65 research outputs found

    How smartphone advertising influences consumers’ purchase intention

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    In the last decade, the use of smartphones has grown steadily. The way consumers interact with brands has changed owing to the accessibility of an internet connection on smartphones, and ubiquitous mobility. It is crucial to understand the factors that motivate consumers to interact with smartphone advertisements and therefore what stimulates their decision to purchase. To achieve this goal, we proposed a conceptual model that combines Ducoffe’s web advertising model and flow experience theory. Based on the data collected from 303 respondents, from a European country, we empirically tested the conceptual model using a partial least squares (PLS) estimation. The results showed that advertising value, flow experience, web design quality, and brand awareness explain purchase intention. The study provides results that allow marketers and advertisers to understand how smartphone advertisements contribute to consumer purchase intention

    EDP managing a new electricity era: the birth of ocean winds and strategic partnerships as a tool towards sustainability

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    When the renewable energy market started to grow at the beginning of this century, EDPR faced the need to expand its portfolio. Like many other business decisions, entering a new market is not easy. The following paper analyzes the strategic decision of EDPR when deciding either to pursue a partnership or to go alone in the brand-new offshore wind energy sector. It examines the considered factors for the partnership decision to understand how the partnership was established and its potential in the fast-growing offshore wind energy sector

    Rendimento Social de Inserção : do atenuar da pobreza à inserção social

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    Mestrado em Economia e Políticas PúblicasA ausência de estudos aprofundados e a carência de informação acerca da vertente integrativa do Rendimento Social de Inserção (RSI) e da medida em que os Programas de Inserção definidos respondem às necessidades dos beneficiários e aos objectivos ambicionados para esta dimensão da política social, constituem a principal motivação para a realização deste trabalho. É preciso analisar a eficácia dos Programas de Inserção para se perceber se resultam mesmo na integração social beneficiários de RSI, de forma a poderem ser melhorados, constituindo um verdadeiro contrato de inclusão. Através de um estudo de caso de beneficiários de RSI, subscritores de Acordos de Inserção, o que se procurou foi identificar tipos de beneficiários, consubstanciados nas regularidades empíricas encontradas e tendo em consideração alguns dos perfis da pobreza já estudados, de forma a verificar se os Programas de Inserção associados exibiriam, também eles, características comuns, de acordo com cada tipo de beneficiário. A natureza exploratória da abordagem, determinada pelo seu carácter divergente face a estudos anteriores mais centrados na avaliação da componente monetária do RSI e pela dimensão da análise, limitada pela quase inexistência de dados consistentes e integrados de avaliação desta vertente da medida, deve ser tida em conta na interpretação dos resultados. Em todo o caso, a análise parece demonstrar que aos quatro tipos de beneficiários de RSI identificados correspondem Programas de Inserção pouco diferenciados e com pouca variabilidade, que privilegiam a lógica da inclusão activa no mercado de trabalho, de uma forma maioritariamente independente das características dos beneficiários.Absence of detailed studies and lack of information on the integration component of the Social Integration Income (RSI) and on what is the extent in which the defined Integration Programmes respond to the needs of the beneficiaries and to the aims of this dimension of the social policy are the main reasons to the execution of this work. We must analyse the Integration Programmes effectiveness to find out if they really work in the social integration of RSI beneficiaries, in order to enable their improvement providing a true contract of inclusion. Through a case study of RSI beneficiaries, subscribers of Integration Agreements, what has been intended was to identify types of beneficiaries correspondent to the empirical regularities found and taking into account some profiles of poverty already studied, in order to verify if the associated Integration Programmes also exhibited common characteristics, according to each type of beneficiary. The exploiting nature of the approach determined by its divergent character comparing with previous studies focused in the assessment of the monetary component of the RSI and by the analysis dimension limited by the inexistence of consistent and integrated evaluation data for this component of the measure, must be considered in the interpretation of the results. However, the analysis seems to demonstrate that to the four identified types of RSI correspond Integration Programmes little differentiated and with small variability which privilege the logic of active inclusion in the labour market, in a way that in its majority is independent from the beneficiaries' characteristics

    Coccolithophore productivity at the western Iberian Margin during the Middle Pleistocene (310–455 ka) – evidence from coccolith Sr∕Ca data

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    Coccolithophores contribute significantly to marine primary productivity and play a unique role in ocean biogeochemistry by using carbon for photosynthesis (soft-tissue pump) and for calcification (carbonate counter pump). Despite the importance of including coccolithophores in Earth system models to allow better predictions of the climate system’s responses to planetary change, the reconstruction of coccolithophore productivity mostly relied on proxies dependent on accumulation and sedimentation rates and preservation conditions. In this study we used an independent proxy, based on the coccolith fraction (CF) Sr=Ca ratio, to reconstruct coccolithophore productivity. We studied the marine sediment core MD03-2699 from the western Iberian margin (IbM), concentrating on glacial–interglacial cycles of Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 12 to MIS 9. We found that IbM coccolithophore productivity was controlled by changes in the oceanographic conditions, such as in sea surface temperature (SST) and nutrient availability, and by competition with other phytoplankton groups. Long-term coccolithophore productivity was primarily affected by variations in the dominant surface water mass. Polar and subpolar surface waters during glacial substages were associated with decreased coccolithophore productivity, with the strongest productivity minima concomitant with Heinrich-type events (HtEs). Subtropical, nutrient-poorer waters, increased terrigenous input, and moderate to strong upwelling during the deglaciation and early MIS11 are hypothesized to have attributed a competitive advantage to diatoms to the detriment of coccolithophores, resulting in intermediate coccolithophore productivity levels. During the progression towards full glacial conditions an increasing presence of nutrient-richer waters, related to the growing influence of transitional surface waters and/or intensified upwelling, probably stimulated coccolithophore productivity to maxima following the rapid depletion of silica by diatoms. We present conceptual models of the carbon and carbonate cycle components for the IbM in different time slices that might serve as a basis for further investigation and modelling experiments.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia CCMAR (UID/Multi/04326/2019), (IF/01500/2014).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação da adaptação ao Ensino Superior: vivências académicas de estudantes do 1º ano da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias

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    A entrada no ensino superior é considerada um período crítico onde se dá início a transformações e a novos desafios na vida dos estudantes. O presente estudo procurou analisar o processo de transição dos estudantes inscritos pela primeira vez na universidade e em que medida as suas vivências académicas, agrupadas em cinco dimensões: Pessoal, Interpessoal, Carreira, Estudo e Institucional, têm impacto na sua adaptação ao novo contexto, segundo as variáveis sexo e mobilidade. A amostra foi composta por 285 estudantes da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), 148 são do sexo feminino (52%) e 137 do sexo masculino, com idades compreendidas entre os 17 e os 28 anos (M= 19,25; DP=4,3). Relativamente à mobilidade, 276 estudantes (97%) não são deslocados da sua residência de origem, sendo os restantes 9 (3%) deslocados. Foram aplicados dois questionários, um de dados sociodemográficos e o Questionário de Vivências Académicas, QVA-r, na versão reduzida (Almeida, Ferreira & Soares, 1999). Considerando a dimensão da amostra de estudantes deslocados (9), a variável mobilidade não foi testada. Os resultados deste estudo permitem concluir que as vivências académicas da nossa amostra, quando relacionadas com a variável sexo, aparentemente, parecem não ter interferência no processo de adaptação dos recém-chegados à ULHT

    Rs266882 polymorphism analysis in KLK3 gene by RFLPPCR in cases of prostate cancer

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    Poster presented at the From Basic Sciences to Clinical Research - First International Congress of CiiEM. Egas Moniz, Caparica, Portugal, 27-28 November 2015"The prostate cancer (PC) is one of the most frequent neoplasia in men even though not the deadliest. Every year more than 1,1 million men are diagnose with PC worldwide. The principal risks factors are: age, diet, familiar predisposition, race and hormones. Gleason classification is use to graduate PC based upon the histologic pattern of tumoral growth. Additionally to this classification is use TNM that allow to describe the cancer severity for each individual. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) has been used as biomarker of PC, however it isn´t a specific marker for cancer detection. This protein is coded by KLK3 gene (located at 19q13.41) and it is regulated by androgen receptors through ligation to consensus sequences in promoter region of KLK3 – Androgen Response Elements (ARE). In ARE-I, located at -158 position, there is a single polymorphism nucleotide (SNP) named rs266882, which consists of substitution of guanine (G) for adenine (A).
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