1,727 research outputs found

    Adaptació i càlcul de la matriu del bé comú a la Universitat de Barcelona. Curs 2015-2016

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    Projecte: FBG308603L’economia del bé comú és una nova forma d'organització de les empreses i de l'economia on es tenen en compte les persones i el seu benestar per sobre d’altres interessos. Fruit d’aquest model ha estat creada la matriu del Bé Comú, una eina que serveix per a mesurar l’impacte de les organitzacions des de una perspectiva d’utilitat social. L’objectiu del projecte és l’aplicació de la matriu del Bé Comú a la Universitat de Barcelona. Amb el primer cop d’ull a la matriu, però, les persones implicades al projecte hem considerat que molts dels indicadors i supòsits que s’hi recullen són difícilment aplicables a una institució universitària del sector públic com la UB i, per tant, caldrà una prèvia adaptació de la matriu abans de poder-hi incorporar la informació de la Universitat. A més, la matriu es fonamenta en una sèrie de valors que són esmentats però no definits amb concreció, tasca que considerem que s’hauria de fer prèviament per evitar equívocs interpretatius. De la mateixa manera, s’esmenten els grups de contacte de la organització. Entenem que la UB haurà de començar verificant que, efectivament, aquests grups de contacte s’adapten a la seva realitat i, de ser oportú, incorporar-ne de nous, eliminar algun dels existents o adaptar-los al context universitari

    Variable-Frequency Grid-Sequence Detector Based on a Quasi-Ideal Low-Pass Filter Stage and a Phase-Locked Loop

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    This paper proposes a filtered-sequence phase-locked loop (FSPLL) structure for detection of the positive sequence in three-phase systems. The structure includes the use of the Park transformation and moving average filters (MAF). Performance of the MAF is mathematically analyzed and represented in Bode diagrams. The analysis allows a proper selection of the window width of the optimal filter for its application in the dq transformed variables. The proposed detector structure allows fast detection of the grid voltage positive sequence (within one grid voltage cycle). The MAF eliminates completely any oscillation multiple of the frequency for which it is designed; thus, this algorithm is not affected by the presence of imbalances or harmonics in the electrical grid. Furthermore, the PLL includes a simple-frequency detector that makes frequency adaptive the frequency depending blocks. This guarantees the proper operation of the FSPLL under large frequency changes. The performance of the entire PLL-based detector is verified through simulation and experiment. It shows veryPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Current balancing strategy in parallel-connected legs of power inverters

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    The parallel connection of inverter legs is a way to increase the output currents and thus the converter rated power. The connection is made by inductors and a critical issue is to achieve balanced currents among the legs. Circulating currents produce additional losses and stress to the power devices of the converter. Therefore, they should be controlled and minimized. An efficient technique to achieve such a balance is presented in this paper. The proposed strategy does not include proportional-integral (PI) controllers and parameter tuning is not required. The exact control action to achieve current balance is straightforward calculated and applied. Simulation and experimental results are shown in this paper to verify efficiency of the proposed balancing method.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Study and comparison of discontinuous modulation for modular multilevel converters in motor drive applications

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    Discontinuous modulation applied to modular multilevel converters is an effective method for reducing the capacitor voltage ripples. In this paper, the discontinuous modulation is adapted and used in a motor drive application. For proper operation of the converter, a new energy controller is presented, which is suitable for operation with nonsinusoidal reference signals. Experimental results comparing the discontinuous modulation with other techniques operating at low motor speeds are shown. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the discontinuous modulation on reducing capacitor voltage ripples and power losses.Postprint (published version

    Parallel-connected legs in a grid-tied inverter system for distributed generation

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    Grid-connected high-power inverters are often used in distributed generation and power quality systems. Those inverters have to handle high currents in order to achieve high power values without resorting to higher voltages. Connecting inverter legs in parallel is a proper way to achieve such high currents. Such parallel connection is made by means of inductors and achieving balanced currents among the legs becomes a critical issue. Circulating currents may produce additional losses and stress to the converter’s power devices. Therefore, they should be controlled and minimized. An efficient technique to achieve such balance is presented in this paper. The proposed strategy has been developed on a gridconnected three-phase system. Each phase of the inverter is made up of three legs in parallel. Besides, the control implemented in this work allows full regulation of the power factor. This way, any desired power factor value can be achieved in order to meet grid-connection requirements. Simulation and experimental results are shown in this paper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Desenvolupament d'aplicacions per a dispositius mòbils

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    La finalitat d'aquest projecte és obtenir una visió global de la programació per dispositius mòbils i a més fer una avaluació del que podria costar (tant les eines com el reciclatge de programadors) a una empresa dedicada a TIC començar a implementar aplicacions per a dispositius mòbils. Amb un plantejament molt ampli al principi i reduït només a tres opcions (BlackBerry, Windows Mobile i Android), es desenvolupa una aplicació per aquests dispositius. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que a nivell econòmic les millors opcions són el desenvolupament per Android (gratuït) i per BlackBerry (20 dòlars). Però en canvi a nivell d'adaptació dels llenguatges de programació la opció de Windows Mobile és la que presenta menys obstacles per passar de coneixements de programació d'aplicacions de servidor o sobre taula (en entorn .NET) a dispositius mòbils.El objetivo de este proyecto es tener una visión global de la programación para dispositivos móviles y realizar una evaluación del coste (tanto de las herramientas como del reciclaje de programadores) que tendría desarrollar este tipo de aplicaciones para una empresa dedicada a las TIC. El planteamiento amplio inicialmente se tuvo que reducir a tres opciones (BlackBerry, Windows Mobile y Android), para las cuales se ha desarrollado una aplicación. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran que económicamente las mejores opciones son el desarrollo para Android (gratuito) y para BlackBerry (20 dólares). Pero en cambio a nivel de adaptación de programadores de entornos de escritorio o servidores (en entorno .NET) a dispositivos móviles, Windows Mobile es el que presenta menos dificultades.The aim of this project is to obtain a global vision about programming oriented to mobile devices and to evaluate the different costs -the tool costs and the difficulties of adapting programmers from Desktop programs to mobile devices applications - for a company dedicated to IT. The broad initial objectives had to come down to three options (BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and Android), and we have developed an application for each. We show that the cheapest options are developing for Android (free) and BlackBerry (20 dollars). However the easiest one to adapt programmers who have experience programming desktop or server applications (in .NET environment) is Windows Mobile

    CareCloud: Plataforma de soporte y asistencia a cuidadores

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    El aumento de las personas con discapacidad está demandando la aparición de nuevos modelos de cuidado en los que el cuidador informal desarrolle un papel fundamental como fuente de provisión de cuidados. La falta de preparación del cuidador junto con los frecuentes episodios de estrés y depresión que sufren ante la elevada carga psicológica y laboral, tienen un impacto muy negativo tanto en la condición del cuidador como en las tareas de cuidado. Con el objetivo de mejorar los cuidados provistos y la calidad de vida de los cuidadores informales surge la plataforma CareCloud. Esta plataforma proporciona al cuidador informal servicios destinados a la provisión de contenidos personalizados de formación sobre los distintos cuidados que prestan a sus familiares. Además, permite la gestión de los cuidados a través de servicios de coordinación entre distintos cuidadores, así como procedimientos de evaluación del cuidado que permitan detectar problemas ocurridos en la asistencia prestada

    Metal-free organic polymer for the preparation of a reusable antimicrobial material with real-life application as an absorbent food pad

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    There is a strong need to reduce food waste while maintaining the quality of packaged food. Thus, we have prepared a new fully organic and metal-free antimicrobial polymer, with the aim of increasing both the shelf life and safety of packaged meat. This antimicrobial polymer is based on widely available commercial acrylic monomers with covalently linked vanillin motifs, which are naturally occurring essential oils with antimicrobial characteristics. The film-shaped antibacterial polymeric material shows antibacterial activity for Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes with an R parameter of up to 3.18, 3.37 and 2.00 and inhibition % of up to 99.95%, 99.96%, and 99.02%, respectively. To show the potential of these materials, we conducted a proof of concept experiment in which the antimicrobial polymer film was used as an absorbent food pad. The results show that the use of the antimicrobial polymer film can increase the shelf life of a packaged meat product by 50%. Since the antimicrobial activity is based on a covalently anchored group, there is no antimicrobial agent diffusion, and the antimicrobial activity persists beyond the first use because it is easily washable and reusable for at least 10 cycles.We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional), the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion ´ (PID2020–113264RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/50110001 1033) and "La Caixa" Foundation (the project leading to these results has received funding from the "La Caixa" Foundation, under agreement LCF/ PR/PR18/51130007)
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