638 research outputs found

    Agronomic performance and photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by maize intercropped with Brachiaria.

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    Maize and soybean are the main crops used for crop yield on Brazilian Cerrado biome. The off-season maize intercropped with ruzigrass [Urochloa ruziziensis (R. Germ. C.M. Evrard) Crins (Syn. Brachiaria ruziziensis Germ. Evrard)] increases soil cover and yield for crops in succession. However, the benefits on maize yield depend on the distribution and radiation-use efficiency (RUE) and its conversion to biomass. This study aimed to evaluate maize and ruzigrass yield in different cultivation systems. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste, in Dourados, MS, Brazil. The experiment design was randomized blocks, with seven treatments constituted by the combination of spacing between maize rows, single and intercropped, with ruzigrass in distribution methods. Photosynthetically active radiation, chlorophyll, leaf temperature, morphological characteristics and maize mass yield were evaluated in maize at the flowering stage (R1). Maize and ruzigrass yield were evaluated during maize maturation. The reduced spacing in single maize has a higher yield and lower radiation incidence in the ear. Maize intercropped with ruzigrass sown by broadcasting showed higher leaf temperature, lower plant height and lower maize leaf area. Morphological and physiological characteristics and maize grain yield were more influenced by planting methods than the presence of ruzigrass. The highest yield of dry matter and maize grain occurred in reduced spacing in maize, either alone or intercropped with ruzigrass

    An iterative algorithmic UAV path optimization process for Structure-for-Motion modelling

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    The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for 3D reconstruction through photogrammetry has gained significant attention in recent years. With the advancement of technology and the availability of affordable drones with high-resolution cameras, capturing aerial images for creating detailed 3D models has become more accessible, however, UAV survey flight planning still presents challenges. The planning stage is essential in aerial photogrammetry as it sets the foundation for efficient and accurate surveying. Proper predictive planning ensures a smooth workflow on site, generating high-quality datasets for reconstruction while minimizing the need for repeat surveys. This approach not only reduces costs but also mitigates potential errors and delays during the survey process. Within the presented frame of reference, the present study explores the use of UAVs for 3D reconstruction through photogrammetry, focusing on optimizing flight paths and view planning. It addresses challenges such as safety, navigation, and image dataset optimization. The study presents the current advancement of custom parametric workflow developed in Rhino/Grasshopper. The workflow is targeted for average users, aiming to simplify the process and integrate it with architectural and planning workflows. The approach involves four algorithms, including proxy model generation, visibility analysis, path generation, and camera position estimation. The iterative process enhances precision through progressive refinement of the proxy model, offering potential for predictive modelling and effective photogrammetry utilization in UAV planning. Further research and testing are needed to validate real-world performance

    Toward the total synthesis of spirastrellolide A. Part 3: Intelligence gathering and preparation of a ring-expanded analogue

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    Different methods for the formation of the C.25–C.26 bond of spirastrellolide A (1) are evaluated that might qualify for the end game of the projected total synthesis, with emphasis on metathetic ways to forge the macrocyclic frame

    Massa de Brachiaria ruziziensis em consórcio com diferentes populações e genótipos de milho safrinha (Zea mays L.), em Maracajú, 2007.

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    bitstream/item/65387/1/29900.pdfOrganizado por Gessi Ceccon e Luiz Alberto Staut

    Produção de sementes de adubos verdes e de forragem em cultivo consorciado com milho em pequenas propriedades.

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    Engineering stability in NADPH oxidases: A common strategy for enzyme production

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    NADPH oxidases (NOXs) are membrane enzymes whose sole function is the generation of reactive oxygen species. Humans have seven NOX isoenzymes that feature distinct functions in immune response and cell signaling but share the same catalytic core comprising a FAD-binding dehydrogenase domain and a heme-binding transmembrane domain. We previously described a mutation that stabilizes the dehydrogenase domain of a prokaryotic homolog of human NOX5. The thermostable mutant exhibited a large 19 °C increase in the apparent melting temperature (app T m ) and a much tighter binding of the FAD cofactor, which allowed the crystallization and structure determination of the domain holo-form. Here, we analyze the transferability of this mutation onto prokaryotic and eukaryotic full-length NOX enzymes. We found that the mutation exerts a significative stabilizing effect on the full-length NOX5 from both Cylindrospermum stagnale (app T m increase of 8 °C) and Homo sapiens (app ΔT m of 2 °C). Enhanced thermal stability resulted in more homogeneous preparations of the bacterial NOX5 with less aggregation problems. Moreover, we also found that the mutation increases the overall expression of recombinant human NOX4 and NOX5 in mammalian cells. Such a 2–5-fold increase is mainly due to the lowered cell toxicity, which leads to higher biomasses. Because of the high sequence identity of the catalytic core within this family of enzymes, this strategy can be a general tool to boost the production of all NOXs