19 research outputs found

    Structure, geometry and kinematics of the northern Adula nappe (Central Alps)

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    The eclogitic Adula nappe of the Central Alps (cantons Graubünden and Ticino, Switzerland) displays an exceptionally complex internal structure with the particularity of enclosing numerous slices of Mesozoic cover rocks (Internal Mesozoic) within the Palaeozoic gneiss basement. This study is principally based on detailed lithological and structural mapping of selected areas of the northern Adula nappe. Specific focus was placed on the Mesozoic slivers embedded in pre-Mesozoic basement (Internal Mesozoic). The most pervasive structures are related to the Zapport deformation phase that is responsible for the development of a fold-nappe and ubiquitous north-directed shear. Locally, the structures in the upper and frontal part of the nappe can be assigned to the older ductile Ursprung phase. These earlier structures are only compatible with top-to-S shear movement. The superposition of the Ursprung and Zapport phases is responsible for the north-dipping internal duplex-like structure and the sliced aspect of the Northern and Central Adula nappe. We conclude that the Adula nappe represents a major shear zone involving the entire nappe and responsible for the emplacement of the Lower Penninic sediments and the Middle Penninic nappes in the eastern part of the Lepontine Dome

    Basement lithostratigraphy of the Adula nappe: implications for Palaeozoic evolution and Alpine kinematics

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    The Adula nappe belongs to the Lower Penninic domain of the Central Swiss Alps. It consists mostly of pre-Triassic basement lithologies occurring as strongly folded and sheared gneisses of various types with mafic boudins. We propose a new lithostratigraphy for the northern Adula nappe basement that is supported by detailed field investigations, U-Pb zircon geochronology, and whole-rock geochemistry. The following units have been identified: Cambrian clastic metasediments with abundant carbonate lenses and minor bimodal magmatism (Salahorn Formation); Ordovician metapelites associated with amphibolite boudins with abundant eclogite relicts representing oceanic metabasalts (Trescolmen Formation); Ordovician peraluminous metagranites of calc-alkaline affinity ascribed to subduction-related magmatism (Garenstock Augengneiss); Ordovician metamorphic volcanic-sedimentary deposits (Heinisch Stafel Formation); Early Permian post-collisional granites recording only Alpine orogenic events (Zervreila orthogneiss). All basement lithologies except the Permian granites record a Variscan+Alpine polyorogenic metamorphic history. They document a complex Paleozoic geotectonic evolution consistent with the broader picture given by the pre-Mesozoic basement framework in the Alps. The internal consistency of the Adula basement lithologies and the stratigraphic coherence of the overlying Triassic sediments suggest that most tectonic contacts within the Adula nappe are pre-Alpine in age. Consequently, mélange models for the Tertiary emplacement of the Adula nappe are not consistent and must be rejected. The present-day structural complexity of the Adula nappe is the result of the intense Alpine ductile deformation of a pre-structured entity

    Kinematics and Age of Syn-Intrusive Detachment Faulting in the Southern Alps: Evidence for Early Permian Crustal Extension and Implications for the Pangea A Versus B Controversy

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    Permian basin formation and magmatism in the Southern Alps of Italy have been interpreted as expressions of a WSW‐ENE‐trending, dextral megashear zone transforming Early Permian Pangea B into Late Permian Pangea A between ~285 and 265 Ma. In an alternative model, basin formation and magmatism resulted from N‐S crustal extension. To characterize Permian tectonics, we studied the Grassi Detachment Fault, a low‐angle extensional fault in the central Southern Alps. The footwall forms a metamorphic core complex affected by upward‐increasing, top‐to‐the‐southeast mylonitization. Two granitoid intrusions occur in the core complex, the synmylonitic Val Biandino Quartz Diorite and the postmylonitic Valle San Biagio Granite. U‐Pb zircon dating yielded crystallization ages of 289.1 ± 4.5 Ma for the former and 286.8 ± 4.9 Ma for the latter. Consequently, detachment‐related mylonitic shearing took place during the Early Permian and ended at ~288 Ma, but kinematically coherent brittle faulting continued. Considering 30° anticlockwise rotation of the Southern Alps since Early Permian, the extension direction of the Grassi Detachment Fault was originally ~N‐S. Even though a dextral continental wrench system has long been regarded as a viable model at regional scale, the local kinematic evidence is inconsistent with this and, rather, supports N‐S extensional tectonics. Based on a compilation of >200 U‐Pb zircon ages, we discuss the evolution and tectonic framework of Late Carboniferous to Permian magmatism in the Alps


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    This study analyses the stratigraphy, structure and kinematics of the northern part of the Adula nappe of the Central Alps. The Adula nappe is one of the highest basement nappes in the Lower Penninic nappe stack of the Lepontine Dome. This structural position makes possible the investigation of the transition between the Helvetic and North Penninic paleogeographic domains. The Adula nappe is principally composed of crystalline basement rocks. The investigation of the pre-Triassic basement shows that it contains several Palaeozoic detrital metasedimentary formations dated from the Cambrian to the Ordovician. These formations contain also some volcanic or intrusive magmatic rocks. Ordovician metagranites dated at ~450 Ma are also a common rock-type of the Adula basement. These formations underwent Alpine and Variscan deformation and metamorphism. Permian granites (Zervreila orthogneiss, dated at ~290 Ma) have intruded this pre-structured basement in a post-orogenic geodynamic context. Due to their age, the Zervreila orthogneiss are good markers for alpine deformation. The stratigraphy of the Mesozoic and Paleogene sedimentary cover of the Adula nappe is essential to unraveling its pre- orogenic history. The autochthonous cover is assigned to a North Penninic Triassic series that testifies for a transition between the Helvetic and Briançonnais Triassic domains. The Adula domain goes through an emersion during the Middle Jurassic, and is part of a topographic high during the first phase of the Alpine rift. The sediments of the late Middle Jurassic show a drowning phase associated with a tectonic activity and a breccia formation. In the neighbouring domains, coeval with the drowning phase in the Adula domain, a strong extensional crustal delamination and a scattered magmatic activity is associated with the main opening of the North Penninic domain. The Upper Jurassic of the Adula nappe is characterized by a carbonate formation comparable with those in the Helvetic or Subbriaçonnais domains. Flysch s.l. deposition starts probably at the end of the Cretaceous. These sediments are deposited on a large unconformity testifying for a Cretaceous sedimentary gap. The Adula nappe exhibits a very complex structure. This structure is formed by several deformation phases. Two ductile deformations are responsible for the nappe emplacement. The first deformation phase is associated with a folding compatible with a top-to-south movement at the top of the nappe. The second phase is dominant and pervasive throughout the whole nappe. It goes with a strong north vergent folding and the main nappe emplacement. These two phases cause the exhumation and emplacement of a coherent, although pre-structured, piece of continental crust. Two further deformation phases postdate the nappe emplacement. - Ce travail concerne l'étude géologique de la partie nord de la nappe de l'Adula dans les Alpes centrales. La nappe de l'Adula est l'une des nappes cristallines la plus élevée dans la pile des nappes du Pennique inférieur des Alpes lepontines. Cette position particulière permet d'étudier la transition entre les nappes des domaines helvétique et pennique inférieur. La nappe de l'Adula est principalement composée de socle cristallin : l'étude de l'histoire géologique du socle est donc l'un des thèmes de cette recherche. Ce socle contient plusieurs formations métasédimentaires paléozoïques du Cambrien à I'Ordovicien. Ces métasédiments sont issus de formations clastiques comprenant souvent des roches magmatiques volcaniques et intrusives. Ces métasédiments ont subi les cycles orogéniques varisque et alpin. La nappe de l'Adula contient plusieurs corps magmatiques granitiques métamorphisés. Les premiers métagranites sont Ordovicien et témoignent d'un environnement de marge active. Ces granites sont aussi polymétamorphiques. Les deuxièmes métagranites sont représentés par les orthogneiss de type Zervreila. Ce métagranite est d'âge permien (-290 Ma). Il est mis en place dans un contexte tectonique post-orogénique. Ce granite est un maqueur de la déformation alpine car il n'est pas affecté par les orogenèses précédentes, flippy Le contenu stratigraphique des roches mésozoïques et cénozoiques de la couverture sédimentaire de la nappe de l'Adula est'important pour en étudier son histoire pré-alpine. La couverture autochtone est composée d'une série d'âge triasique d'affinité nord-pennique, un faciès qui marque la transition entre les domaines helvétiques et briançonnais au Trias. Le domaine paléogéographique représenté dans la nappe de l'Adula connaît une émersion pendant le Jurassique moyen. Cette émersion marque le commencement du rift dans le domaine alpin. La sédimentation de la fin du Jurassique moyen est marquée par une transgression marine accompagnée par des mouvements tectoniques et la formation d'une brèche. Cette transgression est contemporaine des importants mouvements tectoniques et des manifestations magmatiques dans les unités voisines qui marquent la phase principale d'ouverture du bassin nord-pennique. Le Jurassique supérieur est caractérisé par l'instauration d'une sédimentation carbonatée comparable à celle du domaine helvétique ou subbriançonnais. Une sédimentation flyschoïde, probablement du Crétacé à Tertiaire, est déposée sur une importante discordance qui témoigne d'une lacune au Crétacé. La structure complexe de la nappe de l'Adula témoigne de nombreuses phases de déformation. Ces phases de déformation sont en partie issues de la mise en place de la nappe et de déformations plus tardives. La mise en place de la nappe produit deux phases de déformation ductile : la première produit un plissement compatible avec un cisaillement top-vers-le sud dans la partie supérieure de la nappe; la deuxième produit un intense plissement qui accompagne la mise en place de la nappe vers le nord. Ces deux phases de déformation témoignent d'un mécanisme d'exhumation par déformation ductile d'un bloc cohérent

    New stratigraphic data from the Lower Penninic between the Adula nappe and the Gotthard massif and consequences for the tectonics and the paleogeography of the Central Alps

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    New stratigraphic data along a profile from the Helvetic Gotthard Massif to the remnants of the North Penninic Basin in eastern Ticino and Graubunden are presented. The stratigraphic record together with existing geochemical and structural data, motivate a new interpretation of the fossil European distal margin. We introduce a new group of Triassic facies, the North-Penninic-Triassic (NPT), which is characterised by the Ladinian "dolomie bicolori". The NPT was located in-between the Briançonnais carbonate platform and the Helvetic lands. The observed horizontal transition, coupled with the stratigraphic superposition of an Helvetic Liassic on a Briaçonnais Triassic in the Luzzone-Terri nappe, links, prior to Jurassic rifting, the Briançonnais paleogeographic domain at the Helvetic Margin, south of the Gotthard. Our observations suggest that the Jurassic rifting separated the Briançonnais domain from the Helvetic margin by complex and protracted extension. The syn-rift stratigraphic record in the Adula nappe and surroundings suggests the presence of a diffuse rising area with only moderately subsiding basins above a thinned continental and proto-oceanic crust. Strong subsidence occurred in a second phase following protracted extension and the resulting delamination of the rising area. The stratigraphic coherency in the Adula's Mesozoic questions the idea of a lithospheric mélange in the eclogitic Adula nappe, which is more likely to be a coherent alpine tectonic unit. The structural and stratigraphic observations in the Piz Terri-Lunschania zone suggest the activity of syn-rift detachments. During the alpine collision these faults are reactivated (and inverted) and played a major role in allowing the Adula subduction, the "Penninic Thrust" above it and in creating the structural complexity of the Central Alps

    Basement lithostratigraphy of the Adula nappe: implications for Palaeozoic evolution and Alpine kinematics

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    The Adula nappe belongs to the Lower Penni- nic domain of the Central Swiss Alps. It consists mostly of pre-Triassic basement lithologies occurring as strongly folded and sheared gneisses of various types with mafic boudins. We propose a new lithostratigraphy for the northern Adula nappe basement that is supported by detailed field investigations, U-Pb zircon geochronology, and whole-rock geochemistry. The following units have been identified: Cambrian clastic metasediments with abundant carbonate lenses and minor bimodal magmatism (Salahorn Formation); Ordovician metapelites associated with amphibolite boudins with abundant eclogite relicts representing oceanic metabasalts (Trescolmen Formation); Ordovician peraluminous metagranites of calc-alkaline affinity ascribed to subduction-related magmatism (Ga- renstock Augengneiss); Ordovician metamorphic volcanic- sedimentary deposits (Heinisch Stafel Formation); Early Permian post-collisional granites recording only Alpine orogenic events (Zervreila orthogneiss). All basement lithologies except the Permian granites record a Vari- scan ? Alpine polyorogenic metamorphic history. They document a complex Paleozoic geotectonic evolution consistent with the broader picture given by the pre- Mesozoic basement framework in the Alps. The internal consistency of the Adula basement lithologies and the stratigraphic coherence of the overlying Triassic sediments suggest that most tectonic contacts within the Adula nappe are pre-Alpine in age. Consequently, me ́lange models for the Tertiary emplacement of the Adula nappe are not consistent and must be rejected. The present-day structural complexity of the Adula nappe is the result of the intense Alpine ductile deformation of a pre-structured entity