15 research outputs found
Biomaterial bridges enable regeneration and re-entry of corticospinal tract axons into the caudal spinal cord after SCI: Association with recovery of forelimb function
Severed axon tracts fail to exhibit robust or spontaneous regeneration after spinal cord injury (SCI). Regeneration failure reflects a combination of factors, including the growth state of neuronal cell bodies and the regeneration-inhibitory environment of the central nervous system. However, while spared circuitry can be retrained, target reinnervation depends on longitudinally directed regeneration of transected axons. This study describes a biodegradable implant using poly(lactideco-glycolide) (PLG) bridges as a carrier scaffold to support regeneration after injury. In order to detect regeneration of descending neuronal tracts into the bridge, and beyond into intact caudal parenchyma, we developed a mouse cervical implantation model and employed Crym:GFP transgenic mice. Characterization of Crym:GFP mice revealed that descending tracts, including the corticospinal tract, were labeled by green fluorescent protein (GFP), while ascending sensory neurons and fibers were not. Robust co-localization between GFP and neurofilament-200 (NF-200) as well as GFP and GAP-43 was observed at both the rostral and caudal bridge/tissue interface. No evidence of similar regeneration was observed in mice that received gelfoam at the lesion site as controls. Minimal co-localization between GFP reporter labeling and macrophage markers was observed. Taken together, these data suggest that axons originating from descending fiber tracts regenerated, entered into the PLG bridge at the rostral margin, continued through the bridge site, and exited to re-enter host tissue at the caudal edge of the intact bridge. Finally, regeneration through implanted bridges was associated with a reduction in ipsilateral forelimb errors on a horizontal ladder task
Traumatic Spinal Cord InjuryâRepair and Regeneration
BACKGROUND: Traumatic spinal cord injuries (SCI) have devastating consequences for the physical, financial, and psychosocial well-being of patients and their caregivers. Expediently delivering interventions during the early postinjury period can have a tremendous impact on long-term functional recovery.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: This is largely due to the unique pathophysiology of SCI where the initial traumatic insult (primary injury) is followed by a progressive secondary injury cascade characterized by ischemia, proapoptotic signaling, and peripheral inflammatory cell infiltration. Over the subsequent hours, release of proinflammatory cytokines and cytotoxic debris (DNA, ATP, reactive oxygen species) cyclically adds to the harsh postinjury microenvironment. As the lesions mature into the chronic phase, regeneration is severely impeded by the development of an astroglial-fibrous scar surrounding coalesced cystic cavities. Addressing these challenges forms the basis of current and upcoming treatments for SCI.
MANAGEMENT: This paper discusses the evidence-based management of a patient with SCI while emphasizing the importance of early definitive care. Key neuroprotective therapies are summarized including surgical decompression, methylprednisolone, and blood pressure augmentation. We then review exciting neuroprotective interventions on the cusp of translation such as Riluzole, Minocycline, magnesium, therapeutic hypothermia, and CSF drainage. We also explore the most promising neuroregenerative strategies in trial today including Cethrinâą, anti-NOGO antibody, cell-based approaches, and bioengineered biomaterials. Each section provides a working knowledge of the key preclinical and patient trials relevant to clinicians while highlighting the pathophysiologic rationale for the therapies.
CONCLUSION: We conclude with our perspectives on the future of treatment and research in this rapidly evolving field