443 research outputs found

    Filtrado Adaptativo de Componentes Involuntarias en Marcha Asistida por Andador para Detección de Intenciones

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    ResumenEn este trabajo, se presenta un método de filtrado adaptativo para la eliminación de las componentes involuntarias de las fuerzas de interacción entre el usuario y el andador por el apoyo de sus miembros superiores. Este proceso se basa en la atenuación selectiva de componentes relacionadas con las oscilaciones del tronco del sujeto durante la marcha. Para ello, se hace la estimación de la cadencia de marcha en tiempo real procesando las señales de distancia obtenidas por un subsistema ultrasónico mediante el algoritmo Weighted-Frequency Fourier Linear Combiner (WFLC). Este subsistema suministra la distancia entre los pies del usuario y el andador en tiempo real. La cadencia a su vez es usada para el ajuste de un filtro notch adaptativo construido a partir del algoritmo Fourier Linear Combiner (FLC) que realiza el filtrado en tiempo real de las señales obtenidas del subsistema de medición de fuerzas de apoyo de antebrazos. El método propuesto ofrece una cancelación robusta y en tiempo real de cerca del 80% de la amplitud de las componentes indeseadas de frecuencia. La salida del algoritmo de filtrado propuesto permite así evidenciar componentes de fuerzas de bajo nivel pero muy importantes ya que están generadas por acciones intencionales y naturales asociadas a las intenciones de guiado del andador. Estas componentes serán utilizadas en el control de los motores del andador basándose en una arquitectura de control clásico que será desarrollada posteriormente

    Factores personales y familiares que inciden en la violencia que se suscita en el grado und?cimo del Instituto T?cnico Rafael Garc?a Herreros de la ciudad de Bucaramanga

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    113 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoLa violencia escolar es una problem?tica que afecta diariamente las instituciones educativas. Esta situaci?n est? supeditada a factores extr?nsecos tales como los culturales, pol?ticos, sociales, educativos; y a factores intr?nsecos tales como los personales y familiares, los cuales en conjunto, de forma silenciosa, afectan al joven en la consolidaci?n de su personalidad. Debido a esto, durante la investigaci?n se hace una observaci?n de los estudiantes en su ?mbito escolar, se realiza una revisi?n documental (observador del estudiante), se aplican encuestas y entrevistas a estudiantes y se ejecuta una revisi?n bibliogr?fica con el fin de identificar los factores personales y familiares que suscitan la violencia escolar en el aula de clase de und?cimo grado del Instituto T?cnico Rafael Garc?a Herreros. En la investigaci?n tan solo se indaga en los factores familiares y personales que intervienen en los actos violentos de los j?venes en la escuela, puesto que la familia, es el principal n?cleo de formaci?n de la sociedad, el cual repercute directamente en la consolidaci?n de la personalidad de los ni?os. De igual forma, se quiere indagar sobre la correspondencia entre las relaciones intrapersonales e interpersonales negativas con la presencia de violencia escolar en el aula de clase.ABSTRACT. School violence is a problem that affects daily educational institutions. This situation is committed to extrinsic factors such as cultural, political, social and educational; and intrinsic factors such as personal and family, which together, silently, affect the young in the consolidation of his personality. Therefore, during the investigation, an observation of students in their school environment and a documentary review (student observer) are performed, surveys and interviews with students are applied and a literature review is implemented in order to identify personal and familiar factors that raise school violence in the junior classroom of eleventh grade of the Technical Institute Rafael Garc?a Herreros. The research only explores family and personal factors involved in violent acts of young people in school since the family is the core of society formation, which directly affects the consolidation of personality of children. Furthermore, it is necessary to investigate the correspondence between negative intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships with the presence of school violence in the classroom.INTRODUCCI?N 12 1. EL PROBLEMA DE INVESTIGACI?N 14 1.1 CONTEXTO DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 14 1.1.1 Contexto Municipal 14 1.1.2 Contexto Institucional 16 1.1.3 Descripci?n Socio Econ?mica de las Familias 16 1.1.4 Componente Habitacional 19 1.2 PROBLEMA 20 1.2.1 Planteamiento del Problema 20 1.2.2 Formulaci?n del Problema 21 1.3 JUSTIFICACI?N 21 1.4 OBJETIVOS 22 1. 4.1 Objetivo General 22 1.4.2 Objetivos Espec?ficos 22 2 MARCO TE?RICO 23 2.1 REVISI?N DE ANTECEDENTES 23 2.2 MARCO LEGAL 28 2.2.1 Pol?ticas Estatales Sobre la violencia Escolar 28 2.2.2 Ley 1620 del 15 de Marzo de 2013 29 2.2.3 Est?ndares B?sicos de Competencias Ciudadanas 30 2.3 MARCO REFERENCIAL 31 2.3.1 La Violencia Escolar 31 2.3.2 Tipos de Violencia Escolar 34 2.3.3 Otras Formas de Violencia Escolar 35 2.3.4 Actores de la Violencia Escolar 36 2.3.5 Las Relaciones familiares y la Violencia Escolar 37 2.3.6 La Inteligencia Emocional en la Relaci?n con el Entorno 38 3 DISE?O METODOL?GICO 41 3.1 ENFOQUE DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 41 3.2 TIPO DE INVESTIGACI?N 43 3.3 DESCRIPCI?N DE LA POBLACI?N Y MUESTRA DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 43 3.3.1 Poblaci?n 43 3.3.2 Muestra 44 3.4 T?CNICAS E INSTRUMENTOS PARA LA RECOLECCI?N DE DATOS 44 3.5 DEFINICI?N OPERACIONAL 44 4 AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 53 4.1 AN?LISIS DE DATOS CUANTITATIVOS 53 4.1.1 Relaciones Familiares o Clima Familiar 53 4.1.2 Conducta Violenta en la Escuela 61 4.1.3 Relaciones Interpersonales e Intrapersonales 64 4.2 AN?LISIS DE DATOS CUALITATIVOS 66 4.3 AN?LISIS DE OBSERVACI?N DOCUMENTAL 69 5 TRIANGULACI?N DE DATOS 72 6 CONCLUSIONES 76 7 PERSPECTIVAS NUEVAS DE INVESTIGACI?N 83 RECOMENDACIONES 84 REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGR?FICAS 85 ANEXOS 9

    Integración de un ratón inercial y una interfaz ocular para el control del cursor del ordenador.

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    En este artículo se presenta la integración de un ratón inercial y una interfaz ocular para el control del cursor del ordenador. El ratón inercial se utiliza para controlar la posición del puntero, mientrasque la interfaz ocular permite hacer click en pantalla a través del parpadeo. Para evaluar la interfaz combinada se ha empleado un software de evaluación específico (Fitts Study) que ha permitido obtener parámetros de evaluación de la realización de diversas pruebas de alcance y selección de objetivos. Los resultados se han comparado con el uso del ratón inercial mediante selección por tiempo de permanencia.IBERADA (Red Iberoamericana para el estudio y desarrollo de aplicaciones TIC basadas en interfaces adaptadas a personas con discapacidad, 512TR0466), financiada por CYTED (Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo). Gracias también a la Obra Social de Caja Cantabria, entidad financiadora del proyecto IVANPACE.Peer reviewe

    Accuracy and precision of the Tobii X2-30 eye-tracking under non ideal conditions

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    This document describes a methodology for the measurement of accuracy and precision of a remote eye tracker, the Tobii X2-30, under non ideal condition. The test was performed with 10 people. The results are: 2.46 and 1.91 degrees for the accuracy and precision respectively. The results can be used to establish the target size on the screen.Peer Reviewe

    Viscosity and the Soft Ridge at RHIC

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    Correlation studies exhibit a ridge-like feature in rapidity and azimuthal angle, with and without a jet trigger. We ask whether the feature in untriggered correlations can be a consequence of transverse flow and viscous diffusion.Comment: Proc. Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, Indi

    Extraction of user's navigation commands from upper body force interaction in walker assisted gait

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The advances in technology make possible the incorporation of sensors and actuators in rollators, building safer robots and extending the use of walkers to a more diverse population. This paper presents a new method for the extraction of navigation related components from upper-body force interaction data in walker assisted gait. A filtering architecture is designed to cancel: (i) the high-frequency noise caused by vibrations on the walker's structure due to irregularities on the terrain or walker's wheels and (ii) the cadence related force components caused by user's trunk oscillations during gait. As a result, a third component related to user's navigation commands is distinguished.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For the cancelation of high-frequency noise, a Benedict-Bordner g-h filter was designed presenting very low values for Kinematic Tracking Error ((2.035 ± 0.358)·10<sup>-2 </sup><it>kgf</it>) and delay ((1.897 ± 0.3697)·10<sup>1</sup><it>ms</it>). A <it>Fourier Linear Combiner </it>filtering architecture was implemented for the adaptive attenuation of about 80% of the cadence related components' energy from force data. This was done without compromising the information contained in the frequencies close to such notch filters.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The presented methodology offers an effective cancelation of the undesired components from force data, allowing the system to extract in real-time voluntary user's navigation commands. Based on this real-time identification of voluntary user's commands, a classical approach to the control architecture of the robotic walker is being developed, in order to obtain stable and safe user assisted locomotion.</p

    Metodología de estudio del aprendizaje de niños con parálisis cerebral en el uso de un ratón por movimientos de cabeza

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    This paper presents a methodology designed to evaluate the learning process for people with cerebral palsy (CP) who are asked to control a computer through an inertial interface. The interface allows users to control the mouse pointer and click with head movements. The metric proposed in order to objectively measure the process of learning is the “throughput”. This parameter has been widely used for the evaluation of pointing devices and is now applied for the first time to people with CP. The results obtained show that the metric can be used to quantify how the user is learning and therefore to assess the usability of the inertial device.[EN]Este artículo presenta un estudio piloto que introduce una metodología para valorar el aprendizaje de una persona con parálisis cerebral (PC) en el manejo del computador con una interfaz inercial, que permite el control del cursor y el clic mediante movimientos de cabeza. Se propone el uso de una métrica denominada rendimiento para medir objetivamente el proceso de aprendizaje. La métrica, ampliamente utilizada para la evaluación de dispositivos apuntadores, se aplica por primera vez en usuarios con PC. Los resultados obtenidos muestran cómo la métrica propuesta permite cuantificar el proceso de aprendizaje del usuario con PC, con lo que puede ser empleada para valorar la usabilidad del dispositivo inercial.[ES]Peer reviewe

    Extraction of user's navigation commands from upper body force interaction in walker assisted gait

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The advances in technology make possible the incorporation of sensors and actuators in rollators, building safer robots and extending the use of walkers to a more diverse population. This paper presents a new method for the extraction of navigation related components from upper-body force interaction data in walker assisted gait. A filtering architecture is designed to cancel: (i) the high-frequency noise caused by vibrations on the walker's structure due to irregularities on the terrain or walker's wheels and (ii) the cadence related force components caused by user's trunk oscillations during gait. As a result, a third component related to user's navigation commands is distinguished.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For the cancelation of high-frequency noise, a Benedict-Bordner g-h filter was designed presenting very low values for Kinematic Tracking Error ((2.035 ± 0.358)·10<sup>-2 </sup><it>kgf</it>) and delay ((1.897 ± 0.3697)·10<sup>1</sup><it>ms</it>). A <it>Fourier Linear Combiner </it>filtering architecture was implemented for the adaptive attenuation of about 80% of the cadence related components' energy from force data. This was done without compromising the information contained in the frequencies close to such notch filters.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The presented methodology offers an effective cancelation of the undesired components from force data, allowing the system to extract in real-time voluntary user's navigation commands. Based on this real-time identification of voluntary user's commands, a classical approach to the control architecture of the robotic walker is being developed, in order to obtain stable and safe user assisted locomotion.</p

    Antibacterial activity in three Chaetoceros microalgae species cultures by using antibiotics

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    Diatoms, such as Chaetoceros, grow in a mutualistic relationship with bacteria. However, in some cases, it is necessary to grow them in bacteria-free cultures. To reduce bacterial load, antibiotics are used, and on certain occasions it is necessary to use a mixture with more than one antibiotic. This work aimed to obtain a quick and effective protocol to reduce the bacterial load and evaluate the response of three Chaetoceros species with aquacultural importance. Single and mix antibiotics were used. Microalgal and bacterial growth was measured. The growth parameters for diatoms showed that the significantly highest cell concentration was for C. muelleri (3.15 x106 cells mL-1) and the lowest values to C. calcitrans (2.98 x106 cells mL-1). The significantly highest growth rate was for C. calcitrans (0.77 divisions per day), and the lowest values for Chaetoceros sp. (0.60 divisions per day). The growth parameters for heterotrophic bacteria showed that the significantly highest bacterial load was for Chaetoceros sp. (19.16 x106 CFU (Colony-Forming Units) mL-1) and the lowest values were for C. calcitrans (12.23 x106 CFU mL-1). The growth rate of the heterotrophic bacteria present in Chaetoceros cultures was similar among the three studied species. Streptomycin® and sulfate G41® produced a partial reduction of bacterial load. The most effective treatment for all three species was the use of an antibiotic mix composed of ampicillin® (250 μg mL-1), kanamycin® (200 μg mL-1), neomycin® (50 μg mL-1), and streptomycin® (100 μg mL-1) for three days. The mix prepared with the highest antibiotic concentration produced a reduction of bacteria (100%) for three days; however, it also induced a significant reduction of the growth of the three Chaetoceros species