516 research outputs found

    Experiences of Mexican teenage students when choosing a math degree: a mathematical narrative identity study

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    There is little qualitative research on mathematics education focused on the experiences of young students when choosing a mathematics degree and how these experiences are assimilated into their mathematics life stories. The objective of this narrative inquiry is to identify the experiences of Mexican students who choose a mathematics degree through their mathematics life story. The conceptualization of a mathematical narrative identity divided into motivations, sources of motivation, and expectations allowed the identification of the following: (1) motivation of Mexican students for choosing a math degree, (2) sources of this motivation, and (3) future expectations related to this choice. This qualitative study was conducted based on a case study to prepare an in-depth analysis of multiple cases and frame them into a general description. Data was gathered from 47 interviews to collect students’ mathematics life stories. The four thematic analyses gave the following results: (1) the three main motivations were “liking mathematics”, self-efficacy belief, and the desire to become a “good teacher”, (2) the two main expectations were “being a good teacher” and “learning more mathematics”, and (3) the four main sources of motivations were self-efficacy belief, having “good teachers”, indirect experiences, and mastering knowledge. Results have similarities with the importance of self-efficacy beliefs and differences between “liking mathematics” and the desire to become a “good teacher” regarding the psychological explanations about the motivational forces to choose a math degree

    Efficient dynamic resampling for dominance-based multiobjective evolutionary optimization

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    Multi-objective optimization problems are often subject to the presence of objectives that require expensive resampling for their computation. This is the case for many robustness metrics, which are frequently used as an additional objective that accounts for the reliability of specific sections of the solution space. Typical robustness measurements use resampling, but the number of samples that constitute a precise dispersion measure has a potentially large impact on the computational cost of an algorithm. This article proposes the integration of dominance based statistical testing methods as part of the selection mechanism of evolutionary multi-objective genetic algorithms with the aim of reducing the number of fitness evaluations. The performance of the approach is tested on five classical benchmark functions integrating it into two well-known algorithms, NSGA-II and SPEA2. The experimental results show a significant reduction in the number of fitness evaluations while, at the same time, maintaining the quality of the solutions.The authors acknowledge financial support granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity under grant ENE2014-56126-C2-2-R

    A Novel Multiobjective Formulation of the Robust Software Project Scheduling Problem

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    Chicano, F., Cervantes A., Luna F., & Recio G. (2012). A Novel Multiobjective Formulation of the Robust Software Project Scheduling Problem. (Di Chio, C., Agapitos A., Cagnoni S., Cotta C., de Vega F. Fernández, Di Caro G. A., et al., Ed.).Applications of Evolutionary Computation - EvoApplications 2012: EvoCOMNET, EvoCOMPLEX, EvoFIN, EvoGAMES, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoNUM, EvoPAR, EvoRISK, EvoSTIM, and EvoSTOC, Málaga, Spain, April 11-13, 2012, Proceedings. 497–507.The Software Project Scheduling (SPS) problem refers to the distribution of tasks during a software project lifetime. Software development involves managing human resources and a total budget in an optimal way for a successful project which, in turn, demonstrates the importance of the SPS problem for software companies. This paper proposes a novel formulation for the SPS problem which takes into account actual issues such as the productivity of the employees at performing different tasks. The formulation also provides project managers with robust solutions arising from an analysis of the inaccuracies in task-cost estimations. An experimental study is presented which compares the resulting project plans and analyses the performance of four different well-know evolutionary algorithms over two sets of realistic instances representing the problem. Statistical parameters are also provided in order to help the project manager in the decision process.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER under contract TIN2008-06491-C04. Andalusian Government under contract P07-TIC-03044

    Experiências de jovens mexicanos na eleição de uma carreira matemática: um estudo da identidade narrativa matemática

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    La educación matemática tiene poca investigación cualitativa centrada en las experiencias de los jóvenes estudiantes en la elección de una carrera matemática y cómo estas experiencias se asimilan en sus vidas matemáticas. El objetivo de esta investigación narrativa es identificar las experiencias de los alumnos mexicanos que eligen una carrera matemática a través de su historia de vida matemática. La conceptualización de una identidad narrativa matemática dividida en motivaciones, fuentes de motivaciones y expectativas permitió la identificación de: (1) motivaciones de los estudiantes mexicanos para elegir una carrera matemática, (2) fuentes de estas motivaciones y (3) expectativas futuras asociadas con esta elección. Desarrollamos un estudio cualitativo guiado por un caso de estudio, con el fin de realizar un análisis de múltiples casos y enmarcarlo en una descripción general. Los datos se obtuvieron de 47 entrevistas con la población descrita y recopilan sus historias de vida matemática. Cuatro análisis temáticos arrojaron los siguientes resultados: (1) tres motivaciones principales: “gusto por las matemáticas”, creencias de autoeficacia y el deseo de convertirse en un “buen maestro”, (2) dos expectativas principales: “ser un buen maestro” y “aprender más matemáticas” y (3) cuatro fuentes principales de motivaciones: creencias de autoeficacia, tener “buenos maestros”, experiencias indirectas y dominio del conocimiento. Nuestros resultados tienen similitudes con (la importancia de las creencias de autoeficacia) y diferencias entre (“gusto por las matemáticas” y el deseo de convertirse en un “buen maestro”) en las explicaciones psicológicas sobre las fuerzas motivadoras en la elección de una carrera matemática.There is little qualitative research on mathematics education focused on the experiences of young students when choosing a mathematics degree and how these experiences are assimilated into their mathematics life stories. The objective of this narrative inquiry is to identify the experiences of Mexican students who choose a mathematics degree through their mathematics life story. The conceptualization of a mathematical narrative identity divided into motivations, sources of motivation, and expectations allowed the identification of the following: (1) motivation of Mexican students for choosing a math degree, (2) sources of this motivation, and (3) future expectations related to this choice. This qualitative study was conducted based on a case study to prepare an in-depth analysis of multiple cases and frame them into a general description. Data was gathered from 47 interviews to collect students’ mathematics life stories. The four thematic analyses gave the following results: (1) the three main motivations were “liking mathematics”, self-efficacy belief, and the desire to become a “good teacher”, (2) the two main expectations were “being a good teacher” and “learning more mathematics”, and (3) the four main sources of motivations were self-efficacy belief, having “good teachers”, indirect experiences, and mastering knowledge. Results have similarities with the importance of self-efficacy beliefs and differences between “liking mathematics” and the desire to become a “good teacher” regarding the psychological explanations about the motivational forces to choose a math degree.A educação matemática possui pouca pesquisa qualitativa centrada nas experiências dos jovens estudantes na eleição de um curso de matemática e como tais experiências são assimiladas em suas vidas matemáticas. Esta pesquisa narrativa tem como objetivo identificar as experiências dos alunos mexicanos que escolhem um curso de matemática por meio de sua história de vida matemática. A conceitualização de uma identidade narrativa no ensino da matemática dividida em motivações, fontes de motivações e expectativas, permitiu a identificação de: (1) motivações dos estudantes mexicanos para escolher um curso de matemática, (2) fontes destas motivações e (3) expectativas futuras associadas com tal eleição. Desenvolvemos um estudo qualitativo guiado por um caso de estudo, com a finalidade de realizar uma análise de múltiplos casos e enquadrá-lo em uma descrição geral. Os dados foram obtidos de 47 entrevistas com o público descrito e reúnem suas histórias de vida matemática. Quatro análises temáticas revelaram os seguintes resultados: (1) três principais motivações: “gosto pela matemática”, crença de autoeficácia e desejo de tornar-se um “bom professor”, (2) duas principais expectativas: “ser um bom professor” e “aprender mais matemática” e (3) quatro principais fontes de motivações: crenças de autoeficácia, ter “bons professores”, experiências indiretas e domínio do conhecimento. Nossos resultados têm semelhanças com (a importância das crenças de autoeficácia) e diferenças entre (“gosto pela matemática” e o desejo de tornar-se um “bom professor”) nas explicações psicológicas sobre as forças motivadoras na eleição de um curso de matemática

    Applying User Experience and User-Centered Design Software Processes in Undergraduate Mobile Application Development Teaching

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    Agile methods in undergraduate courses have been explored by various authors looking to close the gap between industry and professional profiles. We have structured an Android application development course based on a tailored agile process for development of educational software tools. This process is based on both Scrum and Extreme Programming in combination with User Experience (UX) and User-Centered Design (UCD) approaches. The course is executed in two phases: the first half of the course's semester presents theory on agile and mobile applications development, the latter half is managed as a workshop where students develop for an actual client. The introduction of UX and UCD exploiting the close relationship with stakeholders expected from an agile process can enhance Quality in Use features. Since 2019 two of the projects have been extended in agreement between the client and students. Students, clients and users have found value in the generated products.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, conferenc

    Analysis of medical opinions about the nonrealization of autopsies in a Mexican hospital using association rules and bayesian networks

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    This research identifies the factors influencing the reduction of autopsies in a hospital of Veracruz. The study is based on the application of data mining techniques such as association rules and Bayesian networks in data sets obtained from opinions of physicians. We analyzed, for the exploration and extraction of the knowledge, algorithms like Apriori, FPGrowth, PredictiveApriori, Tertius, J48, NaiveBayes, MultilayerPerceptron, and BayesNet, all of them provided by the API of WEKA. To generate mining models and present the new knowledge in natural language, we also developed a web application. The results presented in this study are those obtained from the best-evaluated algorithms, which have been validated by specialists in the field of patholog

    Portal web para global sociedad financiera

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    El portal web de Global Sociedad Financiera S.A, tiene como finalidad cumplir con las disposiciones de la Superintendencia de Bancos y Seguros; dando cumplimiento a la ley de transparencia de información, así como reducir los costos operativos brindando a los clientes, servicios de consulta en línea, simuladores; que le permitirán al navegante, conocer la rentabilidad de su inversión, así como la forma en que puede financiar un bien, además a través del portal se busca mejorar la imagen institucional y dar a conocer los productos y servicios que brinda la empresa y mejorar la comunicación con el público en general que esté interesado en conocer más acerca de la institución

    GASP III. JO36: a case of multiple environmental effects at play?

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    The so-called jellyfish galaxies are objects exhibiting disturbed morphology, mostly in the form of tails of gas stripped from the main body of the galaxy. Several works have strongly suggested ram pressure stripping to be the mechanism driving this phenomenon. Here, we focus on one of these objects, drawn from a sample of optically selected jellyfish galaxies, and use it to validate SINOPSIS, the spectral fitting code that will be used for the analysis of the GASP (GAs Stripping Phenomena in galaxies with MUSE) survey, and study the spatial distribution and physical properties of gas and stellar populations in this galaxy. We compare the model spectra to those obtained with GANDALF, a code with similar features widely used to interpret the kinematic of stars and gas in galaxies from IFU data. We find that SINOPSIS can reproduce the pixel-by-pixel spectra of this galaxy at least as good as GANDALF does, providing reliable estimates of the underlying stellar absorption to properly correct the nebular gas emission. Using these results, we find strong evidences of a double effect of ram pressure exerted by the intracluster medium onto the gas of the galaxy. A moderate burst of star formation, dating between 20 and 500 Myr ago and involving the outer parts of the galaxy more strongly than the inner regions, was likely induced by a first interaction of the galaxy with the intracluster medium. Stripping by ram pressure, plus probable gas depletion due to star formation, contributed to create a truncated ionized gas disk. The presence of an extended stellar tail on only one side of the disk, points instead to another kind of process, likely a gravitational interaction by a fly-by or a close encounter with another galaxy in the cluster.Comment: ApJ in press, 26 pages, 18 figure

    Comparación de perfiles de personalidad entre individuos con delitos contra la seguridad pública, delitos menores y sin delitos

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    El objetivo de éste estudio fue comparar el perfil psicológico de tres grupos de individuos, dos de ellos recluidos en una penitenciaría por cometer alguna acción criminal tipificada en el código penal como Delito contra la seguridad pública (Grupo A), y Delitos menores (Grupo B), y el tercer grupo (C) conformado por Personas sin comisión de delitos y libres. Se evaluaron 450 hombres, con edades entre 18 y 50 años, a través de un diseño transaccional no experimental de corte comparativo. Se aplicó el cuestionario Minimult de Kincannon (1968) para la medición de ocho perfiles psicológicos (Histeria, Depresión, Paranoia, Esquizofrenia, Psicastenia, Desviación psicopática, Hipocondriasis e Hipomanía). Los datos se analizaron con el modelo MANOVA para discriminar los distintos grupos a partir de las variables medidas. Los resultados fueron consistentes con las investigaciones previas y sugieren la presencia de rasgos psicopatológicos entre quienes cometieron delitos más violentos

    Cambio de creencias de autoeficacia matemática en alumnos de nivel superior

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    El presente reporte forma parte de una investigación mayor en la que se busca profundizar sobre ¿qué motiva a los estudiantes de bachillerato a elegir la carrera de matemáticas para sus estudios de nivel superior y qué está detrás de la permanencia de unos y de la renuncia de otros, una vez que ingresan a la carrera? En este escrito se ahonda sobre el cambio de creencias de valor y autoeficacia matemática que experimentaron 21 estudiantes de la Licenciatura en matemáticas de la Unidad Académica de Matemáticas de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas durante el primer semestre de la carrera. A través de la aplicación de un cuestionario y el análisis temático de las respuestas se da cuenta de que, ante las experiencias que viven los estudiantes, sus creencias sobre la matemática cambian y este cambio repercute en sus creencias de autoeficacia. Mientras que, cuando los estudiantes creían que la matemática eran cálculos numéricos y algebraicos, su sentido de autoeficacia era alto, cuando creen que la matemática son además demostraciones, el sentido de autoeficacia de los estudiantes disminuye