156 research outputs found

    Propuesta de un plan de higiene y seguridad ocupacional en el taller de Calzados Díaz en el periodo comprendido de Agosto- Diciembre de 2015

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    El presente trabajo investigativo se enfocó en la propuesta de un plan de higiene y seguridad ocupacional en el taller de calzados Díaz, ubicado en el departamento de Nindiri, cementerio 3 c al norte 2 c al oeste, con el propósito de evaluar los riesgos a los cuales están expuestos los trabajadores en sus respectivas áreas, a través de un mapa de riesgo basado en la metodología establecida por el MITRAB lo cual ayudará a la elaboración de un plan de acción para contrarrestar los peligros existentes en cada puesto de trabajo. Actualmente el taller presenta deficiencias en materia de higiene y seguridad ocupacional entre las que más sobresalen la protección y prevención contra incendio, el no poseer una ruta de evacuación en caso de emergencia, la inadecuada ventilación y la poca iluminación. Una vez que se analizó las condiciones en cuanto a higiene y seguridad ocupacional, tomando como base la metodología propuesta por el Ministerio del Trabajo Ley 618, se valoraron los riesgos, para ello se determinó la probabilidad que el peligro se materialice y la severidad de sus consecuencias, para obtener el nivel de riesgo al que están expuestos los trabajadores del taller Calzados Díaz. Con la información obtenida se elaboró el mapa de riesgo del taller. En cumplimiento con la normativa, se elaboró el “Plan de Acción” que consistió en plantear medidas preventivas y correctivas para mitigar los accidentes laborares y enfermedades profesionales a lo que están expuestos los trabajadores del taller Calzados Día

    Teaching speaking to students of 11th grade at Heroes y Martires de la Reforma Institute in Masaya during the second semester 2016

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the teaching strategies use by the teacher in order to determine their effects on development of the speaking skills in students of eleventh grade at Heroes y Martires de la Reforma Institute in Masaya. This research follows the mixed approach quantitative and qualitative; with the use of questionnaires as a quantitative technique, interviews and observations as a qualitative technique. (Bryman, 1988)Argued for a `best of both worlds' approach and suggested that qualitative and quantitative approaches should be combined. The sample of this research was select by a convenient method. The sample of the research was 66 students which represented the 100 % of the population. The main objective of this research was to analyze the teaching strategies that teacher used to develop speaking skills. Finally, it was found that the teaching speaking strategies applied in classes are not enough to promote speaking skills and language competence

    Proyecto de Titulación Plan de Negocios Once S.A.

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    This business plan (ONCE SA) plans to sell beverage catering and show bar , besides the custom setting, according to the needs and tastes of consumers. This service promises an authentic and magical experience through the spectacle of trained professionals in the field of mixology. Distribution is done through vehicles owned by the company, to each event which required our services. They also carry mobile bar, staff and supplies needed to create the environment required by the customer. Because originality entertainment works with the flavors and quality of our spirits, we headed to a medium-­‐broad economic level who enjoy and appreciate our excellence.El presente plan de negocios (ONCE S.A) planea la venta de servicio de catering de bebidas y show bar, además de la ambientación personalizada, según las necesidades y gustos del consumidor. Este servicio promete una experiencia auténtica y mágica a través del espectáculo de profesionales capacitados en el área de coctelería. Su distribución se hará a través de vehículos de propiedad de la empresa, a acada evento el cual precise de nuestros servicios. Se transportará además de la barra móvil, el personal y los insumos necesarios para la creación del ambiente solicitado por el cliente. Debido a su originalidad que funciona el entretenimiento con los sabores y calidad de nuestros licores, nos dirigimos a un nivel económico mediano-lato que disfruten y valoren nuestra excelencia


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    Lo macabro es un fenómeno propio de la Europa de los siglos XIV, XV y parte del XVI, que va a tener la característica de representar la muerte de forma real y cruda, creándose la figura de la Muerte como un personaje que arrebata y se lleva la vida de los hombres. Los historiadores que han estudiado la muerte en estos siglos han tratado de explicar los orígenes de lo macabro, razón por la cual el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la discusión historiográfica que existe sobre este tema, presentando las principales tesis que tratan de dar una explicación a dicho fenómeno

    La Pinta del Diablo : creación de marca y campaña para lanzamiento de marca de eventos culturales

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    La Pinta del Diablo is a cultural events brand born from the love for culture and art, inspired by the lack of spaces and opportunities for the alternative art scene. It is based on the elaboration of cultural events that fulfill the desire of the artists to promote the alternative art and second to transmit it as a legitimate artistic expression...La Pinta de Diablo es una marca de eventos culturales que nace a partir del amor a la cultura y el arte, inspirada por la falta de espacios y oportunidades para la escena de arte alternativo. Se basa en la elaboración de eventos culturales que cumplen con el deseo de los artistas de promover el arte alternativo y segundo trasmitirlo como una expresión artística legítima..


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    En el contexto de la reforma del clero en el Arzobispado de Lima, la Iglesia ¾particularmente desde el Tercer Concilio Limense¾ procuró regular y corregir ciertos problemas conductuales de una parte del clero a través de la legislación eclesiástica y de las penas vinculadas a ella. Sin embargo, estas medidas no cumplieron del todo con su objetivo. En este artículo se pretende analizar el caso de Juan de Almoguera, obispo de Arequipa, quien en su búsqueda e intento por reformar al clero, hace uso de exempla o relatos ejemplares que abordan casos de clérigos en pecado, para apelar a emociones que conlleven a cambios conductuales ya sea por el temor a la condena eterna del alma o por la esperanza de la salvación y, de este modo, lograr la reforma anhelada

    Impacto de la convivencia escolar sobre el rendimiento académico, desde la percepción de estudiantes con desarrollo típico y necesidades educativas especiales

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    This descriptive correlational study aims to compare the perception about eight dimensions of school coexistence of typically developing high school students (n = 545) and students with special educational needs (n = 75) from Chile and their relationship with the general academic performance.  Based on the analysis of hierarchical and non-hierarchical clusters, multiple regression and logistic regression, it was found that students with special educational needs have a less favorable perception in almost every dimension analyzed; especially, in those aspects related to school victimization, aggression, and indiscipline. Likewise, they perceive that they have a limited peer social network, as well as limited normative adjustment and a lower perception about their own positive interpersonal skills. The multiple regression and logistic regression models allow confirming that the dimensions of school coexistence account for between 20% and 27% of the academic performance variability. The aforementioned models highlight the role and negative effect of the level of victimization perceived by students, as well as the perception about the occurrence of indiscipline situations in the classroom, and the fact of belonging to the group of students with special educational needs, and to the group of male students. The findings are analyzed and discussed in light of the implications for high social vulnerability educational contexts.This descriptive correlational study aims to compare the perception about eight dimensions of school coexistence of typically developing high school students (n = 545) and students with special educational needs (n = 75) from Chile and their relationship with the general academic performance.  Based on the analysis of hierarchical and non-hierarchical clusters, multiple regression and logistic regression, it was found that students with special educational needs have a less favorable perception in almost every dimension analyzed; especially, in those aspects related to school victimization, aggression, and indiscipline. Likewise, they perceive that they have a limited peer social network, as well as limited normative adjustment and a lower perception about their own positive interpersonal skills. The multiple regression and logistic regression models allow confirming that the dimensions of school coexistence account for between 20% and 27% of the academic performance variability. The aforementioned models highlight the role and negative effect of the level of victimization perceived by students, as well as the perception about the occurrence of indiscipline situations in the classroom, and the fact of belonging to the group of students with special educational needs, and to the group of male students. The findings are analyzed and discussed in light of the implications for high social vulnerability educational contexts.Estudio descriptivo-correlacional que busca comparar la percepción acerca de ocho dimensiones de la convivencia escolar de estudiantes chilenos de educación media con desarrollo típico (n=545) y con necesidades educativas especiales (n=75), y su relación con el rendimiento académico general. A partir de los análisis de conglomerados jerárquico y no jerárquico, regresión múltiple y regresión logística, se constata que los estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales tienen una percepción más desfavorable en casi todas las dimensiones analizadas, especialmente en aquellos aspectos asociados a la victimización escolar y agresión e indisciplina, de igual forma, perciben tener una menor red social de iguales, menor ajuste normativo y una más baja percepción respecto de la gestión interpersonal positiva. Los modelos de regresión múltiple y regresión logística, permiten constatar que las dimensiones de la convivencia escolar explican entre el 20% y el 27% de la variabilidad del rendimiento académico. En dichos modelos destaca el papel y efecto negativo que tiene la el grado de victimización que perciben los estudiantes, como también la percepción respecto de la ocurrencia o presencia de situaciones de indisciplina al interior del aula, como también el hecho de pertenecer al grupo de estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales, y el pertenecer al grupo de estudiantes hombres. Se analizan y discuten los hallazgos a la luz de las implicaciones para contextos educativos de alta vulnerabilidad social

    «Los curas no sean codiciosos». Las actividades lucrativas del clero secular peruano y la normatividad eclesiástica (siglos XVI-XVII)

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    The mercantile practices of the Indigenous parish priests were observed by the Peruvian Church as an activity that was detrimental to pastoral life and the process of evangelization. In front of this situation, the ecclesiastical legislation sought measures to eradicate what was considered one of the most serious problems in those lands. This article aims to analyze the problem of merchant clergy in the archdiocese of Lima and the solutions proposed by the Peruvian synods and councils during the 16th and 17th centuries.Las prácticas mercantiles del clero en las doctrinas de indios eran observadas por la Iglesia peruana como una actividad que iba en detrimento de la vida pastoral y del proceso de evangelización. Frente a esta situación, la legislación eclesiástica buscó medidas para erradicar lo que se consideraba como uno de los problemas más graves de esas tierras. En el presente artículo se pretende analizar la problemática del clero mercader en el arzobispado de Lima y las vías de solución que propusieron los sínodos y concilios peruanos durante los siglos XVI y XVII

    From planning to resilience: The role (and value) of the emergency plan

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Technological Forecasting & Social Change. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Technological Forecasting & Social Change 121 (2017) 17–30. DOI 10.1016/j.techfore.2016.12.004.The study of resilience in the emergency management field is nowadays in effervescence. Traditionally, the robustness of organizations against disasters is based on several pillars: equipment, staff training, organization and, especially, planning. All of these dimensions are aimed at increasing the preparedness and recovery of organizations against disasters. While the approaches to resilience in emergency management focus on the processes that implement these dimensions, we approach resilience-building processes from a different perspective: instead of focusing on planning-related activities, we pay attention to the principal outcome of such activities, namely emergency plan. We show how the management of the emergency plan can contribute to reinforcing an organization's resilience. First, we identify the major resilience-related emergency plan components and suggest improved emergency plans that consider the characteristics that contribute to resilience. Secondly, we show how to reinforce the resilience of the organizations that have emergency plans. Our study is based on QuEP, a quality-based framework for the assessment and improvement of emergency plan management within organizations. We have extended and integrated the resilience characteristics as practices of the QuEP's maturity level hierarchy to make up QuEP + R. We describe its resilience model and give details of a supporting tool, currently under development. © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.The work of M. C. Penades and J. H. Canos& was partially funded by MINECO under grant CALPE (TIN2015-68608-R) and A.G. NCifiez received support from SENESCYT scholarship program of the Republic of Ecuador.Penadés Gramage, MC.; Núñez Ávila, AG.; Canos Cerda, JH. (2016). From planning to resilience: The role (and value) of the emergency plan. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 121(3):17-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2016.12.004S1730121

    Characterization of BreR Interaction with the Bile Response Promoters breAB and breR in Vibrio cholerae

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    The Vibrio cholerae BreR protein is a transcriptional repressor of the breAB efflux system operon, which encodes proteins involved in bile resistance. In a previous study (F. A. Cerda-Maira, C. S. Ringelberg, and R. K. Taylor, J. Bacteriol. 190:7441-7452, 2008), we used gel mobility shift assays to determine that BreR binds at two independent binding sites at the breAB promoter and a single site at its own promoter. Here it is shown, by DNase I footprinting and site-directed mutagenesis, that BreR is able to bind at a distal and a proximal site in the breAB promoter. However, only one of these sites, the proximal 29-bp site, is necessary for BreR-mediated transcriptional repression of breAB expression. In addition, it was determined that BreR represses its own expression by recognizing a 28-bp site at the breR promoter. These sites comprise regions of dyad symmetry within which residues critical for BreR function could be identified. The BreR consensus sequence AANGTANAC-N(6)-GTNTACNTT overlaps the -35 region at both promoters, implying that the repression of gene expression is achieved by interfering with RNA polymerase binding at these promoters