7 research outputs found
Development of Standard Performance Measures for Transportation Demand Management Programs
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Transportation Research Board'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Is Performance Measurement Improving Planning Practice? The Case of Location Affordability in Long-Range Transportation Plans
- Author
- Ann M. Hartell
- Austin A.
- Center for Transportation and the Environment
- Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
- Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
- Christensen K. S.
- East-West Gateway Council of Governments
- East-West Gateway Council of Governments
- East-West Gateway Council of Governments
- Gudmundsson H.
- Hand R
- Lyons W.
- Metropolitan Transportation Commission
- Metropolitan Transportation Commission
- Poister T. H.
- Proffitt D.
- Southern California Association of Governments
- Transportation for America
- Triantafillou P.
- United States General Accounting Office
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Incorporating Climate Change Considerations into Transportation Planning
- Author
- 110th Congress.
- Agency Technical Work Group.
- Amekudzi A.
- Atkins.
- Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization.
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
- Business Transportation,
- Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center.
- Center for Neighborhood Technology and TransManagement.
- Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.
- City of Berkeley
- City of Boston
- ECMT Group on Transport and the Environment and OECD Environment Policy Committee's Working Group on Transport.
- Energy Coordinating Working Group.
- Ewing R.
- Greenprint Denver Advisory Council.
- Growth Management Policy Board.
- ICF International.
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
- Jones and Stokes,
- Kammen E. D.
- Mansell Australia Pty Ltd.
- Metro Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation.
- Metrolinx.
- Metrolinx.
- Meyer M. D.
- Meyer M. D.
- New York Metropolitan Transportation Council.
- New York Metropolitan Transportation Council.
- Pew Center on Global Climate Change.
- Puget Sound Regional Council.
- Rotterdam Climate Initiative
- Schmidt N.
- The City of New York.
- The U.S. Conference of Mayors.
- Transport for London
- U.S. Climate Change Science Program.
- United States Environmental Protection Agency.
- United States Environmental Protection Agency.
- Washington S.
- Winkelman S.
- Woudsma C.
- Zimmerman R.
- Publication venue
- 'Transportation Research Board'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Urban Metabolism
- Author
- AMB3E (Portuguese Association for the Management of Waste From Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
- Bai
- Barrett
- Binder
- Brunner
- Brunner
- Brunner
- CCDRLVT (Coordination and Development Committee for Lisbon Region and the Tagus Valley)
- CML (Municipal Council of Lisbon)
- Cooper
- Daly
- DGEG (Directorate General for Energy and Geology)
- European Environment Agency
- Graedel
- Hall
- Hammer
- Hendriks
- Hsu
- IN+/IST (Center for Innovation Technology, and Policy Research of the Technical University of Lisbon)
- Kennedy
- Linstead
- Lisboa E-Nova
- Lisboa E-Nova
- Matthews
- MOPTH (Portuguese Ministry of Public Works Transportation and Housing)
- Niza
- Obernosterer
- Schulz
- Sousa Pinto
- Symonds Group Ltd
- UNU/IAS (United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies)
- Weisz
- Wolman
- Worldwatch Institute
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Aguilera
- Air Resource Board California Environmental Projection Agency
- Altshuler
- Asia-Pacific Region Environmental Committee
- Asian Development Bank
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
- Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO)
- Babisch
- Bala
- Barbosa
- Becin
- Berlin
- Berlin
- Berlin
- Berlin
- Berlin Senate
- Berlin Senate
- Berlin Senate Ministry for Agriculture, Environment and Spatial Planning of Brandenburg
- Berlin Statistical Office
- Berlin Statistical Office
- Beutler
- Binnenbruck
- Birk
- BMV (Ministry of Transport)
- Bonsall
- Bose
- Bose
- Bovy
- Breinessl
- Britton
- Brog
- Brown
- Buchanan
- Bureau of Public Roads Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
- Bureau of Transport Economics (BTE)
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics
- Business Age
- BUWAL (Federal Agency for Environment Forests and Landscape)
- Carson
- Center of Pollution Research and Measures
- Central environment Council
- Central Environment Council
- Central Statistical Office Budapest and Pest County Directorate
- Cervero
- Cervero
- Chen
- City of Nagoya Transport Bureau
- City of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire County Council
- City of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire County Council
- Clean Energy Nepal
- Commission of the European Communities (CEC)
- Comune di Roma
- Comune di Roma
- Comune di Roma Dipartimento Politiche Ambientali e Agricole
- Comune di Roma Dipartimento VII Politiche della Mobilità
- Contaldi
- Coombe
- Corporate Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center
- Curtis
- Cusset
- Cusset
- Cusset
- Cusset
- Dalian Environment Protection Bureau
- Dalian Statistic Bureau
- Dargay
- Dargay
- Dargay
- Dargay
- Daugherty
- de Bruyn
- Department for Transport
- Department of Land Transport
- Department of Land Transport
- Dodgson
- Dunn
- DuPont
- Edmundo
- Ehrhart
- Emberger
- Emberger
- Energy Conservation Centre
- Energy Information Administration
- Engineering and Safety Department Road Transport Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
- Environment Agency of Japan
- European Commission
- European Commission
- European Commission
- European Commission
- European Environmental Agency (EEA)
- European Environmental Agency (EEA)
- Fabian
- Faiz
- Faiz
- Finegold
- Fitzroy
- Flavin
- Gakenheimer
- Gallez
- Garcia
- Gerçek
- Gerçek
- Gillespie
- Giuliano
- Giuliano
- Giuliano
- Giuliano
- Giuliano
- Gomez-Ibanez
- Goodwin
- Goodwin
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Graham
- Graham
- Greater London Council (GLC)
- Grieco
- Grieving
- Grubb
- Gwilliam
- Hai
- Hai
- Hepworth
- Hervick
- Hidalgo
- Hillman
- Holland
- Hunt
- Huzayyin
- Huzayyin
- Huzayyin
- Ingram
- Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITPD)
- Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE)
- Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE)
- Institution of Highways and Transportation (IHT)
- Institution of Highways and Transportation (IHT)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
- International Road Federation
- International Road Federation
- Ising
- Iwai
- IWW/ifeu/KuP PÖU and PTV
- Jackson
- Jacobson
- Janicke
- Jansen
- Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- Japan Society for Air Pollution
- Japan Transport Cooperation Agency and Ministry of Transport
- Japan Transport Economics Center
- Jopson
- Jraiw
- Kapp
- Kato
- Kimura
- Kloas
- Kojima
- Korver
- Kutter
- Kuznets
- Land Transportation Office
- Larssen
- Larssen
- Lathrop
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Leibenstein
- Lents
- Lepeltier
- Lorenz
- Lyons
- Maschke
- Maschke
- May
- May
- May
- May
- May
- May
- McCormick
- Menon
- Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)
- Metschies
- Midgley
- Mikasa
- Mikasa
- Ministero dell'Ambiente
- Ministry of Construction and Transport
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Environment (MOE)
- Ministry of Environment (MOE)
- Ministry of Environment (MOE)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT)
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT)
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport Government of Japan (MLIT)
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport Government of Japan (MLIT)
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport Government of Japan (MLIT)
- Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport Government of Japan (MLIT)
- Ministry of Population and Environment (MOPE)
- Ministry of Population and Environment (MOPE)
- Ministry of Population and Environment (MOPE)
- Ministry of Public management Home affairs, Post and Telecommunications (MPHPT)
- Ministry of Transport
- Ministry of Transport (MOT)
- Monezuma
- Monheim
- Monigl
- Monigl
- Mouri
- Muller
- Musgrave
- Musso
- Müller
- Nadakavukaren
- Nagoya City Government
- Nagoya City Government
- Nagoya City Government
- Nagoya City Government
- Nagoya City Government
- Nakamura
- Nash
- National Research Council
- National Research Council
- National Research Council
- Nepal Environmental and Scientific Services (NESS)
- Neus
- Newman
- Newman
- Nicolas
- Nicolas
- Nivola
- North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
- O'Flaherty
- O'Ryan
- O'Ryan
- O'Ryan
- OECD Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
- Office of Technology Assessment
- Office of Transportation Technologies
- Orski
- Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center
- Pacific Consultants International and Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Partnership for Clean Air
- Penalosa
- Phang
- Pisarsky
- Pizarro
- Planning
- Pollution Control Department
- Pollution Control Department
- Pollution Control Department
- Prospects
- Prozzi
- Prozzi
- Pucher
- Pucher
- Rabinovitch
- Rabinovitch
- Radermacher
- Richards
- Rosetti
- Routledge
- Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution
- Russam
- S.A. EPA
- S.A. Minister for Transport
- Sagawa Express Co. Ltd.
- Saitz
- Salomon
- Salon
- Samuelson
- Sapporo Convention Bureau
- Sathaye
- Sathaye
- Sato
- Schade
- Schafer
- Schafer
- Schipper
- Schipper
- Schipper
- Schneller
- Schomer
- Scientific
- Secretaría de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno del Distrito Federal
- Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
- Secretaría de Tránsito y Vialidad del Gobierno del Distrito Federal
- Shell International
- Shibata
- Shiomi
- Small
- Social Exclusion Unit
- Society for the Study of Environmental Protection
- Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE)
- Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE)
- South Coast Air Quality Management District
- Sperling
- Sperling
- Stadt Umwelt Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung
- Standing
- Standing Advisory Committee on Trunk Road Assessment (SACTRA)
- State
- Taniguchi
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Technical University of Istanbul
- Tembele
- Tiwari
- Tokyo Metropolitan Government Environmental Bureau
- Toyota Motor Corporation
- Transport
- Transport and Travel Research Ltd
- Transport for London (TfL)
- Transportation Research Board
- Transportation Research Institute Tsinghua University
- Turco
- Turok
- Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive
- U.S.
- U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE)
- U.S. Department of Energy Energy Information Administration
- U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT)
- U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT)
- U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
- UK Office of National Statistics
- Union International des Transport Publics (UITP)
- Union International des Transports Publics (UITP)
- Union International des Transports Publics (UITP)
- United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
- United Nations (UN)
- United Nations (UN)
- United Nations (UN)
- United Nations (UN)
- United Nations (UN)
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
- United Nations Population Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- Urban Transportation Fact Book
- Vasconcellos
- Victoria Transport Policy Institute (VTPI)
- Viegas
- Villarin
- Vuchic
- Wakamatsu
- Webster
- Wegener
- Wendell Cox Consultancy
- Wenzel
- Westerman
- White
- Willoughby
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wohlgemuth
- Wold Bank
- Wolf
- World
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
- World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Resources Institute (WRI)
- World Resources Institute United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environmental Programme and World Bank
- WorldBank
- Yai
- Zahavi
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study
When decarbonization meets development: The sectoral feasibility of greenhouse gas mitigation in India
- Author
- ACR Das
- Altenburg
- Avant
- Bapat
- Basel Convention
- Bhushan
- Bradley
- Bridge to India
- Busby
- Business Standard
- Cement Sustainability Initiative
- Center for Study of Science Technology, and Policy
- Chaturvedi
- Chawla
- Competition Commission of India
- Dasgupta
- Davenport
- DeSombre
- EMBARQ India
- Falkner
- Federation of Indian Chambers of Industry and Commerce
- Fligstein
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Global Buildings Performance Network
- Global Carbon Project
- Global CCS Institute
- Goldthau
- Government of India
- Green
- Gupta
- Himanshu
- Hindustan Times
- Hyvonen
- IEA Clean Coal Center
- India Brand Equity Foundation
- India Brand Equity Foundation
- India Brand Equity Foundation
- Indian Agricultural Research Institute
- Indian Oil Corporation
- Indian Oil Corporation
- Institute for Industrial Productivity
- International Council on Clean Transportation
- International Council on Clean Transportation
- International Energy Agency
- International Energy Agency
- International Energy Agency
- JPC Indian Steel
- Kale
- Kamath
- Kapstein
- Koremenos
- Kuzemko
- Mallet
- McKinsey & Company
- McKinsey & Company
- Ministry of Environment and Forests
- Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
- Mitchell
- Modi
- Murphy
- Natural Resources Defense Council and Administrative Staff College of India
- Neelis
- NITI Aayog
- Olson
- Oye
- PwC
- Ray
- Sandler
- Schmid
- Shafer
- Sharma
- Shrimali
- Sovacool
- Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association
- Stechow
- Stirling
- The Hindu
- Tirado
- Tsebelis
- Weiss
- World Resources Institute
- World Resources Institute
- Yardley
- Ürge-Vorsatz
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Ferrous Find: Counting Iron and Steel Stocks in China's Economy
- Author
- Allwood
- Brunner
- CATRC (China Automotive Technology and Research Center)
- CEC (China Electricity Council)
- CEC (China Electricity Council)
- Chen
- CISA (China Iron and Steel Association)
- CISA (China Iron and Steel Association)
- CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation)
- CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation)
- CSCS (China Steel Construction Society)
- DRCSCC (Development Research Center of the State Council of China)
- Gartner
- Gerst
- Gubbia
- Hashimoto
- Hashimoto
- Hashimoto
- Hatayama
- Hu
- Hvistendahl
- Kumārajīva
- Li
- Li
- Maddison
- Manyika
- Milford
- MOAC (Ministry of Agriculture of China)
- MOAC (Ministry of Agriculture of China)
- MOHURD (Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China).
- MORC (Ministry of Railways of China)
- MORC (Ministry of Railways of China)
- MOTC (Ministry of Transportation of China)
- Murakami
- Müller
- Müller
- Müller
- Müller
- Müller
- NBSC (National Bureau of Statistics of China)
- NBSC (National Bureau of Statistics of China)
- NBSC (National Bureau of Statistics of China)
- NBSC (National Bureau of Statistics of China)
- NBSC (National Bureau of Statistics of China)
- NBSC (National Bureau of Statistics of China)
- NBSC (National Bureau of Statistics of China)
- NBSC (National Bureau of Statistics of China)
- Niu
- Oguchi
- Pauliuk
- Pauliuk
- Pauliuk
- SAC (Standardization Administration of China)
- SAC (Standardization Administration of China)
- Schmandt-Besserat
- SRI (Steel Recycling Institute)
- Tan
- UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management
- Wang
- WardsAuto
- Yang
- Yang
- Yuan
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study