15 research outputs found


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    Labrisomus philippii (Steindachner, 1866) is a marine fish species of intertidal-subtidal rocky bottom with distribution on the coast of Peru and Chile. 124 specimens of L. philippii were acquired in the Chorrillos Fishmarket, Lima, Peru, between May to September 2008 to evaluate parasitefauna infracommunities. Fish showed a mean length of 19.1 cm (10 cm to 24.5 cm). Parasites were collected and counted employing conventional techniques. Parasite assemblages were higher for endoparasite (99.3%) than ectoparasites abundance (0.70%). The mean parasite species richness as 1.1 (0-5). Forty-seven hosts were not parasited and seventy-seven hosts showed infection at least with one parasite specie. Eight parasites with the following prevalence and mean abundance were found: an unidentified mixosporea (7.2%; 0.1±0.5), the copepod Acanthochondria syciasis (Kroyer, 1863) (4%; 0.04±0.2), three trematods, Zoogonus rubellus (Olsson, 1868) (32.2; 18.4±128.9), Prosorhynchoides rioplatensis (Szidat, 1970) Lunaschi, 2003 (30.6%; 3.6±12.1), and Helicometra fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) (13.7%; 4.7±19.4), the larval acanthocephala Corynosoma australe Johnston, 1937 (15.3%; 0.5±2.0), the nematode Proleptus sp. (2.4%; 0.02± 0.1) and a Piscicolidae unidentified gen. specie (1.6%; 0.02± 0.1). Importance concept of Bursey showed that Z. rubellus (1872), H. fasciata (483.7) and P. rioplatensis (390) presented high numeric values. Five of the eight parasites showed an aggregated distribution. Finally, the results obtained of community parasite structure registered on L. philippii twenty years ago in the same locality of study were compared.Labrisomus philippii (Steindachner, 1866) es un pez de fondos rocosos intermareales y submareales con distribución en las costas de Perú y Chile. Entre mayo y septiembre del 2008, 124 especímenes de L. philippii fueron obtenidos desde el Terminal Pesquero de Chorrillos, Lima, Perú para la evaluación cuantitativa de su fauna parasitaria. De los peces estudiados 64 fueron hembras y 60 fueron machos. Los peces mostraron una longitud promedio de 19,1 cm (10 cm a 24,5 cm). Los parásitos fueron colectados y censados empleando las técnicas convencionales. El ensamble parasitario registró una  mayor abundancia de endoparásitos (99,3%) que de ectoparásitos (0,7%). El promedio de la riqueza de especies de parásitos fue 1,1 (0 a 5). 47 hospederos no presentaron ningún parásito y 77 hospederos mostraron infección con al menos un solo parásito. Se encontraron ocho parásitos con la siguiente prevalencia y abundancia media (± desviación estandar) un mixosporea no identificado (7,2%; 0,1±0,5), el copépodo Acanthochondria syciasis (Kroyer, 1863) (4%; 0,04±0,2), tres tremátodos, Zoogonus rubellus (Olsson, 1868) (32,2; 18,4±128,9), Prosorhynchoides rioplatensis (Szidat, 1970) Lunaschi, 2003 (30,6%; 3,6±12,1), y Helicometra fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819) (13,7%; 4,7±19,4), el acantocéfalo (larva) Corynosoma australe Johnston, 1937 (15,3%; 0,5±2,0), el nemátodo Proleptus sp. (2,4%; 0,02± 0,1) y un Piscicolidae gen. especie no identificada (1,6%; 0,02± 0,1). El concepto de importancia de Bursey mostró que Z. rubellus (1872), H. fasciata (483,7) y P. rioplatensis (390) presentaron los valores numéricos más altos. Cinco de los ocho parásitos mostraron una distribución agregada. Se compararon los resultados obtenidos con la estructura comunitaria parasitaria registrada 20 años atrás en L. philippii en la misma localidad

    Câncer de fígado: ameaça nova ou antiga para os jovens dos países em desenvolvimento?

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    Among the most frequent malignancies worldwide, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related death (1). Its incidence has doubled over the past two decades, with the greatest burden occurring in low- and middle-income countries. Malignant primary liver tumors are usually described as a pathology affecting mainly men older than 40 years with a cirrhotic liver; they have rarely been reported in younger people and usually, in those younger than 40, most commonly hepatoblastoma.Entre las neoplasias malignas más frecuentes del mundo, el carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) es la segunda causa de muerte relacionada con el cáncer (1). Su incidencia se ha duplicado durante las dos últimas décadas y la mayor carga se produce en los países de ingresos bajos y medianos. Los tumores hepáticos primarios malignos suelen describirse como una patología que afecta principalmente a hombres mayores de 40 años con un hígado cirrótico; rara vez se han registrado en personas más jóvenes y normalmente, en menores de 40, lo más común es el hepatoblastoma.Entre as doenças malignas mais comuns no mundo inteiro, o carcinoma hepatocelular (HCC) é a segunda principal causa de morte relacionada ao câncer (1). Sua incidência dobrou nas últimas duas décadas, sendo que a maior carga ocorreu em países de baixa e média renda. Os tumores primários malignos do fígado são geralmente descritos como uma patologia que afeta principalmente homens acima de 40 anos de idade com fígado cirrótico; raramente foram relatados em pessoas mais jovens e geralmente, naqueles com menos de 40 anos, o mais comum é o hepatoblastoma

    Étude génomique intégrative du carcinome hepatocellulaire du Pérou

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    Au cours de la dernière décennie, l’Amérique latine a connu la plus forte incidence de cancer du foie. Les derniers rapports ont montré l'apparition précoce et inhabituelle de CHC dans cette région. C'est particulièrement le cas de Pérou, où une distribution bimodale basée sur l'âge a été rapportée. Cette distribution délimitait deux sous-populations, une jeune et une autre plus vieux (≤ 44 et > 44 ans). Les principales caractéristiques sont le sex-ratio équilibré (M: F; 1,6), le nombre élevé de tumeurs mal différenciées et indifférenciées (86%), le grosse tumeurs (12,3 cm-diamètre), le valeur élevée de AFP dans le sérum (1,42E + 05 ng/ml), un nombre considérable de foies non cirrhotiques (89%) et taux d'infection élevé par le VHB (74%). Ces particularités du développement du CHC péruvien soulignent la nécessité de mieux comprendre les principes moléculaires. Pour ces raisons, une analyse génomique intégrative a été menée en utilisant des profils d'expression génique et de méthylation de l'ADN à partir d'échantillons paires tumeur/non-tumorale de patients péruviens. Globalement, le CHC péruvien a été caractérisé au niveau transcriptomique par un gain de signaux prolifératifs impliquant des modificateurs épigénomique, une perte massive de marqueurs hépatocytaires, une détection et signalisation aberrantes des hormones et des métabolites primaires, tels que les rétinoïdes. Cliniquement, le CHC péruvien présentait un phénotype hybride entre les classes proliférantes et non-proliférantes, présumé mutuellement exclusif. Que cette épidémiologie du génome humain soit liée à des facteurs ethniques ou à des indices étiologiques reste à explorer.N the last decade Latin American is the region with highest incidence rise for liver cancer. Latest reports have shown the occurrence of unusual early onset of HCC in this region. This is specially prevailing in Peru, where a bimodal age-based distribution has been reported. This distribution delineated two subpopulations, an early-onset and a late-onset (≤44 and > 44 years old). The main characteristics of this HCC presentation are equilibrated sex ratio (M:F, 1.6), high number of poorly and undifferentiated tumors (86%), big tumors (12.3 cm-diameter), high AFP values in serum (1.42E+05 ng/ml), a considerable number of non-cirrhotic livers (89%) and high HBV infection rate (74%).These peculiarities of HCC development in Peruvian patients emphasize the needs to provide further insight into the molecular principles that, with HBV infection or other factors, could lead to this HCC presentation. For these reasons an integrative genomic analysis was conducted using gene expression and DNA methylation profiles of Peruvian patients' surgical specimens (tumour/non-tumour pairs). Overall, Peruvian HCC was characterized at the transcriptomic level by a gain of proliferative signals involving epigenome modifiers, massive loss in hepatocyte markers, aberrant sensing and signalling of hormones and primary metabolites, such as the retinoids. From the clinical standpoint, Peruvian HCC featured a hybrid phenotype between proliferative and non-proliferative classes that are presumed mutually exclusive in the unifying classification. Whether this human genome epidemiology is linked to ethnic factors or to etiological cues remains to be explored

    Single-cell differentiation trajectories define early stages of a human cutaneous T-cell lymphoma

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    International audienceAim: The aim of this article is to characterize in detail the γδ T lymphocytes from an adult patient with primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of γδ subtype (γδ CTCL). Methods: Here this article reports trajectory mapping on high-resolution differentiation trajectories of γδ T lymphocytes digitally extracted from a scRNAseq dataset. Results: In the patch-to-plaque progression of CTCL, the TCRVγnon9 subset of γδ T cells differentiated from naive T cells (Tn) and central memory T cells (Tcm) to abundant effector memory T cells (Tem) while other cutaneous γδ T and CD8 T cells remained unchanged. Conclusions: This transcriptomic switch underlies the emergence of a CTCL-like progression of the TCRVγnon9 γδ T subtype and suggests new routes for treating these diseases

    Early-onset liver cancer in South America associates with low hepatitis B virus DNA burden

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    International audienceIn Peru, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) arises in young non-cirrhotic patients. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is suspected to be the prominent etiological agent. We thus performed a comprehensive molecular study of HBV infection in 65 Peruvian HCC patients. Only 51% were considered as persistently infected at the onset. HBV DNA was found by PCR in the tumor and/or matched non-tumor liver tissues in more than 80% of cases (n = 53/65). HBV DNA was significantly more abundant in livers of younger patients than in those of the older ones. We consistently observed low viral DNA burden (0.1–6.5 copies for 100 cells), with viral genomes in younger patients displaying higher proportion of mutations at di-pyrimidines (TpT and CpC, P = 0.006). A drastic activation of multiple DNA repair pathways in tumors of younger patients was observed. Our observations clearly challenge the current vision that associates high HBV DNA load with earlier tumor development. We concluded that in Peru, and maybe in other populations with Americas' indigenous ancestry, HBV-associated liver tumorigenesis might differ significantly from that generally observed in the rest of the world. Procedures used to screen for HCC development in subjects at risk should be adapted to the local situation

    Herbal Medicine Practices of Patients With Liver Cancer in Peru: A Comprehensive Study Toward Integrative Cancer Management

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    International audienceRationale: The highest burden of liver cancer occurs in developing countries, where the use of herbal medicine (HM) is still widespread. Despite this trend, few studies have been conducted to report HM practices of patients with a hepatic tumor in the developing world. Hence, this study aimed to document the use of HM among patients with liver cancer in Peru. Study Design and Methods: A comparative behavioral epidemiological survey was conducted among liver cancer patients attending the National Cancer Institute of Peru. Information was obtained by direct interviews based on a semistructured questionnaire. The use of HM in Peruvian liver cancer patients was reported, first, regarding general consumption prior to the onset of disease, and second, after the appearance of symptoms that patients would relate to their tumor. In parallel, general consumption of HM in noncancerous people was assessed as a comparative figure. A correspondence analysis was performed to reveal potential associations between the symptoms of cancer and the specific use of HM. Results: Eighty-eight patients and 117 noncancerous individuals participated in the survey. Overall, 68.3% of the people interviewed claimed to use HM on a regular basis for general health preservation. Furthermore, 56.8% of the patients turned to plants first to treat the disorders for which they later came to the cancer care center. When compared with the number of plant species used routinely (n = 78), a selection of plants was made by patients in response to the symptoms of cancer (n = 46). At least 2 plant species, Aloe vera and Morinda citrifolia, were significantly associated with the treatment of liver cancer–related symptoms in the patient group. Conclusions: The present study is the first survey on the HM practices of patients with liver cancer in Latin America and, more broadly, in the developing world. Our findings confirm that HM remains one of the principal primary health care resources in Peru, even for a severe disease like liver cancer. These traditional, complementary and alternative medicine practices should be taken into consideration in Peruvian health programs aiming to educate the population in cancer prevention and treatment, as well as integrative cancer management

    A preoperative risk score based on early recurrence for estimating outcomes after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma in the non-cirrhotic liver

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    International audienceBackground: Liver resection is the mainstay treatment option for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in the non-cirrhotic liver (NCL-HCC), but almost half of these patients will experience a recurrence within five years of surgery. Therefore, we aimed to develop a rationale-based risk evaluation tool to assist surgeons in recurrence-related treatment planning for NCL-HCC. Methods: We analyzed single-center data from 263 patients who underwent liver resection for NCL-HCC. Using machine learning modeling, we first determined an optimal cut-off point to discriminate early versus late relapses based on time to recurrence. We then constructed a risk score based on preoperative variables to forecast outcomes according to recurrence-free survival. Results: We computed an optimal cut-off point for early recurrence at 12 months post-surgery. We identified macroscopic vascular invasion, multifocal tumor, and spontaneous tumor rupture as predictor variables of outcomes associated with early recurrence and integrated them into a scoring system. We thus stratified, with high concordance, three groups of patients on a graduated scale of recurrence-related survival. Conclusion: We constructed a preoperative risk score to estimate outcomes after liver resection in NCL-HCC patients. Hence, this score makes it possible to rationally stratify patients based on recurrence risk assessment for better treatment planning

    Liver clear cell foci and viral infection are associated with non-cirrhotic, non-fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma in young patients from South America

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    International audienceWe previously described a divergent clinical and molecular presentation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Peru. The present study aimed to further characterize the tissue features associated with this singular nosological form of HCC in order to gain insight into the natural history of the disease. We performed an exploratory analysis of the histology of both tumor and non-tumor liver (NTL) tissues from 50 Peruvian HCC patients, and compared with that of 75 individuals with non-HCC liver tumor or benign liver lesions as a baseline for NTL features. We complemented this approach with a transcriptome analysis in a subset of NTL tissue samples and also performed an ultra-sensitive hepatitis B virus (HBV) detection in liver tissues of the patients. Overall, results highlighted the low rate of liver parenchymal alterations in a young patient cohort (median age: 40 years old), despite a strong prevalence of underlying HBV infection (c. 67%). Withal, liver clear cell foci of cellular alteration were genuinely associated with HCC and appended to some changes in immune and G protein-coupled receptor gene expression ontologies. Our findings confirm the occurrence of a particular setting of HCC in South America, a region where the pathophysiology of liver cancer remains largely unexplored