27 research outputs found

    Eficacia de la terapia cognitiva basada en la atenci贸n plena en el tratamiento de la ansiedad y la depresi贸n.

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    RESUMEN La Terapia Cognitiva basada en la Atenci贸n Plena (TCAP) es un programa de entrenamiento de 8 semanas de duraci贸n, desarrollado por Z. Segal, M. Williams y J. Teasdale. El programa se desarroll贸 para evitar las reca铆das en depresi贸n en pacientes con depresiones recurrentes, a partir de la teor铆a cognitiva sobre la depresi贸n desarrollada J. Teasdale (Teasdale et al, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004). La TCAP incorpora el exitoso programa para la reducci贸n del estr茅s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) desarrollado por Jon Kabbat-Zinn (Kabbat-Zinn 1990), al marco cl谩sico de la terapia cognitiva de la depresi贸n (conocimiento de la existencia de pensamientos disfuncionales en estados de 谩nimo disf贸rico, registro de pensamientos autom谩ticos, pr谩ctica diaria, etc...). La Atenci贸n Plena se define como una habilidad, que puede entrenarse y que consiste en centrar la atenci贸n de un modo intencional: en un objeto, en el momento presente, y sin juzgar (Jon Kabat-Zinn, 1990). Los objetivos espec铆ficos que persigue este trabajo son comprobar la eficacia de la TCAP sobre una muestra con sintomatolog铆a depresiva y ansiosa en el contexto de Unidades de Salud mental de la isla de Tenerife. El n煤mero total de personas que han participado en estudio es de 85, de los cuales 45 participaron en el grupo de tratamiento y 40 en el grupo control. El grupo de tratamiento esta formado por las personas que acudieron 4 sesiones o m谩s a un programa de Terapia Cognitiva basada en la Atenci贸n Plena en dos unidades de salud mental de la isla de Tenerife, y el grupo de control incluye a usuarios de las Unidades de salud mental que han recibido el tratamiento usual (relajaci贸n). Los resultados de esta investigaci贸n muestran que la TCAP es m谩s eficaz que el tratamiento usual para la reducci贸n de los s铆ntomas depresivos, ansiosos, nivel de estr茅s y sensibilidad a la ansiedad. Tambi茅n se muestra m谩s eficaz para la reducci贸n de la percepci贸n de la preocupaci贸n como peligrosa e incontrolable y la autoconciencia cognitiva, esta 煤ltima, recordamos que mide un factor de auto-centrado negativo similar a la rumiaci贸n. Ha habido una reducci贸n del porcentaje de sujetos con sintomatolog铆a ansiosa tras el tratamiento en TCAP. El tipo de ansiedad utilizada para discriminar entre grupos es cognitiva, la tendencia a preocuparse, que es la que est谩 detr谩s de muchos trastornos de ansiedad. En el grupo de sujetos con sintomatolog铆a ansiosa, el tratamiento TCAP se muestra m谩s eficaz que la intervenci贸n usual en la reducci贸n de los niveles de estr茅s, en la reducci贸n la tendencia a la preocupaci贸n, y en reducci贸n de la sensibilidad a la ansiedad y la rumiaci贸n, adem谩s tambi茅n hay una disminuci贸n de la percepci贸n de la preocupaci贸n como peligrosa e incontrolable y de la autoconciencia cognitiva. A nivel cualitativo se pasaron unos entrevistas semiestructuradas que se analizaron mediante la t茅cnica del an谩lisis de contenido. El resultado es que la TCAP tiene buenos niveles de aceptaci贸n, y que la mayor铆a de participantes nota cambios en su forma de pensar, de sentir, y en su relaci贸n con los dem谩s. __________________________________________________________________________________________________The mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is an 8 week duration training treatment, developed by Segal, Teasdale & Williams. The treatment was developed for the prevention of depression RECAIDA in patients with recurrent depression, from the cognitive theory of depression developed by J. Teasdale (Teasdale et al, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004). The MCBT incorporate a cognitive therapy component (automatic cognitions, self-registers, etc...) and depression psicoeducation to a previous program called MBSR (Kabat-Zinn, 1993). Mindfulness is defined as a skill that can be trained, is the experience of put the attention on purpose: in an object, in the present moment and without judge (Kabat-Zinn, 1990). The aim of this work is evaluate the efficacy of MBCT program in the reduction of anxiety and depression in a public mental health unit in the Canary Islands (Spain). The sample was 85 persons with anxiety and depression symptoms, 45 of the received the MBCT program ant the others TAU (Treatment as usual) which is relaxation training. The results shows that the MBCT in more effective than TAU in the reduction of depressive and anxiety symptoms, in the worry trait, rumination and metacognition. A qualitative assessment was also made showing the MBCT is accepted, and the patients report changes on cognitive, emotional and relational level

    The effects of mindfulness-bases cognitive therapy: a qualitative approach

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    Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an 8-week group treatment program originally developed for the prevention of relapses in depression (Segal, Teasdale & Williams, 2003). In this article we present the qualitative aspects of an MBCT efficacy study in public Mental Health Units of Tenerife island (Canary Island, Spain) with anxious and depressive symptoms. Thirty-two participants in an MBCT efficacy study answered an open questionnaire at the end of the treatment and three months later. The text of their responses was analyzed using the content analysis technique. The results show that MBCT has a good level of acceptance, and that most of the patients noticed changes in their way of thinking, feeling and in their relations with others

    Eficacia de la terapia cognitiva basada en la atenci贸n plena en el tratamiento de la depresi贸n

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    This is an outcome study of an 8 weeks Mindfuness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) program for patients with depressive symptoms in a public mental health setting. 69 subjects participated in the study: 38 of them received MBCT and 31 received treatment as usual in the public mental health units of the island of Tenerife. The MBCT program developed by Segal, Williams and Teasdale (2002) to prevent depression relapse was adapted to treat patients with depressive symptoms but not in an acute phase. Results showed that such an adaptation is viable and offers patients a useful tool to face depression

    Eating style, television viewing and snacking in pre-adolescent children

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    Introduction: Television viewing is considered to be a risk factor for overweight in children because of its association with reduced physical activity and increased calorie intake. Objective: The aim of the present study is to examine whether eating styles affect the relationship between television viewing (TV-viewing) and snacking. Method: In a sample of 962 pre-adolescents, selfreported television viewing and snacking were assessed in relation to dietary restraint, external eating and emotional eating, as measured with the child version of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. With regression analyses we assessed the possible moderating role of emotional, external and restrained eating on the relation between TV-viewing and snacking. In all analyses we controlled for age, sex, BMI and the possible confounding effects of the other eating styles. Results: Emotional eating, and not dietary restraint or external eating, moderated the relationship between TVviewing and snacking. Conclusion: TV-viewing seems to be more strongly related to snacking in children with higher levels of emotional eating. TV-viewing may also be a risk factor for the development of emotional eating

    The implementation of mindfulness in healthcare Systems: a theoretical analysis

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    Objective: Evidence regarding the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) is increasing exponentially; however, there are still challenges to their integration in healthcare systems. Our goal is to provide a conceptual framework that addresses these challenges in order to bring about scholarly dialog and support healthmanagers and practitioners with the implementation of MBIs in healthcare. Method: This is an opinative narrative review based on theoretical and empirical data that address key issues in the implementation ofmindfulness in healthcare systems, such as the training of professionals, funding and costs of interventions, cost effectiveness and innovative delivery models. Results: Weshowthat even in the United Kingdom,where mindfulness has a high level of implementation, there is a high variability in the access toMBIs. In addition,we discuss innovative approaches based on 'complex interventions,' 'stepped-care' and 'low intensity-high volume' concepts that may prove fruitful in the development and implementation of MBIs in national healthcare systems, particularly in Primary Care. Conclusion: In order to better understand barriers and opportunities for mindfulness implementation in healthcare systems, it is necessary to be aware that MBIs are 'complex interventions,' which require innovative approaches and delivery models to implement these interventions in a cost-effective and accessible way

    Mindfulness estado, habilidades mindfulness y auto-compasi贸n en el aprendizaje de mindfulness: un estudio piloto

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    La investigaci贸n en mindfulness ha mostrado como esta habilidad, as铆 como su entrenamiento, est谩n relacionadas con bienestar psicol贸gico. Paralelamente, han aparecido instrumentos para medir mindfulness sobre todo a nivel de rasgo. No obstante, mindfulness medido como estado no ha sido objeto de tanta investigaci贸n. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la relaci贸n entre mindfulness estado (me), mindfulness rasgo (mr ), auto-compasi贸n (ac) y las reacciones al aprendizaje de mindfulness. Una muestra de 18 profesionales participaron en un taller de formaci贸n en mindfulness, donde el eje central era la pr谩ctica a trav茅s de dos ejercicios esenciales: atenci贸n a la respiraci贸n (3 minutos) y el esc谩ner corporal (body scan). Al inicio, los participantes contestaron los siguientes cuestionarios: escala me (Mindfulness State Scale), cuestionario de mr (Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire) y escala de auto-compasi贸n. Despu茅s de cada ejercicio, respondieron la escala me y el cuestionario de la experiencia mindfulness. Los resultados muestran como me est谩 relacionado con mr , as铆 como con auto-compasi贸n. Por otro lado, est谩 relacionado con las reacciones a la pr谩ctica, y aumenta conforme avanza el aprendizaje. En conclusi贸n, el estudio de me y su medida puede aportar informaci贸n muy 煤til sobre la experiencia de una persona en la pr谩ctica de mindfulness, as铆 como en su aprendizaje

    El papel del mindfulness y el descentramiento en la sintomatolog铆a depresiva y ansiosa

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    Los s铆ntomas depresivos y ansiosos tienen un claro impacto en el funcionamiento de las personas. Su aparici贸n parece tener relaci贸n con la presencia de d茅ficits en las capacidades metacognitivas. El entrenamiento en atenci贸n plena aumenta el insight metacognitivo a trav茅s de la capacidad de descentramiento. Por ello el objetivo de este estudio ha sido evaluar la relaci贸n entre la atenci贸n plena y el descentramiento con la sintomatolog铆a ansiosa y depresiva respectivamente. La muestra de este estudio est谩 compuesta por 465 participantes y el contacto con ella se estableci贸 a trav茅s de universidades y redes sociales. Los resultados revelaron que tanto la atenci贸n plena como la capacidad de descentramiento explican la presencia de sintomatolog铆a depresiva mientras que s贸lo la atenci贸n plena explica la presencia de sintomatolog铆a ansiosa. Estos resultados son alentadores para la intervenci贸n en atenci贸n plena con sintomatolog铆a ansiosa y/o depresiva y se驴nalan la importancia de procesos metacognitivos, como el descentramiento, en su desarroll

    Internal Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) in a (Nearly) Representative Dutch Community Sample

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    The Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire is a widely used instrument for assessment of emotional, external and restrained eating. The aim of the present study is to (i) analyse its internal structure using exploratory structural equation modelling; (ii) to assess its measurement invariance with respect to sex, BMI, age and level of education; and (iii) to evaluate the relations of the factors with these variables. Except that women were slightly over-represented, the sample (n = 2173) closely followed the sociodemographic characteristics of the overall Dutch population. The three theoretical factors that emerged from the analysis were in close correspondence with the three scales for emotional, external and restrained eating. Only two items (item3驴'desire to eat when nothing to do驴' and item21驴'resist delicious food...') presented problematic loadings. The questionnaire showed satisfactory measurement invariance, and expected patterns of mean differences and relations were found. All in all, the results highlight the adequate psychometric properties of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnair

    La Pr谩ctica de la meditaci贸n y la atenci贸n plena: t茅cnicas milenarias para padres del siglo XXI

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    A Mindfulness-Based training for parents of children with severe mental disorders is presented. This program was developed and tested in a specialized unit of the Public Mental Health Service of the Canary Islands. 18 mothers participated in a nonramdomize clinical trial with control group. Participants in the training showed a decrease in depression and stress scores and improvement in the relationship with their children

    Empat铆a y Mindfulness. Convergencia te贸rica

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    Este art铆culo revisa las principales aportaciones te贸ricas e investigaciones sobre la empat铆a y su relaci贸n con el mindfulness, con la finalidad de contribuir al estudio del desarrollo humano saludable. La empat铆a es un elemento esencial en las relaciones interpersonales. Se trata de un constructo que ha ido evolucionando a nivel te贸rico y del que cada vez tenemos un mayor conocimiento cient铆ficamente fundamentado. Las iniciativas para fomentarla, particularmente en el 谩mbito de la educaci贸n, han tenido resultados muy satisfactorios. En los 煤ltimos a帽os, el incremento de estudios sobre los numerosos beneficios de la pr谩ctica de mindfulness 鈥搚 sobre todo aquellos programas que incluyen la compasi贸n y la autocompasi贸n- son muy consistentes respecto a la mejora de los v铆nculos con los dem谩s. Analizar la intersecci贸n te贸rica entre empat铆a y mindfulness y detectar las necesidades actuales en lo que se refiere a su investigaci贸n es fundamental para avanzar en el conocimiento acerca de la utilidad del mindfulness como estrategia de intervenci贸n encaminada a fomentar la empat铆a.This article reviews the main theoretical contributions and research studies on empathy and its relationship with mindfulness, in order to contribute to the study of the healthy human development. Empathy is an essential element in the interpersonal relationships. It is a construct that is evolving at a theoretical level and each day we have a higher scientifically grounded understanding. The initiatives to promote it, particularly in the field of education, have had very successful results. In recent years, the increase of studies on the many benefits of practicing mindfulness 鈥損articularly those programs that include compassion and self-compassion- are very consistent regarding the improvement of relationships with others. Analyzing the theoretical intersection between empathy and mindfulness and identify current needs as regards their research is crutial to advance knowledge about the usefulness of mindfulness as an intervention strategy aimed at fostering empath