44 research outputs found

    Feeding biomechanics suggests progressive correlation of skull architecture and neck evolution in turtles

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    The origin of turtles is one of the most long-lasting debates in evolutionary research. During their evolution, a series of modifications changed their relatively kinetic and anapsid skull into an elongated akinetic structure with a unique pulley system redirecting jaw adductor musculature. These modifications were thought to be strongly correlated to functional adaptations, especially to bite performance. We conducted a series of Finite Element Analyses (FEAs) of several species, including that of the oldest fully shelled, Triassic stem-turtle Proganochelys, to evaluate the role of force distribution and to test existing hypotheses on the evolution of turtle skull architecture. We found no support for a relation between the akinetic nature of the skull or the trochlear mechanisms with increased bite forces. Yet, the FEAs show that those modifications changed the skull architecture into an optimized structure, more resistant to higher loads while allowing material reduction on specific regions. We propose that the skull of modern turtles is the result of a complex process of progressive correlation between their heads and highly flexible necks, initiated by the origin of the shell

    Scanning pulsed laser ablation in liquids: An alternative route to obtaining biocompatible YbFe nanoparticles as multiplatform contrast agents for combined MRI and CT imaging

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    Ytterbium ferrites are being used in many promising applications, such as visible-light photocatalysis, solar cells, magnetooptic devices, electro-magnetic equipment, etc., due to their fantastic ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties. However, despite their good magnetic and radiopaque features, the use of ytterbium ferrites as multiplatform contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-ray computed tomography (CT) is still under-developed. This is mainly due to difficulties in obtaining stable and biocompatible aqueous colloidal dispersions of ytterbium ferrite nanoparticles. In order to overcome this limitation, this work explores an eco-friendly method to directly synthesize such dispersions by liquid-assisted pulsed laser ablation of ytterbium ferrite massive targets. First, orthorhombic bulk YbFeO3 targets were obtained by a reaction-sintering method. Then, colloidal dispersions of nanoparticles were produced directly in both distilled water and ethanol by irradiating the bulk YbFeO3 targets with high-power infrared nanosecond lasers pulses. A battery of techniques has been used to characterize the as synthesized YbFeO3 targets and colloidal dispersions of YbFe nanoparticles to determine their composition, structure, magnetic properties, X-ray attenuation potentials, and colloidal properties. Moreover, the biocompatibility of the systems was also analysed by MTT cell viability assay. Results indicated that the use of distilled water as ablation medium yields colloidal dispersions consisted mainly of paramagnetic ytterbium ferrite nanoparticles. Contrarily, the use of ethanol as solvent leads to colloidal dispersions of polycrystalline nanoparticles with both ferromagnetic and paramagnetic behaviour, due to the coexistence, in each nanoparticle, of ytterbium ferrite, ytterbium oxide, and iron oxide crystalline phases. Both colloidal dispersions exhibit also high biocompatibility and suitable X-ray attenuation properties. Moreover, they show bio-safe hydrodynamic sizes (lower than 200 nm) with acceptable overall hydrodynamic polydispersity index values (under 0.4), being stable in water for several weeks. These results pave the way for the future evaluation of Yb–Fe based nanoparticles as multiplatform contrast agents in multimodal MRI and CT imaging.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDERthrough the research project MAT2015-67354R, and a MSCA-IF postdoctoral fellowship from the Marie Curie action 2014 [grant 656908-NIMBLIS] of the H2020 program of the Executive Agency for Research Manages of EU Commission. Additionally, this research has been funded throught a research project (research project ULST-NANO) of the Proyectos Integradores MdM-IMEYMAT, call 2020, as well as the researcg project PID2020-118329RB-I00 funded by Spanish MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 action. Moreover, this research was also co-financed through two regional research projects funded by the Junta de Andalucía, specifically, the research project PECART-0096-2020 (Consejería Salud y Familias. JA Spain) and the research project P20_01293 (Consejería Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad. JA Spain). In addition, Dr. Monserrat Llaguno-Munive is grateful for the funding received through the post-doctoral grant of the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología from Mexico (CONACYT, no 619639). In addition, we acknowledge the received technical assistance from the SC-ICYT of the University of Cádiz and the Servicio General de Apoyo a la Investigación-SAI, Universidad de Zaragoza. We also acknowledge to the Networking Research Centre on Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN) (which is financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)) and the ICTS “NANBIOSIS”, specifically the FVPR/U20 (http://www.nanbiosis.es/portfolio/u20-in-vivo-experimentalplatform/) for providing access to the micro-CT. Finally, we want to thank the company LASING S.L. its technical support in the development of the NANO-GLAS laser system where the LA-PLA experiments were carried out.Peer reviewe

    Table S1_Pfaff et al.

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    Raw data, PCA, PIC, Pagel's lambda, Bloombergs-K-valu

    Data from: Evolution of the locomotory system in eels (Teleostei: Elopomorpha)

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    Background Living anguilliform eels represent a distinct clade of elongated teleostean fishes inhabiting a wide range of habitats. Locomotion of these fishes is highly influenced by the elongated body shape, the anatomy of the vertebral column, and the corresponding soft tissues represented by the musculotendinous system. Up to now, the evolution of axial elongation in eels has been inferred from living taxa only, whereas the reconstruction of evolutionary patterns and functional ecology in extinct eels still is scarce. Rare but excellently preserved fossil eels from the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic were investigated here to gain a better understanding of locomotory system evolution in anguilliforms and, consequently, their habitat occupations in deep time. Results The number of vertebrae in correlation with the body length separates extinct and extant anguilliforms. Even if the phylogenetic signal cannot entirely be excluded, the analyses performed here reveal a continuous shortening of the vertebral column with a simultaneous increase in vertebral numbers in conjunction with short lateral tendons throughout the order. These anatomical changes contradict previous hypotheses based on extant eels solely. Conclusions The body curvatures of extant anguilliforms are highly flexible and can be clearly distinguished from extinct species. Anatomical changes of the vertebral column and musculotendinous system through time and between extinct and extant anguilliforms correlate with changes of the body plan and swimming performance and reveal significant shifts in habitat adaptation and thus behaviour. Evolutionary changes in the skeletal system of eels established here also imply that environmental shifts were triggered by abiotic rather than biotic factors (e.g., K/P boundary mass extinction event)

    Data from: Bony labyrinth morphometry indicates locomotor adaptations in the squirrel-related clade (Rodentia, Mammalia)

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    The semicircular canals (SCs) of the inner ear detect angular acceleration and are located in the bony labyrinth of the petrosal bone. Based on high-resolution computed tomography, we created a size-independent database of the bony labyrinth of 50 mammalian species especially rodents of the squirrel-related clade comprising taxa with fossorial, arboreal and gliding adaptations. Our sampling also includes gliding marsupials, actively flying bats, the arboreal tree shrew and subterranean species. The morphometric anatomy of the SCs was correlated to the locomotion mode. Even if the phylogenetic signal cannot entirely be excluded, the main significance for functional morphological studies has been found in the diameter of the SCs, whereas the radius of curvature is of minor interest. Additionally, we found clear differences in the bias angle of the canals between subterranean and gliding taxa, but also between sciurids and glirids. The sensitivity of the inner ear correlates with the locomotion mode, with a higher sensitivity of the SCs in fossorial species than in flying taxa. We conclude that the inner ear of flying and gliding mammals is less sensitive due to the large information flow into this sense organ during locomotion

    Ultimate Eocene (Priabonian) chondrichthyans (Holocephali, Elasmobranchii) of Antarctica

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    The Eocene La Meseta Formation on Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, is known for its remarkable wealth of fossil remains of chondrichthyans and teleosts. Chondrichthyans seemingly were dominant elements in the Antarctic Paleogene fish fauna, but decreased in abundance from middle to late Eocene, during which time remains of bony fishes increase. This decline of chondrichthyans at the end of the Eocene generally is related to sudden cooling of seawater, reduction in shelf area, and increasing shelf depth due to the onset of the Antarctic thermal isolation. The last chondrichthyan records known so far include a chimeroid tooth plate from TELM 6 (Lutetian) and a single pristiophorid rostral spine from TELM 7 (Priabonian). Here, we present new chondrichthyan records of Squalus, Squatina, Pristiophorus, Striatolamia, Palaeohypotodus, Carcharocles, and Ischyodus from the upper parts of TELM 7 (Priabonian), including the first record of Carcharocles sokolovi from Antarctica. This assemblage suggests that chondrichthyans persisted much longer in Antarctic waters despite rather cool sea surface temperatures of approximately 5°C. The final disappearance of chondrichthyans at the Eocene–Oligocene boundary concurs with abrupt ice sheet formation in Antarctica. Diversity patterns of chondrichthyans throughout the La Meseta Formation appear to be related to climatic conditions rather than plate tectonics.Fil: Kriwet, Jürgen. Universidad de Viena; AustriaFil: Engelbrecht, Andrea. Universidad de Viena; AustriaFil: Mörs, Thomas. Swedish Museum of Natural History; SueciaFil: Reguero, Marcelo Alfredo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Argentina. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Interno y Culto. Dirección Nacional del Antártico. Instituto Antártico Argentino; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pfaff, Cathrin. Universidad de Viena; Austri

    (Supplementary Table 1) Raw data of scan parameters of the bony labyrinth, phylogenetic values, and species informations of marsupials (Mammalia, Theria)

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    Diprotodontia represents the largest and ecologically most distinct order of marsupials occurring in Australasian being highly divers in size, locomotion, habitat preferences, feeding, and activity pattern. The spatial orientation in the habitat and therefore the three-dimensional space is detected by the vestibular system of the inner ear, more precisely by the three semicircular canals. In this study, we investigated the bony labyrinth of diprotodontian and selected non-diprotodontian marsupial mammals of almost all genera with noninvasive micro-CT scanning and 3D-reconstructions. In principal component analyses, the subterranean taxon can be separated from gliding and saltatorial taxa, whereas arboreal species can be separated from saltatorial specimens. The highest PCA loadings of this functional distinction are clearly found in the diameter of the semicircular canals, whereas the overall shape (height, width, length) of the semicircular canals is less important. Additionally, the investigated arboreal and fossorial species of South America are nested in the morphospace of the Australasian taxa. Even if a phylogenetic signal in the anatomy of the bony labyrinth cannot be excluded entirely, the main functional morphological signal of the vestibular system is found in the diameter of the semicircular canals. With the large dataset of extant marsupial mammals analysed here, the locomotion mode of extinct taxa can be inferred in future studies independent of any evidence of postcranial material

    Data from: Functional morphological adaptations of the bony labyrinth in marsupials (Mammalia, Theria)

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    Diprotodontia represents the largest and ecologically most distinct order of marsupials occurring in Australasian being highly divers in size, locomotion, habitat preferences, feeding, and activity pattern. The spatial orientation in the habitat and therefore the three-dimensional space is detected by the vestibular system of the inner ear, more precisely by the three semicircular canals. In this study, we investigated the bony labyrinth of diprotodontian and selected non-diprotodontian marsupial mammals of almost all genera with noninvasive micro-CT scanning and 3D-reconstructions. In principal component analyses, the subterranean taxon can be separated from gliding and saltatorial taxa, whereas arboreal species can be separated from saltatorial specimens. The highest PCA loadings of this functional distinction are clearly found in the diameter of the semicircular canals, whereas the overall shape (height, width, length) of the semicircular canals is less important. Additionally, the investigated arboreal and fossorial species of South America are nested in the morphospace of the Australasian taxa. Even if a phylogenetic signal in the anatomy of the bony labyrinth cannot be excluded entirely, the main functional morphological signal of the vestibular system is found in the diameter of the semicircular canals. With the large dataset of extant marsupial mammals analysed here, the locomotion mode of extinct taxa can be inferred in future studies independent of any evidence of postcranial material

    Carnivoran bony labyrinth morphometry and characteristics

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    Carnivora is a highly diverse and successful group of mammals representing key stone predators in food webs. They originated in the Palaeocene and developed numerous lifestyles, locomotion modes and hunting strategies during their evolutionary history. Mechanosensory organs, as the inner ear (senses of equilibrium and hearing) represent essential anatomical systems to obtain insights into function, ecology and phylogeny of extant but also extinct vertebrates. Here, we examined bony labyrinths of a broad sample of extinct and extant carnivoran species using µCT scans to obtain new information about hunting behaviours of these ancient carnivorans. Bony labyrinths were digitally reconstructed and measurements were taken directly on these 3D models. Principal component analyses evidently separate morphospaces based on various hunting strategies (pursuit, pounce, ambush and occasional) but also support their phylogenetic relationships (Canoidea vs. Feloidea). The height, width and length of the semicircular canals show functional morphological adaptations, whereas the diameter of the canals, the height of the cochlea and particularly the angle between the lateral semicircular canal and the cochlea indicate a phylogenetic signal. The results demonstrate that the bony labyrinth provides a powerful ecological proxy reflecting both predatory habits as well as phylogenetic relationships in extinct and extant carnivorans