516,109 research outputs found

    Interpretaciones de trabajos de fertilización con Solanaceae en Puerto Rico

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    One approach for the development of fertilizer recommendations is based on field-measured yield response to added fertilizer.The crop nutrient requirement (CNR) is the total amount of that element needed by the crop during the production season to produce optimum economic yield, and is equivaient to the fertilizer rate above which no significant increase in yield occurs. Published and unpublished fertilization research done in Solanaceae, tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), eggplant (Solarium melongena), and sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum), in Puerto Rico over the past 25 years was used to calculate CNR values for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). The mean yields obtained from each fertilizer treatment were converted from a unit area basis (ton/ha or kg/ha) to percentage relative yield (RY). The RYs were then plotted against rates of nutrient applied and fitted to linear, quadratic, linear-plateau, quadratic-plateau, exponential, and Cate-Nelson models to determine CNR values. Plant response to K was not observed in soils dominated by 2:1 clays (2:1 clay soils). Large variability and few experimental data points precluded fitting equations to the data in soils dominated by 1:1 clays (1:1 clay soils). For P and N, predicted CNR values varied widely, depending on the selected model. The best model was selected on the basis of coefficients of determination, standardized residual plots, and was corroborated with economic returns. For 1:1 clay soils, predicted CNR values were 113 and 255 kg P2Os/ha and 150 and 207 kg N/ha for the Cate-Nelson and quadratic models, respectively. For 2:1 clay soils, predicted CNR values were 50 and 148 kg P205/ha for the Cate-Nelson and finear- plateau models, respectively, and 50 and 120 kg N/ha for the Cate- Nelson and exponential models, respectively.Una metodología para realizar recomendaciones de fertilización se basa en relaciones entre niveles de fertilización y medidas correspondientes de rendimiento. El requisito nutricio nal del cultivo (RNC) es la totalidad del elemento que requiere el cuítivo durante el ciclo de producción para producir rendimientos económicos óptimos, y es equivalente al nivel de fertilización (cuando el suelo suple poca o ninguna cantidad del nutrimento) por encima del cual no existe un aumento significativo en rendimiento. Investigaciones realizadas con la familia Soianaceae: tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum), berenjena (Solatium melongena), y pimiento (Capsicum annuum) en Puerto Rico se utilizaron para calcular valores de RNC para nitrógeno (N), fósforo (P) y potasio (K). Los valores promedios obtenidos de cada nivel de fertilización fueron convertidos de unidad por área (ton/ha, kg/ha, cajas/acre) a rendimiento relativo (RR). Los valores de RR fueron grafícados contra niveles de aplicación de nutrimentos y se ajustaron diferentes modelos (lineal, cuadrática, iineai-meseta, cuadrático-meseta, exponencia! y Cate-Nelson) para determinar los vaiores de RNC. No se observó respuesta a la aplicación de K en suelos dominados por arcillas 2:1 (suelos 2:1). En suelos dominados por arcillas 1:1 (suelos 1:1) ninguna de las ecuaciones se ajustó adecuadamente a los datos porque había pocos datos experimentales y alta variabilidad entre los valores de rendimiento. Para P y N, los valores de RNC predichos variaron según el modelo utilizado. El mejor modelo se escogió basándose en los coeficientes de determinación y gráficos de residuales estandarizados, y corroborados con retornos económicos. En ¡os suelos 1:1, los valores de RNC predichos fueron 113 y 255 kg P205/ha y 150 y 207 kg N/ha para los modelos Cate-Nelson y cuadrático, respectivamente. En los suelos 2:1, los valores predichos fueron 50 y 148 kg P2Os/ha para los modelos Cate-Nelson y lineal-meseta, respectivamente, y 50 y 120 kg N/ha para los modelos Cate-Nelson y exponencial, respectivamente

    WYTY-CATE: associativismo, representação e faccionalismo político entre os povos Timbira

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    Analise do movimento dos Timbira no campo das relações políticas estabelecidas no interior da Associação Wyty-Cate, das Comunidades Timbira do Maranhão e Tocantins, focalizando a unidade Timbira, o faccionalismo como forma de disputas entre os diversos grupos Timbira com diferentes poderes e interesses, criando, ao mesmo tempo, tensões e consensos, alianças e relações solidárias. Procura compreender os mecanismos acionados pela Wyty-Cate como neutralizadores do faccionalismo político inerente aos Timbira e como vem sendo incorporada a noção de unidade timbira.Palavras-chave: Timbira. Faccionalismo. Relação interétnica. Wyty-CateABSTRACTThis article analyse the political relations in the Wyty Cate Association of Timbira Comunities. This work focus on Timbira unity and faccionalism. It tries to understand the Wyty Cate aproaches to minimize the political faccionalism and how they understand the unity police.Keywords: Timbira. Faccionalism. Interéthinic relation. Wyty Cat

    Submission in response to the Australian Government’s Consultation Paper on the Establishment of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

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    A submission in response to the Australian Government\u27s Consultation Paper on the Establishment of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Introduction We are a team of academics and researchers, from the disciplines of historical studies, social work and archival science, who have substantive years of experience working on projects exploring the legacy of Australia\u27s institutional \u27care\u27 of children. Our work in this space, particularly since the release of the Forgotten Australians report in 2004, has involved ongoing engagement with a broad range of stakeholders, including care leavers, support and advocacy groups, past and current providers of out-of-home care, state and federal government departments, and cultural institutions. We welcome the opportunity to make a submission in response to the Australian Government\u27s Consultation Paper on the Establishment of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Our submission discusses the vital importance that records will play in this Royal Commission, with particular reference to records in the custody of past providers in religious, charitable and government sectors. We submit that records are a key issue for this Royal Commission

    Strain-induced kinetics of intergrain defects as the mechanism of slow dynamics in the nonlinear resonant response of humid sandstone bars

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    A closed-form description is proposed to explain nonlinear and slow dynamics effects exhibited by sandstone bars in longitudinal resonance experiments. Along with the fast subsystem of longitudinal nonlinear displacements we examine the strain-dependent slow subsystem of broken intergrain and interlamina cohesive bonds. We show that even the simplest but phenomenologically correct modelling of their mutual feedback elucidates the main experimental findings typical for forced longitudinal oscillations of sandstone bars, namely, (i) hysteretic behavior of a resonance curve on both its up- and down-slopes, (ii) linear softening of resonant frequency with increase of driving level, and (iii) gradual recovery (increase) of resonant frequency at low dynamical strains after the sample was conditioned by high strains. In order to reproduce the highly nonlinear elastic features of sandstone grained structure a realistic non-perturbative form of strain potential energy was adopted. In our theory slow dynamics associated with the experimentally observed memory of peak strain history is attributed to strain-induced kinetic changes in concentration of ruptured inter-grain and inter-lamina cohesive bonds causing a net hysteretic effect on the elastic Young's modulus. Finally, we explain how enhancement of hysteretic phenomena originates from an increase in equilibrium concentration of ruptured cohesive bonds that are due to water saturation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Avaliação da exposição à radiação do médico cardiologista em procedimentos intervencionistas

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    Objective: Estimate the equivalent dose received in the eye region and in different regions of the cardiologist body in diagnostic (CATE) and therapeutic procedures (ATC), using DIS-Mirion Technologies (InstadoseTM) and thermoluminescent (TLD100) dosimeters. Methods: The study was performed in a cardiovascular exams room in which the Innova-GE angiography is installed with table-mounted lead drapes and without ceiling suspended screen. Dosimeters were fixed, together, in the following cardiologist body regions: next to the eyes region (left and right), chest level (without lead apron protection), extremity (left ankle). A set was also fixed in the center of equipment gantry to measure the scattered radiation in the environment. The procedures were performed with lead glasses but the doses were evaluated without this protection. The occupational doses at the cardiologist were registered during 81 procedures, 60% catheterisms and 40% angioplasties. The patient dose parameters presented on the monitors at the end of the procedures were registered, as well as their anthropometric data. The average exposure time was 10 minutes for CATE and 20 minutes for ATC. Results: The 3rd quartile and [median] values for accumulated kerma and KAP during ATC procedures were: 3349 [2083] mGy and 204.9 [127.3] Gy.cm2 and during CATE: 1687 [1039] mGy and 117.4 [77.5] Gy.cm2. The statistics analysis of doses comparison between the TL and InstadoseTM dosimeters, in the CATE and ATC procedures, showed that there were no significative differences disregarding the situations wherein the doses were around the InstadoseTM sensitivity threshold. It permits consider the InstadoseTM as effective as TLD in occupational monitoring. Considering TL on left eye region, 3rd quartile and [median] values for CATE procedures were 0.097; [0.069] mSv and 0.120; [0.096] mSv for InstadoseTM. In the ATC procedures 3rd quartile and [median] values for TL and InstadoseTM were, respectively: 0.147; [0.116] mSv and 0.151; [0.123] mSv. These values are higher than 3rd quartile values obtained for the right eye region. Among the simultaneously monitored regions with both dosimeters, the highest dose values were recorded in the left ankle, followed by thorax, left eye region and right eye region. Conclusions: The doses measured in chest level (without the lead apron) are about 18% higher than the measurements in the left eye region at ATC and CATE procedures, considering the 3rd quartile data. The results allow to conclude that an effective dose control in thorax region can contribute to estimate the dose on crystalline (without lead glasses). The results of our study demonstrate that in CATE and ATC procedures, without any additional eye protection, the 3rd quartile values to this region were, respectively: 0.10 e 0.15 mSv/procedures. It means that the professional can perform 200 (CATE) or 130 procedures (ATC) per year in order to avoid doses in the crystalline higher than the 20 mSv/year. For higher workload it is essential to use collective and individual protection devices.Objetivo: Estimar a dose equivalente recebida na região dos olhos e em diferentes regiões do corpo do cardiologista em procedimentos diagnósticos e terapêuticos, utilizando dosímetros tipo DIS – Mirion Technologies (InstadoseTM) e termoluminescentes (TLD100). Métodos: O estudo foi efetuado em uma sala de exames cardiovasculares na qual se encontra instalado o angiógrafo Innova-GE com faixas plumbiferas fixadas na mesa e sem blindagem suspensa fixada no teto. Foram fixados dosímetros, em conjunto, nas seguintes regiões do corpo do cardiologista: região próxima aos olhos (esquerdo e direito), tronco (sem proteção de avental plumbífero), extremidade (tornozelo esquerdo). Foi também fixado um conjunto no centro do gantry do equipamento para medida da radiação espalhada no ambiente. Os procedimentos foram realizados com óculos plumbíferos, porém as doses foram avaliadas sem esta proteção. Foram registradas as doses ocupacionais no cardiologista, durante a realização de 81 procedimentos, sendo 60% cateterismos (CATE) e 40% angioplastias (ATC). Os indicadores de dose dos pacientes apresentados nos monitores ao término do procedimento foram registrados, assim como seus dados antropométricos. O tempo de exposição médio foi de 10 min para CATE e 20 min para ATC. Resultados: Os valores de terceiro quartil e [mediana] para kerma acumulado e KAP para procedimentos de ATC foram: 3349; [2083] mGy e 204,9; [127,3] Gy.cm2 e para CATE:1687; [1039] mGy e 117,4; [77,5] Gy.cm2. A análise estatística da comparação das doses entre os dosímetros TL e InstadoseTM demonstrou que não houve diferenças significativas, desconsiderando as situações em que as doses eram próximas do limiar de sensibilidade do InstadoseTM, permitindo afirmar que o InstadoseTM mostrou-se eficaz na avaliação das doses ocupacionais. Para a região do olho esquerdo os valores de terceiro quartil e [mediana] obtidos com Tl para CATE foram 0,097; [0,069] mSv e com Instadose 0,120; [0,096] mSv. Nesta mesma região, os valores de terceiro quartil e [mediana] obtidos para ATC utilizando TL e Instadose foram respectivamente: 0,147; [0,116] mSv e 0,151; [0,123] mSv. Estes valores são superiores aos valores de terceiro quartil obtidos para a região do olho direito. Entre as regiões monitoradas simultaneamente com ambos dosímetros, os maiores valores de dose foram registrados na extremidade (tornozelo esquerdo) seguidos pelas regiões tórax, olho esquerdo e olho direito. As doses medidas na região do tórax, sobre o avental plumbífero, são cerca de 18% superiores às medidas na região do olho esquerdo, em procedimentos de ATC e CATE, considerando os dados de terceiro quartil. Conclusões: Um controle efetivo da dose no tórax pode contribuir para estimar a dose no cristalino (sem proteção ocular). Os resultados de nosso estudo demonstram que em procedimentos de CATE e ATC, sem qualquer proteção adicional para os olhos, os valores de terceiro quartil para esta região foram, respectivamente: 0,10 e 0,15 mSv/procedimento, o que limita o profissional a realizar 200 (CATE) ou 130 procedimentos (ATC) ao ano para que não acumule dose no cristalino superior ao limite de 20 mSv/ano. Para cargas de trabalho mais altas torna-se imprescindível utilizar dispositivos de proteção coletivos e individuais.Dados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2019

    Determinação do nível crítico de fósforo do solo com auxílio do P32 (nota prévia)

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    In this paper the author presents a preliminary study carried out in order to determinate the phosphorus critical level in soil using the CATE & NELSON'S (1965) sistem but evalúating the content of that nutrient be the LARSEN'S (1952) L value. It was found that the critical level sought is about 30-35 ppm of phosphorus.Na presente nota o autor apresenta os resultados obtidos em um estudo para a determinação do nivel crítico relativo ao fósforo em solos acima do qual nao se deve esperar resposta a adubação fosfatada. O processo utilizado foi o de CATE & NELSON (1965), avaliando-se, porém, o teor de fósforo disponível pela técnica do valor L de LARSEN (1952), modificada, ora considerando a parcela do fosforo do fertilizante padrão fixada pelo solo, ora não

    Sexual/Environmental Justice and Ecocriticism of the New Century

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    Key words: environmental justice, sexuality, reproductivity, food industry, queer ecology Environmental justice in the 21st century should advance in the exploration, both theoretical and practical, of aspects of identity such as sexuality and reproductivity, which up to the present have been less analyzed than aspects of race, class and gender. The novels of Ruth Ozeki illustrate brilliantly the intersection between justice related to the food industry and sexual justice. Moreover, queer environmental justice has largely benefited from the theoretical framework established by Cate Sandilands for queer ecology. Palabras clave: justicia medioambiental, sexualidad, reproducción, industria alimentaria, ecología queer La justicia medioambiental del siglo XXI debe avanzar hacia la exploración, tanto teórica como práctica, de aspectos de la identidad del individuo tales como la sexualidad y la reproductividad, menos analizadas hasta la fecha desde este punto de vista, que las variables de raza, clase o género. Las novelas de Ruth Ozeki ilustran de manera excelente la intersección entre la justicia relacionada con la industria alimentaria y la justicia sexual. Al mismo tiempo, la justicia medioambiental de carácter queer se ha beneficiado en gran medida de los marcos teóricos establecidos por Cate Sandilands para atender cuestiones de ecología queer

    Perirhinal cortex contributes to accuracy in recognition memory and perceptual discriminations.

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    The prevailing view of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) holds that its structures are dedicated to long-term declarative memory. Recent evidence challenges this position, suggesting that perirhinal cortex (PRc) in the MTL may also play a role in perceptual discriminations of stimuli with substantial visual feature overlap. Relevant neuropsychological findings in humans have been inconclusive, likely because studies have relied on patients with large and variable MTL lesions. Here, we conducted a functional magnetic resonance imaging study in healthy individuals to determine whether PRc shows a performance-related involvement in perceptual oddball judgments that is comparable to its established role in recognition memory. Morphed faces were selected as stimuli because of their large degree of feature overlap. All trials involved presentation of displays with three faces. The perceptual oddball task required identification of the face least similar to the other display members. The memory task involved forced-choice recognition of a previously studied face. When levels of behavioral performance were matched, we observed comparable levels of activation in right PRc for both tasks. Moreover, right PRc activity differentiated between accurate and inaccurate trials in both tasks. Together these results indicate that declarative memory demands are not a prerequisite for a performance-related engagement of PRc and that the introduction of such declarative memory demands in an otherwise closely matched perceptual task does not necessarily lead to an increase in PRc involvement. As such our findings show that declarative memory and perception are not as clearly separable at the level of MTL functioning as traditionally thought

    Inside UNLV

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    Behaviours, opportunities and expectations as thermal defences

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    Three papers were presented in this workshop. The first was on the subject of the Wintry Thermal Environment and Domestic Energy Use in Nepal. It was presented by Pokharel Ram and co-written with Hom Rijal and Masanori Shukuya from Tokyo City University (CATE 2019 Proceedings, pp. 377-382). This paper introduced several unique elements to the discussion if climate and comfort. The most glaring was that of altitude, that in Nepal dictates to a large extent the climate of a settlement. The verticality of the country offered a new insight into the impact of elevation on comfort. The second paper was on Indoor air quality, cold stress and thermal comfort in multi-family timber frame buildings by Timothy O. Adekunle, University of Hartford, Connecticut, USA (CATE 19 Proceedings, pp. 383-394). The paper provided an overview of environmental conditions measured in the homes in winter and provided an interesting contrast to the Nepalese study. The mean temperatures measured in the homes we above this measured in the Nepalese ones and there were recorded complaints about the stuffiness and the occasional smells and measurements did show theoretically high levels of humidity and CO2 in the occupied homes. However, these may seem insignificant when set against the Nepalese data where in some homes up to a dozen people may sleep in the same room. Clothing and life styles as well as expectations of what is required as a bare minimum for comfort may affect researchers thinking in such studies. The third paper in the workshop was on the surface of it very different. It was given by Kheira Anissa Tabet Aoul of the Architectural Engineering Department, United Arab Emirates University, UAE. It was on the subject of Sustainability, Literacy and Higher Education: Paradigms and Challenges in the Built Environment of the Gulf Region (CATE 19 Proceedings, pp395-406). In this paper Aoul raises the really important question of how best to transform our educational systems into high impact mechanisms for delivering to student's vital education on how they can survive and thrive in a rapidly changing world, with it changing climate. She looked at ways in which her own taught courses address this changing world and shared with the workshop her own endeavours to integrate essential and often basic sustainability and resilience lessons into her education and training programmes