171 research outputs found

    Efecto de dos diluyentes sobre la tasa de preñez por inseminación artificial laparoscopica en ovinos

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    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar dos diluyentes comerciales para el congelamiento de semen ovino y determinar su efecto en la tasa de preñez al ser utilizados en inseminación artificial laparoscópica. El semen utilizado fue de un carnero Dorper adulto, cuyo eyaculado fue dividido en dos: una alícuota fue diluida con un diluyente comercial con base de lecitina de soya y la otra con un diluyente con base de yema de huevo. El semen fue criopreservado (100 x 106 espermatozoides móviles) y cada tipo de dilución fue utilizado para inseminar 15 ovejas. Las hembras fueron sincronizadas con esponjas intravaginales e inseminadas vía laparoscó- pica. El diagnóstico de preñez por ecografía se hizo a los 60 días del servicio. Los resultados indicaron una tasa de preñez de 85% con semen diluido en base de lecitina de soya y 78% con yema de huevo, no habiendo diferencias significativas entre tratamientos. Se concluye que la tasa de preñez obtenida con los dos diluyentes utilizados es similar, por lo cual ambos ofrecen los mismos beneficios a la hora de implementarlos en un programa reproductivo para la especie ovina, mediante inseminación artificial laparoscópica

    Conducto arterioso persistente tipo ventana: manejo quirúrgico

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    El conducto arterioso (CA) persistente tipo ventana es una afección muy poco frecuente. En este artículo se describe un caso clínico en el cual se hace uso de las herramientas diagnósticas y de tratamiento quirúrgico dentro del contexto de un paciente con múltiples comorbilidades congénitas, haciendo énfasis en los estudios que se llevaron a cabo para precisar la morfología del conducto arterioso y su abordaje quirúrgico, con el cual se resolvió favorablemente la dolencia del paciente.Window-type ductus arteriosus is a very rare condition. A case is presented in which the use of diagnostic tools and surgical treatment is described in the context of a patient with multiple congenital comorbidities. The article emphasises the studies that were carried out to clarify the morphology of ductus arteriosus, as well as the surgical approach with which the patient's pathology was favourably resolved

    Evaluation of multielements in human blood samples using synchrotron radiation

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    Total-reflection X-ray fluorescence using synchrotron radiation (SR-TXRF) is a powerful analytical technique to study trace elements in biomedical samples. The aim of this study was to investigate possible changes in essential trace element concentrations caused by irradiation procedures. Fresh blood samples were obtained from the Dr. Eliel Figueiredo Laboratory, Rio de Janeiro. The samples were separated in two groups. The first was irradiated with doses of 1500, 2500 and 3000cGy, using a Gammacell 220 Exce irradiator, and the second was irradiated with doses of from 2 to 100 cGy, using gamma radiation in a Theraton 780 C irradiator. After irradiation, all samples were lyophilized to remove the water and then submitted to standard chemical digestion by adding nitric acid. All the measurements were carried out by X-Ray Fluorescence beamline at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) in Campinas. While no positive association was found for variations in calcium, the variations in potassium were positively associated with the radiation dose for all analyzed samples. On the other hand, iron levels decreased for whole blood and plasma and zinc levels decreased only in whole blood as the dose increased.A técnica de fluorescência de raios X por reflexão total usando radiação síncrotron (SR-TXRF) é uma poderosa ferramenta utilizada para a determinação das concentrações elementares presentes em amostras biológicas. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as possíveis alterações causadas por processos de irradiação na concentração de elementos-traço em amostras de sangue humano. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas no Laboratório de Análises Clínicas Dr. Elilel Figueiredo, Rio de Janeiro, e divididas em dois grupos. O primeiro grupo foi irradiado com doses de 1.500, 2.500 e 3.000 cGy, utilizando o irradiador Gammacell 220 Excel, e o segundo foi irradiado com doses que variaram de 2 cGy a 100 cGy, utilizando uma bomba de cobalto Theratron 780 C do Inca, Rio de Janeiro. Todas as amostras de sangue total, plasma e matriz celular foram então liofilizadas e, em seguida, passaram pelo procedimento padrão de digestão. Todas as medidas foram realizadas na linha de fluorescência de raios X do Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), em Campinas, Brasil. Não se verificou variação significativa na concentração de Ca e, em contrapartida, o K foi o único elemento que sofreu alterações significativas para todas as amostras analisadas em função da dose. A concentração de Fe diminuiu apenas para as amostras de sangue total e plasma. A concentração de Zn apresentou uma diminuição significativa somente para as amostras de sangue total.195202Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Evaluación sensorial del vino artesanal de uva Isabella (Vitis labrusca L.)

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    The production and consumption of wine in Colombia have increased over the last decade, especially with the red wines which are preferred by Colombians. Spite the few organoleptic characteristics of the grape Isabella (Vitis Iabrusca L.), it possesses intense flavors and aromas, plus its low sugar content and high concentration of acids, gives it the potential to be used in winemaking. The parameters involved in the sensory evaluation of the wines are the color, aroma and flavor and become sensations perceived in different areas of the tongue. The combination of these causes’s sensations are called wine texture. Sensory analysis of wines through tastings gives rise to a description, that although subjective, generates some impact on the market position ofthis drink. Descriptive tests are the most common and can express the different sensations of wine labeling them by a scale. The aim of this study was to evaluate the organoleptic quality through blind tasting, the artisan wine grape Isabella (Vitis Iabrusca L). We valued three crafted wines, two of them produced in the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, and a third from the town of Cerrito, Valle del Cauca. The panel conformed by 20 tasters evaluated the wines according to the parameters set by the profile sheet given by the International Competition of Wines and Spirits (CINVE). The results showed significant differences between the Paradise wine Portal and the Semi-dry and semi-sweet UPTC wines. The results suggest that the Semi-dry wine obtained the lowest score ranking, as the best sensorial level. The Uptc wines obtained the lowest score, classified as the best in the sensory study.El consumo de vino en Colombia se ha incrementado durante los últimos años, en especial el de los vinos tinto. A pesar de las pocas características vínicas de la uva Isabella (Vitis labrusca L.), su bajo contenido de azúcares y su alta concentración de ácidos le otorgan el potencial para la elaboración de un vino que presenta sabores y aromas intensos. La combinación de color, aroma y sabor provoca la denominada textura del vino. El análisis sensorial de los vinos, a través de catas, da origen a una escala entre los vinos y a una descripción que genera cierto impacto en el posicionamiento de este licor en el mercado. Esta investigación buscó evaluar la calidad organoléptica del vino artesanal de uva Isabella, mediante una cata a ciegas. Se evaluaron tres tipos de vino, dos producidos en la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (semiseco y semidulce) y uno procedente del municipio de Cerrito, Valle del Cauca. El panel conformado por 20 catadores evaluó los vinos de acuerdo con los parámetros establecidos por el Concurso Internacional de Vinos y Espirituosos (CINVE). Los resultados presentaron diferencias significativas entre el vino Portal del Paraíso® y los vinos Uptc. Los vinos Uptc obtuvieron la menor puntuación, catalogándolos, de acuerdo con el CINVE, como los mejores sensorialmente

    Sterile neutrino portal to Dark Matter I: the U(1) B−L case

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    In this paper we explore the possibility that the sterile neutrino and Dark Matter sectors in the Universe have a common origin. We study the consequences of this assumption in the simple case of coupling the dark sector to the Standard Model via a global U(1)B−L, broken down spontaneously by a dark scalar. This dark scalar provides masses to the dark fermions and communicates with the Higgs via a Higgs portal coupling. We find an interesting interplay between Dark Matter annihilation to dark scalars — the CP-even that mixes with the Higgs and the CP-odd which becomes a Goldstone boson, the Majoron — and heavy neutrinos, as well as collider probes via the coupling to the Higgs. Moreover, Dark Matter annihilation into sterile neutrinos and its subsequent decay to gauge bosons and quarks, charged leptons or neutrinos lead to indirect detection signatures which are close to current bounds on the gamma ray flux from the galactic center and dwarf galaxies

    The inert Zee model

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    ABSTRACT: We study a realization of the topology of the Zee model for the generation of neutrino masses at one-loop with a minimal set of vector-like fermions. After imposing an exact Z2 symmetry to avoid tree-level Higgs-mediated avor changing neutral currents, one dark matter candidate is obtained from the subjacent inert doublet model, but with the presence of new co-annihilating particles. We show that the model is consistent with the constraints coming from lepton avor violation processes, oblique parameters, dark matter and neutrino oscillation data

    Activity of secondary bacterial metabolites in the control of citrus canker.

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    This study investigated the protective effects of secondary bacterial metabolites, produced by Pseudomonas sp. (bacterium strain LN), on citrus canker disease caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac 306). The LN bacteria strain was cultured in liquid medium and the supernatant free-cells was treated with methanol (AMF) and ethyl acetate (AEF), respectively, and then the extract was concentrated, filtrated, lyophilized and fractionated by vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC). After VLC, eight fractions were obtained. All fractions? activity against Xac 306 by agar well diffusion assay and minimum inhibitory concentration but in different concentrations were tested. Cytotoxicity effects were observed in all fractions in 50 ?g?mL?1 concentration. The comet assay demonstrated that the fractions EAF, VLC2 and VLC3 presented no genotoxic effects at tested concentrations. In plants only VLC3 showed significant results (p < 0.05), reducing the incidence of citrus canker lesions

    Clinical correlates of loss of insight in bipolar depression

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    IntroductionAffective state may influence insight, especially regarding mania. Nevertheless, studies have so far suggested that depression seems not to significantly impair insight. To the best of our knowledge, this study pioneers the evaluation of how insight variations in bipolar depression correlate with clinical variables.MethodA group of 165 bipolar patients, 52 of whom had depressive episodes according to DSM-5 criteria, were followed during a year. All patients underwent clinical assessment, and insight was evaluated through the Insight Scale for Affective Disorders (ISAD). Repeated-measures ANOVA was calculated comparing scores on the four ISAD factors (insight into symptoms, the condition itself, self-esteem and social relationships) in order to investigate differences in insight according to different objects. Correlational analysis explored which clinical symptoms were linked to reduced insight.ResultsWorse total insight correlated with suicide attempt/ideation and fewer subsyndromal manic symptoms such as mood elevation, increased energy and sexual interest. Worse self-esteem insight was associated with not only suicide ideation/attempt but also with activity reduction and psychomotor retardation. Worse symptom insight also correlated with psychomotor retardation. Better insight into having an affective disorder was associated with more intense hypochondria symptoms. Finally, worse insight into having an illness was associated with psychotic episodes.ConclusionOur study found that symptoms other than psychosis – suicide ideation, psychomotor retardation and reduction of activity and work – correlate with insight impairment in bipolar depression

    Gravity-mediated (or composite) Dark Matter confronts astrophysical data

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    We consider the astrophysical bounds on a new form of dark matter, the so called Gravity-mediated Dark Matter. In this scenario, dark matter communicates with us through a mediator sector composed of gravitational resonances, namely a new scalar (radion) and a massive spin-two resonance (massive graviton). We consider specific models motivated by natural electroweak symmetry breaking or weak-scale dark matter in the context of models in warped extra-dimensions and their composite duals. The main Dark Matter annihilation mechanism is due to the interactions of KK gravitons to gauge bosons that propagate in bulk. We impose the bounds on monochromatic or continuum photons from Fermi-LAT and HESS. We also explore scenarios in which the Fermi gamma-ray line could be a manifestation of Gravity-mediated Dark Matter