231 research outputs found

    Dark energy survey year 3 results: calibration of lens sample redshift distributions using clustering redshifts with BOSS/eBOSS

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    R. Cawthon et al.We present clustering redshift measurements for Dark Energy Survey (DES) lens sample galaxies used in weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering studies. To perform these measurements, we cross-correlate with spectroscopic galaxies from the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Survey (BOSS) and its extension, eBOSS. We validate our methodology in simulations, including a new technique to calibrate systematic errors that result from the galaxy clustering bias, and we find that our method is generally unbiased in calibrating the mean redshift. We apply our method to the data, and estimate the redshift distribution for 11 different photometrically selected bins. We find general agreement between clustering redshift and photometric redshift estimates, with differences on the inferred mean redshift found to be below |Δz| = 0.01 in most of the bins. We also test a method to calibrate a width parameter for redshift distributions, which we found necessary to use for some of our samples. Our typical uncertainties on the mean redshift ranged from 0.003 to 0.008, while our uncertainties on the width ranged from 4 to 9 per cent. We discuss how these results calibrate the photometric redshift distributions used in companion papers for DES Year 3 results.RC and KB acknowledge support from the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics, under Award Numbers DE-SC0020278 and DE-SC0017647. Funding for the DES Projects has been provided by the US Depart- ment of Energy, the US National Science Foundation, the Ministry of Science and Education of Spain, the Science and Technology Facilities Council of the United Kingdom, the Higher Education Funding Council for England, the National Center for Supercomput- ing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Kavli Institute of Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago, the Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics at the Ohio State University, the Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy at Te xas A&M Univ ersity, Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos, Fundacao Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico and the Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Collabo- rating Institutions in the Dark Energy Survey. The Collaborating Institutions are Argonne National Laboratory, the University of California at Santa Cruz, the University of Cam- bridge, Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas-Madrid, the University of Chicago, University College London, the DES-Brazil Consortium, the University of Edinburgh, the Eidgen ssische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, the Institut de Ciencies de l’Espai (IEEC/CSIC), the Institut de Fisica d’Altes Energies, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat Munchen and the associated Excellence Cluster Universe, the University of Michigan, the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, the University of Nottingham, The Ohio State University, the University of Pennsylv ania, the University of Portsmouth, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory , Stanford University , the University of Sussex, Texas A&M University, and the OzDES Membership Consortium. The DES data management system is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers AST-1138766 and AST-1536171. The DES participants from Spanish institu- tions are partially supported by MINECO under grants AYA2015-71825, ESP2015-66861, FPA2015-68048, SEV -2016-0588, SEV - 2016-0597 and MDM-2015-0509, some of which include ERDF funds from the European Union. IFAE is partially funded by the CERCA program of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Se venth Frame work Program (FP7/2007-2013) including ERC grant agreements 240672, 291329, and 306478. We acknowledge support from the Brazilian Instituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia (INCT) e-Universe (CNPq grant 465376/2014-2).Peer reviewe

    Telomere Length of Circulating Leukocyte Subpopulations and Buccal Cells in Patients with Ischemic Heart Failure and Their Offspring

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    BACKGROUND: We aimed to find support for the hypothesis that telomere length (TL) is causally involved in the pathogenesis of ischemic heart failure (IHF). We measured TL in IHF patients and their high-risk offspring and determined whether mean leukocyte TL reflects TL in CD34+ progenitor. We additionally measured TL of offspring of patients and controls to examine heritability throughout different cell types. METHODS AND RESULTS: TL was measured by qPCR in overall leukocytes, CD34+ progenitor cells, mononuclear cells (MNCs), and buccal cells in 27 IHF patients, 24 healthy controls and 60 offspring. TL in IHF patients was shorter than healthy controls in leukocytes (p = 0.002), but not in CD34+ cells (p = 0.39), MNCs (p = 0.31) or buccal cells (p = 0.19). Offspring of IHF patients had shorter TL in leukocytes than offspring of healthy subjects (p = 0.04) but not in other cell types. Controls and offspring showed a good within person correlation between leukocytes and CD34+ cells (r 0.562; p = 0.004 and r 0.602; p = 0.001, respectively). In IHF patients and offspring the correlation among cell types was blunted. Finally, we found strong correlations between parent and offspring TL in all four cell types. CONCLUSIONS: Reduced leukocyte TL in offspring of IHF subjects suggests a potential causal link of TL in ischemic heart disease. However, this causality is unlikely to originate from exhaustion of TL in CD34+ progenitor or MNC cells as their lengths are not well captured by overall leukocyte TL. Additionally, we found strong correlations between parent and offspring TL in all examined cell types, suggesting high heritability of TL among cell types

    Constraints on dark matter to dark radiation conversion in the late universe with DES-Y1 and external data

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    84siWe study a class of decaying dark matter models as a possible resolution to the observed discrepancies between early- and late-time probes of the universe. This class of models, dubbed DDM, characterizes the evolution of comoving dark matter density with two extra parameters. We investigate how DDM affects key cosmological observables such as the CMB temperature and matter power spectra. Combining 3x2pt data from Year 1 of the Dark Energy Survey,Planck-2018 CMB temperature and polarization data, Supernova (SN) Type Ia data from Pantheon, and BAO data from BOSS DR12, MGS and 6dFGS, we place new constraints on the amount of dark matter that has decayed and the rate with which it converts to dark radiation. The fraction of the decayed dark matter in units of the current amount of dark matter, zetazeta, is constrained at 68% confidence level to be <0.32 for DES-Y1 3x2pt data, <0.030 for CMB+SN+BAO data, and <0.037 for the combined dataset. The probability that the DES and CMB+SN+BAO datasets are concordant increases from 4% for the LambdaLambdaCDM model to 8% (less tension) for DDM. Moreover, tension in S8=sigma8sqrtOmegam/0.3S_8=sigma_8sqrt{Omega_m/0.3} between DES-Y1 3x2pt and CMB+SN+BAO is reduced from 2.3sigmasigma to 1.9sigmasigma. We find no reduction in the Hubble tension when the combined data is compared to distance-ladder measurements in the DDM model. The maximum-posterior goodness-of-fit statistics of DDM and LambdaLambdaCDM are comparable, indicating no preference for the DDM cosmology over LambdaLambdaCDM....partially_openopenChen, Angela; Huterer, Dragan; Lee, Sujeong; Ferté, Agnès; Weaverdyck, Noah; Alonso Alves, Otavio; Leonard, C. Danielle; MacCrann, Niall; Raveri, Marco; Porredon, Anna; Di Valentino, Eleonora; Muir, Jessica; Lemos, Pablo; Liddle, Andrew; Blazek, Jonathan; Campos, Andresa; Cawthon, Ross; Choi, Ami; Dodelson, Scott; Elvin-Poole, Jack; Gruen, Daniel; Ross, Ashley; Secco, Lucas F.; Sevilla, Ignacio; Sheldon, Erin; Troxel, Michael A.; Zuntz, Joe; Abbott, Tim; Aguena, Michel; Allam, Sahar; Annis, James; Avila, Santiago; Bertin, Emmanuel; Bhargava, Sunayana; Bridle, Sarah; Brooks, David; Carnero Rosell, Aurelio; Carrasco Kind, Matias; Carretero, Jorge; Costanzi, Matteo; Crocce, Martin; da Costa, Luiz; Elidaiana da Silva Pereira, Maria; Davis, Tamara; Doel, Peter; Eifler, Tim; Ferrero, Ismael; Fosalba, Pablo; Frieman, Josh; Garcia-Bellido, Juan; Gaztanaga, Enrique; Gerdes, David; Gruendl, Robert; Gschwend, Julia; Gutierrez, Gaston; Hinton, Samuel; Hollowood, Devon L.; Honscheid, Klaus; Hoyle, Ben; James, David; Jarvis, Mike; Kuehn, Kyler; Lahav, Ofer; Maia, Marcio; Marshall, Jennifer; Menanteau, Felipe; Miquel, Ramon; Morgan, Robert; Palmese, Antonella; Paz-Chinchon, Francisco; Plazas Malagón, Andrés; Roodman, Aaron; Sanchez, Eusebio; Scarpine, Vic; Schubnell, Michael; Serrano, Santiago; Smith, Mathew; Suchyta, Eric; Tarle, Gregory; Thomas, Daniel; To, Chun-Hao; Varga, Tamas Norbert; Weller, Jochen; Wilkinson, ReeseChen, Angela; Huterer, Dragan; Lee, Sujeong; Ferté, Agnès; Weaverdyck, Noah; Alonso Alves, Otavio; Leonard, C. Danielle; Maccrann, Niall; Raveri, Marco; Porredon, Anna; Di Valentino, Eleonora; Muir, Jessica; Lemos, Pablo; Liddle, Andrew; Blazek, Jonathan; Campos, Andresa; Cawthon, Ross; Choi, Ami; Dodelson, Scott; Elvin-Poole, Jack; Gruen, Daniel; Ross, Ashley; Secco, Lucas F.; Sevilla, Ignacio; Sheldon, Erin; Troxel, Michael A.; Zuntz, Joe; Abbott, Tim; Aguena, Michel; Allam, Sahar; Annis, James; Avila, Santiago; Bertin, Emmanuel; Bhargava, Sunayana; Bridle, Sarah; Brooks, David; Carnero Rosell, Aurelio; Carrasco Kind, Matias; Carretero, Jorge; Costanzi, Matteo; Crocce, Martin; da Costa, Luiz; Elidaiana da Silva Pereira, Maria; Davis, Tamara; Doel, Peter; Eifler, Tim; Ferrero, Ismael; Fosalba, Pablo; Frieman, Josh; Garcia-Bellido, Juan; Gaztanaga, Enrique; Gerdes, David; Gruendl, Robert; Gschwend, Julia; Gutierrez, Gaston; Hinton, Samuel; Hollowood, Devon L.; Honscheid, Klaus; Hoyle, Ben; James, David; Jarvis, Mike; Kuehn, Kyler; Lahav, Ofer; Maia, Marcio; Marshall, Jennifer; Menanteau, Felipe; Miquel, Ramon; Morgan, Robert; Palmese, Antonella; Paz-Chinchon, Francisco; Plazas Malagón, Andrés; Roodman, Aaron; Sanchez, Eusebio; Scarpine, Vic; Schubnell, Michael; Serrano, Santiago; Smith, Mathew; Suchyta, Eric; Tarle, Gregory; Thomas, Daniel; Chun-Hao, To; Varga, Tamas Norbert; Weller, Jochen; Wilkinson, Rees

    Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: measurement of the galaxy angular power spectrum

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    We use data from the first-year observations of the DES collaboration to measure the galaxy angular power spectrum (APS), and search for its BAO feature. We test our methodology in a sample of 1800 DES Y1-like mock catalogues. We use the pseudo-C method to estimate the APS and the mock catalogues to estimate its covariance matrix. We use templates to model the measured spectra and estimate template parameters firstly from the C’s of the mocks using two different methods, a maximum likelihood estimator and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo, finding consistent results with a good reduced χ2. Robustness tests are performed to estimate the impact of different choices of settings used in our analysis. Finally, we apply our method to a galaxy sample constructed from DES Y1 data specifically for LSS studies. This catalogue comprises galaxies within an effective area of 1318 deg2 and 0.6 < z < 1.0. We find that the DES Y1 data favour a model with BAO at the 2.6σ C.L. However, the goodness of fit is somewhat poor, with χ2/(d.o.f.) = 1.49. We identify a possible cause showing that using a theoretical covariance matrix obtained from C ’s that are better adjusted to data results in an improved value of χ2/(dof) = 1.36 which is similar to the value obtained with the real-space analysis. Our results correspond to a distance measurement of DA (zeff = 0.81)/rd = 10.65 ± 0.49, consistent with the main DES BAO findings. This is a companion paper to the main DES BAO article showing the details of the harmonic space analysis

    Galaxy-galaxy lensing with the DES-CMASS catalogue: measurement and constraints on the galaxy-matter cross-correlation

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    The DMASS sample is a photometric sample from the DES Year 1 data set designed to replicate the properties of the CMASS sample from BOSS, in support of a joint analysis of DES and BOSS beyond the small overlapping area. In this paper, we present the measurement of galaxy–galaxy lensing using the DMASS sample as gravitational lenses in the DES Y1 imaging data. We test a number of potential systematics that can bias the galaxy–galaxy lensing signal, including those from shear estimation, photometric redshifts, and observing conditions. After careful systematic tests, we obtain a highly significant detection of the galaxy–galaxy lensing signal, with total S/N = 25.7. With the measured signal, we assess the feasibility of using DMASS as gravitational lenses equivalent to CMASS, by estimating the galaxy-matter cross-correlation coefficient rcc. By jointly fitting the galaxy–galaxy lensing measurement with the galaxy clustering measurement from CMASS, we obtain rcc=1.09+0.12−0.11 for the scale cut of 4h−1Mpc and rcc=1.06+0.13−0.12 for 12h−1Mpc in fixed cosmology. By adding the angular galaxy clustering of DMASS, we obtain rcc = 1.06 ± 0.10 for the scale cut of 4h−1Mpc and rcc = 1.03 ± 0.11 for 12h−1Mpc⁠. The resulting values of rcc indicate that the lensing signal of DMASS is statistically consistent with the one that would have been measured if CMASS had populated the DES region within the given statistical uncertainty. The measurement of galaxy–galaxy lensing presented in this paper will serve as part of the data vector for the forthcoming cosmology analysis in preparation

    Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Galaxy mock catalogs for BAO analysis

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    The calibration and validation of scientific analysis in simulations is a fundamental tool to ensure unbiased and robust results in observational cosmology. In particular, mock galaxy catalogs are a crucial resource to achieve these goals in the measurement of baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) in the clustering of galaxies. Here we present a set of 1952 galaxy mock catalogs designed to mimic the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 BAO sample over its full photometric redshift range 0.6 < zphoto < 1.1. The mocks are based upon 488 ICE-COLA fast N-body simulations of full-sky light cones and were created by populating halos with galaxies, using a hybrid halo occupation distribution – halo abundance matching model. This model has ten free parameters, which were determined, for the first time, using an automatic likelihood minimization procedure. We also introduced a novel technique to assign photometric redshift for simulated galaxies, following a two-dimensional probability distribution with VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey data. The calibration was designed to match the observed abundance of galaxies as a function of photometric redshift, the distribution of photometric redshift errors, and the clustering amplitude on scales smaller than those used for BAO measurements. An exhaustive analysis was done to ensure that the mocks reproduce the input properties. Finally, mocks were tested by comparing the angular correlation function w(θ), angular power spectrum Cℓ, and projected clustering ξp(r⊥) to theoretical predictions and data. The impact of volume replication in the estimate of the covariance is also investigated. The success in accurately reproducing the photometric redshift uncertainties and the galaxy clustering as a function of redshift render this mock creation pipeline as a benchmark for future analyses of photometric galaxy surveys