9 research outputs found

    Reflexões sobre o direito e o processo penal

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 343 S929rOrganizado por: Guilherme Francisco Ceolin e Lucas Minorell

    ¿Por qué utilizar un ejemplo clásico? Breves reflexiones sobre la enseñanza del derecho penal desde el enfoque de la Tabla de Carnéades

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    Recent papers found in Brazil criticize traditional examples used in Criminal Law textbooks, especially the Plank of Carneades, under the assumption that its exceeding abstractness can move away teaching from practice. However, the resources presented, such as the use of literature and cases, barely meet equivalent or satisfactory results. The present paper analyzes the introduced arguments and concludes they do not succeed once they do not take in account that thought experiments may be useful not only for teaching purposes but also to expose, defend and refute theories.Artículos recientes encontrados en Brasil critican ejemplos tradicionales utilizados en manuales de derecho penal, especialmente la Tabla de Carnéades, con la excusa de que son demasiado abstractos y aumentan la distancia entre enseñanza y práctica. Sin embargo, las opciones presentadas, como el recurso a la literatura y a la jurisprudencia, no siempre brindan resultados equiparables o satisfactorios. Por los análisis de los argumentos presentados, este artículo concluye que esa interpretación no avanza, ya que no considera que el recurso a experimentos mentales puede ser utilizado no solamente para fines didácticos, sino también para exponer, defender y refutar teorías

    As relações de complementaridade entre Direito Penal, Direito Processual Penal e política criminal

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    O Direito Penal, o Direito Processual Penal e a Política Criminal, apesar de apresentarem autonomia, são ramos complementares na abordagem do fenômeno jurídico do crime e indissociáveis quando se busca solucionar casos concretos em matéria criminal. Neste texto, após um resumido panorama histórico acerca da unidade, autonomização e reaproximação das três disciplinas, abordamos os fatores que tornam imprescindível uma visão conjunta e, em seguida, expomos três das principais propostas e críticas a essa união; por fim, fornecemos exemplos de questões em que essa perspectiva teórica pode ser frutífera para a resolução de problemas práticos. Adota-se um enfoque descritivo e exploratório, a fim de introduzir a questão da integração entre os ramos e apresentar pautas para posterior desenvolvimento científico

    Reply to the discussion and comments of Azerêdo et al. (2023) and Schneider et al. (2023) on the paper by Magalhães et al. ‘Middle Jurassic multi-scale transgressive–regressive cycles: An example from the Lusitanian Basin’, The Depositional Record, 9, 174–202

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    cently published paper. The exchange of ideas, data and interpretation improves our knowledge and is the right way to discuss science\u27s advances. This reply considers the points raised by Azerêdo et al. (2023) and Schneider et al. (2023). In both manuscripts, these authors raised many issues about sedimentological and stratigraphic aspects that can be separated into two groups: (a) those related to the age of the studied succession; and (b) those assigning the studied succession to the Candeeiros Formation

    Sobre o estado atual da dogm?tica do dolo

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    Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS ([email protected]) on 2016-05-27T11:24:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_GUILHERME_FRANCISCO_CEOLIN_PARCIAL.pdf: 573145 bytes, checksum: 46148526f1d562877c8da617d3ebaf90 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-27T11:24:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_GUILHERME_FRANCISCO_CEOLIN_PARCIAL.pdf: 573145 bytes, checksum: 46148526f1d562877c8da617d3ebaf90 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-17Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPESThe subject of the present research is the concept of intention. The objective is to analyse the current state of the problem, i.e., which are the main order of questions to reason the discussions about the concept of intention, as well as to analyse solution proposals. Bibliographical review and analyses were the methods used in this study, with a diverse explanation and critical analyses of ideas about the referred proposals. The explanation is divided in two chapters. In the first chapter, the current state of the question of the concept of intention under the contemporaneous criminal dogmatic is analysed. First, it is verified the unfeasible of the ontological foundation of the concept of intention, as it is stated that intent is defined in the normative relation, and not ontological, and that, because of this, it shall be deducted in a coherent way from the Criminal Law foundations. Thereafter, it is investigated what is the legacy of ideas brought by the objective imputation theory in the sphere of imputation of intention, as it is stated that it comes to relegate the analyses of a subjective type to a second degree of imputation, to decrease the relevance of the subjective type, as well as to insert in the action disvalue an objective face. The second chapter is dedicated to the concepts of intention proposed by scholars in order to suit to the current state of the problem and fill the gaps opened by the departure of the ontological foundation. Topics of terminology are analysed, a panorama of positions is traced in respect to content, a performance capacity of these are compared. A position is assumed regarding some of these questions and, at the end, critics are classified in order to provide a general view of the theme. Some of the main conclusions of the research are: intention is defined in the normative relation, and not ontological; the concept of intention shall be suitable to the creation of risk and, therefore, shall have an objective aspect that can be configured on the domain over the creation of the riks; in intentional cases, analysis of dominion over the creation of risk shall use special author's knowledge; the debate about the concept of intent has fulcrum in different understandings about the ratio legis of punishment of intend; the discussions about intention are direct results from the discussions about the foundation model of the Criminal Law and of the comprehension of the derived responsibility.O objeto de estudo da presente pesquisa ? o conceito de dolo. O objetivo ? analisar o estado atual da quest?o, i.e. quais s?o as principais ordens de quest?es que fundamentam as discuss?es em torno do conceito de dolo, bem como analisar as suas propostas de resolu??o. O m?todo utilizado foi o de revis?o e an?lise bibliogr?ficas, com exposi??o e an?lise cr?tica de diversas concep??es acerca das referidas propostas. A exposi??o est? dividida em dois cap?tulos. No primeiro cap?tulo, faz-se a an?lise do estado atual da quest?o do conceito de dolo na dogm?tica jur?dico-penal. Primeiro, verifica-se a impossibilidade de se fundar ontologicamente o conceito de dolo, frente ao que ? conclu?do que o dolo se define a partir da uma rela??o normativa, e n?o ontol?gica, e que, por essa raz?o, dever? ser deduzido de forma coerente dos fundamentos do Direito Penal. Em seguida, investiga-se qual o patrim?nio de ideias trazido pela teoria da imputa??o objetiva no ?mbito da imputa??o dolosa, frente ao que ? conclu?do que a mesma vem a relegar a an?lise do tipo subjetivo a um segundo degrau de imputa??o, diminuir a relev?ncia do tipo subjetivo, bem como inserir na an?lise do desvalor da a??o j? uma face objetiva. O segundo cap?tulo ? dedicado ao estudo de alguns dos conceitos de dolo propostos pelos doutrinadores com a finalidade de adequarem-se ao estado atual da quest?o e suprimirem as lacunas abertas pelo afastamento da fundamenta??o ontol?gica. Analisa-se quest?es terminol?gicas, tra?a-se um panorama com posicionamentos a respeito do conte?do, compara-se a capacidade de rendimento destes e toma-se posi??o acerca de algumas dessas quest?es para, ao final, reagrupar as principais cr?ticas a fim de fornecer uma vis?o geral sobre a tem?tica. Algumas das principais conclus?es da pesquisa s?o: o dolo se define na rela??o normativa, e n?o ontol?gica; o conceito de dolo dever? estar adequado ? cria??o do risco n?o permito e, portanto, dever? conter uma faceta objetiva que poder? ser configurado no dom?nio sobre a cria??o do risco; nos casos dolosos, a an?lise do dom?nio sobre a cria??o do risco tem de utilizar-se dos conhecimentos especiais do autor; a utiliza??o dos conhecimentos especiais do autor implica a avalia??o do elemento cognitivo do dolo no ?mbito da imputa??o objetiva; o debate sobre o conceito de dolo tem fulcro nas diferentes compreens?es sobre a ratio legis da puni??o a t?tulo de dolo; as discuss?es sobre o conceito de dolo s?o frutos diretos das discuss?es acerca do modo de fundamenta??o do Direito Penal e da compreens?o de responsabilidade da? proveniente

    Paleoenvironmental evolution of the Aptian Romualdo Formation, Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil

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    The tectonic evolution of the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway (EAG) throughout the early Cretaceous had global implications. This break-up of western Gondwana has played a significant role in causing, or amplifying, environmental changes due to its influence on ocean chemistry, nutrient distribution, water mass circulation, and bottom waters ventilation. However, the timing of its establishment and the areal extent of this oceanic gateway is still poorly constrained. Marine settings were recorded by the black shales of the Romualdo Formation (Late Aptian), Araripe Basin - Northeastern Brazil, which are known worldwide for their fossil content and importance for paleogeographic reconstructions of Gondwana. In this contribution, we present multiproxy analyses, combining macro- and micropaleontological, as well as sediment compositional data to evaluate paleoenvironmental conditions during the deposition of sedimentary strata assigned to the Romualdo Formation. We investigate the ~100-m-thick succession of the Sobradinho Section, which is the most complete exposure of the Romualdo Formation. Increased abundances of ostracods, the occurrence of agglutinated benthic foraminifera, bakevelliid bivalves, and cassiopid gastropods coincide with levels of relatively high paleosalinity estimates based on the Sr/Ba (strontium/barium) and S/TOC (sulfur/total organic carbon) ratios. These levels correspond to a transgressive system tract and the lower interval of a highstand systems tract. Throughout the section, black shales occur intercalated with sparse sandstone and calcarenite levels, and the deposition of these black shales is associated with dysoxic to anoxic bottom water conditions, as suggested by the V/Cr (vanadium/chrome) ratio. The occurrence of stagnant bottom water conditions may explain the mass mortality of ostracods in the lower interval of the succession. The upper part of the highstand system tract in the studied section was deposited in coastal environments and is characterized by coarser-grained siliciclastic-dominated facies (high log(Zr/Rb) (zirconium/rubidium) ratio), as well as increased phytoclasts and terrigenous (high magnetic susceptibility) contents