7 research outputs found

    A red tide in the pack ice of the Arctic Ocean

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    Source at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-45935-0. In the Arctic Ocean ice algae constitute a key ecosystem component and the ice algal spring bloom a critical event in the annual production cycle. The bulk of ice algal biomass is usually found in the bottom few cm of the sea ice and dominated by pennate diatoms attached to the ice matrix. Here we report a red tide of the phototrophic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum located at the ice-water interface of newly formed pack ice of the high Arctic in early spring. These planktonic ciliates are not able to attach to the ice. Based on observations and theory of fluid dynamics, we propose that convection caused by brine rejection in growing sea ice enabled M. rubrum to bloom at the ice-water interface despite the relative flow between water and ice. We argue that red tides of M. rubrum are more likely to occur under the thinning Arctic sea ice regime

    Monitoring Alaskan Arctic shelf ecosystems through collaborative observation networks

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Danielson, S. L., Grebmeier, J. M., Iken, K., Berchok, C., Britt, L., Dunton, K. H., Eisner, L., V. Farley, E., Fujiwara, A., Hauser, D. D. W., Itoh, M., Kikuchi, T., Kotwicki, S., Kuletz, K. J., Mordy, C. W., Nishino, S., Peralta-Ferriz, C., Pickart, R. S., Stabeno, P. S., Stafford. K. M., Whiting, A. V., & Woodgate, R. Monitoring Alaskan Arctic shelf ecosystems through collaborative observation networks. Oceanography, 35(2), (2022): 52, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2022.119.Ongoing scientific programs that monitor marine environmental and ecological systems and changes comprise an informal but collaborative, information-rich, and spatially extensive network for the Alaskan Arctic continental shelves. Such programs reflect contributions and priorities of regional, national, and international funding agencies, as well as private donors and communities. These science programs are operated by a variety of local, regional, state, and national agencies, and academic, Tribal, for-profit, and nongovernmental nonprofit entities. Efforts include research ship and autonomous vehicle surveys, year-long mooring deployments, and observations from coastal communities. Inter-program coordination allows cost-effective leveraging of field logistics and collected data into value-added information that fosters new insights unattainable by any single program operating alone. Coordination occurs at many levels, from discussions at marine mammal co-management meetings and interagency meetings to scientific symposia and data workshops. Together, the efforts represented by this collection of loosely linked long-term monitoring programs enable a biologically focused scientific foundation for understanding ecosystem responses to warming water temperatures and declining Arctic sea ice. Here, we introduce a variety of currently active monitoring efforts in the Alaskan Arctic marine realm that exemplify the above attributes.Funding sources include the following: ALTIMA: BOEM M09PG00016, M12PG00021, and M13PG00026; AMBON: NOPP-NA14NOS0120158 and NOPP-NA19NOS0120198; Bering Strait moorings: NSF-OPP-AON-PLR-1758565, NSF-OPP-PLR-1107106; BLE-LTER: NSF-OPP-1656026; CEO: NPRB-L36, ONR N000141712274 and N000142012413; DBO: NSF-AON-1917469 and NOAA-ARP CINAR-22309.07; HFR, AOOS Arctic glider, and Passive Acoustics at CEO and Bering Strait: NA16NOS0120027; WABC: NSF-OPP-1733564. JAMSTEC: partial support by ArCS Project JPMXD1300000000 and ArCS II Project JPMXD1420318865; Seabird surveys: BOEM M17PG00017, M17PG00039, and M10PG00050, and NPRB grants 637, B64, and B67. This publication was partially funded by the Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, & Ecosystem Studies (CICOES) under NOAA Cooperative Agreement NA20OAR4320271, and represents contribution 2021-1163 to CICOES, EcoFOCI-1026, and 5315 to PMEL. This is NPRB publication ArcticIERP-43

    Arctic Ocean Circulation Patterns Revealed by Ocean Bottom Pressure Anomalies

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2012Over the last few decades, the Arctic Ocean has experienced drastic changes that include increased temperature, changes in freshwater distribution, and decrease in sea ice extent and thickness. These changes, which potentially affect global climate, are intimately linked to changes in the Arctic Ocean circulation. Thus, understanding Arctic Ocean circulation patterns is fundamental to monitoring and predicting the fate of the Arctic System. Since 2002, NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) has provided continuous measurements of the time-varying gravity field of the Arctic Ocean. The gravitational variations represent mass variations, or the time-varying ocean bottom pressure (OBP) field. OBP variations are the sum of the mass change due to the sea surface height change and the integrated density variations through the water column. In this dissertation, in situ and GRACE measurements of OBP anomalies, complemented by information from ocean models, are used to investigate the relative contribution of sea surface height and density-variations on the Arctic OBP field. The dynamics associated with the observed OBP changes are investigated. Major findings include the identification of three primary temporal-spatial modes of OBP variability at monthly to inter-annual timescales with the following characteristics: - Mode 1 is a wintertime basin-coherent Arctic mass change forced by southerly winds through Bering and Fram Straits. - Mode 2 reveals mass change along the Siberian shelves, driven by surface Ekman dynamics and associated with the Arctic Oscillation. - Mode 3 reveals a mass drop in Western Arctic shelves forced by the strengthening of the anticyclonic Beaufort Gyre, and wintertime along-shore westerly winds that increase OBP in the Eastern Arctic shelves. The OBP changes in the Kara Sea reveal a more baroclinic ocean character than modeling results have previously suggested, due to the complex bathymetry of this region and runoff-derived large density changes through the water column. This work integrates the character of the Arctic mass changes at different timescales, and provides information about the ocean mass re-distribution during years of rapidly thinning and disappearing seasonal sea ice

    Arctic and Sub‐Arctic Mechanisms Explaining Observed Increasing Northward Flow Through the Bering Strait and Why Models May Be Getting It Wrong

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    Abstract The Pacific oceanic input to the Arctic via the Bering Strait (important for western Arctic ice retreat, water properties, and nutrient supply) has been increasing for three decades. Using satellite Ocean Bottom Pressure (OBP) and Dynamic Ocean Topography (DOT) data, we show that long‐term trends in mooring data for a well‐sampled sub‐period (2003–2014) relate to summer OBP and DOT drop in the Arctic's East Siberian Sea (ESS), in turn caused by stronger westward ESS winds, and increased fall westward winds in the Bering Sea. OBP/DOT differences imply strong (0.17 psu/year) ESS salinization, likely caused by hitherto unappreciated increased Pacific inflow to that region. We find ESS OBP trends are (erroneously) reversed in older data versions, and estimate that ESS salinization may significantly mediate Bering Strait flow increase. These facts may explain why models assimilating older OBP data, or with erroneous Bering Strait salinities, fail to simulate observed Bering Strait flow increase

    Remote Sensing of Bottom Pressure from GRACE Satellites

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    Since their launch in early 2002, the twin satellites of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) have been providing global maps of Earth’s varying gravity field nearly continuously every month. The data record now spans more than 15 years of global surface mass change observations, allowing precise tracking of the redistribution and cycling of water between the land, atmosphere, and oceans

    Arctic Ocean Circulation Patterns Revealed by GRACE

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    Measurements of ocean bottom pressure (OBP) anomalies from the satellite mission Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), complemented by information from two ocean models, are used to investigate the variations and distribution of the Arctic Ocean mass from 2002 through 2011. The forcing and dynamics associated with the observed OBP changes are explored. Major findings are the identification of three primary temporal–spatial modes of OBP variability at monthly-to-interannual time scales with the following characteristics. Mode 1 (50% of the variance) is a wintertime basin-coherent Arctic mass change forced by southerly winds through Fram Strait, and to a lesser extent through Bering Strait. These winds generate northward geostrophic current anomalies that increase the mass in the Arctic Ocean. Mode 2 (20%) reveals a mass change along the Siberian shelves, driven by surface Ekman transport and associated with the Arctic Oscillation. Mode 3 (10%) reveals a mass dipole, with mass decreasing in the Chukchi, East Siberian, and Laptev Seas, and mass increasing in the Barents and Kara Seas. During the summer, the mass decrease on the East Siberian shelves is due to the basin-scale anticyclonic atmospheric circulation that removes mass from the shelves via Ekman transport. During the winter, the forcing mechanisms include a large-scale cyclonic atmospheric circulation in the eastern-central Arctic that produces mass divergence into the Canada Basin and the Barents Sea. In addition, strengthening of the Beaufort high tends to remove mass from the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas. Supporting previous modeling results, the month-to-month variability in OBP associated with each mode is predominantly of barotropic character

    The North Pole Region as an Indicator of the Changing Arctic Ocean: The Need for Sustaining Observations

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    International audienceSustained observations of environmental conditions in the North Pole region are critical to understanding the changing Arctic Ocean. The Transpolar Drift conduit of sea ice and freshened upper-ocean waters across the Arctic Ocean passes over the North Pole region on its way to the North Atlantic through Fram and Nares Straits. The exported ice and freshened water strati es the sub-Arctic seas and limits the vertical convection that ventilates the world ocean. Key variables such as ice thickness, bottom pressure, and hydrography in the North Pole region are thus sensitive indicators of changes over the whole Arctic Basin and how these affect the global ocean. Drifting buoys installed in the North Pole region by Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the U.S. address what would otherwise be a dearth of ocean, ice, and atmosphere observations in the central Arctic. A suite of satellite remote sensing tools such as ICESat/ICESat-2 from the U.S., GRACE from the U.S. and Germany, and CryoSat2 from the European Union extend the conclusions from central Arctic Ocean in situ observations to other regions. Detecting and understanding climate change requires observations over decadal and longer scales. We propose an international program as the key to sustaining these observations in the North Pole region. Such an international program would help immeasurably by 1) facilitating nancial sharing of the burden of long-term measurements among several nations, (2) reducing logistics costs through economies of scale, and 3) providing a buffer against national funding, logistics, and geopolitical dif culties