106 research outputs found

    Can an Experimental White Noise Task Assess Psychosis Vulnerability in Adult Healthy Controls?

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    Background This is an extension of a paper published earlier. We investigated the association between the tendency to detect speech illusion in random noise and levels of positive schizotypy in a sample of 185 adult healthy controls. Materials and methods Subclinical positive, negative and depressive symptoms were assessed with the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE); positive and negative schizotypy was assessed with the Structured Interview for Schizotypy-Revised (SIS-R). Results Speech illusions were associated with positive schizotypy (OR: 4.139, 95% CI: 1.074-15.938; p = 0.039) but not with negative schizotypy (OR: 1.151, 95% CI: 0.183-7.244; p = 0.881). However, the association of positive schizotypy with speech illusions was no longer significant after adjusting for age, sex and WAIS-III (OR: 2.577, 95% CI: 0.620-10.700; p = 0.192). Speech illusions were not associated with self-reported CAPE measures. Conclusions The association between schizotypy and the tendency to assign meaning in random noise in healthy controls may be mediated by cognitive ability and not constitute an independent trait

    The mathematics teacher’s specialised knowledge (MTSK) model

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    This paper presents the Mathematics Teacher’s Specialised Knowledge (MTSK) model. It acknowledges earlier contributions to understanding and structuring teachers’ knowledge, in particular, the special debt owed to Shulman’s notion of pedagogical content knowledge and to Ball and collaborators’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT), influential for the specialised nature of one of its sub-domains. The authors’ research with teachers has led them to explore the characteristics of MKT and to refine the descriptors relating to its sub-domains, a task which has underlined the difficulty involved in unambiguously delimiting the boundaries which separate these. As a result, and taking into consideration a broader view of the specialised nature of the teacher’s mathematical knowledge, the authors propose a framework which, whilst respecting the major domains of Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge, regards the specialisation in respect of mathematical knowledge as a property which is inherent to the model and extends across all sub-domains.The Spanish Government (EDU2013-44047-P and EDU2016-81994-REDT), the Mexican Sub-secretary of Higher Education (PRODEP), and the Research Centre COIDESO (University of Huelva, Spain) supported this research; Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; Ministry of Economy Industry and Competitiveness

    A qualitative research of adolescents with behavioral problems about their experience in a dialectical behavior therapy skills training group

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    BACKGROUND: Several quantitative studies support the effectiveness of the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) psychosocial skills training group component for adolescents with impulse-control disorder and/or emotional dysregulation. However, qualitative research to assess this psychotherapeutic tool in the adolescent population is sparse. This study aims to examine the subjective experience of adolescents with behavioral issues who have completed DBT skills training group, as well as using this experience to extract hypotheses regarding its usefulness which can then be verified at a later time by means of quantitative instruments. METHODS: We developed a qualitative study by using focus groups with adolescents (N=20) whose diagnosis includes symptoms such as behavior disorder, impulse-control disorder and/or emotional dysregulation, and good informants, who have completed DBT skills training. Three focus groups were created. RESULTS: The subjective experience of adolescents who have completed a DBT skills training group is collected in four main categories: experience of illness, motivation for therapy, experience of therapy and results of the therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents with behavioral problems assess their participation in the DBT skills training group positively, even recommending its usefulness to healthy population. Beyond learning skills, they emphasize the intrapsychic changes (as improvement in reflective activity) that they objectify after the group experience.This study was partially funded by the Spanish Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AEPNYA) by awarding the research team the 2015 AEPNYA research prize. The funding body had no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript

    El conocimiento especializado del profesor de infantil desde el aula de matemáticas

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    Con el objetivo de avanzar en la comprensión de la naturaleza y contenido del conocimiento del profesor de educación infantil en lo que respecta a la enseñanza de las matemáticas, en este capítulo describimos e interpretamos las acciones de dos profesores a lo largo de una sesión. Así, con foco en la práctica de aula, considerando el modelo Mathematics Teachers’ Specialised Knowledge (MTSK) y adoptando un paradigma interpretativo, analizamos un vídeo de cada profesor para comprender qué conocimiento especializado sustenta sus prácticas en lo que respecta a la enseñanza de aritmética y geometría. Los resultados ponen de relieve la sólida formación matemática en contenidos específicos de la etapa que estos profesionales necesitan y la importante relación de estos con elementos de conocimiento didáctico del contenido

    Caloric Restriction Prevents Metabolic Dysfunction and the Changes in Hypothalamic Neuropeptides Associated with Obesity Independently of Dietary Fat Content in Rats

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    Energy restriction is a first therapy in the treatment of obesity, but the underlying biological mechanisms have not been completely clarified. We analyzed the effects of restriction of high-fat diet (HFD) on weight loss, circulating gut hormone levels and expression of hypothalamic neuropeptides. Ten-week-old male Wistar rats (n = 40) were randomly distributed into four groups: two fed ad libitum a normal diet (ND) (N group) or a HFD (H group) and two subjected to a 25% caloric restriction of ND (NR group) or HFD (HR group) for 9 weeks. A 25% restriction of HFD over 9 weeks leads to a 36% weight loss with regard to the group fed HFD ad libitum accompanied by normal values in adiposity index and food efficiency ratio (FER). This restriction also carried the normalization of NPY, AgRP and POMC hypothalamic mRNA expression, without changes in CART. Caloric restriction did not succeed in improving glucose homeostasis but reduced HFD-induced hyperinsulinemia. In conclusion, 25% restriction of HFD reduced adiposity and improved metabolism in experimental obesity, without changes in glycemia. Restriction of the HFD triggered the normalization of hypothalamic NPY, AgRP and POMC expression, as well as ghrelin and leptin levelsThis work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2015-71026R) and Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria-FEDER (PI19/00785 and PI19/00990). CIBEROBN is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, SpainS

    Comunicación no verbal en la docencia = Non-verbal communication in teaching

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    Resumen: La comunicación no verbal ha tenido un gran auge en el último siglo, debido a la importancia demostrada en relativa al mensaje emitido. Este artículo efectúa una aproximación acerca del papel que juega la comunicación no verbal en la credibilidad y congruencia de lo que se dice en clase. Los objetivos del presente trabajo van dirigidos a explicar, explicando las partes de las que consta la comunicación no verbal, cuáles pueden verse obstaculizadas en el discurso y cómo minimizar estas posibles barreras, basándose en una revisión bibliográfica. De esta forma se justifica la importancia de la optimización de los recursos no verbales en el ámbito de la docencia universitaria de titulaciones sanitarias inmersa en el inminente espacio europeo. Palabras clave: Comunicación, Docencia, Lenguaje corporal Abstract: Non-verbal communication has boomed in the last century due to the importance that has shown in the interpretation of the message delivered. This article brings us to the role of nonverbal communication on credibility and consistency of what is said in class. The objectives of this study are point towards to explain, explaining the parts of nonverbal communication, which can be hampered in the speech and how to reduce these potential barriers, based on a literature review. Thereby, It is justified the importance of optimizing nonverbal resources in the scope of health university teaching qualifications immersed in imminent European space. Keywords: Communication, Teaching, Body languag

    Proportion and predictors of remission and recovery in first-episode psychosis: Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    [EN] Background To determine the proportion of patients in symptomatic remission and recovery following a first-episode of psychosis (FEP). Methods A multistep literature search using the Web of Science database, Cochrane Central Register of Reviews, Ovid/PsychINFO, and trial registries from database inception to November 5, 2020, was performed. Cohort studies and randomized control trials (RCT) investigating the proportion of remission and recovery following a FEP were included. Two independent researchers searched, following PRISMA and MOOSE guidelines and using a PROSPERO protocol. We performed meta-analyses regarding the proportion of remission/recovery (symptomatic plus functional outcomes). Heterogeneity was measured employing Q statistics and I-2 test. To identify potential predictors, meta-regression analyses were conducted, as well as qualitative reporting of studies included in a systematic review. Sensitivity analyses were performed regarding different times of follow-up and type of studies. Results One hundred articles (82 cohorts and 18 RCTs) were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled proportion of symptomatic remission was 54% (95%CI [30, 49-58]) over a mean follow-up period of 43.57 months (SD = 51.82) in 76 studies. After excluding RCT from the sample, the proportion of remission remained similar (55%). The pooled proportion of recovery was 32% (95%CI [27-36]) over a mean follow-up period of 71.85 months (SD = 73.54) in 40 studies. After excluding RCT from the sample, the recovery proportion remained the same. No significant effect of any sociodemographic or clinical predictor was found. Conclusions Half of the patients are in symptomatic remission around 4 years after the FEP, while about a third show recovery after 5.5 years

    Looking for a place beyond the basic training courses. A Monetary and Financial History proposal under “3+2 syllabus”

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    En la última década, la aplicación del EEES ha resultado en la progresiva desaparición de las asignaturas avanzadas del área de Historia e Instituciones Económicas en las titulaciones de Economía, Empresa y Finanzas y Contabilidad, de modo que el papel de la asignatura ha quedado reducido en numerosas facultades al ámbito de la formación básica. Sin embargo, la próxima transformación de los planes de estudios hacia el modelo de tres cursos de grado y dos de máster plantea nuevas posibilidades para reformular el papel de la Historia Económica, complementando el carácter de formación básica con asignaturas avanzadas en las que se profundice en áreas temáticas concretas según el perfil de la titulación. Esta comunicación presenta una propuesta de Historia Monetaria y Financiera como asignatura de los másteres asociados a perfiles de economía, finanzas, contabilidad y comercio. Se retoman elementos probados y contrastados en experiencias anteriores: el planteamiento del curso se centra en una estructura modular temática en la que se evita la organización cronológica de los contenidos. De este modo, la asignatura se divide en tres módulos dedicados a: 1) Sistemas Monetarios; 2) Banca y Bolsa; y 3) Seguros. Cada uno de los bloques se desarrolla haciendo un uso intensivo de metodologías que estimulan la participación activa del alumnado. De forma paralela al desarrollo del curso, los alumnos deben elaborar un ensayo de investigación en el que se apliquen las competencias y conocimientos adquiridos.During the last decade, the implementation of EEES framework has resulted in the extinction of specialized subjects in Economic History in Economics, Business and Finance degrees, remaining only basic training courses in the field. However, the transformation of curricula to three courses of Bachelor plus two of Master studies poses several chances to reformulate the role of Economic History, keeping it as a basic training subject, but introducing advanced courses going into detail on specific topics according to the profile of the degree. This paper presents the proposal of a Monetary and Financial History course as a first-year Master subject in the programs related to Economics, Business, Finance and Trade. We use elements proven by previous experiences: the structure of the course avoids a chronological organization of the contents. Thus we establish three main modules focused on: 1) Monetary systems; 2) Banking and Stock markets; 3) Insurance. Each module requires active participation by the students. In parallel, the students have to prepare a research essay employing competences and knowledge gained

    Bronchial Infection and Temporal Evolution of Bronchiectasis in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    [Background]: Bronchiectasis (BE) impact the clinical course and prognosis of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Yet, the temporal evolution of BE in these patients is unknown. This study seeks to assess the temporal evolution of BE in persons with COPD.[Methods]: 201 moderate-to-severe patients were recruited between 2004 and 2007 and followed up at least every 6 monts (median of 102 months). To investigate the temporal evolution of BE, in 2015 a second high-resolution computed tomography scan (HRCT) was obtained in survivors and compared with the one obtained at recruitment.[Results]: 99 (49.3%) died during follow-up. The second HRCT could be obtained in 77 patients and showed that (1) in 27.3% of patients BE never developed, in 36.4% they remained stable, in 16.9% they increased in size and/or extension, and in 19.5% new BE emerged; and that (2) the presence of chronic purulent sputum (hazard ratio [HR], 2.8 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.3–5.8]), number of hospitalizations due to exacerbatons (HR, 1.2 [95% CI, 1.1–1.5]), and number of pathogenic microorganism (PPM) isolations (HR, 1.1 [95% CI, 1.02–1.3]) were independent risk factors for the progression or development of BE.[Conclusions]: The presence of chronic purulent sputum production, number of PPMs isolated in sputum, and number of hospitalizations due to exacerbations of COPD are independent risk factors of BE progression in patients with COPD

    Mejorar nuestro propio conocimiento mediante el análisis de un episodio de la práctica: distintos focos de análisis

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    Una de las formas esenciales para lograr una mejor comprensión del contenido del conocimiento del profesor está ligada al análisis de su práctica. Esa práctica puede ser encarada de una forma amplia que no se limite sólo a la práctica de clase. Por otro lado, una discusión y reflexión sobre una misma situación de la práctica desde diferentes perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas puede contribuir también a una mejor comprensión no solo de la práctica sino también de los instrumentos metodológicos y teóricos en los que se sustenta el análisis. En esta comunicación presentamos y discutimos parte del trabajo desarrollado en la reunión intermedia del grupo de investigación sobre el conocimiento y desarrollo profesional del profesor de la SEIEM y cuyo foco de atención fue la discusión de las potencialidades del análisis de un mismo episodio desde cinco focos teóricos distintos