2,570 research outputs found

    Latitudinal and seasonal egg-size variation of the anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) off the Chilean coast

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    The anchoveta Engraulis ringens is widely distributed along the eastern South Pacific (from 4° to 42°S; Serra et al., 1979) and it has also supported one of the largest fisheries of the world over the last four decades. However, there are few interpopulation comparisons for either the adult or the younger stages. Reproductive traits, such as fecundity or spawning season length, are known to vary with latitude for some fish species (Blaxter and Hunter, 1982; Conover, 1990; Fleming and Gross, 1990; Castro and Cowen, 1991), and latitudinal trends for some early life history traits, such as egg size and larval growth rates, have been reported for others clupeiforms and other fishes (Blaxter and Hempel, 1963; Ciechomski, 1973; Imai and Tanaka, 1987, Conover 1990, Houde 1989). However, there is no published information on potential latitudinal trends during the adult or the early life history of the anchoveta, even though this type of information may help in understanding recruitment variability, especially during recurring large scale events (such as El Niño or La Niña) that affect the entire species range


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    The objective was to evaluate the effect of the digestate concentration, frequency of defoliation and irrigation in the components of perennial ryegrass yield during summer and fall seasons under greenhouse conditions. Digestate concentrations of 20, 40 and 60 % were evaluated; defoliation frequencies of 4, 5, and 6 weeks; and irrigation frequencies of 15 and 30 days. The variables evaluated were: dry matter, plant height, leaf:stem relation, growth rate, and percentage of protein. A factorial design with 3x3x2 arrangement was used, and means comparisons were by Tukey (P<0.05), through the GLM procedure of the SAS software. The highest yield, rate of crop growth, and plant height were obtained in the treatment with 60 % digestate, frequency of harvest every five weeks in the summer and six weeks in the fall, and irrigation every 15 days (<P0.01). It is concluded that the digestate concentration, the cutting frequencies, and the interaction of both affect yield components.El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de la concentración de digestato, frecuencia de defoliación y de riego en los componentes del rendimiento de Ballico perenne en las épocas de verano y otoño bajo condiciones de invernadero. Se evaluaron concentraciones de 20, 40 y 60% de digestato; frecuencias de defoliación de 4, 5 y 6 semanas y frecuencias de riego de 15 y 30 días. Las variables evaluadas fueron: materia seca, altura de la planta, relación hoja:tallo, tasa de crecimiento y porcentaje de proteína. Se utilizó un diseño factorial con arreglo 3x3x2, y las comparaciones de medias fueron por Tukey (P<0.05), mediante el procedimiento GLM del software SAS. El mayor rendimiento, tasa de crecimiento del cultivo y altura de la planta se obtuvo en el tratamiento con 60% de digestato, frecuencia de cosecha cada cinco semanas en verano y seis semanas en otoño, y riego cada 15 días (P<0.01). Se concluye que la concentración del digestato, las frecuencias de corte y la interacción de ambos afectan los componentes del rendimiento

    Parthenolide Blocks Cocaine’s Effect on Spontaneous Firing Activity of Dopaminergic Neurons in the Ventral Tegmental Area

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    Chronic cocaine administration leads to catecholamine reuptake inhibition which enhances reward and motivational behaviors. Ventral Tegmental Area dopaminergic (VTA DA) neuronal firing is associated with changes in reward predictive signals. Acute cocaine injections inhibit putative VTA DA cell firing in vertebrates. Parthenolide, a compound isolated from the feverfew plant (Tanacetum parthenium), has been shown to substantially inhibit cocaine’s locomotion effects in a planarian animal model (Pagán et al., 2008). Here we investigated the effects of parthenolide on the spontaneous firing activity of putative VTA DA neurons in anesthetized male rats (250-300g). Single-unit recordings were analyzed after intravenous (i.v.) parthenolide administration followed by 1mg/kg i.v. cocaine injection. Results showed that parthenolide at 0.125 mg/kg and 0.250mg/kg significantly blocked cocaine’s inhibitory effect on DA neuronal firing rate and bursting activity (p< 0.05, two way ANOVA). We propose that parthenolide might inhibit cocaine’s effects on VTA DA neurons via its interaction with a common binding site at monoamine transporters. It is suggested that parthenolide could have a potential use as an overdose antidote or therapeutic agent to cocaine intoxication

    La filosofía práctica de Kant

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    La versión impresa de este libro ha sido publicada por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (ISBN 978-607-02-9938-4) y por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (ISBN 978-958-783-191-7)Depto. de Filosofía y SociedadFac. de FilosofíaFALSEpu

    Parthenolide Blocks Cocaine’s Effect on Spontaneous Firing Activity of Dopaminergic Neurons in the Ventral Tegmental Area

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    Chronic cocaine administration leads to catecholamine reuptake inhibition which enhances reward and motivational behaviors. Ventral Tegmental Area dopaminergic (VTA DA) neuronal firing is associated with changes in reward predictive signals. Acute cocaine injections inhibit putative VTA DA cell firing in vertebrates. Parthenolide, a compound isolated from the feverfew plant (Tanacetum parthenium), has been shown to substantially inhibit cocaine’s locomotion effects in a planarian animal model (Pagán et al., 2008). Here we investigated the effects of parthenolide on the spontaneous firing activity of putative VTA DA neurons in anesthetized male rats (250-300g). Single-unit recordings were analyzed after intravenous (i.v.) parthenolide administration followed by 1mg/kg i.v. cocaine injection. Results showed that parthenolide at 0.125 mg/kg and 0.250mg/kg significantly blocked cocaine’s inhibitory effect on DA neuronal firing rate and bursting activity (p\u3c 0.05, two way ANOVA). We propose that parthenolide might inhibit cocaine’s effects on VTA DA neurons via its interaction with a common binding site at monoamine transporters. It is suggested that parthenolide could have a potential use as an overdose antidote or therapeutic agent to cocaine intoxication

    Modulated-laser source induction system for remote detection of infrared emissions of high explosives using laser-induced thermal emission

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    In a homeland security setting, the ability to detect explosives at a distance is a top security priority. Consequently, the development of remote, noncontact detection systems continues to represent a path forward. In this vein, a remote detection system for excitation of infrared emissions using a CO2 laser for generating laser-induced thermal emission (LITE) is a possible solution. However, a LITE system using a CO2 laser has certain limitations, such as the requirement of careful alignment, interference by the CO2 signal during detection, and the power density loss due to the increase of the laser image at the sample plane with the detection distance. A remote chopped-laser induction system for LITE detection using a CO2 laser source coupled to a focusing telescope was built to solve some of these limitations. Samples of fixed surface concentration (500 μg∕cm2) of 1,3,5-trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) were used for the remote detection experiments at distances ranging between 4 and 8 m. This system was capable of thermally exciting and capturing the thermal emissions (TEs) at different times in a cyclic manner by a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer coupled to a gold-coated reflection optics telescope (FTIR-GT). This was done using a wheel blocking the capture of TE by the FTIR-GT chopper while heating the sample with the CO2 laser. As the wheel moved, it blocked the CO2 laser and allowed the spectroscopic system to capture the TEs of RDX. Different periods (or frequencies) of wheel spin and FTIR-GT integration times were evaluated to find dependence with observation distance of the maximum intensity detection, minimum signal-to-noise ratio, CO2 laser spot size increase, and the induced temperature incremen

    Phylogenetic relationships of the Amblyomma cajennense complex (Acari: Ixodidae) at mitogenomic resolution

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    The genus Amblyomma is the third most diverse in the number of species within the Ixodidae, with practically half of its species distributed in the Americas, though there are also species occurring in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Within the genus, there are several species complexes with veterinary and public health importance. The Amblyomma cajennense complex, in the Americas, is represented by six species with a wide distribution, from Texas to northern Argentina. We combined two sequencing techniques to generate complete mitogenomes of species belonging to the Amblyomma cajennense complex: genome skimming and long-range PCRs sequencing methods. Thus, we generated seven new mitochondrial genomes for all species of the Amblyomma cajennense complex, except for Amblyomma interandinum. Genetic distances between the mitogenomes corroborate the clear differentiation between the five species of the Amblyomma cajennense complex. The phylogenetic relationships of these species had previously been evaluated by combining partial nuclear and mitochondrial genes and here these relationships are corroborated with a more robust framework of data, which demonstrates that the conjunction of mitochondrial and nuclear partial genes can resolve close relationships when entire genes or genomes are unavailable. The gene order, structure, composition, and length are stable across these mitogenomes, and they share the general characteristics of Metastriata. Future studies should increase the number of available mitogenomes for this genus, especially for those species from the Indo-Pacific region and Africa, by means of a better understanding of their relationships and evolutionary process.EEA RafaelaFil: Cotes-Perdomo, Andrea P. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva; EspañaFil: Cotes-Perdomo, Andrea P. University of South-Eastern. Faculty of Technology. Natural Sciences and Environmental Health Department. Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences; NoruegaFil: Nava, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Nava, Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Nava, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Instituto de Investigación de la Cadena Láctea (IDICAL); ArgentinaFil: Castro, Lyda R. Universidad del Magdalena. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas. Grupo de investigación Evolución, Sistemática y Ecología Molecular (GIESEMOL); ColombiaFil: Rivera-Paéz, Fredy A. Universidad de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas. Grupo de Investigación en Genética, Biodiversidad y Manejo de Ecosistemas (GEBIOME); ColombiaFil: Cortés-Vecino, Jesús A. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia. Grupo de Investigación Parasitología Veterinaria; ColombiaFil: Uribe, Juan E. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC). Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiv; EspañaFil: Uribe, Juan E. Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of Natural History. Invertebrate Zoology Department; Estados Unido