54 research outputs found

    Relación entre hallazgos electrocardiográficos, ecocardiográficos y marcadores de fibrosis en resonancia magnética cardíaca en pacientes con miocardiopatía dilatada

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Medicina. Codi: MD1158. Curs acadèmic 2016-2017Introducción: Múltiples estudios demuestran que aquellos pacientes con Miocardiopatía Dilatada (MCD) que presentan fragmentación del QRS (QRSf) en sus Electrocardiogramas (ECG) tienen mayor tasa de fibrosis miocárdica en sus Resonancias Magnéticas Cardíacas (RMC). El propósito de este estudio es analizar si esta relación se cumple y si se encuentra algún otro parámetro de estas tres pruebas que esté relacionado con la presencia de fibrosis. Métodos y resultados: Este estudio incluyó a 18 pacientes con MCD a los que se les realizó un ECG, un Ecocardiograma y una RMC con contraste. En nuestra muestra no se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa entre presentar QRSf y Fibrosis en RMC, mientras que sí se encontró una relación entre el Sexo Masculino y Fibrosis (P=0.019) y entre el aumento del Diámetro telediastólico del Ventrículo Izquierdo (DTDVI) en el ecocardiograma y la presencia de fibrosis (P=0.034). Conclusión: En nuestra muestra la presencia de QRSf no está relacionada con la fibrosis en RMC, aunque sí lo están el sexo masculino y el aumento del DTDVI.Introduction: Multiple studies prove that patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) who present fragmented QRS (fQRS) in their electrocardiograms (ECG) show a higher fibrosis rate in their Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR). The purpose of this study is to analyze whether this condition is fulfilled and if any other parameters from these three tests are related to the presence of fibrosis. Methods and Results: This study includes 18 patients with DCM who underwent ECG, Echocardiography and a Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. In the sample there was no significant statistical relation between fQRS and fibrosis, while Male Sex and Fibrosis (P=0.019), and the increased LVED (Left Ventricle End-diastolic Diameter) in the echocardiogram and Fibrosis (P=0.034) presented a significant statistical relation. Conclusion: In the sample the presence of fQRS is not related to fibrosis in CMR, although male sex and increased LVED are

    Preliminary assessment of terrestrial microalgae isolated from lichens as testing species for environmental monitoring: Lichen phycobionts present high sensitivity to environmental micropollutants

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    Bioassays constitute a tool for pollution analysis providing a holistic approach and high-quality indication of the toxicity. Microbioassays allow evaluating the toxicity of many samples, implying lower costs and enabling routine monitoring and pollution control. But tests conducted so far are limited to the use of a small number of taxa. Lichens are excellent bioindicators of pollution with great ecological significance. Studies show that the phycobiont is more sensitive to pollutants than the mycobiont. Phycobiont have features such as adaptation to anhydrobiosis and relatively rapid growth in vitro, making them suitable for microbioassays. Our aim is to determine the sensitivity of phycobionts to the pharmaceutical micropollutants carbamazepine and diclofenac as a preliminary step for the development of a toxicity microbioassay based on phycobionts. Optical dispersion and chlorophyll autofluorescence were used as endpoints of toxicity on two algal species showing that suspensions present cyclic and taxon specific patterns of aggregation. Trebouxia TR9 suspensions present a very high grade of aggregation while Asterochloris erici cells do not. Both micropollutants alter optical properties of the suspensions of both species. No significant alteration of chlorophyll autofluorescence by carbamazepine is observed. A. erici chlorophyll autofluorescence is extremely sensitive to diclofenac but the effect is not dependent on the drug concentration or on the time of exposure. Differently, TR9 only shows punctual chlorophyll alterations. Fluctuations in optical dispersion may indicate changes in the population structure of the species, including reproductive strategy. A. erici seems more sensitive to micropollutants, is better characterized and is available from commercial collections

    Innovations and trends in the packaging of fruits and vegetables

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    [SPA] Los cambios físicos, químicos y microbiológicos que tienen lugar en las frutas y hortalizas tras su recolección llevan indefectiblemente a la pérdida de calidad y aceptabilidad durante su comercialización. Con la elección de la tecnología de conservación y envasado y del material de envase con las adecuadas características de barrera a gases y vapores, así como su respuesta a los diferentes factores externos como la temperatura, la humedad, la luz, y las manipulaciones propias de la comercialización se puede conseguir alargar la vida útil de los alimentos con garantías de calidad y seguridad. El envasado en atmósfera modificada es en la actualidad la tecnología de conservación más ampliamente utilizada para la comercialización de frutas y hortalizas en fresco. Con la adecuada composición de la atmósfera de envasado en combinación con la refrigeración se reduce el crecimiento de microorganismos, así como los procesos metabólicos y la pérdida de agua. Ahora bien, esta tecnología de envasado no es suficiente en muchas ocasiones para mantener adecuadamente el producto durante todo el periodo de comercialización y hasta su consumo. El envasado activo puede significar para estos productos una excelente alternativa, efectiva y económica para la conservación de estos productos. En esta ponencia se revisan las bases del envasado activo y se comentan algunas de las tecnologías de interés práctico y las perspectivas de futuro. [ENG] The physical, chemical and microbiological changes that take place in fruits and vegetables after harvesting lead unfailingly to the loss of quality and acceptability during their commercialization. It is possible to lengthen the shelf life of food maintaining its quality and security with an adequate election of preservation and packaging technologies and a package design with the appropriate barrier characteristics to gases and vapours, as well as its responses to the different external factors such as temperature, humidity, light, and manipulations during de distribution and marketing, Among the diverse packaging alternatives, modified atmosphere packaging is the most common preservation technology for fresh produce since it can help to decrease respiration rate and transpiration, retard or prevent microbial growth and reduce metabolic activity in minimally processed fruits and vegetables. Although this packaging technology in combination with refrigeration can delay deterioration of the fresh product, it is not always sufficient for the purpose of maintaining its quality for the desired marketing period. As an alternative, active packaging opens up an effective, economical way of increasing the shelf life of fresh produce during transport and marketing. This presentation reviews the present state and future perspectives of both modified atmosphere packaging and active packaging technologies for fruits and vegetables

    The organic air pollutant cumene hydroperoxide interferes with NOantioxidant role in rehydrating lichen

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    Organic pollutants effects on lichens have not been addressed. Rehydration is critical for lichens, a burst of free radicals involving NO occurs. Repeated dehydrations with organic pollutants could increase oxidative damage. Our aim is to learn the effects of cumene hydroperoxide (CP) during lichen rehydration using Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach., its photobiont Trebouxia spp. and Asterochloris erici. Confocal imaging shows intracellular ROS and NO production within myco and phycobionts, being the chloroplast the main source of free radicals. CP increases ROS, NO and lipid peroxidation and reduces chlorophyll autofluorescence, although photosynthesis remains unaffected. Concomitant NO inhibition provokes a generalized increase of ROS and a decrease in photosynthesis. Our results suggest that CP induces a ompensatory hormetic response in Ramalina farinacea that could reduce the lichen s antioxidant resources after repeated desiccation-rehydration cycles. NO is important in the protection from CP.This project was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science [project numbers CGL2012-40058-C02-01 and CGL2009-13429-C02-01], project Prometeo 2008/174 of the Generalitat Valenciana and the project AECID PCI/A/024755/09 of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affaires.Catalá, M.; Gasulla Vidal, F.; Pradas Del Real, A.; García Breijo, FJ.; Reig Armiñana, J.; Barreno Rodriguez, E. (2013). The organic air pollutant cumene hydroperoxide interferes with NOantioxidant role in rehydrating lichen. Environmental Pollution. 179:277-284. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2013.04.015S27728417

    Turnover time of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the dark global ocean

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    Research articleMarine dissolved organic matter (DOM) is one of the largest reservoirs of reduced carbon on Earth. In the dark ocean (4200 m), most of this carbon is refractory DOM. This refractory DOM, largely produced during microbial mineralization of organic matter, includes humic-like substances generated in situ and detectable by fluorescence spectroscopy. Here we show two ubiquitous humic-like fluorophores with turnover times of 435±41 and 610±55 years, which persist significantly longer than the B350 years that the dark global ocean takes to renew. In parallel, decay of a tyrosine-like fluorophore with a turnover time of 379±103 years is also detected. We propose the use of DOM fluorescence to study the cycling of resistant DOM that is preserved at centennial timescales and could represent a mechanism of carbon sequestration (humic-like fraction) and the decaying DOM injected into the dark global ocean, where it decreases at centennial timescales (tyrosine-like fraction).Versión del editor10,015

    Empirical leucine-to-carbon conversion factors for estimating heterothrophic bacterial production in surface waters of the world oceans

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    Comunicación oralBacterial biomass production is a key parameter for evaluating the role of bacterioplankton in ocean carbon cycling. However, bacterial production cannot be directly measured and is typically estimated from the incorporation rates of radiolabelled leucine. The conversion of leucine uptake rates into bacterial carbon production rates requires the use of conversion factors (CFs) which must be empirically determined. Despite the empirical leucine-to-carbon CFs vary widely across environments very little is known about its potential controlling factors. We conducted a set of 10 surface seawater cultures experiments where the growth of the natural bacterial assemblage was promoted by filtration (removal of grazers) or by both filtration and dilution. Sampling stations were located between 30 ºN and 30 ºS, including the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. CFs varied from 0.13 to 1.47 Kg C mol Leu-1, being higher in the filtrated than in the filtrated and diluted treatment. The abundance of picocyanobacteria explained 60% of the observed variability. Our results further suggest that the composition of bacterioplankton, as assessed by ARISA fingerprinting, may partially explain the observed variation in CFs

    Fungal-associated NO is involved in the regulation of oxidative stress during rehydration in lichen symbiosis

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    [EN] Background Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are normally produced in respiratory and photosynthetic electron chains and their production is enhanced during desiccation/rehydration. Nitric oxide (NO) is a ubiquitous and multifaceted molecule involved in cell signaling and abiotic stress. Lichens are poikilohydrous organisms that can survive continuous cycles of desiccation and rehydration. Although the production of ROS and NO was recently demonstrated during lichen rehydration, the functions of these compounds are unknown. The aim of this study was to analyze the role of NO during rehydration of the lichen Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach., its isolated photobiont partner Trebouxia sp. and Asterochloris erici (Ahmadjian) Skaloud et Peksa (SAG 32.85 = UTEX 911). Results Rehydration of R. farinacea caused the release of ROS and NO evidenced by the fluorescent probes DCFH2-DA and DAN respectively. However, a minimum in lipid peroxidation (MDA) was observed 2 h post-rehydration. The inhibition of NO in lichen thalli with c-PTIO resulted in increases in both ROS production and lipid peroxidation, which now peaked at 3 h, together with decreases in chlorophyll autofluorescence and algal photobleaching upon confocal laser incidence. Trebouxia sp. photobionts generate peaks of NO-endproducts in suspension and show high rates of photobleaching and ROS production under NO inhibition which also caused a significant decrease in photosynthetic activity of A. erici axenic cultures, probably due to the higher levels of photo-oxidative stress. Conclusions Mycobiont derived NO has an important role in the regulation of oxidative stress and in the photo-oxidative protection of photobionts in lichen thalli. The results point to the importance of NO in the early stages of lichen rehydration.This project was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science [project numbers CGL2006 12917 C02 0 and CGL2009 13429 C02 01], project Prometeo 2008/1/4 of the Generalitat Valenciana and the project AECID PCI/A/024755/09 of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affaires. We are grateful to F. Gasulla, J. Gimeno-Romeu, E. Barreno, (ICBIBE, University of Valencia) and A. Guera (Plant Biology, University of Alcala) for communicating unpublished data, to Dr. R. Catala (CIB, Madrid), Dr. P. D'Ocon (UVEG, Valencia) and Dr. J. Medina (INIA, Madrid) for critical revision of the manuscript, and J. L. Rodriguez Gil for MDA protocol optimization. English revision was done by Wendy Ran.Catalá, M.; Gasulla Vidal, F.; Pradas Del Real, AE.; García-Breijo, F.; Reig Armiñana, J.; Barreno Rodriguez, E. (2010). Fungal-associated NO is involved in the regulation of oxidative stress during rehydration in lichen symbiosis. BMC Microbiology. 10. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2180-10-297S1

    Multidisciplinary team of critically ill patient care: What is the contribution of the pharmacist?

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    Antecedentes y objetivo: La gravedad e inestabilidad de los pacientes, junto con el alto grado de complejidad de la medicación, hacen de las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) un área crítica de problemas relacionados con la medicación. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue analizar y evaluar la actividad clínica realizada por el farmacéutico clínico integrado en una UCI y conocer la opinión del personal. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de 42 meses de duración. El farmacéutico se integró en la actividad diaria del equipo multidisciplinar de una UCI de 12 camas perteneciente al Servicio de Anestesiología y Reanimación. Se registraron todas las intervenciones farmacoterapéuticas (IF) realizadas, el grado de aceptación, el método de comunicación y destinatario de la intervención, así como la evaluación clínica de las intervenciones aceptadas. Posteriormente, se realizó una encuesta al personal de la unidad sobre la seguridad del paciente y la influencia de la integración del farmacéutico en la unidad. Resultados: Se realizaron un total de 2399 IF con un 97,0% de aceptación. De estas, las mayoritarias fueron las relacionadas con la posología (37,8%) y las consultas al farmacéutico (25,7%). De las IF aceptadas, el 53,7% influyeron sobre la eficacia del tratamiento farmacológico y el 35,1% sobre la tolerancia. En la encuesta realizada al personal de la unidad para valorar la percepción de la integración del farmacéutico se obtuvo una valoración global de de 8,58 ± 1,40 sobre 10. Conclusiones: El farmacéutico hospitalario integrado en el equipo multidisciplinar de UCI puede aportar un valor añadido al proceso farmacoterapéutico del paciente crítico.Background and objective: The severity and instability of the patients, together with the high degree of complexity of the medication, make the intensive care units (ICU) a critical area of problems related to medication. The aim of our study was to analyze and assess the activity performed by the clinical pharmacist integrated in an ICU and to know the opinion of the staff about it. Material and method: A 42 month descriptive and prospective study was conducted. The pharmacist was integrated into the daily activity of the multidisciplinary team of a 12-bed ICU belonging to the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department. Every pharmacotherapeutic intervention (PI) carried out, the degree of acceptance, the method of communication and the receiver of the intervention, as well as the clinical evaluation of the accepted interventions were recorded. Subsequently, a survey was carried out to the staff of the unit on the patient´s safety and the influence of the integration of the pharmacist in the unit. Results: A total of 2399 PIs were carried out with a 97.0% of acceptance. Of these, most were those related to posology (37.8%) and consultations with the pharmacist (25.7%). Among the accepted PIs, 53.7% had an influence on the efficacy of drug therapy, and 35.1% on treatment tolerance. In the survey to the unit´s staff in order to assess the perception of the pharmacist´s integration, an overall assessment of 8.58 ± 1.40 out of 10 was obtained. Conclusions: The hospital pharmacist integrated in the ICU multidisciplinary team can add value to the pharmacotherapeutic process of the critical patient

    Equipo multidisciplinar de atención al paciente crítico: ¿qué aporta la integración del farmacéutico?

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    Background and objective: The severity and instability of the patients, together with the high degree of complexity of the medication, make the intensive care units (ICU) a critical area of ​​problems related to medication. The aim of our study was to analyze and assess the activity performed by the clinical pharmacist integrated in an ICU and to know the opinion of the staff about it. Material and method: A 42 month descriptive and prospective study was conducted. The pharmacist was integrated into the daily activity of the multidisciplinary team of a 12-bed ICU belonging to the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Department. Every pharmacotherapeutic intervention (PI) carried out, the degree of acceptance, the method of communication and the receiver of the intervention, as well as the clinical evaluation of the accepted interventions were recorded. Subsequently, a survey was carried out to the staff of the unit on the patient´s safety and the influence of the integration of the pharmacist in the unit. Results: A total of 2399 PIs were carried out with a 97.0% of acceptance. Of these, most were those related to posology (37.8%) and consultations with the pharmacist (25.7%). Among the accepted PIs, 53.7% had an influence on the efficacy of drug therapy, and 35.1% on treatment tolerance. In the survey to the unit´s staff in order to assess the perception of the pharmacist´s integration, an overall assessment of 8.58 ± 1.40 out of 10 was obtained. Conclusions: The hospital pharmacist integrated in the ICU multidisciplinary team can add value to the pharmacotherapeutic process of the critical patient.Antecedentes y objetivo: La gravedad e inestabilidad de los pacientes, junto con el alto grado de complejidad de la medicación, hacen de las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) un área crítica de problemas relacionados con la medicación. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue analizar y evaluar la actividad clínica realizada por el farmacéutico clínico integrado en una UCI y conocer la opinión del personal. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de 42 meses de duración. El farmacéutico se integró en la actividad diaria del equipo multidisciplinar de una UCI de 12 camas perteneciente al Servicio de Anestesiología y Reanimación. Se registraron todas las intervenciones farmacoterapéuticas (IF) realizadas, el grado de aceptación, el método de comunicación y destinatario de la intervención, así como la evaluación clínica de las intervenciones aceptadas. Posteriormente, se realizó una encuesta al personal de la unidad sobre la seguridad del paciente y la influencia de la integración del farmacéutico en la unidad. Resultados: Se realizaron un total de 2399 IF con un 97,0% de aceptación. De estas, las mayoritarias fueron las relacionadas con la posología (37,8%) y las consultas al farmacéutico (25,7%). De las IF aceptadas, el 53,7% influyeron sobre la eficacia del tratamiento farmacológico y el 35,1% sobre la tolerancia. En la encuesta realizada al personal de la unidad para valorar la percepción de la integración del farmacéutico se obtuvo una valoración global de de 8,58 ± 1,40 sobre 10. Conclusiones: El farmacéutico hospitalario integrado en el equipo multidisciplinar de UCI puede aportar un valor añadido al proceso farmacoterapéutico del paciente crítico