3,628 research outputs found

    A Proposal of a Real Time Economic Sentiment Indicator Based on Twitter and Google Trends for the Spanish Economy

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    The main aim of this paper is to build a real time economic sentiment indicator (RT-ESI) for Spain, based on text mining and deep learning from Twitter and Google Trends, that can anticipate GDP and household consumer behaviour. This work contributes to the literature, firstly by carrying out a sentiment analysis with a set of selected keywords that are related to emotions and expectations, then we apply a factor analysis to create the composite indi cator, next we use a descriptive analysis to highlight the main associations between indexes, and finally we employ fractional integration and cointegration techniques (ARFIMA and FCVAR) to assess the RT-ESI behaviour against the European CommissionÂŽs consumer confidence indicator and the GDP. The results show that the GDP (YoY) presents the same behaviour as ourleading indicator, finding mean reversion. The behaviour of the CCI series differs from the others.post-print288 K

    Spectral Data for Generation of Molecular Complexity from Cyclooctatetraene: Preparation of Optically Active Protected Aminocycloheptitols and Bicyclo[4.4.1]undecatriene

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    Spectral data created in the course of the research project. Supports specific findings in Generation of Molecular Complexity from Cyclooctatetraene: Preparation of Optically Active Protected Aminocycloheptitols and Bicyclo[4.4.1]undecatriene . The racemic (6-cyclo-heptadienyl)Fe(CO)3+ cation ((±)-7), prepared from cyclooctatetraene, was treated with a variety of carbon and heteroatom nucleophiles. Attack took place at the less hindered C1 dienyl carbon and decomplexation of the (cycloheptadiene)Fe(CO)3 complexes gave products rich in functionality for further synthetic manipulation. In particular, a seven-step route was developed from racemic (6-styryl-2,4-cycloheptadien-1-yl)phthalimide ((±)-9 d) to afford the optically active aminocycloheptitols (−)-20 and (+)-20

    Using the Dynamic Bi-Factor Model with Markov Switching to Predict the Cyclical Turns in the Large European Economies

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    The appropriately selected leading indicators can substantially improve the forecasting of the peaks and troughs of the business cycle. Using the novel methodology of the dynamic bi-factor model with Markov switching and the data for three largest European economies (France, Germany, and UK) we construct composite leading indicator (CLI) and composite coincident indicator (CCI) as well as corresponding recession probabilities. We estimate also a rival model of the Markov-switching VAR in order to see, which of the two models brings better outcomes. The recession dates derived from these models are compared to three reference chronologies: those of OECD and ECRI (growth cycles) and those obtained with quarterly Bry-Boschan procedure (classical cycles). Dynamic bi-factor model and MSVAR appear to predict the cyclical turning points equally well without systematic superiority of one model over anotherForecasting turning points, composite

    The impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on hydrological extremes

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    Extreme climate events such as severe droughts and floods have become more frequent and widespread in the 21st Century. Recent studies have revealed the tele-connections between Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) and extreme precipitation over different regions such as South America, India and China. This study investigates the influence of MJO on global extreme dry and wet conditions, and how the strength of the relationship changes across the MJO phases over the globe. The Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) calculated from global GLEAM evapotranspiration dataset is used to represent extreme dry and wet conditions. Strong correlations between MJO and extreme dry and wet conditions are found, particularly over monsoon regions such as South Asia, South America and East Africa. The underlying mechanism of the influence of MJO on extreme dry and wet conditions is associated with the variation of precipitation, air temperature and soil moisture modulated by the MJO. The study suggests that MJO impacts on extreme dry and wet conditions should be taken into account in investigation of droughts/floods around the world particularly over monsoon areas

    Sprectral data for Generation of Molecular Complexity from Cyclooctatetraene Using Dienyliron and Olefin Metathesis

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    Spectral data used in the course of researching Generation of molecular complexity from cyclooctatetraene using dienyliron and olefin metathesis methodology . Transformation of the simple hydrocarbon cyclooctatetraene into a variety of polycyclic skeletons was achieved by sequential coordination to iron, reaction with electrophiles followed by allylated nucleophiles, decomplexation and olefin metathesis

    High turnover in electro-oxidation of alcohols and ethers with a glassy carbon-supported phenanthroimidazole mediator.

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    Glassy carbon electrodes covalently modified with a phenanthroimidazole mediator promote electrochemical alcohol and ether oxidation: three orders of magnitude increase in TON, to ∌15 000 in each case, was observed compared with homogeneous mediated reactions. We propose the deactivation pathways in homogeneous solution are prevented by the immobilization: modified electrode reversibility is increased for a one-electron oxidation reaction. The modified electrodes were used to catalytically oxidize p-anisyl alcohol and 1-((benzyloxy)methyl)-4-methoxybenzene, selectively, to the corresponding benzaldehyde and benzyl ester, respectively

    Les Actions en Responsabilité Médicale pour Faute de Diagnostic. Aspects de Droit Comparé Français et Ivoirien

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    Si l’erreur de diagnostic ne constitue pas en elle-mĂȘme une faute pĂ©nale, il en est tout autre de la faute de diagnostic qui prouvĂ©e, permet au patient d’engager la responsabilitĂ© du mĂ©decin- auteur du diagnostic, tant devant les juridictions judiciaires qu’administratives, outre les voies de rĂšglement amiable du litige. Cette efficacitĂ© avec laquelle le lĂ©gislateur français entend prendre en compte les actions des patients-victimes contre les professionnels de santĂ© pour la rĂ©paration des prĂ©judices subis, reste inexistante en droit ivoirien, malgrĂ© les multiples dĂ©nonciations des manquements fautifs des mĂ©decins dans la prise en charge de leurs patients. Toute chose qui appelle aujourd’hui, Ă  l’impĂ©rieuse nĂ©cessitĂ© d’une rĂ©forme du droit de la santĂ© ivoirien au regard du droit français. Afin de garantir au patient un traitement sĂ©rieux de sa pathologie conformĂ©ment aux donnĂ©es acquises par la science.   If the error of diagnosis does not constitute in itself a penal fault, it is quite different for the fault of diagnosis which, once proven, allows the patient to engage the responsibility of the doctor-author of the diagnosis, as well before the judicial jurisdictions as administrative, in addition to the ways of amicable settlement of the litigation. This efficiency with which the French legislator intends to take into account the actions of patient-victims against health professionals for the reparation of the prejudices suffered, remains non-existent in Ivorian law, in spite of the multiple denunciations of the faulty failings of doctors in the care of their patients. All this calls for the urgent need to reform Ivorian health law in line with French law. In order to guarantee the patient a serious treatment of his pathology in accordance with the data acquired by science
