14 research outputs found

    How are reasons for encounter associated with influenza-like illness and acute respiratory infection diagnoses and interventions? A cohort study in eight Italian general practice populations.

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    BACKGROUND Influenza-like illness (ILI) and Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) are a considerable health problem in Europe. Most diagnoses are made by family physicians (FPs) and based on symptoms and clinical signs rather than on diagnostic testing. The International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) advocates that FPs record patients' 'Reasons for Encounters' (RfEs) as they are presented to them. This study analyses the association of patients' RfEs with FPs' diagnoses of ILI and ARI diagnoses and FPs' management of those patients. METHODS Cohort study of practice populations. Over a 4-month period during the winter season 2013-14, eight FPs recorded ILI and ARI patients' RfEs and how they were managed. FPs recorded details of their patients using the ICPC format, collecting data in an Episode of Care (EoC) structure. RESULTS There were 688 patients diagnosed as having ILI; between them they presented with a total of 2,153 RfEs, most commonly fever (79.7%), cough (59.7%) and pain (33.0%). The 848 patients with ARI presented with a total of 1,647 RfEs, most commonly cough (50.4%), throat symptoms (25.9%) and fever (19.9%). For patients with ILI, 37.0% of actions were related to medication for respiratory symptoms; this figure was 38.4% for patients with ARI. FPs referred six patients to specialists or hospitals (0.39% of all patients diagnosed with ILI and ARI). CONCLUSIONS In this study of patients with ILI and ARI, less than half received a prescription from their FPs, and the illnesses were mainly managed in primary care, with few patients' needing referral. The ICPC classification allowed a standardised data collection system, providing documentary evidence of the management of those diseases

    Le nuove frontiere nella didattica dell’impresa agraria: elementi per un dibattito

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    The ecological transition assigns a strategic role to farms in achieving the sustainable transformation of agricultural system. Therefore, teaching of agricultural economics must make these demands of civil society its own and rethink topics, decision-making tools, and teaching methods fostering the transition to sustainable agriculture. Main aim of this article is to discuss relevant teaching topics and useful decision support tools advancing in the concrete path of rethinking teaching of agricultural economics in distinct cycle of university studies. Five topics have been recognized as priorities for the rethinking of the teaching of agricultural economics: agricultural systems, equitable distribution of value, quality and value of agri-food products, territorial regeneration, protection and regeneration of natural resources. Subsequently, the focus of the paper is on the nature and role of decision support tools in university teaching. Finally, some considerations were extended to the opportunities offered by formal teaching in the context of informal teaching such as university-enterprise cooperation and in the context of the internationalization of degree courses supported by the Erasmus+ program. Further analysis is needed to evaluate how to rethink both single training courses, and global study programs in agricultural economics

    Intraoperative neuromonitoring in thyroid surgery: a point prevalence survey on utilization, management, and documentation in Italy

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    The frequency of neuromonitoring during thyroid surgery is underreported in Italy. The present survey depicts and describes the patterns of use, management, documentation for IONM devices of IONM during thyroid surgery by surgeons in Italy. A point prevalence survey was undertaken. Source data were mixed from Italian surgeons attending the 2014 International Neuromonitoring Study Group (INMSG) meeting, four IONM manufacturers available in Italy and surgical units were identified from Company sales data. Qualitative and quantitative data were used to analyze. Questions probed IONM prevalence, surgeon background, hospital geographic practice locations, type of hospital, rationale for IONM use, sources of initial capital investment for IONM acquisition, type of equipment, use of continuous IONM, monitoring management, use of distinctive standards, and IONM documentation. IONM is currently delivered through 48 units in Italy. In 2013, the distribution of IONM by specialties included: general (50 %), ENT (46 %), and thoracic surgery (4 %). Overall, 12.853 IONM procedures were performed in the period from 2006 to 2013: 253 were performed in 2007 and about 5,100 in 2013. Distribution according to the type of hospital is: public 48 %, academic setting 37 %, and private maintenance 15 %. The use category of high volume thyroid hospitals represented 33 %. Initial capital investment for the acquisition of the monitoring equipment was 67 % public and 33 % with charitable/private funding. Audio plus graphic and EMG electrodes surface endotracheal tube-based monitoring systems accounted for the majority. Continuous IONM was introduced in 5 Academic Centers. Overall motivations expressed are legal (30 %), RLN confirmation (20 %), RLN identification (20 %), prognosis (10 %), helpful in difficult cases (10 %), decrease surgical time (5 %), and educational (5 %). The survey revealed that participants had few experience with the standardized approach of IONM technique (28 %). General IONM information to patients and/or subsequent specific IONM informed consent was initiated in 8 % of centers. EMG determinations were included in medical chart in 20 %. There were no significant associations found between all parameters considered. The present study describes an increased utilization of IONM in Italy. We highlighted areas for improvement in the management and documentation of IONM

    The SIC-GIRCG 2013 Consensus Conference on Gastric Cancer

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    The topic chosen by the Board of the Italian Society of Surgery for the 2013 annual Consensus Conference was gastric cancer. With this purpose, under the direction of 2 chairmen, 36 experts nominated by the Regional Societies of Surgery and by the Italian Research Group for Gastric Cancer (GIRCG) participated in an experts consensus exercise, preceded by a questionnaire and mainly held by telematic vote, in accordance with the rules of the Delphi method. The results of this Consensus Conference, presented to the 115th National Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery, and approved in plenary session, are reported in the present paper

    SICE national survey: current status on the adoption of laparoscopic approach to the treatment of colorectal disease in italy

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    The real di usion of laparoscopy for the treatment of colorectal diseases in Italy is largely unknown. The main purpose of the present study is to investigate among surgeons dedicated to minimally invasive surgery, the volume of laparoscopic colorectal procedures, the type of operation performed in comparison to traditional approach, the indication for surgery (benign and malignant) and to evaluate the di erent types of technologies used. A structured questionnaire was developed in collaboration with an international market research institute and the survey was published online; invitation to participate to the survey was issued among the members of the Italian Society of Endoscopic Surgery (SICE). 211 surgeons working in 57 surgical departments in Italy ful lled and answered the online survey. A total of 6357 colorectal procedures were recorded during the year 2015 of which 4104 (64.1%) were performed using a minimally invasive approach. Colon and rectal cancer were the most common indications for laparoscopic approach (83.1%). Left colectomy was the operation most commonly performed (41.8%), while rectal resection accounted for 23.5% of the cases. Overall conversion rate was 5.9% (242/4104). Full HD standard technology was available and routinely used in all the responders’ centers. The proportion of colorectal resec- tions that are carried out laparoscopically in dedicated centers has now reached valuable levels with a low conversion ra

    IPOD Study: Management of acute left colonic diverticulitis in italian surgical departments

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    IPOD Study: Management of Acute Left Colonic Diverticulitis in Italian Surgical Departments.

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    Background: In recent years, the emergency management of acute left colonic diverticulitis (ALCD) has evolved dramatically despite lack of strong evidence. As a consequence, management strategies are frequently guided by surgeon’s personal preference, rather than by scientific evidence. The primary aim of IPOD study (Italian Prospective Observational Diverticulitis study) is to describe both the diagnostic and treatment profiles of patients with ALCD in the Italian surgical departments. Methods: IPOD study is a prospective observational study performed during a 6-month period (from April 1 2015 to September 1 2015) and including 89 Italian surgical departments. All consecutive patients with suspected clinical diagnosis of ALCD confirmed by imaging and seen by a surgeon were included in the study. The study was promoted by the Italian Society of Hospital Surgeons and the World Society of Emergency Surgery Italian chapter. Results: Eleven hundred and twenty-five patients with a median age of 62 years [interquartile range (IQR), 51–74] were enrolled in the IPOD study. One thousand and fifty-four (93.7%) patients were hospitalized with a median duration of hospitalization of 7 days (IQR 5–10). Eight hundred and twenty-eight patients (73.6%) underwent medical treatment alone, 13 patients had percutaneous drainage (1.2%), and the other 284 (25.2%) patients underwent surgery as first treatment. Among 121 patients having diffuse peritonitis, 71 (58.7%) underwent Hartmann’s resection. However, the Hartmann’s resection was used even in patients with lower stages of ALCD (36/479; 7.5%) where other treatment options could be more adequate. Conclusions: The IPOD study demonstrates that in the Italian surgical departments treatment strategies for ALCD are often guided by the surgeon’s personal preference