26 research outputs found

    Now I See: Photovisualization to Support Agricultural Climate Adaptation

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    Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. To remain viable, agricultural producers will need to adapt to changing climatic conditions in coming decades. Agricultural advisers play an important role in helping producers decide to adopt appropriate adaptation practices. Photovisualizations have the potential to complement currently utilized outreach and education strategies. This research uses a focus group approach to explore (1) whether photovisualizations can aid in decision-making about climate change adaptation, and (2) what characteristics of photovisualizations are most effective at conveying spatial aspects of adaptation practices. We found that photovisualizations generate rich discussions about ecological and economic effects as well as tradeoffs associated with climate adaptation practices. To have the greatest impact, photovisualizations should be used when producers are considering implementing high-cost or high-risk projects, when practices are likely to dramatically change the visual landscape, or when a practice is unfamiliar to a producer

    Food security and smallholder coffee production: current issues and future directions

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    In recent years, there has been growing discussion within the specialty coffee industry about the preva- lence of seasonal food insecurity in coffee growing communities. The idea that coffee producers lack re- sources to feed themselves and their families flies in the face of Fair Trade and other sustainable coffee ini- tiatives, which were designed to ensure a viable livelihood and improved conditions for small-scale coffee farmers around the world. Though these certifications represent an important step toward delivering better prices to farmers, they are inadequate tools to stand alone against the formidable and entrenched barriers faced by this population. Small-scale farmers are esti- mated to produce 70% of the world\u27s coffee supply (Eakin et al, 2009), within an industry supported by up to 25 million coffee producers. If you also include coffee harvesters, processors, and industry workers, the total is closer to 100 million people whose livelihoods depend on the crop in some way (Jha et al, 2011)

    Integrating agroecology and participatory action research (PAR): Lessons from Central America

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    The last decade has seen an increasing advancement and interest in the integration of agroecology and participatory action research (PAR). This article aims to: (1) analyze the key characteristics and principles of two case studies that integrated PAR and agroecology in Central America; and (2) learn from the lessons offered by these case studies, as well as others from the literature, on how to better integrate PAR and agroecology. Key principles identified for effective PAR agroecological processes include a shared interest in research by partners, a belief in collective power/action, a commitment to participation, practicing humility and establishing trust and accountability. Important lessons to consider for future work include: (1) research processes that did not start as PAR, can evolve into it; (2) farmer/stakeholder participation in setting the research agenda, from the outset, results in higher engagement and enhanced outcomes; (3) having the right partners for the desired outcomes is key; (4) intentional and explicit reflection is an essential component of PAR processes; and (5) cross-generational collaborations are crucial to long-term benefits. Key challenges that confront PAR processes include the need for time and resources over longer periods; the complexity of multi-actor process facilitation; and institutional barriers within the academy and development organizations, which prevent shifting investment towards integrated PAR agroecological processes

    Visualizing climate change adaptation: An effective tool for agricultural outreach?

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    Landscape photovisualizations (PVZs) are digitally altered photographs that show existing landscapes altered to include a simulated future scenario. They are commonly used to support dialogue and decision-making in multistakeholder contexts. In agricultural sectors, stakeholders increasingly must contend with pressures to adapt to climatic changes and shifts in weather patterns. This study examines the potential of PVZs to engage agricultural stakeholders about climate change adaptation, specifically around best management practices (BMPs). In 2015, survey data were collected (n 5 133) at six agricultural confer-ences Vermont. Participants were asked about their climate change knowledge, perceptions of adaptation, and their intentions to adopt or recommend one or more of the following BMPs: riparian buffers, drainage tiles with constructed wetlands, retention ponds, and silvopasture. In addition, respondents were asked about how well PVZs did or did not clarify their understanding of each BMP and its associated limiting factors. Results from five multivariate ordered logit models show an increase in interest among some ag-ricultural stakeholders in adopting a BMP (among farmers) or recommending a BMP (among agricultural advisors) after seeing a PVZ depicting that practice. Interest in adoption or recommendation of BMPs was also more likely among respondents who believe that it is important for farms to adapt to climate change. Although PVZs are not common in agricultural outreach programs, these results suggest that PVZs are relevant to agricultural education and land-use decision-making, specifically in the domain of climate change adaptation

    Agroecología e Investigación-Acción Participativa (IAP): Principios y Lecciones de Centroamérica

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    The last decade has seen an increasing advancement and interest in the integration of agroecology and participatory action research (PAR). This article aims to: (1) analyze the key characteristics and principles of two case studies that integrated IAP and agroecology in Central America; and (2) learn from the lessons offered by these case studies, as well as others from the literature, on how to better integrate PAR and agroecology. Key principles identified for effective PAR agroecological processes include a shared interest in research by partners, a belief in collective power/action, a commitment to participation, practicing humility and establishing trust and accountability. Important lessons to consider for future work include: (1) research processes that did not start as PAR, can evolve into it; (2) farmer/stakeholder participation in setting the research agenda, from the outset, results in higher engagement and enhanced outcomes; (3) having the right partners for the desired outcomes is key; (4) intentional and explicit reflection is an essential component of IAP processes; and (5) cross-generational collaborations are crucial to long-term benefits. Key challenges that confront IAP processes include the need for time and resources over longer periods; the complexity of multi-actor process facilitation; and institutional barriers within the academy and development organizations, which prevent shifting investment towards integrated IAP agroecological processes.En la última década se ha visto un avance y un interés cada vez mayores sobre la integración de la agroecología y la investigación acción participativa (IAP). Este artículo tiene los siguientes objetivos: (1) analizar las características y principios clave de la IAP, usando dos estudios de casos que integraron IAP y agroecología en América Central; y (2) aprender de las lecciones ofrecidas por estos estudios de caso y otros de la literatura, sobre cómo integrar mejor IAP y agroecología. Los principios clave identificados para los procesos agroecológicos efectivos de IAP incluyen un interés compartido en la investigación por parte de los socios, una creencia en el poder / acción colectiva, un compromiso con la participación, la práctica de la humildad y el establecimiento de la confianza y la responsabilidad. Las lecciones importantes a considerar para el trabajo futuro incluyen: (1) procesos de investigación que no comenzaron con un enfoque de IAP, pueden evolucionar para incoporarlo; (2) la participación de los agricultores / partes interesadas en el establecimiento de la agenda de investigación, desde el comienzo, resulta en una mayor participación y mejores resultados; (3) tener los socios adecuados para los resultados deseados es clave; (4) la reflexión intencional y explícita es un componente esencial de los procesos de IAP; y (5) las colaboraciones intergeneracionales son cruciales para los beneficios a largo plazo. Los desafíos clave que enfrentan los procesos de IAP incluyen la necesidad de tiempo y recursos durante períodos más largos; la complejidad de la facilitación de procesos con múltiples actores; y las barreras institucionales dentro de la academia y las organizaciones de desarrollo, que aún no adoptan e inverierten adecuadamente en procesos agroecológicos integrales de IAP

    Amplifying Agroecology in Vermont: Principles and Processes to Foster Food Systems Sustainability

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    Agroecology is grounded in principles that support transitions toward economic, social and ecological sustainability and proposes that real and lasting change will require a significant transformation of our agri-food systems. Evidence for agroecology’s potential continues to grow, both through word of mouth by farmers and social movements, and through recent scientific assessments of its performance. With endorsements from the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), national governments in both the global north and south, and social movements, it is developing the web of ‘thick legitimacy’ required for even broader adoption (Montenegro de Wit & Iles, 2016). “...Agroecology represents a system that works with nature instead of against it and offers an approach to food production that boosts biodiversity, creates ecological resilience, improves soils, cools the planet and reduces energy and resource use. It has been shown to be highly productive, to provide highly diverse dietary offerings and to support the process of community building and women’s empowerment” (Anderson et al., 2020, p. 3). However, agroecology is an approach that is not yet recognized as being actively practiced in Vermont and the USA, despite its significant potential for supporting transitions to sustainable food systems in different contexts. The University of Vermont is home to researchers and practitioners at the forefront of agroecological research and learning. The objectives of this white paper are to demonstrate the importance of agroecology for the future of sustainable food systems in Vermont, and as a framework to assess and advance transformations towards sustainability. In this paper we will: a) Demonstrate the global evidence base for agroecology and the potential of agroecology in the United States, and Vermont. b) Present the case for an agroecological principles-based approach to assess food and farming sustainability which can capture the multifunctional dynamics and benefits of agroecology to economic, social and ecological sustainability. c) Present examples based on our newly developed Agroecological Assessment for Sustainability framework to existing initiatives in Vermont that represent constituencies across a range of farm types and scales. d) Demonstrate the importance of participatory and transdisciplinary approaches for researc

    Spitzer IRAC Observations of Star Formation in N159 in the LMC

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    We present observations of the giant HII region complex N159 in the LMC using IRAC on the {\it Spitzer Space Telescope}. One of the two objects previously identified as protostars in N159 has an SED consistent with classification as a Class I young stellar object (YSO) and the other is probably a Class I YSO as well, making these two stars the youngest stars known outside the Milky Way. We identify two other sources that may also be Class I YSOs. One component, N159AN, is completely hidden at optical wavelengths, but is very prominent in the infrared. The integrated luminosity of the entire complex is L 9×106\approx 9\times10^6L_{\odot}, consistent with the observed radio emission assuming a normal Galactic initial mass function (IMF). There is no evidence for a red supergiant population indicative of an older burst of star formation. The N159 complex is 50 pc in diameter, larger in physical size than typical HII regions in the Milky Way with comparable luminosity. We argue that all of the individual components are related in their star formation history. The morphology of the region is consistent with a wind blown bubble $\approx 1-2Myr-old that has initiated star formation now taking place at the rim. Other than its large physical size, star formation in N159 appears to be indistinguishable from star formation in the Milky Way.Comment: 14 figure

    Adult digit ratio (2D:4D) is not related to umbilical cord androgen or estrogen concentrations, their ratios or net bioactivity

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    Background: Ratio of second digit length to fourth digit length (2D:4D) has been extensively used in human and experimental research as a marker of fetal sex steroid exposure. However, very few human studies have measured the direct relationship between fetal androgen or estrogen concentrations and digit ratio. Aims: We investigated the relationships between both androgen and estrogen concentrations in umbilical cord blood and digit ratio in young adulthood. In addition we calculated measures of total serum androgen and total estrogen bioactivity and investigated their relationship to digit ratio. Study design: Prospective cohort study. Subjects: An unselected subset of the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study (159 female; 182 male). Outcome measures: Cord serum samples were collected immediately after delivery. Samples were assayed for androgen (testosterone, Δ4-androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone) and estrogen (estrone, estradiol, estriol, estetrol) concentrations using liquid-chromatography mass-spectrometry. Digit ratio measurements were taken from hand photocopies at age 19–22 years. Results: For both males and females, there were no significant correlations between digit ratio and any androgen or estrogen concentrations considered individually, the testosterone to estradiol ratio, total androgen bioactivity measure or ratio of androgen to estrogen bioactivity (all p > .05). In males, but not females, total estrogen bioactivity was negatively correlated with left hand digit ratio (r = − .172, p = .02), but this relationship was no longer significant when adjusted for variables known to affect sex steroid concentrations in cord blood. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that digit ratio is not related to fetal androgens or estrogens at late gestation

    Extreme Conservation Leads to Recovery of the Virunga Mountain Gorillas

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    As wildlife populations are declining, conservationists are under increasing pressure to measure the effectiveness of different management strategies. Conventional conservation measures such as law enforcement and community development projects are typically designed to minimize negative human influences upon a species and its ecosystem. In contrast, we define “extreme” conservation as efforts targeted to deliberately increase positive human influences, including veterinary care and close monitoring of individual animals. Here we compare the impact of both conservation approaches upon the population growth rate of the critically endangered Virunga mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei), which increased by 50% since their nadir in 1981, from approximately 250 to nearly 400 gorillas. Using demographic data from 1967–2008, we show an annual decline of 0.7%±0.059% for unhabituated gorillas that received intensive levels of conventional conservation approaches, versus an increase 4.1%±0.088% for habituated gorillas that also received extreme conservation measures. Each group of habituated gorillas is now continuously guarded by a separate team of field staff during daylight hours and receives veterinary treatment for snares, respiratory disease, and other life-threatening conditions. These results suggest that conventional conservation efforts prevented a severe decline of the overall population, but additional extreme measures were needed to achieve positive growth. Demographic stochasticity and socioecological factors had minimal impact on variability in the growth rates. Veterinary interventions could account for up to 40% of the difference in growth rates between habituated versus unhabituated gorillas, with the remaining difference likely arising from greater protection against poachers. Thus, by increasing protection and facilitating veterinary treatment, the daily monitoring of each habituated group contributed to most of the difference in growth rates. Our results argue for wider consideration of extreme measures and offer a startling view of the enormous resources that may be needed to conserve some endangered species