacterized conserved protein with a DUF433 domain of unknown function. RHE_PA00165 presents a HTH_XRE domain, characteristic of DNA-binding proteins belonging to the xenobiotic response element family of transcriptional regulators. Interestingly, genes similar to these are also present in transfer regions of plasmids from other bacteria. To determine if these genes participate in conjugative transfer, we mutagenized them and analyzed their conjugative phenotype. A mutant in RHE_PA00163 showed a slight (10 times) but reproducible increase in transfer frequency from Rhizobium donors, while mutants in RHE_PA00164 and RHE_PA00165 lost their ability to transfer the plasmid from some Agrobacterium donors. Our results indicate that the chp-encoding genes located among conjugation genes are indeed related to this function. However, the participation of RHE_PA00164 and RHE_PA00165 is only revealed under very specific circumstances, and is not perceived when the plasmid is transferred from the original host. RHE_PA00163 seems to be a fine-tuning modulator for conjugative transfer.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula

    Genes encoding conserved hypothetical proteins localized in the conjugative transfer region of plasmid pRet42a from Rhizobium etli CFN42 participate in modulating transfer and affect conjugation from different donors

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    Among sequenced genomes, it is common to find a high proportion of genes encoding proteins that cannot be assigned a known function. In bacterial genomes, genes related to a similar function are often located in contiguous regions. The presence of genes encoding conserved hypothetical proteins (chp) in such a region may suggest that they are related to that particular function. Plasmid pRet42a from Rhizobium etli CFN42 is a conjugative plasmid containing a segment of approximately 30 Kb encoding genes involved in conjugative transfer. In addition to genes responsible for Dtr (DNA transfer and replication), Mpf (Mating pair formation) and regulation, it has two chp-encoding genes (RHE_PA00163 and RHE_PA00164) and a transcriptional regulator (RHE_PA00165). RHE_PA00163 encodes an uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria that presents a COG4634 conserved domain, and RHE_PA00164 encodes an uncharacterized conserved protein with a DUF433 domain of unknown function. RHE_PA00165 presents a HTH_XRE domain, characteristic of DNA-binding proteins belonging to the xenobiotic response element family of transcriptional regulators. Interestingly, genes similar to these are also present in transfer regions of plasmids from other bacteria. To determine if these genes participate in conjugative transfer, we mutagenized them and analyzed their conjugative phenotype. A mutant in RHE_PA00163 showed a slight (10 times) but reproducible increase in transfer frequency from Rhizobium donors, while mutants in RHE_PA00164 and RHE_PA00165 lost their ability to transfer the plasmid from some Agrobacterium donors. Our results indicate that the chp-encoding genes located among conjugation genes are indeed related to this function. However, the participation of RHE_PA00164 and RHE_PA00165 is only revealed under very specific circumstances, and is not perceived when the plasmid is transferred from the original host. RHE_PA00163 seems to be a fine-tuning modulator for conjugative transfer.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula

    Estrategia pedagógica desde el enfoque de aprendizaje basado en retos, para favorecer el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Distrital los Rosales

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    This research project seeks to implement the pedagogical strategy from the challenge-based learning approach in order to favor the academic performance of the students of the Los Rosales District Educational Institution. Likewise, the researchers of this thesis are interested in improving the academic performance of students of an institution with the help of a very innovative and important strategy such as challenge-based learning. And for this, the subjects with the highest risk of low performance and the absence of methodological strategies are then identified, the pedagogical practice of the teacher is characterized, the pedagogical strategy is applied from the Challenge-Based Learning approach and reflections are made on the improvements in the academic performance with those teachers where there was greater academic loss. Therefore, the collection of information was carried out through the application of techniques and instruments such as: Observation, and interviews with students and teachers of 4th grade, from which they allowed to obtain significant information compared to the construction of spaces of dialogues and communication, taking into account the different contexts in which the student population lives.El presente proyecto de investigación busca implementar la estrategia pedagógica desde el enfoque aprendizaje basado en retos para así favorecer el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Distrital Los Rosales. Así mismo, las investigadoras de esta tesis se interesan en mejorar el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de una institución con ayuda de una estrategia muy innovadora e importante como lo es el aprendizaje basado en retos. Y para esto, se identifica cuáles son las asignaturas con mayor riesgo de bajo rendimiento y ausencia de estrategias metodológicas, se caracteriza la práctica pedagógica del docente, se aplica la estrategia pedagógica desde el enfoque Aprendizaje Basado en Retos y se reflexiona sobre las mejoras en el rendimiento académico con aquellos docentes donde hubo mayor pérdida académica. Por lo tanto, la recopilación de información se realizó por medio de la aplicación de técnicas e instrumentos tales como: La observación, y entrevista a estudiantes y docentes de 4° grado, de las cuales permitieron obtener información significativa frente a la construcción de espacios de diálogos y comunicación, teniendo de referencia los distintos contextos en las que habita la población estudiantil

    Throwing velocity in water polo elite competition: Analysis of associated variables

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    Throwing velocity is a relevant variable in water polo performance. Few studies have investigated the throw’s speed during an official competition or real game situation in high level competition. All throws performed in 27th European Championship in 2006 (Belgrade, Serbia) and 12th World Championships in 2007 (Melbourne, Australia) were analyzed in the present study. The total sample was composed of 5,691 throws (2,474 in female category). The study was developed with an observational design. A digital video camera, a radar and Polo Análisis Directo v1.0 software were used to record data. The reliability between the observers was verified using the kappa agreement index, ensuring that in all cases this value was greater than .85. The average maximum speed of throws in female water polo was 13.88 m/s (±2.44 m/s) and 16.94 m/s (±3.38 m/s) in male. The variables distance and game situation showed a combined ability to predict 19% of speed differences in female water polo throws and 33% in male