39 research outputs found

    A Methodology for the Vulnerability Analysis of the Climate Change in the Oromia Region, Ethiopia

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    Goal of the vulnerability research of the last years is to evaluate which community, region, or nation is more vulnerable in terms of its sensitive to damaging effects of extreme meteorological events like floods or droughts. Ethiopia is a country where it is possible to find the described conditions. Aim of this work was to develop an integrated system of early warning and response, whereas neither landmark data nor vulnerability drought analysis existed in the country. Specifically, a vulnerability index and a capacity to react index of the population of three Woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia were determined and analysed. Input data concerned rainfall, water availability, physical land characteristics, agricultural and livestock dimensions, as well as population and socio-economic indices. Data were collected during a specific NGO project and thanks to a field research funded by the University of Torino. Results were analysed and specific maps were drawn. The mapping of the vulnerability indices revealed that the more isolated Woreda with less communication roads and with less water sources presented the worst data almost on all its territory. Despite not bad vulnerability indices in the other two Woredas, however, population here still encountered difficulty to adapt to sudden climatic changes, as revealed by the other index of capacity to reaction. Beyond the interpretation of each parameter, a more complete reading key was possible using the SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) beside these indicators. In a normalized scale between 0 and 1, in this study the calculated annual SPI index was 0.83: the area is therefore considerably exposed to the drought risk, caused by an high intensity and frequency of rainfall lack

    Natural radionuclide of Po210 in the edible seafood affected by coal-fired power plant industry in Kapar coastal area of Malaysia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Po<sup>210 </sup>can be accumulated in various environmental materials, including marine organisms, and contributes to the dose of natural radiation in seafood. The concentration of this radionuclide in the marine environment can be influenced by the operation of a coal burning power plant but existing studies regarding this issue are not well documented. Therefore, the aim of this study was to estimate the Po<sup>210 </sup>concentration level in marine organisms from the coastal area of Kapar, Malaysia which is very near to a coal burning power plant station and to assess its impact on seafood consumers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Concentration of Po<sup>210 </sup>was determined in the edible muscle of seafood and water from the coastal area of Kapar, Malaysia using radiochemical separation and the Alpha Spectrometry technique.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The activities of Po<sup>210 </sup>in the dissolved phase of water samples ranged between 0.51 ± 0.21 and 0.71 ± 0.24 mBql<sup>-1 </sup>whereas the particulate phase registered a range of 50.34 ± 11.40 to 72.07 ± 21.20 Bqkg<sup>-1</sup>. The ranges of Po<sup>210 </sup>activities in the organism samples were 4.4 ± 0.12 to 6.4 ± 0.95 Bqkg<sup>-1 </sup>dry wt in fish (<it>Arius maculatus</it>), 45.7 ± 0.86 to 54.4 ± 1.58 Bqkg<sup>-1 </sup>dry wt in shrimp (<it>Penaeus merguiensis</it>) and 104.3 ± 3.44 to 293.8 ± 10.04 Bqkg<sup>-1 </sup>dry wt in cockle (<it>Anadara granosa</it>). The variation of Po<sup>210 </sup>in organisms is dependent on the mode of their life style, ambient water concentration and seasonal changes. The concentration factors calculated for fish and molluscs were higher than the recommended values by the IAEA. An assessment of daily intake and received dose due to the consumption of seafood was also carried out and found to be 2083.85 mBqday<sup>-1</sup>person<sup>-1 </sup>and 249.30 ÎŒSvyr<sup>-1 </sup>respectively. These values are comparatively higher than reported values in other countries. Moreover, the transformation of Po<sup>210 </sup>in the human body was calculated and revealed that a considerable amount of Po<sup>210 </sup>can be absorbed in the internal organs. The calculated values of life time mortality and morbidity cancer risks were 24.8 × 10<sup>-4 </sup>and 34 × 10<sup>-4 </sup>respectively which also exceeded the recommended limits set by the ICRP.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The findings of this present study can be used to evaluate the safety dose uptake level of seafood as well as to monitor environmental health. However, as the calculated dose and cancer risks were found to cross the limit of safety, finding a realistic way to moderate the risk is imperative.</p

    The Potential for Crop-to-Wild Gene Flow in Sorghum in Ethiopia and Niger: A Geographic Survey

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    Information about the potential for crop–wild hybridization is needed to understand how crop genes, including transgenes, affect the population genetics and ecology of sexually compatible relatives. Transgenic sorghum is under development for use by traditional farmers in Africa, the center of origin for sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], but systematic surveys of the current extent of contact with wild and weedy relatives are lacking. We studied wild and weedy sorghums that are interfertile with the crop and constitute a crop–wild–weed complex. The survey was conducted in 2005 in areas of traditional sorghum cultivation in three regions of Ethiopia and two regions of Niger. Within each region, we examined eight representative sorghum fields at each of 10 locations during peak flowering of the crop. In all regions, wild and weedy sorghum occurred intermixed with and adjacent to cultivated sorghum. Wild and weedy sorghums were detected at 56, 44, and 13% of the Ethiopian sites (Amhara, Tigray, and Hararghe regions, respectively), and 74 and 63% of sites in Niger (Maradi-Tahoua and Tillabery- Dosso regions, respectively). Flowering periods of wild and weedy sorghum populations overlapped with those of cultivated sorghum at most sites where the two co-occurred, especially in Ethiopia, and many putative crop–wild hybrids were observed. Therefore, current gene transfer from cultivated sorghum to wild and weedy sorghum populations in Ethiopia and Niger is likely to be widespread