28 research outputs found

    Análisis de prevalencia y criterios diagnósticos de hipomineralización molar-incisiva.

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    To identify the prevalence and diagnostic criteria of Molar-Incisor Hipomineralization (MIH) in the scientific literature. Materials and Methods: This is a bibliographical research conducted through the analysis of indexed articles until October 2017 in the PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases. The Medical Subject Headings (MESH) used were "Dental Enamel Hypoplasia" and "Molar Incisor Hypomineralization". The analysis of articles was carried out by two reviewers, who collected information independently. The following information was collected: author, year of publication, place of work (continent and country), sample calculation, sample number, age of participants, type of study, prevalence of molar-incisor hypomineralization and criteria used for diagnosis. Data were tabulated using Microsoft Excel for Windows and presented using descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 484 articles were found and 57 were included in the study. Most of the studies were conducted in Europe (35%), and 31.6% of the studies mentioned using a probability sampling. The number of study participants ranged from 99 for a study in Brazil to 3,591 in Kenya. The most frequent age was 8 years, while the predominant type of study was cross-sectional (91.2%). The prevalence varied from 0.4% to 37.3% and most studies (73.6%) employed the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry criteria for the diagnosis of MIH. Conclusion: There is great variability in prevalence in different countries, probably due to the use of different diagnostic criteria being used, and due to different age groups and geographical variation.Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia y los criterios diagnósticos de la hipomineralización de incisivos molares (HIM) en la literatura científica. Materiales y métodos: Investigación bibliográfica realizada a través del análisis de artículos indexados hasta octubre de 2017 en las bases de datos PubMed, Web of Science y Scopus. Los Medical Subject Headings (MESH) utilizados fueron “Dental Enamel Hypoplasia" y "Molar Incisor Hypomineralization". El análisis de los artículos fue llevado a cabo por dos revisores, quienes recolectaron información de manera independiente. Se recopiló la siguiente información: autor, año de publicación, lugar de trabajo (continente y país), cálculo y número de muestra, edad de los participantes, tipo de estudio, prevalencia de hipomineralización molar-incisiva y criterios utilizados para el diagnóstico. Los datos se tabularon con Microsoft Excel para Windows y se presentaron con estadísticas descriptivas. Resultados: Se encontraron un total de 484 artículos y 57 se incluyeron en el estudio. La mayoría de los estudios se llevaron a cabo en Europa (35%), y el 31,6% de los estudios mencionados utilizaron una muestra probabilística. El número de participantes en el estudio varió de 99 en un estudio en Brasil a 3.591 en un estudio desde Kenia. La edad más frecuente fue de 8 años, mientras que el tipo de estudio predominante fue transversal (91,2%). La prevalencia varió de 0,4% a 37,3% y la mayoría de los estudios (73,6%) emplearon los criterios de la Academia Europea de Odontología Pediátrica para el diagnóstico de HIM. Conclusión: Existe una gran variabilidad en la prevalencia de HIM en diferentes países, probablemente debido al uso de diferentes criterios de diagnóstico, al utilizar diferentes grupos de etarios y a la variación geográfica

    Hipomineralização molar-incisivo: etiologia, características clínicas e tratamento

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    Introdução: a Hipomineralização Molar-Incisivo (HMI) é um defeito de desenvolvimento do esmalte dentário que afeta de um atétodos os primeiros molares permanentes, podendo estar presente nos incisivos permanentes. Objetivo: revisar a literatura sobre aHMI objetivando proporcionar informações ao cirurgião-dentista que realiza atendimento infantil sobre o diagnóstico, característicasclínicas e tratamento. Metodologia: revisão integrativa da literatura, sendo utilizado as bases de dados LILACS, PubMed, Web ofScience e Scopus. Foram usadas as palavras-chaves “Hipoplasia do Esmalte Dentário/Dental Enamel Hypoplasia” e “ HipomineralizaçãoMolar-Incisivo/Molar Incisor Hypomineralization”. Resultados: fatores etiológicos associados a complicações pré, peri e pós-natais,ambientais e genéticos têm sido evidenciados e a prevalência de HMI mostra-se variada entre as populações. Apresenta-se comomanchas opacas bem delimitadas e, com o aumento da gravidade, ocorre a perda do esmalte resultando em fratura, destruiçãocoronária e indicação de exodontia. As fraturas pós-eruptivas atuam como áreas de retenção de biofilme, o que facilita seu acúmuloe aumenta a susceptibilidade à cárie dentária. A Academia Europeia de Odontopediatria (EAPD) estabeleceu critérios que facilitamo diagnóstico deste agravo por meio de pesquisas epidemiológicas. As medidas terapêuticas são direcionadas de acordo com agravidade da lesão. Conclusão: a HMI deve receber adequada atenção do cirurgião-dentista em função das consequências clínicase estéticas que acarreta ao paciente, interferindo negativamente na sua qualidade de vida nos casos mais graves. Novas pesquisassão necessárias com a finalidade de expandir o conhecimento acerca da HMI, objetivando ofertar ao paciente o correto diagnósticoe a melhor opção terapêutica

    Violent Deaths and Maxillofacial Injuries in Children and Adolescents in Campina Grande, PB, Brazil

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    Cilj: u ovom istraživanju je procijenjen mortalitet od vanjskih uzroka kod djece i adolescenata, te pojavnost maksilofacijalnih ozljeda u gradu Campini Grande, PB, Brazil, u 2003. godini. Metode: Pregledano je 837 forenzičnih medicinskih izvještaja, a od njih odabrano 115 žrtava (13.7%) od 0 do 18 godina. Uzroci su klasificirani u skladu s Poglavljem XX Međunarodne klasifikacije bolesti – CID 10. Podaci su obrađeni Epi-Info 3.4.1. programskim paketom. Asocijacija ispitivanih varijabli: tip uzroka i maksilofacijalne ozljede kao zavisne i spol i godine kao nezavisne varijable korištenjem Hi-kvadrat i Fisherova testa (p<0.05). Rezultati: Opažen je viši mortalitet kod dječaka (70.4%) te kod starosne grupe od 14 do 18 godina (50.3%), premda bez satatistički značajne razlike među starosnim skupinama i spolu (p=0.149). Prevladavale su prometne nesreće (32.2%), i dodatno kao pješak (37.8%). Ustanovljeno je da muški imaju 4.6 puta veću mogućnost da budu žrtva vatrenog oružja, nego ženska djeca. Žrtve su zadobile višestruke ozljede, uz prevladavanje abrazija (39.4%) i rana (24.5%). Prevalencija ozljeda glave je bila 22.5%, a lica 20.4%. Maksilofacijalne ozljede su identificirane kod 41.7% žrtava. Šest žrtava (12.5%) je imalo frakture, većinom mandibule (37.5%). Žrtve prometnih nesreća imale su 2.9 puta veću vjerojatnost za dobivanje ozljeda maksilofacijalnog područja. Zaključak: Dječaci od 14 do 18 godina su većinom bili žrtve vanjskih uzroka, većinom prometnih nesreća, i pojavnost višestrukih ozljeda glave i lica je bila učestala.Objective: In this study, mortality by external causes of children and adolescents and the occurrence of maxillofacial injuries was evaluated in the city of Campina Grande, PB, Brazil in 2003. Methods: 837 forensic medical reports were reviewed, 115 (13.7%) of them belonging to victims aged from 0 to 18 years. The causes were classified according to the Chapter XX of the International Classification of Diseases - CID 10. Data were organized using Epi-Info 3.4.1 software. The association of the variables: type of cause and maxillofacial injuries as dependent variables and sex and age as independent variable was performed by the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests (p<0.05). Results: Higher mortality was observed among boys (70.4%) and in the 14-18-year-old age group (50.3%), although without statistically significant difference between the age groups and the genders (p=0.149). There was a predominance of traffic accidents (32.2%), most involving pedestrians (37.8%). Males had a 4.6 times greater chance of being victims of firearms than females. Most of the victims had multiple injuries, with predominance of abrasions (39.4%) and wounds (24.5%). The prevalence of injuries to the head and face was 22.5% and 20.4%, respectively. Maxillofacial injuries were identified in 41.7% of the victims. Six victims (12.5%) exhibited fractures, mainly in the mandible (37.5%). Victims of traffic accidents had a 2.9 times greater chance of suffering injuries to the maxillofacial region. Conclusion: Boys aged between 14 and 18 years were the main victims of fatalities due to external causes, mainly traffic accidents, and the occurrence of multiples injuries to the head and face was frequent

    In situ effect of CPP-ACP chewing gum upon erosive enamel loss

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    Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) is able to increase salivary calcium and phosphate levels at an acidic pH. Previous studies demonstrated that a CPP-ACP chewing gum was able to enhance the re-hardening of erosion lesions, but could not diminish enamel hardness loss. Therefore, there is no consensus regarding the effectiveness of CPP-ACP on dental erosion. Objective This in situ study investigated the ability of a CPP-ACP chewing gum in preventing erosive enamel loss. Material and Methods: During three experimental crossover phases (one phase per group) of seven days each, eight volunteers wore palatal devices with human enamel blocks. The groups were: GI – Sugar free chewing gum with CPP-ACP; GII – Conventional sugar free chewing gum; and GIII – No chewing gum (control). Erosive challenge was extraorally performed by immersion of the enamel blocks in cola drink (5 min, 4x/day). After each challenge, in groups CPP and No CPP, volunteers chewed one unit of the corresponding chewing gum for 30 minutes. Quantitative analysis of enamel loss was performed by profilometry (µm). Data were analyzed by Repeated-Measures ANOVA and Tukey’s test (

    Is playing string or wind musical instruments a risk factor for temporomandibular dysfunction? A Systematic Review.

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    Aim. Medical problems specifically affecting professional musicians are commonly mentioned in the literature. The present study is aimed to evaluate, through a systematic review, the possible association between the practice of string with bow and wind musical instruments and the occurrence of Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD). Methods. The search for articles was conducted in PubMed/Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs, Cochrane Library, and Open Gray databases, and there was no restriction on language or date of publication. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed. The MeSH terms used were: "music"; "temporomandibular joint"; "temporomandibular joint disorders"; "temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome"; and "occupational diseases". Cross-sectional studies, case-control, cohort and clinical trials were included that involved the practice of string with bow and wind musical instruments and the occurrence of Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD). Articles were previously selected by title and abstract. Qualitative evaluation was done through the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Results. The literature search identified 732 studies, of which 10 met the inclusion criteria, nine of them cross-sectional studies and one a clinical intervention study. The TMD prevalence ranged from 47.0% to 89.0%. Recruitment of participants took place in professional schools and orchestras, and in bands of professional musicians. All studies reported associations between TMD and the practice of musical instruments, and violinists presented higher prevalence rates when compared to other instrument groups. Conclusion. All studies pointed to a possible association between TMD and the practice of string and wind musical instruments. More longitudinal and clinical trials studies are needed to verify any possible interrelationship

    Effect of vegetable oils applied over acquired enamel pellicle on initial erosion

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    Objective The prevalence of dental erosion has been recently increasing, requiring new preventive and therapeutic approaches. Vegetable oils have been studied in preventive dentistry because they come from a natural, edible, low-cost, and worldwide accessible source. This study aimed to evaluate the protective effect of different vegetable oils, applied in two concentrations, on initial enamel erosion. Material and Methods Initially, the acquired pellicle was formed in situ for 2 hours. Subsequently, the enamel blocks were treated in vitro according to the study group (n=12/per group): GP5 and GP100 – 5% and pure palm oil, respectively; GC5 and GC100 – 5% and pure coconut oil; GSa5 and GSa100 – 5% and pure safflower oil; GSu5 and GSu100 – 5% and pure sunflower oil; GO5 and GO100 – 5% and pure olive oil; CON− – Deionized Water (negative control) and CON+ – Commercial Mouthwash (Elmex® Erosion Protection Dental Rinse, GABA/positive control). Then, the enamel blocks were immersed in artificial saliva for 2 minutes and subjected to short-term acid exposure in 0.5% citric acid, pH 2.4, for 30 seconds, to promote enamel surface softening. The response variable was the percentage of surface hardness loss [((SHi - SHf) / SHf )×100]. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p;0.05) and less than the other groups (

    Eroded enamel rehardening using two intraoral appliances designs in different times of salivary exposure

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    The aim of this study was evaluated the eroded enamel rehardening potential using upper palatal and lower buccal removable appliances in different times of salivary exposure (30 min, 1h, 2h, 12h) after a single erosive challenge event. After initial surface hardness evaluation, bovine enamel blocks were eroded in vitro (0.01 M hydrochloric acid, pH 2.3, 30 seconds), selected (n = 160) and randomly assigned to the two appliance designs and twenty volunteers. Four enamel blocks were inserted in each removable appliance. On the in situ phase, the volunteers were instructed to use the upper palatal and lower buccal appliances simultaneously for 12 nonconsecutive hours. After each predetermined period of time of salivary exposure, the enamel blocks were removed from the appliances for immediate evaluation of surface hardness, enabling percentage of surface hardness recovery calculation (%SHR). The data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey?s test (?=5%). The results showed no difference in the degree of enamel rehardening by the upper palatal or lower buccal appliances (p >0.0001). Regarding the time of use of the appliances, it was demonstrated that 30 minutes (upper = 21.12%, lower = 19.84%) and 1 hour (upper = 35.69%, lower = 30.50%) promoted lower hardness recovery than two hours (upper = 44.65%, lower 40.80%) of salivary exposure (p<0.0001). The use of 12 hours (upper = 49.33%, lower = 49.00%), including the sleeping time of the volunteers did not increase the %SHR. The location of the appliance does not influence the re-hardening ability of saliva and the use of intraoral appliances for 2 hours seems to be appropriate for partial rehardening of the softened enamel surface

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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