72 research outputs found

    Influenza della velocità di deformazionenel carico di rottura di moschettoni in lega di alluminio e di acciaio

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    Si analizzano i dati sulla deformabilità, sul lavoro alla rottura e sulla resistenza ottenuti con prove di caduta a velocità di deformazione variabile (Torre CRASC) su moschettoni in lega di alluminio e in acciaio, evidenziando come all’aumentare della velocità di deformazione le caratteristiche di resistenza diminuiscano marcatamente. Queste variazioni vengono messe in relazione ai diversi intervalli dei valori della velocità di deformazione propri della progressione speleologica, torrentistica, alpinistica e ad alte velocità di deformazione (vie ferrate).We analyze data on the deformability, the work on resistance to breakage and obtained evidence of a fall in variable strain rate (Torre CRASC) on snap aluminum alloy and steel, noting that with increasing strain rate characteristics resistance decreases markedly. These changes are made in relation to the different ranges of values of strain rate of its progression caving, canyoning, mountaineering, high strain rate (via ferrata)

    OLCI-A/B tandem phase: evaluation of FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX)-like radiances and estimation of systematic differences between OLCI-A and OLCI-FLEX

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    During the tandem phase of Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B in summer 2018 the Ocean and Land Colour Imager (OLCI) mounted on the Sentinel-3B satellite was reprogrammed to mimics ESA's eighth Earth Explorer, the FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX). The OLCI in FLEX configuration (OLCI-FLEX) had 45 spectral bands between 500 and 792 nm. The new data set with high-spectral-resolution measurements (bandwidth: 1.7–3.7 nm) serves as preparation for the FLEX mission. Spatially co-registered measurements of both instruments are used for the atmospheric correction and the retrieval of surface parameters, e.g. the fluorescence or the leaf area index. For such combined products, it is essential that both instruments are radiometrically consistent. We developed a transfer function to compare radiance measurements from different optical sensors and to monitor their consistency. In the presented study, the transfer function shifts information gained from high-resolution “FLEX-mode” settings to information convolved with the spectral response of the normal (lower) spectral resolution of the OLCI sensor. The resulting reconstructed low-resolution radiance is representative of the high-resolution data (OLCI-FLEX), and it can be compared with the measured low-resolution radiance (OLCI-A measurements). This difference is used to quantify systematic differences between the instruments. Applying the transfer function, we could show that OLCI-A is about 2 % brighter than OLCI-FLEX for most bands of the OLCI-FLEX spectral domain. At the longer wavelengths (> 770 nm) OLCI-A is about 5 % darker. Sensitivity studies showed that the parameters affecting the quality of the comparison of OLCI-A and OLCI-FLEX with the transfer function are mainly the surface reflectance and secondarily the aerosol composition. However, the aerosol composition can be simplified as long as it is treated consistently in all steps in the transfer function. Generally, the transfer function enables direct comparison of instruments with different spectral responses even with different observation geometries or different levels of observation. The method is sensitive to measurement biases and errors resulting from the processing. One application could be the quality control of the FLEX mission; presently it is also useful for the quality control of the OLCI-FLEX data

    Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in pancreas adenocarcinoma cells: effect of 2D versus 3D arrangement

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    It was shown that three-dimensional (3D) cell cultures allow mimicking the functions of living tissues and provide pivotal information encoded in the tissue architecture [1]. Considered the primary role of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in carcinoma progression [2], we aimed at investigating the effect of the 3D arrangement on the expression of some key markers of EMT in cultured human pancreas adenocarcinoma cells (PDAC). HPAC cells were cultured in both two-dimensional (2D) monolayers and in 3D spheroids, and were analyzed by morphological and molecular approaches. Immunofluorescence analysis for E-cadherin, β-catenin, actin, vimentin and collagen type I was performed on cells grown on 12 mm coverslips or on free-floating spheroids after 4% paraformaldehyde fixation. E-cadherin gene expression was assessed by real time PCR. Fluorescence and confocal microscopy analysis revealed that the E-cadherin/β-catenin complex was similarly expressed at the cell boundaries on the plasma membrane in 2D monolayers as well as in the 3D spheroids. Phalloidin-stained F-actin was mainly arranged into cortical actin filaments while vimentin was undetectable, suggesting an epithelial-like phenotype for HPAC cells in 2D and 3D arrangement. Interestingly, after 3D arrangement decreased E-cadherin mRNA levels and some cells expressing collagen type I were observed in spheroids. Our findings suggest that the 3D arrangement induced the expression of mesenchymal phenotype-related markers in HPAC cells, providing a model to better understand the biology of PDAC

    Using Sentinel-2-Based Metrics to Characterize the Spatial Heterogeneity of FLEX Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence on Sub-Pixel Scale

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    Current and upcoming Sun-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) satellite products (e.g., GOME, TROPOMI, OCO, FLEX) have medium-to-coarse spatial resolutions (i.e., 0.3–80 km) and integrate radiances from different sources into a single ground surface unit (i.e., pixel). However, intrapixel heterogeneity, i.e., different soil and vegetation fractional cover and/or different chlorophyll content or vegetation structure in a fluorescence pixel, increases the challenge in retrieving and quantifying SIF. High spatial resolution Sentinel-2 (S2) data (20 m) can be used to better characterize the intrapixel heterogeneity of SIF and potentially extend the application of satellite-derived SIF to heterogeneous areas. In the context of the COST Action Optical synergies for spatiotemporal SENsing of Scalable ECOphysiological traits (SENSECO), in which this study was conducted, we proposed direct (i.e., spatial heterogeneity coefficient, standard deviation, normalized entropy, ensemble decision trees) and patch mosaic (i.e., local Moran’s I) approaches to characterize the spatial heterogeneity of SIF collected at 760 and 687 nm (SIF760 and SIF687, respectively) and to correlate it with the spatial heterogeneity of selected S2 derivatives. We used HyPlant airborne imagery acquired over an agricultural area in Braccagni (Italy) to emulate S2-like top-of-the-canopy reflectance and SIF imagery at different spatial resolutions (i.e., 300, 20, and 5 m). The ensemble decision trees method characterized FLEX intrapixel heterogeneity best (R2 > 0.9 for all predictors with respect to SIF760 and SIF687). Nevertheless, the standard deviation and spatial heterogeneity coefficient using k-means clustering scene classification also provided acceptable results. In particular, the near-infrared reflectance of terrestrial vegetation (NIRv) index accounted for most of the spatial heterogeneity of SIF760 in all applied methods (R2 = 0.76 with the standard deviation method; R2 = 0.63 with the spatial heterogeneity coefficient method using a scene classification map with 15 classes). The models developed for SIF687 did not perform as well as those for SIF760, possibly due to the uncertainties in fluorescence retrieval at 687 nm and the low signal-to-noise ratio in the red spectral region. Our study shows the potential of the proposed methods to be implemented as part of the FLEX ground segment processing chain to quantify the intrapixel heterogeneity of a FLEX pixel and/or as a quality flag to determine the reliability of the retrieved fluorescence

    Using Sentinel-2-Based Metrics to Characterize the Spatial Heterogeneity of FLEX Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence on Sub-Pixel Scale

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    Current and upcoming Sun-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) satellite products (e.g., GOME, TROPOMI, OCO, FLEX) have medium-to-coarse spatial resolutions (i.e., 0.3–80 km) and integrate radiances from different sources into a single ground surface unit (i.e., pixel). However, intrapixel heterogeneity, i.e., different soil and vegetation fractional cover and/or different chlorophyll content or vegetation structure in a fluorescence pixel, increases the challenge in retrieving and quantifying SIF. High spatial resolution Sentinel-2 (S2) data (20 m) can be used to better characterize the intrapixel heterogeneity of SIF and potentially extend the application of satellite-derived SIF to heterogeneous areas. In the context of the COST Action Optical synergies for spatiotemporal SENsing of Scalable ECOphysiological traits (SENSECO), in which this study was conducted, we proposed direct (i.e., spatial heterogeneity coefficient, standard deviation, normalized entropy, ensemble decision trees) and patch mosaic (i.e., local Moran’s I) approaches to characterize the spatial heterogeneity of SIF collected at 760 and 687 nm (SIF760 and SIF687, respectively) and to correlate it with the spatial heterogeneity of selected S2 derivatives. We used HyPlant airborne imagery acquired over an agricultural area in Braccagni (Italy) to emulate S2-like top-of-the-canopy reflectance and SIF imagery at different spatial resolutions (i.e., 300, 20, and 5 m). The ensemble decision trees method characterized FLEX intrapixel heterogeneity best (R2 &gt; 0.9 for all predictors with respect to SIF760 and SIF687). Nevertheless, the standard deviation and spatial heterogeneity coefficient using k-means clustering scene classification also provided acceptable results. In particular, the near-infrared reflectance of terrestrial vegetation (NIRv) index accounted for most of the spatial heterogeneity of SIF760 in all applied methods (R2 = 0.76 with the standard deviation method; R2 = 0.63 with the spatial heterogeneity coefficient method using a scene classification map with 15 classes). The models developed for SIF687 did not perform as well as those for SIF760, possibly due to the uncertainties in fluorescence retrieval at 687 nm and the low signal-to-noise ratio in the red spectral region. Our study shows the potential of the proposed methods to be implemented as part of the FLEX ground segment processing chain to quantify the intrapixel heterogeneity of a FLEX pixel and/or as a quality flag to determine the reliability of the retrieved fluorescence.</p

    Adherence and future discontinuation of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia. A patient-based survey on 1133 patients

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    Therapeutic approach for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients has undergone a revolutionary change with the introduction of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, which improved overall survival and quality of life. Optimal therapy adherence has become of paramount importance to maximize the benefits in the long-term outcome. Several evidences have been reported that personal factors, such as social support, psychological and subjective perceptions about the drug used and the future, could influence adherence. We here report the results of a questionnaire specifically designed to evaluate factors influencing adherence and perceptions about the future, distributed to patients during regional Italian meetings. Overall, 1133 patients compiled the questionnaire: median age was 57 years. High rate of adherence was reported, but 42% of interviewed patients admitted that they had occasionally postponed a dose and 58% had discontinued therapy mainly for forgetfulness. The majority of patients discussed with personal physician about the importance of adherence and received sufficient information about illness and treatment, but would like to have discussed more about discomfort, anxiety and fear of the future. Summarizing personal drug compliance and estimating how many days a month, on average, the patients did not take the drug, the majority answered that it was less than 3 days (55%) and only a minority (4%) admitted that it was more than 7 days. Interviewed about discontinuation, 49% of patients answered that wouldn't interrupt because of fear of losing all the results achieved so far. This study suggests a higher level of satisfaction with more information received but the need of improving communication about possible future treatment free remission

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 14

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrections are provided as Suppl. materia

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 14

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrections are provided as Suppl. material