269 research outputs found

    Algunas reflexiones para el debate

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    Ponencia presentada enPonencia presentada en el III Simposio Internacional de Inmigración “La contratación en origen: programas de contratación de inmigrantes”, Fundación Ciudadanía y Valores, 27 marzo 2009, MadridLa condición global del fenómeno de las migraciones internacionales requiere integrar perspectivas plurales de análisis, contextos diversos y conocimientos de distintos expertos en la materia. Es por esto, que la Fundación Ciudadanía y Valores ha organizado su III Simposio Internacional de Inmigración, proponiendo a debate un instrumento habilitado para la captación de mano de obra extranjera: los programas de contratación en origen de inmigrantes.el III Simposio Internacional de Inmigración “La contratación en origen: programas de contratación de inmigrantes”, Fundación Ciudadanía y Valores, 27 marzo 2009, MadridPeer reviewe

    Ethnic businesses in Spain

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    [EN] Current migrations are very dynamic processes that are always readjusting to the changing conditions in both origin and destination areas. Among those readjusting strategies, ethnic businesses play an important role. The growing importance of ethnic business in Spain is reported using the data on foreign self-employed workers, published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affaires. Current statistics about the establishment of small commercial enterprises skip the nationality of the owner/s, and therefore could not be used in this piece of research.Peer reviewe

    Un modelo multirregional para la proyección de la población de las provincias españolas

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    La realización de proyecciones de población es un tema de estudio con cierta tradición pero que, a consecuencia de su complejidad y dificultad, no ha sido abordado adecuadamente en nuestro país, ya sea en número de trabajos como en validez de sus resultados - En especial se echan en falta proyecciones de la población española donde se tenga en cuenta explícitamente la dirección de los flujos migratorios interprovinciales. El objetivo de este trabajo es dar un paso adelante en este sentido. En la actualidad diversos grupos de investigación, tanto demógrafos como geógrafos, intentan desarrollar métodos y técnicas donde el espacio intervenga de modo explícito en los análisis demográficos.Peer reviewe

    Instituto de Estadística, (2005): Atlas Estadístico de la Comunidad de Madrid 2005

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    García Ballesteros, A., dir., (2006): Inmigrantes emprendedores en la Comunidad de Madrid

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    La sociedad multicultural

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    Predicting Inflow Flow in Hydraulic Dams Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Cursos e Congresos, C-155[Abstract] Accurate prediction of inflow in dams plays a crucial role in water resource management Kim et al. (2019); Vargas-Garay et al. (2018); Zhong et al. (2018) and risk mitigation Costabile et al. (2020); Rabuñal et al. (2007). This study focuses on the Portodemouros dam (located between the provinces of A Coruña and Pontevedra), where a model based on a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) artificial neural network has been implemented to predict dam inflow. The results demonstrate the well-established effectiveness of the LSTM network in flow prediction Dongkyuna and Seokkoob (2021); Jo and Jung (2023); Li et al. (2020) applied to the Portodemouros dam compared to other models. This comparison has already been performed in other studies with both mathematical models Amirreza et al. (2022); Ansori and Anwar (2022); A.R1 et al. (2018); Beck et al. (2017); Ciabatta et al. (2016); Costabile et al. (2020); Fan et al. (2013); Hermanovsky et al. (2017); Kim et al. (2019); Vargas-Garay et al. (2018); Zhong et al. (2018), genetic programming Aytek et al. (2008); Havl´ıˇcek et al. (2013); Heˇrmanovsk´y et al. (2017); Rabuñal et al. (2007) and other machine learning algorithms Jo and Jung (2023). Combining precipitation data from multiple regions and meteorological forecasts significantly enhances the model’s ability to anticipate variations in dam inflow. This improved accuracy is essential for early flood detection and informed decision-making in dam operation. This study forms part of the Marine Science programme (ThinkInAzul) supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Xunta de Galicia with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1) and European Maritime and Fisheries Fun

    Oral manifestations of ellis-van creveld syndrome. A rare case report

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    Ellis-van Creveld syndrome (EVC) or chondroectodermal dysplasia is an autosomal recessive disorder, characterized by dwarfism, polydactyly, hypoplastic fingernails and congenital heart defects, finding in most of the cases orofacial anomalies. We describe a clinical case of a 9 year old male patient diagnosed with EVC who visited our Maxillofacial private consultation at Alcorcon Southern Hospital, presenting typical oral manifestations such as dental agenesis, delayed eruption, hypoplasia of the enamel, dental dysmorphism, taurodontism and supernumerary teeth. EVC syndrome is a rare disease and requires a multidisciplinary approach. Oral features are constant and requires the jointly performance of Odontologist and Maxillofacial surgeon aiming to get an appropriate treatment sequence surgery-orthodontics in order to achieve a suitable functional result to improve the quality of life of these patients

    Evolution of polyphenolic compounds and sensory properties of wines obtained from grenache grapes treated by pulsed electric fields during aging in bottles and in oak barrels

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    The evolution of polyphenolic compounds and sensory properties of wines obtained from Grenache grapes, either untreated or treated with pulsed electric fields (PEF), in the course of bottle aging, as well as during oak aging followed by bottle aging, were compared. Immediately prior to aging in bottles or in barrels, enological parameters that depend on phenolic extraction during skin maceration were higher when grapes had been treated with PEF. In terms of color intensity, phenolic families, and individual phenols, the wine obtained with grapes treated by PEF followed an evolution similar to untreated control wine in the course of aging. Sensory analysis revealed that the application of a PEF treatment resulted in wines that are sensorially different: Panelists preferred wines obtained from grapes treated with PEF. Physicochemical and sensory analyses showed that grapes treated with PEF are suitable for obtaining wines that require aging in bottles or in oak barrels

    Lessons learned from supplementing archaeological museum exhibitions with virtual reality

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    Archaeological excavations provide us with important clues about the past. Excavated artefacts represent an important connection to civilisations that no longer exist and help us understand some of their customs, traditions and common practices. With the help of academics and practitioners from various disciplines the results of archaeological excavations can be analysed and a body of knowledge about the corresponding society can be created and shared with members of the general public. Museums have traditionally served the purpose of communicating this knowledge and backing it up with the help of the excavated artefacts. Many museum visitors, however, find it difficult to develop a coherent understanding of the corresponding society only based on the artefacts and annotations showed in museums. Effective modern techniques that have high potential in helping museum visitors with better understanding of the past are 3D reconstruction and Virtual Reality. 3D reconstruction offers a cost effective way of recreating historical settlements in a computer-generated virtual environment, while Virtual Reality helps with immersing people into such environments and reaching a high degree of realism. With the help of these technologies it becomes possible to relive history, imagine yourself being a part of the reconstructed society and learn about its culture firsthand. The combination of 3D reconstruction and Virtual Reality \anton{represents} a very powerful learning tool, however this tool has been rarely used in a museum setting and its correct use has not been properly investigated. In this paper we present a study into using Virtual Reality in itinerant archaeological exhibitions. We discuss the lessons we have learned from developing an interactive Virtual Reality simulation of the Neolithic settlement of La Draga. These lessons feature our analysis of qualitative and quantitative feedback of museum visitors, as well as what we have learned from analysing their navigation and interaction patterns